Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 95: Preparation for the river valley



What people are best at is forgetting. After all, life has to go on.

The fighting in Sadburg has only lasted two days, and Burleigh has almost returned to its former prosperity, with people coming and going on the streets.

Or maybe this battle was a bit anticlimactic, not tragic at all, and naturally not impressive.

As for the changes that have taken place in the city of Burai, the common people actually don’t care whether the men sitting above them are the 12 men from the city’s founding families, or the now notorious Thor, as long as they can live their lives. Just go down.

Burley Town Hall,

This is now Sol’s temporary office. The municipal departments that originally only obeyed the decisions of the Twelve Nobles Council now accept Sol’s orders very seriously.

Since the Sade family was dealt with the day before yesterday, Saul has initially taken control of the situation, and the river valley dare not say,

But Burai City, with Dane’s cooperation, has been completely controlled by Thor.

Faced with Thor, who has absolute force, the remaining eleven noble families dare not speak out or even express their anger.

At Thor’s request, they not only had to spit out all the military fields they had invaded before, but also voluntarily provided food and grass supplies to support the army in the North,

And according to Thor’s request, he added a large number of his own professional soldiers to the garrison that was recovering its troops.

It’s not enough to provide money and food, but also to provide people, and it’s all voluntary and provides no benefits at all. To some extent, Saul actually went too far than Richard,

However, Saul has the confidence to do so. He has the name of righteousness and the absolute support of force. If any family dares to disobey, the Sade family will serve as a warning.

“Kuz, how’s your progress today?”

“Soldiers from all families have reported to the garrison. There are nearly three thousand of them. No one dares to lie. They are all elites who have been trained for a long time.”

Officers like Kurtz can tell whether a soldier is a new recruit or a veteran who has been in the army for a long time. No one dares to lie about this issue.

Or maybe there was a little bit of intention to fake it, but it was suppressed by the mountain of Sol.

“There are more than 2,000 newly recruited soldiers today, and they have all begun training urgently.”

Providing more than 3,000 professional warriors is already the limit for each company. These are not the kind of peasant soldiers who have just put down their hoes, but professional warriors who have been in the camp for a long time. The cost is quite high.

The environment of the river valley is relatively safe and there are not many external threats. Even if the noble families have more financial resources, they will not choose to use them all to raise troops.

This time the replenishment of troops will depend more on new recruits,

Although the nobles in the river valley are rich, there are still many poor people down there who are suffering. With the financial resources of the nobles in the river valley and the proceeds from the raid on Sade’s house, Saul is rich in food, grass and property.

With a high military salary, the recruitment of the new army is progressing quite quickly. According to Saul’s plan, at least two legions must be raised based on the land and wealth of the river valley.

“How is the recruitment of knights?”

“Since the news was released yesterday, three knights have come to vote today, and ten prospective knights have entered the camp.”

Saul nodded, quite satisfied with the progress. It didn’t take long for the news to be released. After a few days, there should be more knights coming to vote.

“Place it properly.”

In addition to replenishing and building new legions, another important step is to recruit enough knights to go to the North to participate in the war.

This time, the royal capital has given a reward. Fighting against ogres can also be counted as military merit, and territory and titles will be given. There will definitely be some knights without titles and lands who want to fight for it.

In the past, the most valuable military merit in the kingdom was the heads of orcs. If you wanted to be knighted, you could only go to Longxi Pass and wait for the day when you fight the orcs before you have a chance to get some military merit. Some people have been waiting for more than ten years without it. In the face of a big war, he still didn’t accumulate enough military merit to be crowned a knight.

“Lord Thor.”

Dane walked in from the door. Although he was still a pawn, Thor gave him some temporary positions, and letting him continue to be a **** was more like a gesture of punishment.

In these days, Dane has also shown that he is valuable. Since it is valuable, Thor will continue to use it. He is not afraid that Dane will dare to do anything under his nose.

And the people under his command will not really regard Dane as a regular soldier, and they still have to do their best to follow Dane.

“Lord Saul, all the Sade family’s properties in Burai City have been confiscated.”

The temporary errand that Saul arranged for Dane was to search the house. In fact, the house search was a technical job, and it was not just about taking away all the finances in the house.

That little thing is just a drop in the bucket of the Sade family’s property. Most of it is goods piled up in property deeds and material warehouses outside.

On the contrary, Dane is the most familiar with this matter. Let him do it and send someone to supervise it, and the effect will be good.

“Sell the things as soon as possible and turn them into gold. Contact Piaoxue City for food and grass and let them transport it back.”

“Yes, sir.”

Those land deed stores and jewelry are of no use to Thor. It is better to sell them early and exchange them for real gold to support the army.

There is no shortage of food and grass since the nobles in the river valley provide it free of charge, so it will be shipped first to Piaoxue City, which is short of food.

After handling everything at hand in detail, Thor stood up and walked to the window, looking at the still very busy recruitment point.


“Why do you sigh, sir?”

Kuz, who was following Sol, was a little confused. In his opinion, things were going quite smoothly now, and there was no need to sigh.

“It’s still too slow.”

Saul originally thought that the river valley had the foundation of a garrison army, and if he recruited some nobles, he would soon be able to march northward,

However, the destruction of the river valley was unexpected, so he had to make more pauses. At least he had to integrate a capable army before he could go north to support…


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