Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 77: Assembly


The shoal is a flat land on the edge of Bande Ling, formed by the impact of the Xiaoling River.

At this time, the shoal seemed a bit noisy. Several noble families and more than a thousand people gathered here to form an alliance.

If Richard hadn’t had requirements for the quality of the army, perhaps these nobles could have attracted more people. Anyway, the most worthless ones are these peasant soldiers,

If it were in the past, these people would not be so honest and generous in bringing out their own armored elites to join the battle. At least two-thirds of the peasants and soldiers would have to be mixed in to make up the number.

But now the ogres have come to their doorsteps. Although they have not yet besieged their castles, from time to time news comes that a certain noble family’s castle has been breached and their entire family has been killed, causing the nobles to panic.

If they could run away, it is estimated that this group of people could run away half of it, but the territory and castle are the foundation of every noble family, and no one is willing to give up, so they have no choice but to work hard,

After all, they were willing to bleed a lot and call for reinforcements, and they were no brainless misers. When it came time to go all out, no one was hiding anymore, and they all pulled out the family wealth.

“What the **** are the Hunter family and the Bender family doing? The agreed time has passed, and it’s really a big deal to have so many of us waiting here in vain.”

Richard first led the army to eliminate an ogre tribe and was delayed for some time. He did not arrive on time, which made the nobles who arrived early became impatient.

“Don’t speak for a while. Just talk about the Bender family. There are more than 20 knights coming to the Hunter family. Don’t make them unhappy, and then turn around and leave.”

“It’s harmful, I’ll just tell you.”

As soon as he heard the reminder from the side, especially when he heard that more than 20 knights had arrived from the Hunter family, he immediately put his temper back and replied somewhat bitterly.

“Coming, coming!”

While the nobles were waiting impatiently, an army finally appeared on the edge.

When the army got closer, the gathered nobles discovered that many people in the army still had some dirt and blood on their armor and swords.

It looks like it has just experienced a war, and it is an army that has won the battle,

Although the coalition forces of the Hunter family and the Band family did not take long to reorganize themselves after annihilating Nuer’s tribe, they rushed to the shoal after a short period of reorganization, and their military appearance was somewhat uneven.

But anyone with a discerning eye can tell by looking at the high momentum of this army that this is an army that has just won a battle,

What’s more, there are some ferocious ogre heads hanging on the horses of the front row cavalry, which is even more frightening.

While the nobles from the Fifth War Zone were observing the troops under Richard’s command, Richard, who was sitting on his horse, also took a look at the coalition forces in front of him.

The most eye-catching ones were the various flags embroidered with clan emblems that he couldn’t understand. Compared with these strange clan emblems, the three-ya clan emblem of the Hunter family that Richard originally criticized was useless. It looks a lot better,

At least it can be seen that they are three sharp arrows, which goes well with the Hunter family’s status as an Orion.

From Richard’s cursory observation, the quality of this coalition army was barely qualified. At least everyone wore armor, and the auxiliary soldiers also wore leather armor.

The team is a little confused, but after all, there was no unified command before, so the confusion is excusable.

“Baron Bender, what is this?”

While Richard was observing, several lords had already approached him, but they didn’t recognize him, so they started talking to Baron Bender.

“This is Lord Richard, he is leading the army to help this time.”

Richard didn’t put on any airs, got off his horse and started chatting with everyone,

Speaking of which, among these people, he is just a white man without a title.

“We killed a tribe of ogres on the way, which delayed us for a while. Please don’t blame us.”

Richard said this calmly, as if annihilating a tribe of ogres was a small matter, and he wiped them out easily.

But the nobles present had their heads nearly blown off by the ogre before. Richard could be regarded as showing his strength in front of each family in this way, dispelling their doubts and being able to eliminate them so quickly. An ogre tribe, even if it doesn’t have the twenty-odd knights mentioned by the Bender family, should have about ten.

After everyone reacted, they complimented Richard. Now his strength is more convincing than his title.

Richard was almost immune to such compliments, and after a few words, he started talking about business.

“A snake cannot survive without a head. All coalition forces must have a unified command when they come together. Otherwise, how can a scattered army fight against the ogres.”

“What Lord Richard is saying is that I think Lord Richard must be the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces.”

As soon as Richard finished speaking, Baron Band stood up and answered.

“I also think that Lord Richard must be the commander-in-chief of this coalition.”


Although the surrounding nobles were a few steps slower, they also expressed their opinions. Richard’s question was meant to give face,

With the strength of Richard’s men, no one really has any idea about the position of commander-in-chief.

After successfully confirming the position of commander, Richard chose to rest in place for a day and carried out a simple integration of various armies.

Counting Baron Bender’s troops, there are five knights from five noble families, more than 30 quasi-knights, and 800 professional soldiers with strong combat capabilities, of which almost 300 are cavalry.

There are also a thousand auxiliary soldiers with good quality, which is basically the limit of what each family can draw.

Richard stayed in the shoal for a day and unified the most basic orders. Being able to do this in one day also benefited from the cooperation of everyone.

Of course, we can only unify the basic orders in one day. Let alone be able to wield them like a system army, even if we want to order and prohibit like the Flying Bear Army, we can’t do it without two or three months of training.

Early on the next morning, the coalition forces set off towards the last ogre tribe in the fifth war zone,

Compared with the few hundred people when Richard set out from Ironwood Fort, the current coalition team has expanded to more than 2,000 people. Although the quality of the team has dropped a lot, the morale is still high.

In order to boost morale, the news of the first two major victories and the nearly thirty knights in the team were widely publicized among ordinary soldiers,

It gave ordinary soldiers some peace of mind. At least it made them feel that the ogres were not invincible and that their own side was powerful.


In the ogre camp dozens of miles away, several positive ogres with obviously higher status gathered in the tent and talked about something

“Master Chief, there must have been an accident with Bruce and Nuer. The human movement here is very abnormal.”

This tribe is obviously a level stronger than the tribes of Nuer and Bruce, and of course the damage caused is much more serious than the other two tribes,

With nearly a thousand followers, and five or six thousand kobold vassals, a few villages could not satisfy their appetite, and the area of ​​dozens of miles was almost turned into a white field.

There are three ogre warriors in the tribe, and their leader Lutz’s strength has reached the critical point from ogre warrior to chief.

This tribe alone could not be defeated without several lords around Richard put together.

Originally, Lutz felt that the nearby humans were not to be feared. The Bruce and Nuer tribes lost contact one after another, and the unusual movements of the surrounding humans still made him a little wary.

“Contact other tribes further away, send the kobolds farther away, pay attention to the dynamics of the humans around you, and let the soldiers be more vigilant.”


The other two ogre warriors responded,

At this time, Lutz still didn’t think about escaping. After all, the intelligence gap was too big. Lutz didn’t understand the coalition forces, or how powerful Richard was.

Having absolute confidence in the strength of his tribe, he never thought of fleeing and missed the best opportunity to evacuate.

At this time, several griffins were circling high in the sky of the ogre camp, and Richard had already locked the location of the ogre tribe…


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