Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 8: Combat preparation arrangements


“Quick, quick, run.”

In a mill village twenty miles away from Ironwood City, the sheriff shouted to a group of young villagers.

“Assemble the team and stand at attention.”


“One, two, three…”

“Report to the Sheriff, 56 village guards were supposed to be present in Mill Village, but 56 were actually present. Please issue an order.”

In the mill village under the rule of Ironwood City, a group of peasant soldiers were gathering in the square.

They each have an iron-wood spear, and some of them carry hunting bows on their backs. They are wearing a variety of clothes. Some are wearing cotton clothes with a vine armor made of sword grass, and some are wearing leather armor. Wearing leather helmets, a few people even had some iron plates inlaid on the leather armor.

Although the equipment is diverse, the formation is decent. Although they are a little nervous, their morale is still high. They are a little more eager than most of the numb farmers in the territory.

“Turn right”

“Keep formation and run to Ironwood City.”

Soon the villagers left the village and headed for Ironwood City, leaving behind only the old and weak women and children who were seeing them off and gradually receding as they arrived.

And this scene happened in dozens of villages under Hunter’s territory at the same time.

Compared with the procrastination of the Will Territory, the Hunter Territory’s mobilization was much faster and more efficient.

Under Richard’s instruction, with Ironwood City as the center and spreading to dozens of surrounding villages, civilians are organized to conduct basic combat training every month during non-peak farming seasons, and a complete combat mobilization system is in place.

Now the war machine that Richard spent several years building will show its fangs for the first time.


A few days later, all the peasant soldiers in Ironwood Territory and the militia in Ironwood City were gathered. It can be clearly seen that the equipment of the militia in Ironwood City is better than that of the peasant soldiers in the village.

Most of the militiamen in Ironwood City wear leather armor, and a few even wear old and damaged iron armor. However, except for an ironwood gun that is issued by the territory, other equipment is brought by the Hunter family. No one would ask.

In order to save their lives, everyone tried their best to prepare some armor for themselves, but the appearance of such rare items as iron armor also shows that some people did become rich first under Richard’s governance.


In Ironwood Castle at this moment, the main members of the Hunter family and the centurions of the Ironwood City Guard were conducting an important post-war battle deployment in the meeting hall.

Richard rarely sat in the main seat and gave orders, while Viscount Sauter sat in the second seat and waited for Richard’s arrangements.

“Second uncle and third uncle led the cavalry to cover the flanks to prevent the Will family’s cavalry from attacking our flanks.”


“Father and I lead the Guards together.”

Of course the knights should be used together to crush them in an invincible manner, rather than being scattered and defeated individually.


Richard uses the soldiers produced by the system as personal guards. This group of absolutely loyal and fearless soldiers are definitely the best guards.

“Kecha, lead the newly recruited city guards and part of the militia to guard Ironwood City and maintain order.”

The city guards of Ironwood City originally numbered 300 people, all of whom were veterans of long-term training. The newly recruited 200 people Richard planned to have them guard Ironwood City to prevent accidents. After all, Ironwood City could not leave no one at all.

Rushly adding new recruits without long-term training into the team may also have the opposite effect of reducing the overall combat capability.

“I want to fight together.”

Kecha is the son of Richard’s second uncle. He is a few years older than Richard and is a newly promoted quasi-knight.

Kecha was very convinced of Richard, his cousin. He had never questioned Richard’s decision in the past. This time he was really anxious. He was about to fight with passion, but Richard asked him to defend the city. He did feel a little uncomfortable.

“Cousin, women and children are in the city, and it is equally important to protect them.”


For this reason, Kecha couldn’t say anything else.

After arranging several things, Richard let the others disperse, but left Kecha alone.

“Is my cousin dissatisfied with my arrangement?”


This is true. Kecha can only complain at most. If he really wants to say that he has any dissatisfaction with Richard, it’s not that much.

Richard nodded and did not dwell on the topic.

“There are so many people, and I trust my cousin even more.” There are not many people in the Hunter family, and there are even fewer people who can go into battle. Kecha is a person who has the strength and can be completely trusted. Richard has no doubts about him. There are other arrangements.

“If the war goes unfavorably, cousin Kecha will protect the women and children in the fort and retreat to the Ironwood Forest as free citizens as planned. Butler Egger has stored enough supplies inside.”

Don’t worry about winning, think about defeat first.

Although Richard has full confidence in this war, his cautious character also allows him to prepare a response plan for the worst case scenario.

Richard is a person who is used to planning everything. Everything should be under his control. No matter what kind of accident occurs, he must handle it calmly and without any rush.


Although Kecha also wanted to fight on the front line, Richard made his words very clear and he also understood the importance of his mission.


After everyone dispersed, Richard walked alone to the attic high up in Ironwood Castle.

Looking out, the entire Ironwood City came into view.

Neat houses, spacious streets, horse-drawn carriages and pedestrians, and troops gathered on the school field.

There are endless ironwood forests and fields beyond.

Ignoring the breeze from the heights that ruffled his hair, looking at everything in front of him, Richard’s heart surged with pride.

The first ripples will be stirred up in the continent’s storm.


In the Rock Castle, the candles in Viscount Will’s room illuminated the entire room brightly.

The intelligence on the gathering of the Ironwood City army has already been reported by spies.

Hunter leader’s movements were too fast, which made him feel uneasy. The peasants, soldiers and quasi-cavaliers of the Will family gathered first. So far, only 4,000 people have been gathered. At least there are more than 1,000 people who have not arrived yet. .

Viscount Weir is not an aristocrat without common sense, he is not a nobleman without common sense. He naturally understands what efficient mobilization and preparation speed means.

The ominous premonition lingers in my mind. However, the arrow is on the string and must be fired. Unless they are willing to become a vassal of the Hunter family, this battle will eventually be inevitable.


Blowing out the candles in the room, Viscount Will lay on the bed, forcing himself to fall asleep as soon as possible and stay in the best condition.

Under the night, both territories were restless in the darkness.



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