Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 83: Arrival


In the early morning, Burai City opened its city gate early, and people outside the city who were waiting to enter the city to work had already lined up at the city gate waiting to enter the city.

“Line up, line up, don’t crowd, come one by one.”

The guards at the city gate tried hard to maintain order, but they couldn’t handle the large number of people who wanted to enter the city, and the scene was still a bit chaotic.

At this time, Sol and his party finally arrived at the gate of Burai City after two days of traveling day and night.

Although the group of people were lightly dressed and looked dusty, even if they stood low-key in the crowd, they still stood out. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that they were extraordinary at a glance.

“Five copper nars for a person and ten copper narls for a horse.”

Soon, Thor and others were lined up. Thor and others were naturally tall, and their temperament was very different from the timid civilians around them.

The toll-paying guard at the city gate couldn’t help but take a closer look at Sol and others.

After the guard at the door explained the fee for entering the city, the person beside him quickly took out his wallet and handed over the money.


Although the guard looked at Thor and the others a few more times, they didn’t ask any questions after collecting the entry fee and let them go directly.

Saul already had the command arrow and documents in hand, planning to reveal his identity and enter the city directly if the guards continued to interrogate him,

Unexpectedly, the guard who took the money did not question them at all, and just let them into the city, as if the guard’s only mission was to collect money.

Although entering the city went smoothly, Sol shook his head inconspicuously,

“Kuz, what do you think?”

Kuz is Thor’s confidant and has always followed Thor. With the strength of a great knight, Kurtz can be said to be Thor’s right-hand man. This time, he was brought to the river valley with Thor.

Kuz has been in the army for a long time, and he understood what Thor meant when he heard it.

“The guards at the city gate are not vigilant. If we people go in and out of the royal capital and don’t identify ourselves, we may be checked several times along the way. I’m afraid we won’t be able to use them in a real war.”

“I don’t know what the garrison looks like.”

Thor is becoming less and less confident in the garrison that he has not yet seen.

“After all, the garrison corps is different from the guards who stand guard at the gate. As a regular corps in the kingdom, this should not be the case.”

Kuz said this with some hesitation, but still had some hope for the garrison.

“I hope so.”


Saul and others led the wildebeests and walked on the streets of Burai City. People were coming and going on the streets, and there were vendors selling goods along the streets. They also saw many people wearing luxurious brocade clothes passing by. It turns out that there are quite a lot of rich people in Burai City.

Facing the prosperity in front of him, Thor actually felt like he was in the royal capital. The wealth in the river valley was even worse than the rumors,

Then Saul then thought that the tax paid by the valley to the kingdom every year was only more than 100,000 gold naars, which obviously did not match the rich scene in front of him.

However, these are all things for later. The most important thing now is to see if the garrison can fight, and reorganize the army as soon as possible and go north to deal with the ogres.

Thor knew exactly what he was going to do when he arrived in the valley,

The first is to control the garrison in the valley and prepare to go north.

The second is to reveal their identities and recruit knights and quasi-knights who want to earn a military job in the north.

The third is to ask the nobles in the river valley to provide money and food, and preferably someone to help reinforce the North. He still understands this group of nobles, and just based on an order from the royal capital, this Thousands of miles apart, if he hadn’t been there to suppress them, I don’t know how this group of people would have dealt with it.

“Let’s go directly to the garrison station.”

Nothing could be seen on the street except prosperity for the time being, so Thor decided to go directly to the garrison to learn about the situation.


After a little inquiry, everyone found the location of the garrison. The garrison was stationed directly in Burai City, and the target was large enough.

When he arrived at the camp gate, he was finally stopped by the soldiers on duty. The soldiers were wearing light yellow standard armor, with their waists straight, and they finally looked like regular soldiers.

Saul didn’t want to embarrass ordinary soldiers like him and directly showed the token.

“I am Saul, the temporary governor of the river valley sent by the kingdom. Your river valley garrison is temporarily under my command. Please go and report it.”

Temporary Governor is the title given to Thor An by Ren to facilitate Thor’s coordination and support of the affairs of the Northland.

However, it was somewhat against the rules for the kingdom to dispatch a governor in the river valley, so the word temporary was added. Renne gave Thor almost unlimited power, it just depends on how far Thor can use it.

The soldiers at the gate of the camp were stunned when they heard this. Sol’s name was a bit scary. He was a low-level soldier and had no access to the information above. Even the token Sol showed was not recognized. Come on vacation.

“You, wait a minute, I’ll go in and let you know.”

Thor and others looked capable, and the wildebeest they were holding looked very extraordinary, but they didn’t look like liars. The soldiers didn’t dare to make their own decisions, so they could only follow the instructions and go in to report.

“Report, there are several people outside the camp who claim to be the temporary governor of the river valley sent by the royal capital.”

At this time, Dane was sitting in the camp drinking black tea sent from the south,

This noble tea is said to have the effect of calming the mind. It just so happens that Dane has been a little uneasy due to the news from the royal capital these days. Drink some black tea to relieve it.

Hearing the news from the guard outside the door, the tea cup held by Dane stayed in mid-air, his brows almost furrowed,

The people from the royal capital arrived too fast, at least a week earlier than he expected. Not all the men and women to fill the gaps have been recruited, and many preparations that need to be made have not been made. It is really troublesome and he has to find a way. Stabilize the person first.

After thinking about it, Dane raised his head and asked again,

“Does anyone know who is coming?”

“It seems he calls himself Thor.”


Dan’s hand shook, and the tea cup in his hand fell to the ground, with fragments splashing all over the floor.

“Are you sure your name is Sol?”

“It should be right.”

Seeing Dane’s nervous question, the guard who came to report was a little hesitant, but after thinking about it for a while, he still gave an affirmative answer.

“Da, da, da…”

Dane tapped the table with his slightly trembling hands, trying to relieve his nervousness.

It shouldn’t be that Thor, that person will not leave the royal capital easily. Besides, the dragon’s target is so big that it is impossible for him to arrive outside the garrison camp without any news.

Thinking of this, Dane forced himself to calm down and then stood up.

“Let’s go, take me out to greet you.”




Saul, who was waiting at the gate of the camp, heard a call he had not heard for many years,

Looking following the sound, I saw a potbellied officer walking out of the camp. Even the largest armor could not hold his belly.


After a moment of hesitation, Thor barely recognized the person in front of him. Although he knew that the commander of the garrison was Dane, there was a big gap between the person in front of him and the image of the young talent in his impression.

Dane was a civilian genius who came from the Royal Capital Knights Academy. When Dane was selected to study at the academy, Thor happened to be teaching there for a few years. Dane and Thor did have some teacher-student friendship.

However, Dane was not at all surprised after recognizing Thor. Instead, he was filled with endless fear. He never expected that the person sent by the royal capital was actually Thor.

The so-called strong dragon cannot suppress the local snake, that is because the dragon is not strong enough. Thor is not a strong dragon for the river valley. He is simply comparable to the purple golden dragon. Dane simply does not have the courage to pursue some of the methods he thought of before. Use it on you.

“Don’t let the adults stand here.”

Thor’s followers saw Dane standing still and couldn’t help but remind him.

“Teacher, please come in.”

Dane’s brain was like mush at this time, and he only reacted after hearing the reminder to invite Thor into the camp.

Thor entered the station under the guidance of Dane. Now there were no soldiers to stop him. Dane’s mind started to work crazily when he led the way.

I want to find a way to survive for myself…


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