Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 81: Battle 3



Ron’s long sword penetrated the back of Lutz’s heart, and then stirred it sideways, breaking Lutz’s heart.

Lutz, who was completely incapacitated, finally fell heavily to the ground. This powerful ogre, who was only one step away from the ogre chief, could not get rid of the Crusaders’ 9 siege until his death.

As for Ron and several Crusaders who participated in the siege, except for the excessive consumption of fighting spirit, they basically did not suffer any serious injuries.

After Lutz fell, several Crusaders immediately turned around and joined the battle ahead. It was not the time to rest yet.

Ron found a two-meter spear nearby, cut off Lutz’s head, inserted it into the spear along with the peep, and raised it high to lower the ogre’s morale.

Ogres all seem to look the same to humans, and they can only be distinguished by their strength and clothing.

But the ogres themselves can tell their appearance, and Lutz’s appearance is recognized by almost all the ogres here,

When Lutz’s head was lifted high by Ron, more and more ogres discovered the death of their leader,

Though it sounds encouraging to lead by example, it is actually a double-edged sword.

If the leading general is alive, it will naturally be a great encouragement to the morale of his men, but if he is unfortunately killed in battle, the blow to his men’s morale will also be devastating.

After more and more ogres discovered that Lutz had been killed, the defeat was inevitable.

Those ogre warriors who had the courage to face the Crusaders and various knight-level lords turned around and ran away,

When there is one, there are two, and the ogre did not supervise the team. When the first deserter appeared, a chain reaction quickly started.

Although ogres are brave, they are intelligent creatures after all. As long as they are creatures, they will be afraid of death.

In terms of courage, the kobolds performed better than the ogres in the end. After the ogres were killed by the human coalition and fled in large numbers, the kobolds continued to fight to the death.

However, when the gap in combat power is too large, the will to fight does not have much effect.

After losing the ogres to suppress the formation, the weapons in the hands of the kobolds could not even break through the leather armor on the auxiliary soldiers.

As for the coalition soldiers, any auxiliary soldier can kill four or five kobolds with some effort,

Despite their stubborn resistance, their only use was to block the path for follow-up pursuit by the coalition forces, buying some time for the fleeing ogres.

The ogre’s pace is faster than that of humans. Coupled with the obstruction of the kobolds, the coalition soldiers were unable to catch up with the escaping ogre, and the distance was further and further apart.

If Richard didn’t have cavalry and griffins this time, he would have to watch hundreds of ogres escape if he won.

“Da da da…”

As the flag fell, the sound of intensive horse hooves sounded again in the coalition formation. The infantry who were still trying to pursue consciously dispersed to both sides, leaving a path for the cavalry to pursue.

Using cavalry, especially this kind of light cavalry, to directly attack a complete infantry square is actually a very luxurious approach. Unless it is absolutely necessary, commanders are not willing to use cavalry to compete with infantry, let alone Used to confront the ogre head-on,

Richard was not that rich, so he would not use cavalry so extravagantly. It was not until the ogres retreated that Richard released his cavalry to harvest.

No matter how powerful the enemy is, when his back is exposed, he actually becomes a lamb to be slaughtered,

The cavalrymen who rode up to catch up with the ogre were armed with lances and used the momentum of their horses to easily pierce the ogre’s back.

As long as the ogre’s armor protection is in front, there is only a thin layer on the back, which serves as a connection. It is not as thick as the armor on the chest and can be broken by a lance.

The griffons in the sky also began to launch a death dive. With the addition of Richard’s advanced offensive skills, the griffins’ killing efficiency was even higher than that of the cavalry.

Every blow will take away the life of an ogre. These ogres who are desperately trying to escape are completely unable to organize any resistance,

Without any further damage to the griffins, Richard could rest assured and let the griffins attack.

The pursuit continued until it was getting dark. As far as Richard could see, he could no longer see any active enemies.

This time Richard no longer charges forward as before. Although Richard has the strength of the peak knight level, charging forward is definitely an important combat force,

But Richard has always believed in one sentence,

That is,

Those who are good at swimming will drown, and those who are good at riding will fall.

It is easy to hide from open guns, but difficult to guard against hidden arrows. The little overlord of Jiangdong can die inexplicably at the hands of unknown people. Richard cannot guarantee that he will not encounter any danger on the battlefield.

Unless you are really strong enough to ignore the strength of thousands of troops, it is better to be patient when you should, and don’t rush to the front line to fight with others easily.


There were more ogres and kobolds escaping this time, and Richard could not order his troops to leave no one behind as before.

We can only order to focus on destroying the escaping ogres. Several kobolds fled into the village. As long as the villagers have the courage to kill them, they can be easily killed. If some ogres are let go, as long as there is an ogre Entering the village is also a disaster for the village.

The griffon chased for twenty or thirty miles, and finally killed all the ogres that could still move and returned,

If there are still people who lie down on the ground and pretend to be dead to escape, and encounter such an ogre with a brain that can turn around, then Richard will be powerless.

“A brilliant victory!”

“Gain 18060 experience points.”

“Congratulations on your upgrade.”

When the Royal Griffins returned from the battle, the system finally determined that Richard had won the battle.

This time Lutz’s tribe is far stronger than the two tribes that were eliminated before, and the task of annihilating the ogre warriors has been halfway completed,

The experience gained was nearly three times that of before, and he was directly promoted to level seven.

Level: 7 (8320/30000)

Strength: 15.9

Physique: 15.1

Agility: 15.0

Spirit: 4.9

Skills: Beast Breathing Technique (Grandmaster), Blue Qi Entrainment Technique (Intermediate), Offensive Technique (Advanced).

Specialty: Control

Available skill points: 1

Army: Centaur Leader (40), Lancer (99), Sword Dancer (15), Marksman (65), Royal Griffin (35), Crusader (23).

There are still no new skills in this upgrade, but after the upgrade, Richard’s various attributes have been slightly improved again. The only gap between him and most peak knights is in the strength and storage of fighting spirit.

As for the skill points gained from upgrading, they can only be added to the Blue Qi Entrainment Technique. Advanced offensive techniques are displayed in gray, which obviously means there are not enough points.

After thinking for a while, Richard decided to save this skill point. His own fighting spirit training progress was not slow. It would be more cost-effective to use this precious skill point on strategic skills.


“Do it!”

After a sound of clinking glasses, several nobles drank the ale in their glasses in one gulp.

The nobles in the North are still somewhat heroic. They are not as particular as some nobles in the River Valley and the Royal Capital. They can still drink and eat meat.

Some cattle and sheep were roasted in the bonfire at night. The lords gathered together to drink, and the soldiers also got some meat.

The coalition forces used the captured cattle and sheep to hold a celebration dinner. At present, the ogres that invaded the fifth theater have been completely eliminated. Everyone no longer has to live in panic. Naturally, this is a happy event worthy of a big celebration.

“Sir Richard, I propose a toast to you!”

Baron Band took the initiative to find Richard and drank a glass of wine in front of Richard. Coupled with his big beard, he looked extremely bold.

Richard didn’t like drinking, but in this atmosphere he still picked up the cup and took a sip to give the other party some face.

This is also a reflection of Richard’s status at this time. Although Richard does not have a title, his status at this time is definitely the highest among the lords present,

If it were a person of equal status, I would probably have to point at Richard’s nose and say something like, “Drink up, you are raising fish.” But as the person with the highest status in the room, Richard could raise the glass. ?耀袢冢? Even if it is to give face.

“Master Richard, who are we next?”

After the toast, Baron Band asked several questions about what they wanted to know most.

Richard buried his head, looked at the wine glass, raised his head and returned

“Reorganize the troops and send out more sentries. Don’t you think the war is over?”

After Li Cha finished speaking, the lords of each family stopped smiling and looked solemn.

Only the soldiers in the distance were still eating beef and mutton around the campfire, celebrating the victory of the battle, but they didn’t know that this was just the beginning…


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