Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 99: Fierce fighting



The ogre’s mace hit the leg of Richard’s horse as he sat down. The galloping horse instantly flipped forward, and when he saw that the horse was about to be thrown away by Richard,

Richard got off the stirrups and jumped off the horse. Regardless of his dignity, he rolled down and dodged several maces that were slammed to the ground.

The war horse that flew upside down flew more than ten meters away and knocked away several fighting coalition soldiers and an ogre before stopping. It lay on the ground with its limbs twitching slightly. alive.


On the other side, after a few donkeys rolling around on the spot, a somewhat embarrassed Richard finally found the opportunity to get up,

After standing up, Richard quickly ignited his fighting spirit and struck with his long sword. The long sword with fighting spirit slashed away an arm of the chasing ogre warrior. The ogre warrior’s arm and his hand The clenched mace was thrown away together,

The ogre immediately let out a howl, but the scream stopped before it could last.

Richard didn’t care that the blood from the ogre’s severed arm spattered on his face, he stuck to it and cut off the ogre’s head with a second slash of his sword.

For these two consecutive sword strikes, Richard could be considered as attacking with hatred. Both sword strikes were made after the blue fighting energy in his body reached its peak.

After all, everyone has a temper. Richard couldn’t bear it when an ogre warrior chased him and beat him after he landed.

Facing the hateful attack of Richard, who had peak knight strength, this elite ogre warrior wearing iron armor became a lamb unable to resist. He was beheaded by Richard in a single encounter.

After letting out a bad breath, Richard looked around. There were many ogre warriors around, but Richard didn’t do anything more. He spotted the battle circle between Hachi and Ron and ran straight away.


“Hold on! Those who retreat will die!”

Baron Bender’s roar was a bit hoarse, but his actions were extremely decisive.

After an auxiliary soldier saw his comrade’s head smashed by an ogre’s blow, and red and white things flying, his spirit completely collapsed, and he turned around and wanted to escape from the battlefield.

But before he could take two steps, he was killed by Baron Bender.

At this time, on the flanks of the battlefield, there was already a trace of instability in the front line composed mainly of noble coalition forces,

The combat effectiveness and fighting will of the private soldiers around these feudal lords are still qualified, but they can only be regarded as qualified,

Compared with Richard’s Flying Bear Army, the private soldiers of these lords are still somewhat different.

These differences are not reflected in martial arts and combat skills. In terms of skill, these soldiers who have been training in the camp for a long time are even better than most of the Flying Bear Army soldiers.

After all, the Flying Bear Army is expanding very quickly. Most of the soldiers have not been in the camp for more than a year, and they are almost useless in terms of personal skills and martial arts training.

The real gap between the two sides is more ideological. The more mysterious thing is that compared to the Flying Bear Army, the soldiers under these lords have fewer military souls.

If Richard were to comment, he would have smiled contemptuously and said:

“Oh, feudal army.”

In the war history of Blue Star, the biggest difference between the feudal army and the modern army is not only the weapons and equipment, but also the fighting will and injury rate.

The elite modern army can even withstand 50% to 60% of casualties, while the feudal era army, even if it is elite, can hardly withstand more than 20% of casualties.

Under Richard’s idea of ​​building an army, in addition to daily training, the Flying Bear Army paid more attention to the emphasis on military discipline and ideological guidance. Their fighting will far exceeded that of the private soldiers under various lords.

These private soldiers of feudal lords, if considered at the level of the feudal army, are already considered elite. Their performance in low- to medium-intensity battles is not significantly different from that of the Flying Bear Army.

But at this time they were facing ogre warriors who were generally two meters tall and more than half their body size.

Especially this group of ogres, whose armor rate is as high as half. They don’t even have to do anything. Just one collision can cause serious injury to a coalition soldier.

If he were hit directly with a stick, his brains would burst out, which would have a powerful impact on the spirit of ordinary soldiers.

The Flying Bear Army’s front is still as stable as a rock. The other lords’ teams, even with the Crusaders and Lancers sent by Richard interspersed in the formation, are showing signs of instability.

The coalition side relies entirely on the current knight-level strength to explode with fighting spirit. The sharp fighting spirit can quickly kill ordinary ogre warriors and boost the morale of the surrounding soldiers, thus stabilizing the situation.

But the knight’s fighting spirit is always depleted. When the knight’s fighting spirit is exhausted, an ordinary knight will not be much stronger than the ogre warrior.

With the current number of ogres, as long as they are willing to sacrifice their lives, sooner or later they will be able to equalize the advantage of the coalition’s high-end forces.

“Dang! Dang!”

Richard’s long sword collided with Hachi’s mace two more times,

Richard also sensed some danger in the situation on the battlefield. It would be detrimental to the coalition forces to drag it out. Now the only way Richard can think of to break the situation is to directly kill the leader of the ogre army

But compared to the helplessness of the previous ogre leaders, Hachi’s situation is undoubtedly much luckier,

When he found out that he was about to be surrounded by three powerful human knights, Hachi called for support without hesitation,

This time, Richard’s men did not have enough power to prevent other ogres from approaching the battle circle. More than a dozen ogre warriors wearing iron armor rushed past the coalition soldiers around them and came to Hachi’s surroundings.

Ron and another Crusader were entangled in the face of more than a dozen armored ogre warriors, and it was difficult to continue the siege.

After all, a dozen ogre elites are a dozen quasi-knight masters wearing heavy armor,

Even if Ron and two other Crusaders are knight-level masters, it will be difficult to deal with so many quasi-knight-level masters in a short time.

In the end, it turned out to be a strange situation where Richard and Hachi were duel,


It was another head-to-head confrontation. Richard and Hachi were evenly matched for the time being. Hachi was the ogre master of Half-Step Chief.

Richard also has the combat power of the peak knight level, and his strength is surprisingly strong, and he has already caught up with the physical fitness of some great knights.

It is difficult to determine the outcome of the battle between the two in a short period of time, but the situation is becoming increasingly unfavorable to the coalition,

The Crusaders running through the coalition lines were depleting their fighting spirit very quickly. Richard had even discovered that some Crusaders had exhausted their fighting spirit and suffered casualties. He had to find a way to understand the situation in front of him.

Otherwise it will be really dangerous this time…



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