Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 79: Battle 1


Although the kobolds retreated, Richard had no intention of letting them go easily. Mosquitoes, no matter how small they are, are still meat.

Just as the tide of kobolds receded, a gap opened up in the coalition formation.

More than three hundred cavalrymen swarmed out of the formation. These cavalrymen were only men wearing armor and their horses were unarmored. I am afraid that the formation was not very useful for charging the ogres, but it was used to chase a group of retreating ogres. The devil is definitely more than enough.

The rumble of horse hooves sounded from behind the kobold. Although the kobold ran faster than ordinary human infantry, there was no way he could outrun the war horse.

Soon the coalition cavalry caught up with the group of kobolds who exposed their backs to them,

Encountering a cavalry charge from behind during the retreat would be a disaster for any army, let alone this group of kobolds with an average height of less than 1.3 meters.

No matter how courageous he had been before, in less than a minute after being stepped into the team by the cavalry, the kobolds completely collapsed and fled in all directions.

The cavalry mechanically trampled their horses and harvested with their swords, without encountering any resistance. They chased the ogre until they were less than 300 meters away before reining in their horses and turning back.

After the cavalry chased them one after another, less than 500 of the more than 2,000 kobolds who went out to the battle were able to return alive. This kind of casualty rate, even if the kobolds are not afraid of death, they will be frightened. Guts, it will be difficult to launch another attack in a short time.

“These dwarfs are really useless!”

Lutz didn’t feel much anger when he saw the defeated kobolds. Even if he was a little bit angry, it was only because the kobolds’ defeat slightly cost him some face, not because of the kobolds’ casualties.

This has boosted the morale of the coalition forces a lot. Although the kobolds were not beaten in the first place, they still won a victory.

But everyone understands that the real battle has not yet begun, and it is not a real battle until those two-meter-plus big guys join the fight.

“Follow me!”

After Lutz realized that there was no point in using kobolds for too many tests, he waved the mace in his hand and prepared to lead the ogre directly into the battle.

In his opinion, two to three thousand human warriors are not worthy of his many careful tests,

His choice is to go directly to A,

“Let the kobolds follow us and let them rush in after we break through the human formation.”

This is not because Lutz suddenly became kind-hearted, but he found that there was no point in using kobolds to charge into the battle, and he was just giving away heads.

If we wait for the ogre warriors to disrupt the human formation and then let the kobolds come in, it will cause more trouble for the humans.

Lutz is wearing a heavy armor, and even his head is completely hidden under the metal protection, leaving only a small gap on his face for sight,

This giant-like height of 2.5 meters, coupled with the heavy armor all over his body, can cause the earth to tremble every time he takes a step forward,

This slow pressure is much greater than the charge of thousands of kobolds, not to mention the dozens of ogre warriors also wearing iron armor behind Lutz.

If Richard hadn’t led the troops to suppress the formation, all the nobles would have had to flee with their men just by relying on this group of armored ogre warriors and Lutz at the head.

The ogre looked bulky and walked slowly, but the actual speed was not slow. He soon reached a distance of less than 500 steps.

“Bed crossbow ready!”

At the rear of the coalition forces, several heavy crossbows were ready to go.

These bed crossbows were brought by various noble families themselves. They look very bulky and are only brought here in plain areas like this.

For the sake of marching faster, Richard did not bring the bear hunting crossbow, but asked most of the flying bear army following behind to bring it, which was of no use at this time.


When the ogre comes within three hundred steps, the flag is waved.

The warrior guarding the crossbow swung his battle ax and cut the rope that stretched the bow, and several giant arrows nearly two meters long shot out towards the ogre.

Then, several surrounding soldiers began to work together to reload the crossbow bolts,

Except for the bear-hunting crossbow that Richard opened with Goldfinger, the bed crossbows of this era were more intimidating than practical, and should more often be used lying on the castle as a defensive weapon.

These bulky big guys are difficult to load. In many cases, they only have one chance to launch, which cannot cause too many casualties, and their accuracy is also very limited.

The real effect is not to cause direct casualties to the enemy, but the tragic situation caused by hitting the body, which can cause a great visual impact to the enemy.

On the other side, several huge arrows shot out have fallen into the ogre formation, two of which were so far away that they stuck on the ground.

One of them was lucky and ran straight towards Lutz’s door.

Although Lutz looked bulky, his reaction was not slow. With a wave of the mace in his hand, he took the giant arrow away from the direction.

Even an ogre warrior who is heavily armored and thick-skinned would not dare to catch such a two-meter giant arrow.

You can only block it with the weapons in your hands.


Although Lutz reacted quickly and was able to swing the giant arrow away, the ordinary ogre warriors around him did not have this strength.

A giant arrow directly shot an ogre warrior through his body and armor,

However, this giant arrow, which could have shot through several people like a candied haws on a stick, lost power and fell to the ground after shooting an ogre warrior, without causing any further damage.

This round of crossbow shooting did not hinder the ogre at all, and the ogre continued to quickly approach the coalition forces.

The soldiers with better eyesight in the front row could even see the ogre’s ferocious facial features clearly, and some of the auxiliary soldiers’ hands holding weapons even began to tremble slightly.

There is no way. Ordinary soldiers will be frightened when faced with this kind of monster that comes with heavy troops and comes like a mountain.


Lutz blocked another arrow that was shot at him. When the ogre entered a hundred steps away, Richard ordered the marksmen to start shooting freely.

But the damage caused by the sharpshooter this time was far less obvious than the previous elimination of the other two ogre tribes.

Except for the leader, almost all the ogres they faced before were unarmored units.

This time, almost all the ogre warriors in the front row were wearing heavy armor,

Even with the bonus of Richard’s offensive skills, the marksman’s attacks are somewhat powerless against these ogre warriors wearing heavy iron armor in the front row,

The shooting target can only be transferred to the unprotected lower bodies of the ogres. Although damaging their lower limbs has no fatal effect, it can also hinder the ogres’ movements and even make some ogres incapacitated.

After two rounds of shooting from the sharpshooter, the ogre still fell nearly ten people.

The ogres led by Lutz also entered the attack range of the coalition archers,

At a distance of fifty steps, a shower of arrows was thrown. The density of the arrows was much greater than that of the marksmen, but the hundreds of arrows were far less powerful than the marksmen’s damage to the ogres. damage,

Looking carefully, after a hail of arrows, none of the ogres fell down, and only dozens of kobolds were hurt.



The ogres are getting closer and closer, and the spearmen in the front row boost their courage by shouting to kill…


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