Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 86: Reunion and a new week


After several days of resting in Bande’s territory, Richard finally arrived at the majority of the Flying Bear Army,

Quil led more than 2,000 flying bear troops and ten bear hunting crossbows to join forces with the coalition forces currently led by Richard.

The strength of the coalition expanded to 5,000 men, with the strength of a flag regiment,

And the quality of this flag regiment is extremely high. Even the complete Jingbei Army First Flag Regiment may not be a match for the coalition forces at this time,

The combat experience of the soldiers of the First Flag Regiment may be better than that of the coalition forces, but they cannot withstand the high-end power at Richard’s disposal.

Including various lords, the number of knights in the coalition is close to forty, and the Jingbei Army does not have that many knights in one legion.

After there is no shortage of high-end strength and basic combat strength has been replenished, Richard’s waist straightened a lot, and Baron Band and others also relaxed a little,

After all, the continuous elimination of several ogre tribes in the past relieved the anger, but also prevented the ogres from further destroying the territory,

But the action is still a bit big and will definitely attract attention. As long as there are a few medium-sized tribes like the Luzi tribe, they will be a little overwhelmed.

Now that the troops have been replenished, there is no need to worry about the ogres’ counterattack for the time being. As long as the main force of the ogres is not attracted, the arrival of a few small and medium-sized tribes will no longer pose any threat.

The main force of the ogres directly controlled by Grugesh is still besieging Fort Hel while guarding against reinforcements from Piaoxue City. It also has to clean up the stronger lords in the surrounding areas.

The Bander Territory and the Hunter Territory are considered remote places in the North, and the main force of the ogres cannot take care of them for the time being.

At least until something big happens in Fort Hel, the coalition forces don’t need to worry.

In addition to settling the Flying Bear Army reinforcements brought by Quill, Richard also has a very important thing to do,

A new week is here…

Richard wandered around the camp unconsciously, his mind already focused on the system interface,

After first opening the Stone Fortress and recruiting all the soldiers that could be recruited this week, Richard then studied the building interface.

There are not many buildings that can be built, only high-level gunnery watchtowers, stables, and blacksmith shops.

The building temple that produces the fifth-level soldiers of the castle is still in a state that cannot be built. Mainly to repair this thing, rare resource crystals are needed. Richard has not seen crystals since he was reborn for more than ten years.

After Yusidu inquired about it in various ways, she vaguely learned that there is a rare mineral called magic crystal that may meet Richard’s needs.

But this thing was a precious resource in ancient times, and with the receding of the demonic tide and the destruction of the Elf Empire, the magic crystal has not appeared for a long time,

There is no other good way now besides letting Yusidu continue to pay attention.

After thinking about it, Richard built a stable. This kind of functional building may have certain changes, just like the council hall can not only generate money but also issue tasks.

Now that Richard is leading his troops outside, even if he upgrades the watchtower, he still cannot upgrade his spearmen to halberdiers for the time being. It is better to build a stable to test it out.

After confirming the construction of the stables, there is an additional stable option in the castle’s building viewing interface,

Richard clicked on the stable. The first function was not much different from what Richard remembered. It could improve the hero’s mobility. In reality, it should be to increase the marching endurance of the army, which is a good function.

But when Richard looked down, his eyes lit up. Sure enough, there had been some changes in the functional buildings, and there were more than one.

The second function of the stable is to provide war horses. It can provide Richard with ten qualified war horses every week. The Hunter family has always been short of horses, or the entire Northland is short of horses. The horses produced in the Northland are short. It lacks strength and is only suitable as a draft horse for plowing and pulling goods.

Qualified war horses have to be purchased from the Western Territory at a high price. War horses are so expensive that most of the cavalry of the Northland lords only make up the numbers by picking slightly taller draft horses.

Even someone with some obsessive-compulsive disorder like Richard had to hold his nose and use some Northland horses when faced with the high price of Western Horses. Only some officers could ride the expensive Western Horses.

Now the stable can provide ten so-called qualified war horses every week. Although it is not many, it definitely solves Richard’s urgent need.

What really moved Richard was the third function of the stable – cultivation, with Richard providing blood materials,

The stable can breed ten war horses with other bloodlines every week. The attributes of the war horses bred are determined by the blood provided by Richard.

The human knights in this world are much stronger than the knights and cavalry in the world that Richard is familiar with, but the mounts are a bit stretched. Although the war horses are slightly stronger than those in his original world, they are not much stronger. There is no qualitative difference. , except for bug-level mounts like dragons, lower-level mounts are basically difficult to match the strength of knights.

Now that the cultivation function is released, it has opened a door to a new world for Richard,

There are many strange creatures in this continent. With this cultivation function, Richard may be able to create some powerful war horses.

Richard’s first thought was to get a dragon to occasionally bleed. Wouldn’t it be nice to breed some dragon blood horses?

Of course, this idea is difficult to realize at present. Let’s first try some weaker creatures and slowly try. In just a moment, Richard thought of several species that he could try,

Suppressing his thoughts for the time being, Richard opened the forest city again and entered the barrier (elf) third-level soldier camp. The wood elf tree house was among the buildable ones. Without hesitation, Richard decided to build the wood elf tree. House,

This upgraded long-range unit, which will become king-level, can completely make up for the helplessness of sharpshooters facing heavy armored units.

Then Richard took over all the recruitable troops in Linzhong City,

At this time, the strength of Richard’s troops is:

Army: Elite Centaur (60), Lancer (119), Sword Dancer (30), Marksman (80), Wood Elf Archer (6), Royal Griffin (41), Crusader (27) .

The book strength has increased a lot, but the soldiers of the barrier (elf) have been placed in the forest city to guard against the ogre tribe borrowing ironwood forest to harass the Hunter family’s territory,

The newly recruited castle (human) soldiers can only be temporarily stored in Stone Castle, and will be brought back when Richard returns.

“Good day, Lord Richard”

While Richard was completing operations for the new week, Baron Band approached Richard alone.

“Baron Bender? What’s the matter?”

Facing Baron Bender who suddenly came up to him, Richard was a little confused.

“I wonder what Sir Richard thinks of the future situation in the North?”

Baron Band did not respond to Richard’s doubts, but instead asked Richard a question.

“I don’t know this either.”

Although Richard has certain judgments about the situation in the Northland and even the kingdom, it is a taboo to communicate briefly and deeply.

Baron Bender is different from Lint, and his identity is there. Richard wanted to lick Lint to get some benefits at that time, so he had to put some good things out, but Baron Bender did not have the qualifications yet.

“Order will be chaotic, and the strong will be respected.”

Seeing that Richard didn’t answer, Baron Bender simply answered it himself.

It’s interesting,

Baron Bender’s words aroused some interest in Richard,

“In this world, the strong are respected, and that has never changed.”

Richard narrowed his eyes slightly and replied, wanting to see what kind of medicine Baron Band was selling in his gourd.

“If you want to survive for a long time, you must become a strong person or follow the strong. Please ask Lord Richard to send a peace officer and a tax collector. The Bande family is willing to follow Lord Richard!”

When he said the last sentence, Baron Band knelt down on one knee towards Richard, very solemnly.

“Baron Bender did his homework.”

Baron Band learned about Richard’s dispatch of tax collectors and sheriffs to other territories,

He also bluntly said that it was Richard who he wanted to follow, but did not mention that the Hunter family showed that Baron Bender had done a lot of homework.

Richard pondered for a few seconds and then walked forward, helped Baron Band up, and patted Baron Band on the shoulder.

“Baron Bender, you have an easier road.”



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