Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 74: Thunder means






Sander has always only listened to Lint’s orders. In his eyes, these senators named Lanster are not much different from passers-by on the street.

After hearing Lint’s order, Sander pulled out his sword with a clang and strode forward.

“Bold! Lin Te, what do you mean? This is the Council of Elders, and they are all your elders!”

Fury was threatening, but he was not slow in his actions.

Quickly drew out the sword and assumed a fighting stance, and at the same time ignited the snow-colored fighting spirit of the Lanster family,

The movements are done in one go, and it feels a bit like getting stronger with age.

Sander’s movements came faster, and the long sword with cyan fighting spirit was cut from the top,

Although Fury is old, he has rich combat experience. He immediately held his sword to block, preparing to block this menacing sword.

Fury never thought about defeating Xander alone after Xander took action,

As long as he survives a few attacks, the elders below will be able to react, and there is no way they can continue to let Lin Te and Sander run wild here.

But as soon as the two long swords came into contact, Fury realized something was wrong, and a crushing force came from the blades.

Sander flipped the sword and swung it, and the sword in Fury’s hand flew away.

“Great Knight!”

Fury’s expression has changed from calm to frightened. Let alone survive a few attacks, he will be in danger of surviving the next one.

Besides, the Senate does not have the combat power of a great knight, so no one can stop Sander from killing him.

“Wait! We can talk more.”

Fury was scared. He had never thought that this follower who had been with Lint for many years would actually have the strength of a great knight.

Had he known it, he wouldn’t have dared to jump out, at least he wouldn’t have dared to jump so blatantly. Now he can only think of a way to make Sander stop and save his life.

However, Sander has no intention of stopping at all. Without Lint speaking, Sander will never stop until he kills Fury.

After knocking the weapon from Fury’s hand, Sander’s sword struck Fury’s neck without any hindrance,

The long sword attached to the great knight’s fighting spirit broke through Fury’s skin like tofu and severed the arterial trachea,

A head fell into the middle of the venue, and blood splattered everywhere.

Some of the elders sitting in the front row couldn’t dodge and were spattered with blood, looking particularly embarrassed.

After Fury’s head rolled around on the ground, the entire venue was silent. No one thought that Lint’s men actually had the strength of a knight,

When they think about it, even if Lin Te has good management skills and some strength in his hands, he can only survive a few knights. If there are only a few knights, the Elder Council will still have the confidence to suppress them.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the Linte card was revealed, a king exploded. This normally inconspicuous Xander turned out to be a strong knight-level man, and he killed the most popular Fury elder in the first place.

Looking at how quickly Xander cut off Fury, I am afraid that he is not only at the level of a new knight, but at least the strength of a senior knight.

The atmosphere at the venue was a bit depressing, and the elders who were filled with indignation just now did not even dare to move.

“Is there anyone else who wants to take over Piaoxue City?”

As Lin Te spoke, he glanced at the venue. The elders he was eyeing shook their heads hurriedly, fearing that he would be the next one to be killed.

Seeing that the elders did not dare to speak, Linte continued to speak

“I understand the feelings of the elders who want to contribute to Piaoxue City in this critical moment,

If you want to do something, just tell me. It’s not like I won’t give you a chance. ”

Lint’s words made the elders in the meeting hall look at each other,

Fury’s head is still on the ground and no one has taken care of it. His eyes are still open. What are you telling us?

“Everyone, follow Sander to report to the Fifth Army now. After that, Sander will be temporarily in command, and you will be put to good use soon.”


The elders are not stupid either. This is obviously to drag them onto the battlefield to fight for their lives. Although those who can be elders have knight-level strength,

But after all, after relying on the family for so many years, who wants to go to the battlefield again.

“Oh? Is there anyone who doesn’t want to? Anyone who has an opinion can come forward now.”

Although Lin Te’s words were calm, Sander stood behind Lin Te and glared at the elders very cooperatively.

The elder who just wanted to muster up the courage to say something suddenly shrank back again. The blood on Sander’s sword had not yet been wiped off.

The elders hesitated for a long time, but in the end no one dared to stand up.

“It seems that everyone is willing to fight for me in Piaoxue City again. They are worthy of being the elders of my Lanster family.”

“Sander, take them to the camp of the Fifth Army first and tell the commander of the Fifth Army,

These Lanster family elders voluntarily joined the fifth legion, vowing to shed their last drop of blood for Piaoxue City. If anyone dared to run away during the process, they would be punished as deserters. ”

Well, as soon as you put on this high hat and get a military membership, things will be decided for Lint,

The Fifth Legion definitely wants this kind of thing. Although this group of people is a little older and no longer in peak condition, they still have about ten knight-level combat capabilities, which can just make up for the lack of high-end combat power in the Fifth Legion.

It depends on whether the commander of the fifth legion dares to accept it,

However, Lin Te expected that Ou Ze would accept them and would not let any of them go. Ou Ze was a fence-sitter,

At this time, the struggle between the two sides has clearly decided the winner. Ou Ze is not Lanster, so it is impossible for him to lead the Fifth Army to establish his own business.

There is no other choice but to go to Lint’s side.

“Everyone, please.”

Lint stood still, and Sander made a gesture to signal the elders to set off.


As the first elder couldn’t stand Sander’s gaze and left, the remaining elders also walked towards the fifth legion station one after another,

Sander followed the team at the end and wanted to personally crush them into Ozer’s hands.


“Ask for help from the valley?”

Lin Te was alone and laughed when he thought about the methods of resolving the difficulties that these seniors had just heard.

There is no problem in asking for help from the royal capital. Although the royal territory is thousands of miles away from the Northland, the kingdom still has five dragon knights who control the country. For the dragon knights, this thousand-mile distance can be reached in less than a day. ,

As long as we can send a cavalry, it will be of great help to solve the current predicament in the Northland,

But asking for help from the River Valley is a fool’s errand. The nobles in the River Valley are more like merchants. In addition to trying to maintain the training of knights in each generation, they have long forgotten all the skills of fighting, and their weapons are so lax. , but the ability to have fun is not inferior to that of the nobles in the royal capital.

The soldiers of each family may not necessarily have the peasant soldiers of some lords in the North to fight,

It’s simply unreliable to ask them to send troops. If they invite a bunch of pig teammates, Lint won’t be bothered to serve them.

Even if everyone hadn’t belonged to the Golden Dragon Kingdom, Lin Te would have wanted to send troops first to steal their votes…

You still have to prepare with both hands. If the royal capital cannot send out dragon knights, it can only buy supplies from the river valley at high prices and unite all the lords in the north to curb the ogres’ eastward advance. .



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