History’s Strongest Senior Brother Chapter 10: Close the door and let Ye Jing!


Under the guidance of    ritual shock, Yan Zhaoge and others walked through Zhenlongyuan.

   The red light that happened to shuttle like lightning in the black mist was collected by Ahu, confined with his own qi, and then sealed with a specially made crystal.

   The crowd walked for a long time, and suddenly felt the black misty chaos in front of them, which seemed to be a little calmer and thinner.

   Ahu followed Yan Zhaoge: “My son, this is the center of the vortex.”

   Yan Zhaoge nodded. Sometimes there will be a relatively peaceful place in Zhenlongyuan, like the center of a whirlpool, the eye of a storm, and the surrounding stormy waves, but this place is relatively peaceful.

The number of areas like    varies, ranging from large to small, and the location is variable. As time goes by, they may even move and change.

   “The vortex center area is relatively safe, so everyone can take a break.” Yan Zhaoge said: “Generally speaking, in such an area, it is easy to give birth to a variety of exotic treasures, because the environment is relatively safe, which is also conducive to Treasure hunting and picking.”

  ”Everyone can move freely and meet opportunities, but also pay attention to safety. After all, this is Zhenlongyuan.”

   Ye Jing, Si Kongqing and other young disciples all responded together, and then looked around curiously.

   Yan Zhaoge took the measuring instrument orbit and looked at it carefully: “This vortex center area seems to have some mystery…”

   “Huh?” Yan Zhaoge suddenly moved slightly in his heart, raised his head and glanced casually, and said lightly: “All back.”

   I saw a little golden light flickering in the black fog in the distance, and everyone was taken aback, subconsciously backing away.

   As soon as the sleeves of Yan Zhaoge robe stretched out, a blue light flashed quickly, like lightning in the night sky, illuminating the surrounding canyons.

   The golden brilliance in the black mist suddenly became bright at this moment, and a huge body rushed out, but it was a one-eyed monster. The golden brilliance was caused by its one eye.

   But as soon as the strange python rushed out, the cyan light cut it, and a faint dragon roar came out!

   The golden light disappeared instantly, and the strange python hissed and screamed, the next moment it stopped abruptly, and there was no sound.

   Then there was a huge muffled noise, but the huge body of the blame python had fallen to the ground.

   “Golden-eyed python, a specialty of Zhenlongyuan, is a treasure for you at present, you can break it down by yourself, and divide the materials you get.” The blue light was fleeting, Yan Zhaoge lowered his head and reopened. Fiddle with the measuring instrument rail.

   At this time, everyone came back to their senses, and they all secretly smacked their tongues when they looked at the body of the giant python that was several tens of meters long.

   The golden-eyed python had just that flutter. It was fast and powerful, no less than a warrior in the realm of human masters. It was silent and silent, making them scared to think of it.

   When the body of the golden-eyed python was disassembled, everyone discovered that the scales of the snake were solid and flexible, comparable to the scales of the treasure soldier.

   Even if the golden-eyed pythons are dead and their blood decayed, with their cultivation base, it is very difficult to spur the weapons of the precious soldiers to break the scales of the snake.

   But this golden-eyed python was slashed by Yan Zhaoge with a single sword. The wound was as smooth as a mirror, without the slightest sluggishness, it was almost like cutting tofu with a knife.

   “Senior Brother Yan’s well-known self-made swordsmanship, Qinglong in his sleeves, although it is not the first time I have seen it, but every time I see it, I feel amazed.” A young disciple swallowed.

   There are many monsters in the town of Longyuan, and they can be seen everywhere. Before, Yan Zhaoge and Ahu have also killed many monsters that are more powerful than golden-eyed pythons.

  A young disciple suddenly asked: “Brother Yan, what is that?”

   Yan Zhaoge looked up, and saw a white light flashing across the black mist-shrouded cliff in the distance, faster than the golden-eyed python.

   “That’s a light cat.” Yan Zhaoge glanced at it, then retracted his gaze: “It is harmless and beneficial.”

   Everyone was stunned, and Ahu beside Yan Zhaoge grinned and said: “The environment in Zhenlongyuan is harsh, with many monsters, and most of them have tyrannical and brutal temperaments, but this civet cat is a different kind of one. “

  ”Although he is small, he has a lot of strength, especially his speed is as fast as lightning, which is far beyond ordinary, but his temperament is gentle, he is not aggressive, and he is even vegetarian. He feeds on several kinds of spirit grasses specializing in Zhenlongyuan. “

   Ahu pointed to the flashing white light: “Moreover, this beast is psychic and has a kind heart. It will take the initiative to help people in distress in Zhenlongyuan. If you enter Zhenlongyuan alone in the future, and unfortunately you are trapped in danger, Maybe he will be rescued by this beast and get his life back.”

   Ye Jing, Si Kongqing and others listened to them, they couldn’t help but be surprised, and they felt good, and they approached the place where the light cat was.

   The flashing white light also stood still at this moment, revealing its real appearance, but it looked like a small milk cat that looked only the size of a palm, with delicate white light patterns flashing all over the body, soft and agile.

   The light cat is also looking at the people in Guangcheng Mountain curiously.

  Some female disciples looked interesting and wanted to get closer. When the cat saw it, she backed away. The girl stopped, and the little cat stopped.

   “Brother Yan, can you raise this kitten?” The girl returned to the vicinity of Yan Zhaoge and asked pitifully.

After thinking about it, Yan Zhaoge said: “I walked in Zhenlongyuan before, remember that you all collected Snake letter grass, right? The cat likes to eat it, you can try it.”

  ”This cat is psychic, you don’t have a bad heart, it will be willing to get close to you, but you need to spend a lot of thought to bring it out of Zhenlongyuan.”

   The girl cheered: “Thank you brother, I will try it.”

   After saying that, carefully took out a few lingweeds from her luggage, and walked to the light ling cat.

   After the initial warning and familiarity, one person and one cat gradually became familiar.

   When the other disciples from Guangcheng Mountain saw this, they all took out the snake grass and went to feed and tease. The little cat was loved by everyone for a while.

   is the one who inadvertently stepped forward to tease, and they all smiled and watched this scene.

   The light civet turned into white light, shuttled through the canyon, running and stopping, the girl chasing after it, the fierce Zhenlongyuan at this moment, it seemed that it was not so gloomy.

   Turning over several cliffs in the canyon, I saw a person lying on a huge boulder in the distance, shrouded in black mist, as if dying, as if it would be swallowed by darkness at any time.

  The female disciple of Guangcheng Mountain was slightly startled, and then suddenly saw a white light flashing by, and the light cat appeared. After careful observation for a while, she approached the person lying on the boulder.

   Thinking of Yan Zhaoge and Ahu’s words, the girl relaxed.

   I saw the small luminous cat stepping forward, grabbing the collar of the man with his mouth, flicking the neck forcefully, and already dragging the other party. It is indeed a small head, but a lot of strength.

   But at this moment, the young man who looked dying, suddenly reached out his hand and grabbed the cat by the neck, then turned over and sat up.

   The light cat screamed and struggled desperately, but the boy laughed: “The method introduced by the brother is really effective. If it weren’t for this, I really can’t catch this little thing that is comparable to the master warrior!”

  The female disciple of Mount Guangcheng was shocked: “What are you doing?”

   The boy turned his head and looked over, and said casually: “What’s up to you?”

The    girl frowned and said: “The light cat thought you were in danger and was kind to save you, but you deliberately pretended to be killed to catch it?”

  ”This little gadget is stupid. Who can I blame for being fooled?” The boy said indifferently, “All things are born with their own strengths. Of course, you have to use your strengths and avoid weaknesses, and use your wisdom to find ways to crack the strengths of Warcraft~IndoMTL.com~ The girl said angrily: “It’s obviously a despicable mind, use the kindness of others! “

   The young man said hesitantly: “When will the people of Guangcheng Mountain be able to take care of my Dari Sect’s affairs?”

   This female disciple of Guangcheng Mountain took a closer look. This young man was dressed in white, with red edges on the cuffs and sun patterns. It was indeed the clothes of the disciple of the Da Ri Shengzong.

   The other party grabbed the luminous cat, scratched the kitten’s neck with his fingernails, and suddenly blood overflowed.

   “What is the catch, the aura crystal nucleus in this beast’s head is my goal.” The Da Ri Shengzong disciple smiled: “In this world, whoever has the big fist, who has the final say, you can beat me , Naturally can take away this little thing.”

   “Can’t beat me, it’s useless to say more, you disciple Guangchengshan, do you have one mouth left?”

   The girl looked at the slapped little milk cat’s limbs twitching, but she couldn’t even make a scream, her anger surged even more, no matter how difficult it was to restrain her, she rushed towards the other side.

  Guangcheng Mountain and Da Ri Shengzong, which control each other’s borders are adjacent to each other, and there are many conflicts between young disciples on weekdays.

   Some other Guangchengshan disciples also turned around at this time, and immediately stepped forward to help.

   The other party was not alone. Other Da Ri Shengzong disciples came over. The scene was suddenly chaotic, and there was a tendency to gang fights.

   “The son is the disciple of the Da Ri Shengzong.” Ahu came to Yan Zhaoge and reported what had happened.

  Zhao Ge asked: “Does the other party have a master?”

   Ahu replied: “I haven’t seen it so far.”

   “That’s easy.” Yan Zhaoge shrugged his shoulders.

  ”Close the door and let Ye Jing~IndoMTL.com~Book friends are welcome to visit and read. The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at ~IndoMTL.com~ For mobile phone users, please go to read.


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