Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 88: Crack the case


Grogesh’s direct lineage has basically completed the change and reorganization at this time. A thousand-man team consists of a thousand heavily armored ogre warriors and four or five ogre warriors. This way A force strong enough to sweep through several noble territories,

Not to mention recruiting several small tribes to join the war, this is definitely a force that makes most northern lords despair.

Richard, who was resting in Bandeling, did not realize that the challenge was coming.

Richard, who had just accepted Baron Bender’s offer to join him, was in a good mood. In the past, he had to use all possible means to encroach on and expand his territory without overturning the table.

Now there are lords with keen sense of smell who have taken the initiative to join us. Although the band leader is not big, it is a good start.

When you are strong enough, you will find that some things can automatically follow your own intentions without having to take the initiative.

“Sir, as per your request, all kinds of animals are ready.”

Richard had previously ordered Ron to lead some people to collect all the animals within their capabilities within one day. Ron spent a day coming over to recover,

For such strange things, Richard felt more comfortable letting Ron do it.

Richard followed Ron to a specially built fence, which contained twenty or thirty kinds of animals.

From common cattle, sheep, dolphins, rabbits, voles and other animals to giant bears, wild wolves and other beasts, Ron basically caught all the northern animals that Richard could think of in one day.

In order to prevent others from being confused after seeing his behavior and spreading some strange rumors, Richard has ordered Ron to clear out all the nearby soldiers, leaving only the soldiers produced by the system.

“Let’s start with you.”

Richard walked towards a helpless goat, minding his own business,

There was a clanging sound as the long sword was unsheathed. Feeling the fear, the goat tried its best to retreat, but was blocked by the fence, unable to escape from Richard’s clutches.

The goat’s blood flowed along the long sword. Richard touched it lightly with his fingers, and he clicked on the breeding function of the stable.

Richard looked at the expected results expectantly and his face darkened.

Expected effects of fusion and cultivation with the bloodline of the Northern goat: endurance reduced by 30%, speed reduced by 40%, weight-bearing reduced by 30%.

“Do you want to confirm the cultivation?”

It was all negative effects, but after confirming the size, Richard canceled the cultivation with a look of disgust. He didn’t expect that this cultivation would actually have negative effects. As expected, he thought it was too good at the beginning,

After calming down, Richard started the next attempt,

“The speed is increased by 30%, the weight is reduced by 20%, and the endurance is reduced by 30%.”

Looking at this attribute, Richard shook his head again. Although the increase in speed is good, it is completely meaningless when the weight and endurance are reduced.

After canceling the breeding, Richard continued his next attempt. This time it was an extremely precious wind bird. This little guy is the treasure of Yusidu,

Compared to the previous domestic animals, Richard’s movements this time were much gentler. He used his sword to gently open an incision on the wind bird, took a little blood to activate the nurturing function of the stable, and then killed the frightened little guy. Let go.

“Speed ​​is increased by 60%, endurance is increased by 60%, and weight is reduced by 30%.”

Richard’s eyes lit up when he looked at the first two attributes. They were both good positive bonuses. However, when he saw the last negative effect, his expression suddenly became as disgusting as if he had eaten a fly. The weight is so low, which means that this horse cannot be used as a horse. Heavy cavalry mount.

“It’s tasteless, it’s tasteless.”

Richard couldn’t help but wailed. If the horse bred in this way is useful, of course it is. With the 60% speed bonus and endurance bonus, the horse bred in this way is useful. It deserves to be called a BMW,

The light cavalry assigned to special reconnaissance is definitely the best war horse,

But the key point is that Richard has no shortage of investigation methods now. Aerial reconnaissance with griffins is very good. Of course, even aerial reconnaissance and close reconnaissance by reconnaissance cavalry are necessary, but there is really no urgent need for a specialized one. of reconnaissance horses.

What Richard needs now is the kind of brave man who is strong and powerful, can carry a knight in heavy armor and wear a layer of vest himself, and can walk like flying and trample the enemy camp, not a brave man who can run. Fast scout.


After trying all the remaining animals, Richard couldn’t find a species that completely satisfied him, so he could only let out a long sigh,

If you want to make someone taller among the short ones, only the new breed made of bison barely meets Richard’s requirements,

“Speed ​​is increased by ten percent, endurance is increased by ten percent, and load-bearing capacity is increased by twenty percent.”

Although the various improvements are not high and cannot meet Richard’s psychological expectations, they are all enhancement effects, and it can barely be used as a heavy cavalry mount.

This is mainly because Richard’s requirements are too high and his ideas are too good,

If according to the general usage of heavy cavalry, they have to stop to remove their armor and rest after one or two rounds of charging, a war horse bred with bison blood is definitely enough, or even more than enough,

But in Richard’s idea, the heavy cavalry he formed must all be composed of strong men above the level of knights. The men and horses are all covered in heavy armor and can carry heavy troops as heavy as door panels. They can charge repeatedly on the battlefield. You must also have a certain ability to travel.

There are people in this world who can wear heavy armor and carry heavy soldiers to fight for a long time, but horses lack some meaning, so there has never been such a monster unit.

Richard originally thought that he could rely on the breeding function of this stable to cultivate a war horse far superior to the Western Horse or even the wildebeest, and form his own armored cavalry.

It’s a pity that the idea of ​​​​making a dragon to bleed is no longer possible.

While Richard was feeling regretful, there was a movement under the soil of the fence, as if something was about to emerge.

Richard and Ron noticed the movement under the soil at the same time, looked at each other in tacit understanding, and stood alert.


With the sound of falling sand, a hole appeared out of thin air on the flat bottom of the fence.

Then under the gaze of Richard and Ron, a dog head emerged from the hole and observed the surrounding environment. Soon the eyes of the dog head met with that of Richard and Ron, and their eyes gradually became frightened.

“Woof woof…”

The kobold shrank back and was not in a hurry, so Richard grabbed the back of his neck and fished him out of the hole.

This kobold should be a prisoner held in the camp. Under Richard’s instruction, the coalition forces killed all the ogres, but took in the prisoners who gave up resistance.

Although the kobold is brave, even its master ogre has fled, and the kobold doesn’t have much courage left.

Excluding those who escaped and died in battle, there were at least thousands of kobold prisoners this time.

Although these kobolds are used as consumables and waste by the ogres, in Richard’s eyes, these kobolds are excellent laborers. They are loyal and brave, eat less and sleep less. It is definitely a useful horse for digging and building roads, allowing them to enjoy super blessings every day.

Unexpectedly, there are kobolds who are unwilling to enjoy the blessings provided by Richard. Not only are they unwilling, they dare to run away.

In just a few days, a long tunnel was dug. If it weren’t for bad luck and the tunnel was dug in front of Richard, he would have really escaped.

However, Richard has a more intuitive feeling about the kobold’s mining ability. It seems that you are quite good at mining. I am short of talents like you in the mine.

Richard was carrying this poor kobold, preparing to execute him in front of other kobolds, but he still had to let them know the consequences of escaping.

But just as he was climbing over the fence, Richard saw the unlucky goat he had experimented on at the beginning, and suddenly an idea flashed in his mind, and he had a strange idea.

Richard drew his sword with his backhand, pulled out a bunch of blood flowers on the kobold’s arm, and then clicked on the breeding function of the stable. Anyway, dead horses are used as live horse doctors, so I haven’t tried this thing yet.

“Speed ​​increased by 60%, endurance increased by 120%, load increased by 100%,

Characteristic 1: Strong. After the war horse is cultivated, it will become stronger and its size will increase by 20%. ”

Characteristic 2: Violence. The violence hidden deep in the genes makes it more exciting in a killing environment.

Characteristic 3: Bloodline, the noble red dragon bloodline makes it not afraid of flames and more resistant to high temperatures.


The case has been solved. The red dragon was responsible for what happened in the first place…


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