Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 78: Contact


“Lord Lutz, the kobolds discovered the human army marching towards us twenty miles away.”

In the ogre camp, an ogre warrior is reporting the movements of the coalition forces to the leader Lutz,

In fact, even in the era of cold weapons, the distance between the two armies was almost close to each other,

However, after all, the ogre tribe does not have any professional reconnaissance troops. It only has very primitive reconnaissance methods. It is normal to find it so late. At least at this distance, there is still time to be vigilant and prepare for battle.

The coalition forces have already detected the movements of the ogre tribe, and Richard has locked the location of the ogre tribe from the beginning.

“How many humans are there?”

“There are two to three thousand people.”

The number of troops on the plains is difficult to hide from the other side’s detection. Even unprofessional scouts like kobolds have roughly estimated the number of coalition troops.

“Only two or three thousand? Are they tired of living?”

After hearing this, Luz felt a little incredible. According to his common sense, one ogre warrior can defeat at least ten human soldiers.

For a medium-sized tribe like his, with thousands of kobold vassals, it would take at least half a legion of people to dare to attack them,

There were only two to three thousand people here, but no matter how you looked at them, they looked like they were here to die.

“Gather your troops, we are not waiting here anymore, we are ready to fight!”

After learning that the coalition army only numbered two to three thousand, Lutz decided to take the initiative to eliminate this human army that dared to challenge him.

“Master leader, are you being deceitful? These humans are the most treacherous.”

One of the ogre warriors led by Luz had some doubts.

“Regardless of whether he is cheating or not, there is no way to hide people on this plain. With just two to three thousand humans, our warriors are still scared.”

“Unless there are dozens of knights in this human army.”

When Luz said this, he smiled. If there are dozens of knights in the two to three thousand human army, then they can still get here?

“Get ready to attack!”


When Lutz confirmed the order, the ogre warriors at the head did not dare to question it any more, and the entire ogre tribe and kobold vassals began to move.


“Get ready to meet the enemy!”

The movements of the ogre tribe were clearly observed by Richard through the griffon,

As Richard issued the order, the entire team changed from a marching formation to a combat formation,

According to the previous arrangement, the armies of several nobles were distributed on both wings, and the system army under Richard was placed at the arrow position in the center.

It makes no sense to put the armies of several nobles in front. On the contrary, they will easily collapse when facing the ogres.

Although the system army currently led by Richard will not be affected by the collapse of friendly forces,

But the alliance of several other nobles is also a supplement to their combat power. At least they can fight smoothly, and there is no need to use them as cannon fodder.

Soon after the coalition forces were reorganized, the kobold vanguard came into the coalition’s sight. These kobolds were crowded together.

Ordinary people may be a little scared after seeing this, but the nobles and soldiers whose territories are adjacent to the wilderness have had some contact with kobolds and know the quality of kobolds.

Faced with these densely packed kobolds, the entire coalition army was almost unwavering, and the real threat was yet to come.

Finally, the kobolds came to a stop two or three miles away from the coalition forces.

The tall and ugly ogre appeared in everyone’s sight.

No different from the two ogres we killed before,

Ruzi’s tribal warriors already have a basic formation. In addition to Ruzi himself and two other ogre warriors, there are nearly dozens of elite ogre warriors wearing iron armor.

Although this armor is crudely made, some of the joints even look ridiculous. If this kind of craftsmanship appeared in Richard’s ordnance factory, Richard would immediately have to take the armor-making craftsmen out and chop them off,

But the appearance of ogres is progress from scratch. In the past, only ogre warriors who were equal to knights in a tribe had the opportunity to wear half-armor. Now this medium-sized tribe can have dozens of them. Armored.

Although the quality of these armors is poor, ogres are powerful and can bear greater weight. These armors are much thicker than ordinary human armors.

Although the appearance is a bit ugly, its protective capabilities are not bad at all.

Without the reinforcements led by Richard, Lutz and these dozens of armored ogre warriors would probably be able to overwhelm the coalition forces.

After all, a big man who is more than two meters tall and wears armor nearly half a finger thick will look like a battlefield bulldozer when he appears on the cold weapon battlefield.

When they appear on the battlefield in groups, if they are not restrained by strong men, they will be a nightmare in front of ordinary soldiers.

After these ogre warriors appeared, the lords of each family looked surprised and even a little scared,

Only Richard and Ron looked normal. Richard had confidence in the Crusaders under his command, let alone Ron. They had fought against creatures several times more terrifying than this one on the battlefield. This point The armored ogre can only be considered a small scene.

“Lord Lutz, humans have stopped ahead.”

The ogres did not launch a direct attack, but also stopped a mile away to observe.

“Let the kobolds go up and test it.”


Anyway, the life of the kobold is not valuable in Lutz’s eyes. He grabbed a handful of these things in the wilderness and sent them up to see if he could test the depth of the humans on the other side.

Soon, a small group of kobolds separated and rushed towards the coalition forces.

These little things, only 1.23 meters tall, have courage that is difficult for Richard to understand.

Armed with wooden sticks and polished stones, they dared to charge towards the well-equipped and tightly formed coalition forces.

Even if he didn’t understand, Richard quickly issued the order to fight.

“Archers prepare!”

“One hundred steps, eighty steps, fifty steps”

“Let it go!”

A hail of arrows flew out from the coalition side, and there was a sudden howl from the kobold camp.

Although arrows are not lethal enough against ogres, they are not very effective against kobolds. Nearly a hundred kobolds were lying on the ground in one round of arrow rain.

But the kobolds are indeed a species with fascinating courage. Two rounds of arrow rain did not stop the kobolds from charging.

Soon the kobolds rushed to the coalition formation,

Just before and after arriving at the coalition formation, the kobolds faced a more embarrassing situation,

The pikemen in the front row of the human coalition stabbed the kobolds to death like rags, and the weapons in the kobolds’ hands couldn’t even reach the humans in front of them.

Fortunately, a few kobolds got through the spear formation, and before they could attack, they were chopped down to the ground by the sword and shield wielders who had been preparing for a long time.

While the kobolds suffered heavy losses, they barely caused significant damage to the coalition forces.

Soon, a strange whimpering sound came from the ogre formation, and the kobolds that had not yet rushed into the coalition formation began to retreat in response,

Although Lutz does not begrudge the life of the kobold, he does not want the kobold to be wasted in this way. Such a completely meaningless death is not the use of cannon fodder.



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