Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 80: Battle 2



After three rounds of shooting from the sharpshooter, the ogre finally collided with the spearmen in the front row of the coalition,

Those originally sharp spears could not even penetrate the heavy armor of the ogre warriors in the front row,

Lutz even grabbed a few spears and swung them hard, throwing several soldiers away.

The first row of tight gun formations was torn apart like paper in front of the ogres, and a large group of kobolds also took the opportunity to break through the gun formations and pour into the coalition formation.

If it weren’t for the respective lords behind them with their armored guards, deserters might have appeared.

Even the lords of each family looked sad at this time, this ogre was completely untempered,

The ogre warriors took the lead in charging into the battle, followed closely by dozens of elite ogre warriors wearing iron armor, and finally a group of ordinary ogres swarmed to follow.

With such a simple three-axe attack, the coalition’s formation was completely shattered. If this continues, a small-scale collapse may occur in less than ten minutes.

While the various lords were struggling to support themselves, Ron personally led more than 20 crusaders to make up for it.

Richard would not want to use the ogres to deliberately weaken these lords. If the weakening fails and they are directly defeated, it will be troublesome for Richard.

Ron was soon ordered to lead the Crusaders to attack,

These human warriors with unique armor shapes naturally attracted Lutz’s attention.

After all, a person who is qualified to wear such an iron can with eyeballs exposed all over his body cannot be an ordinary soldier,

If there were more than twenty human quasi-knights, it would be a bit troublesome.

Lutz signaled the other two ogre warriors in the tribe and some of the elite ogre warriors wearing iron armor to move closer to him, preparing to deal with this little trouble.


Ron, who was in the lead, quickly fought with Lutz. The moment his fighting spirit broke out, his long sword made a lot of noise with Lutz’s mace.

Ron suffered a small loss in the first blow. Ron, who was already close to the peak strength of a knight, almost lost his grip on the long sword in his hand.

You can imagine how powerful Lutz is,

Lutz, who had taken advantage of him, was also quite surprised. He had never encountered human knights before, but Ron was definitely the strongest among the knights he had fought against.

I didn’t suffer any big losses in the head-to-head battle with him, which is already considered good.

After all, Lutz has reached the critical point between the ogre warrior and the chief, and the ogre itself has a considerable racial advantage over humans. If he really wants to stabilize him, I am afraid he must be a great knight.

If Ron’s strength only surprised him, then the next scene made him a little panicked. He finally understood the strength of this human army.

These human soldiers wrapped in iron cans were all filled with fighting spirit,

The originally invincible attack stalled, and those iron armors that were difficult to break with swords were easily torn apart in front of the long swords with fighting spirit.

With the double bonus of Richard’s offensive skills and Ron’s Crusaders’ specialties, the Crusaders who were originally only low-level knights have become strong knights,

It is difficult for these armored ogre warriors to withstand their swords,

Only the ogre warriors have the ability to contend with them,

But the difference in numbers is too big. One ogre warrior must be taken care of by at least two or three Crusaders.

The moment Lutz knocked Ron back, at least four Crusaders surrounded him,

The Crusaders who had been fighting for a long time soon realized that Lutz was a difficult enemy to deal with.

The greatest respect for a strong man is to use the advantage of numbers to surround him.

Lutz, who was still showing off his power, was suddenly faced with long swords coming from four or five directions, especially when these swords were still attached with sharp fighting spirit.

A single stroke on his body can cut through the thick iron armor, leaving a **** **** on his body.

When he thought that injuring ten of his fingers would be better than cutting off one of his fingers, he tried to endure the injury and kill one person first,

He was able to avoid these bulky-looking iron cans quickly and did not confront him head-on, which made him very embarrassed.

The Crusaders are very experienced in besieging units that are stronger than themselves. In front of creatures like Beamon and Hydra, Lutz is just a younger brother. He was easily led by Ron and several Crusaders. The army played with applause.

In addition to the crusaders who besieged Luz and fought against the ogre warriors, there were more than a dozen crusaders who easily suppressed the spearhead of the ogre attack – the armored elite ogre warriors.

Dozens of elite ogre warriors could barely hold on in front of the Crusaders with their rough skin and thick flesh and a slight numerical advantage,


With the flag waving, Richard gave the order for the entire army to attack,

After the Crusaders suppressed the momentum of the ogre attack, especially after suppressing ogre warriors like Lutz, the morale of the human coalition also recovered a lot,

After Richard gave the order to attack, all the lords were unequivocal and drew their swords and led their troops to charge forward.

After all, they all rely on the lords of the wilderness. It cannot be said that they are good at fighting, but as long as they are not going to die, each family can carry out Richard’s orders.

With the counterattack of the five coalition forces, not to mention the hundreds of soldiers, the five nobles alone have the combat power of five knights, although these knights are relatively weak,

It is a little difficult for them to defeat the ogre warriors, but there is no problem at all in defeating these ogre warriors.

With the combined efforts of both sides, the ogre warrior who was barely holding on finally became unable to hold on any longer.


On the other side, Lutz, who was besieged by Ron and the Crusaders, roared again. He was covered in blood, and the armor on his body was chopped into pieces.

Lutz once again tried to escape from the Crusaders’ siege but failed. He let out a roar in grief and anger. He could feel his strength draining. Some of the wounds were too deep, causing him to suffer from severe blood loss.


Ron was struck by another sword, and Lutz raised his mace to block it with difficulty,

It makes sense for the ogre warrior to use this mace. With the ogre’s forging skills, if he uses any sword-like weapon,

I am afraid that it will be cut into two pieces by the weapon of the human knight with fighting spirit. Only this kind of thick weapon can be cut full of gaps and still be used.

Although he successfully blocked Ron’s sword, it was a pity that Ron was not the only one who fought against him.

Another sword that had been charged for a long time came from behind Luz. Luz tried his best to dodge but still could not escape the attack of the sword.

The sword that was originally aimed at Lutz’s head turned into a slash because of Lutz’s dodge.


A thick arm was broken at the root, and gurgling blood spurted out from the broken arm…

Richard, who was riding a brown warhorse in the distance, could clearly see the process of siegeing Lutz. If he had to make an evaluation, it could only be in two words


But being mean is better,

Seeing how despicable his subordinates were, a smile appeared on Richard’s lips…


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