Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 89: Move like thunder 1


“Do you want to confirm the cultivation?”


This horse bred with the blood of a kobold or a red dragon is already perfect. Even a demanding person like Richard is very satisfied.

“Please name the new horse breed.”

“Red Flame”

This name came to Richard’s mind after seeing the breeding results, and it matches the horse’s characteristics quite well.

Richard also bred the remaining nine war horses into red flame horses one by one, and all the breeding quota for this week has been used up,

Unfortunately, the Red Flame Horse is still in the stables of Stone Castle, and Richard cannot see the real thing for the time being.

Richard, who had bred the Red Flame Horse, was in a great mood. Even looking at the whimpering kobold being carried in his hands, he thought it was a bit cute.

Finally, with a smile on his face, Richard took him to the camp where the kobolds were held and executed him in public,

Although the mood is good, the escaped prisoners must be executed to serve as a warning.


“Lord Richard.”

Hearing Richard’s call, Quil, who was patrolling the camp, quickly came to Richard.

“Where are the Nader family and the other families now?”

Since he is about to collide with the ogre, in addition to several nobles in the fifth war zone who want to send troops, Richard will naturally ask several lords under his command to send troops together,

After all, even he himself mobilized half of the Flying Bear Army and almost all of the system army. If the other companies did not contribute, wouldn’t he, Richard, become a saint who is not self-interested and only benefits others?

“When we set off, they had just arrived at Naderland and were gathering. They were moving a little slower. It would take another day to arrive.”


Richard nodded and had no higher requirements. These noble private soldiers were only one day slower than his own Flying Bear Army, and their quality was actually quite good.


The sun is shining and the spring breeze is warm

Different from the wild climate in the north, after going south past Zhenbeiguan, the temperature in the valley area warmed up very quickly as spring entered. The thin willows had already sprouted new buds, and people on the street also took off their cotton-padded jackets and put on their cotton-padded jackets. Single clothes,

The poorest families in Burai City all showed long-lost smiles under the warm sunshine,

Winter is the most difficult season for poor people. After getting through it, they finally have some hope of life.

However, the big shots in Burai City have not smiled much in the past two days, and have become more and more worried.

Burai City, the residence of the Sade family.

Although the Sade family’s mansion is built in the city of Burai, the walled courtyard is built very high, and the inner courtyard is completely like a well-guarded castle

Today, the living room of the Thad family was very lively. Almost all the powerful people in Burleigh City were present. Representatives of the twelve founding families of the city were all present. The only missing person was Dane, the commander of the garrison.

“This Dane has not shown up for several days, and has completely sealed off the garrison. No news can be spread, and no one can get in. What does he mean?”

The twelve noble families are not stupid. Important figures like Dane did not show their faces for several days and even blocked the garrison station, which gave them a sense of danger.

“Why, are you scared to death when you heard that the king is coming? Are you still trying to cut off the relationship with us now?”

“Don’t even think about how many benefits he has received over the years. Now he wants to cut off the relationship? He has been in the same boat with us for a long time.”

“Impossible, maybe there was an accident.”

If Thor’s appearance is an accident, then this is indeed true.

Dane, who was originally planning to work with these twelve noble families to deal with the envoys from the royal capital, immediately knelt down when he saw Thor and sold them out completely.

“Quiet, don’t make any noise.”

The old man sitting in the main seat knocked on the table, making everyone quiet down,

The old man is the contemporary head of the Sade family, Viscount Sade. Although his temples are gray, he has the strength of a great knight and has not been weighed down by age at all. Instead, he speaks with great vigor.

“What does Vicomte de Sade have to say?”

Everyone’s attention is also focused on Viscount de Sade. Although the twelve families are equal in status, each family has a key vote.

But as long as there are people and interests, there will be no absolute equality. Although there are still these twelve noble families on the round table, after so many years of development, each family in Burai City has always been divided into strengths and weaknesses.

Now the Sade family has become the richest and most powerful family among the twelve families. When there was no external pressure, the other eleven families were still vaguely wary of the Sade family.

Now that there was pressure from the capital, they came to Sade’s house to keep warm.

“I don’t have any advice. Every family should be more vigilant when they go back and gather together their most effective armored guards. Don’t tell me that your big family business relies on the protection of the Burai City Guards.” .”

Hearing this, everyone at the table smiled with understanding. Everyone knows what the quality of the city guard is,

No one would pay attention to this kind of armed force that is neither a family private soldier nor a direct army of the kingdom, but only belongs to Burai City. It is usually used to frighten civilians and maintain basic public order. ,

The real reliance of each family is on the private soldiers who are usually fed with gold and silver. Each family’s castle has at least two to three hundred elite private soldiers who dare to fight to the death.

For example, the strongest private soldier of the Sadr family has nearly 500 soldiers. The combat effectiveness of this kind of private soldier will not be inferior to the elite of the First Flag Regiment of the Jingbei Army. It is more important in terms of well-equipped equipment and the number of strong men. on top of it.

“Go back each and gather the bodyguards together. Our twelve families will watch and help each other. How dare someone from his royal capital touch our twelve families at the same time?”

“As long as he doesn’t want trouble in the river valley, he has to cooperate with the twelve of us. As long as we work together, no matter who comes, no one can touch us.”

“Yes, what Mr. Sade said makes sense!”

As soon as Viscount de Sade finished speaking, there was a burst of applause below, as if the previous troubles had never existed. The twelve families in Burleigh City had not been so united for a long time.

“It’s not good, it’s not good!”

Just when the atmosphere was lively and everyone was chatting happily, a guard from the Sade family hurried in and shouted something that did not suit the atmosphere.

“Why are you panicking?”

After Viscount Sade scolded him, the guard finally calmed down.

“The garrison has surrounded us!”

The guard recovered from his panic, but as soon as he spoke, it was the nobles’ turn to panic at the table.

“How is that possible!”

“How dare he, Dane!”

And Viscount de Sade, who was originally in the chief position, was also livid at this time,

As soon as he finished saying that no one dared to touch them, the garrison immediately surrounded them. The slap in the face came really quickly.

“Don’t panic! The castle of my Sade family is very safe, and the garrison cannot enter!”

Normally speaking, Viscount de Sade’s words are not a problem. Although the garrison has a large number of people, Sade Castle is not only built solidly, but the guards guarding the castle are also very powerful.

If the Sade family were to defend the castle, it would indeed be difficult for Dane to lead the garrison to attack them.

But this time it was not the familiar Dane who led the army…


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