Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 94: Join forces


It’s another sunny day, and the weather has been good these past few days.

Richard also had some leisurely feelings.

Bande leader, outside the coalition camp,

Richard sat in front of the barbecue grill and grilled the mutton himself, with some unique spices placed next to it. Richard shouldn’t have done this himself, but in the Golden Dragon Kingdom, there was no tradition of a gentleman cooking far away from the chef. Some mutton is also a leisurely pleasure.

Richard took the spice and applied it over and over again, and the strong fragrance soon overflowed.

The spices in the Golden Dragon Kingdom are not cheap, and they are definitely considered luxury goods for ordinary people, but Richard is a guy who pays attention to the quality of life,

I won’t do things like wine pond and meat forest, but it will definitely make my life more comfortable if conditions permit.

“Master Richard, this mutton should be ready.”

Baron Bender sat with Richard, Ron and others. Richard did not take the initiative to invite Baron Bender, but since Baron Bender decided to join Richard, he put the matter of face behind him. Richard was cooking barbecue here, and Baron Band rushed over to sit down.

“Well, come and try it”

Richard directly cut off a piece of mutton with his long sword and handed it to Baron Band. He still had to make a gesture and give some face to those who took the initiative to seek refuge.

Baron Band was not too polite. He took the mutton from his sword and started to put it into his mouth.

“How does it taste?”

“Delicious, delicious, delicious on earth. This lamb is roasted to a crispy texture on the outside and tender on the inside. The heat is just right.”

Baron Bender ate the mutton and murmured exaggerated praises,

Richard didn’t suspect anything. With so many spices on it, the taste couldn’t be any different.

Richard cut off another piece and handed it to Ron,

Ron was even less polite. He smashed the mutton in his mouth twice, and then showed a subtle expression,

“Sir, you forgot to add salt.”

Ron is an honest person and a true one of his own, and he really says whatever he wants.

Richard: “…”

Baron Bender: “…”

“My food tastes bland, and this tastes just right, just right.”

After a moment of silence, Baron Bender finally spoke up.

With an expressionless expression, Richard found the salt that he had missed from among the bottles and jars, and spread the salt evenly with an expressionless expression.

Then he cut a piece and put it in his mouth. It tasted pretty good.

Warriors are basically big eaters, not to mention that several of the people sitting here are all knight-level masters, and a sheep was quickly eaten.

“Lord Richard, the coalition forces from the Sixth War Zone have arrived.”

While Richard was preparing some more side dishes, Quill brought new military information.

“Let’s go back to the camp.”

Richard got up and walked towards the camp. Although he didn’t need to greet these reinforcements, he couldn’t help but not being in the camp when they arrived.

Although the army in the Sixth War Zone this time was composed of several nobles, when Richard was away, it was basically dominated by the Nader family.

Although there is no subordinate relationship between nobles, in the army, one is more respected based on strength. The Nader family is obviously stronger, so they naturally come to the front of the team.

From the moment the army entered the camp, Richard observed the two thousand men and horses, and found that the quality was quite acceptable.

Although several nobles joined forces, basically no noble family in the North, except for the Lanster family and a few earls, could afford to raise more than 500 professional soldiers.

More than half of the two thousand reinforcements are auxiliary soldiers, but these auxiliary soldiers are relatively well-equipped. They are all young and strong and have received simple training. They are better than the temporarily recruited peasant soldiers. Each family also has generals. The family fortune was uncovered and he didn’t dare to fool Richard.

Now that the troops are united, Richard has reached 7,000 men and horses, and the quality of the soldiers is also good. As long as they are integrated well, they can exert good combat effectiveness.

Since various noble families have formed a coalition here, even though it is wartime, they still have to organize a banquet for each family to meet and keep in touch.

The banquet venue was a huge tent in the camp, which could accommodate just that many people.

“This is Viscount Nader.”

“This is Baron Bender, the commander of the fifth war zone. He is the equal of my Hunter family.”

“Don’t dare, I have completely surrendered to Lord Richard now,”

As soon as the tax collector and the sheriff sent by Lord Richard arrive, I will completely ignore the affairs of the territory and work beside Lord Richard. ”

Baron Bender looked terrified when Richard introduced him, not daring to admit that he was on the same level as the Hunter family,

Whether this performance is true or false, the posture is really comfortable.

Seeing Baron Bender’s posture, Richard felt comfortable, but Viscount Nader felt a thump in his heart.

We have met a rival. These days, there are people who are rushing to be a dog and want to compete.

Although he regarded Baron Bender as his opponent in his heart, he still maintained a smile on his face.

“It turned out that they all worked for Lord Richard. Now the public security and taxation of our Nader family are managed by people sent by Lord Richard.

Several of the younger members of the family have entered the official school in Ironwood City, and after completing their studies, they will also serve under Lord Richard. ”

Ever since he listened to the advice of his eldest son Clayman and turned the corner, Viscount Nader has not been slow at all,

Not only did they fully cooperate with the officials sent by the Hunter family, but they also sent all the younger members of the family who were of suitable age to the official school in Ironwood City. According to the training method of the official school in Ironwood City, it is possible to decide who the children they will eventually train will be. Yes,

It would be okay if you keep following Richard, but if you dare to have second thoughts, maybe your own family will be the first to kill the thief.

This is to completely tie up the Hunter family’s boat, which does not seem to be big, but is actually extremely strong.

Viscount Nader’s words may seem like greetings, but they are actually a kind of demonstration. The meaning is very clear. I came earlier than you when I was a dog, and I am also more thorough than you. You should step back a little.

Both parties were holding cups, and the atmosphere seemed harmonious, but where their eyes met, sparks might fly out.

Richard did not pay too much attention to the confrontation between the two. Chaos was coming, and his strength was getting stronger. More and more people would join him in the future,

It is actually a good thing for the superiors to have factions and competition among his subordinates. As long as it is within a certain range and does not go too far and harm the overall interests, Richard can let them fight.

What is before Richard now is a more important matter.

The gryphons who were sent out for investigation discovered that the ogres in the direction of Helburg had made strange movements, and a large number of ogres were coming towards the direction of Bander.

Although they were still far away and could not be sure, Richard had a strong hunch that these ogres should be coming towards them.

Their continuous victories finally attracted the attention of the main force of the ogres. Although they are only a partial army, their strength is definitely not comparable to that of some small and medium-sized marginal tribes.

The real test is coming…


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