Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 73: Elders Council


The elders of the Lanster family have always been senior knight-level men. These elders are generally elders of various generations.

The Council of Elders is also the forum for these elders to discuss matters. In normal times, some conflicts of interest among various factions are mainly mediated through the deliberations of the Council of Elders.

After all, the Lanster family is a Hou family that has been passed down for hundreds of years. It is said that once you enter the Hou family, it is as deep as the sea.

The seemingly peaceful Lanster House actually has complex relationships, entangled interests, and constant overt and covert fights. It is far from as simple as the Hunter family.

Originally, the power of city management and the army was in the hands of the main family, that is, the Marquis Wade, who was very powerful.

The Council of Elders is only used for coordination and persuasion and does not have much real power. Now it wants to hold a meeting to decide on the management of Piaoxue City and other matters.

This is actually a naked attempt to seize power, and the power is still in Lin Te’s hands,

When Marquis Wade went on the expedition, he gave all the authority to manage the city to Lint, but because Lint was not a knight, he could not be directly appointed as the city lord.

Because Marquis Wade himself has the strength of a peak knight and firmly controls the Jingbei Army, no one in Piaoxue City dares to defy his will, at least no one dares to confront him openly.

With the endorsement of Marquis Wade, Lin Te can naturally act as the acting city lord of Piaoxue City,

But now the Jingbei Army was defeated in the wilderness, and Marquis Wade was besieged in Fort Hull,

In Marquis Wade’s lineage, the eldest and second two knight-level warriors have gone with the army and they don’t know whether they are alive or dead. The third is just a quasi-knight for the time being.

As for Lint, not to mention, I am afraid that even an ordinary soldier cannot be defeated. Now that there is no knight in Marquis Wade’s lineage, it is no wonder that some people are starting to become more active.

“Is my power so easy to take away?”

Understanding is understanding, but Lin Te is by no means a fat person. Because he has not been able to practice since he was a child, Lin Te is actually more retributive than others,

He has never shown any weakness to be bullied. From childhood to adulthood, anyone who dared to bully him was dealt with by Lin Te until he had to beg for mercy. This time he dared to take advantage of the chaos and seize power, and he had to give it to these old people. Guys are taught a profound lesson.


Lint’s residence was not far from the Senate Chamber. They were both in the same area, and he arrived outside the Senate chamber not long after.

The guard outside the door saw that the person coming was Lin Te, but he did not dare to stop him. He allowed Lin Te and Sander to enter the courtyard and arrived at the door of the meeting.

Just as the two were about to enter the meeting hall, several people were talking in the hall. Lint heard the commotion and waved his hand to Sander, signaling him to stop and not go in.

“The letter for help sent to the royal capital has not yet received a reply.”

“The royal capital is too far away. Even if we use Wind Bird to deliver the letter, it will take two days. We will have to wait at least several more days for the royal capital to discuss the countermeasures.”

“Then wait for the news.”

“We can’t keep waiting for news from the royal capital. Water far away cannot quench our thirst nearby, so we should send people to the river valley.”

“Well, this is the right thing to do. We will send people to the river valley to ask for help later.”

The person presiding over the meeting was not familiar with Lin Te, but he also recognized that he was an old man from the third room, named Fury. In terms of seniority, this man was a generation higher than Marquis Wade.

When I was young, I had the peak strength of a knight. Now that I am old and have some injuries, my strength is naturally not as good as before.

Although his strength has declined, his heart has always been fiery. He has been making small moves over the years, trying to gain some benefits.

Although Marquis Wade was a little bored, considering that his surname was Lanster and that he did not pose any substantial threat, he did not deal with him harshly.

I didn’t expect him to jump so high this time, and connected with many branch elders to seize power.

“What did Ozer of the Fifth Legion say?”

Ou Ze is the commander of the Fifth Army. Not long after the formation of the Fifth Army, its strength in all aspects is inferior. Even the commander of the army, Ou Ze, only has the peak strength of a knight. He is the only one among the commanders of the Jingbei Army who has no A man of great knight strength,

Marquis Wade considered that the fifth legion was not strong enough and Piaoxue City could not be without any defense, so he left the fifth legion to guard Piaoxue City to deal with some unexpected situations.

But now the fifth legion, which was originally the weakest, has become the only regular army in Piaoxue City. In a sense, it has the ability to influence the situation in Piaoxue City.

“Ou Ze has not expressed support for us, but he has not opposed it either.”

“Then ignore him, go inform Lint and tell him the resolution of the Council of Elders.”

Ou Ze’s behavior is obviously that he wants to be a fence-sitter,

But Fury doesn’t care. In Fury’s mind, as long as Ozai can help each other without the support of the army,

Just because Lin Te is a loser who cannot practice, there will be no other result than surrendering in front of the elders meeting. The dozen elders sitting here have the combat power of a dozen knights,

What did Lint use to resist the Elder Council?

“No need to shout!”

At this time, Lint pushed open the door of the conference hall and strode in.

Sander followed closely beside Lint, and after entering the venue, he stared at the elders in the field.

“I wonder what Senator Fury wants from me.”

Lint looked directly at Fury and asked,

Under Lint’s sharp gaze, Fury felt guilty for a moment,

But Fury soon reacted,

Lin Te is obviously just a loser who cannot cultivate, so he is afraid of what he will do.

Immediately, Fury regained his momentum and said in a rather strong tone:

“The Elders Council has just passed a collective resolution, and the next affairs of Piaoxue City will be taken over by the Elders Council,

Calling you over is just to inform you, and you don’t have to worry about what happens next. ”

“Oh? The Marquis ordered me to fully manage the affairs of Piaoxue City when he went to war. If you want to take over Piaoxue City, have you obtained the consent of the Marquis?”

“Wade led his army to a great defeat and made a big mistake. We, the Council of Elders, must correct his mistakes now.”

In fact, regardless of defeat or defeat, if Marquis Wade had returned to Piaoxue City, Fury would not dare to pursue the fault of Marquis Wade if he had the courage to do so.

However, now that Marquis Wade is trapped in Fort Hel, and it is not certain whether he can come back, Fury speaks a lot more forcefully.

“The top priority right now is to strengthen the defense of Piaoxue City.”

Senior Fury changed the topic and turned to the defense of Piaoxue City.

In fact, the most important thing to consider now is how to relieve the siege of Fort Hull and rescue the trapped remnants of the army and Marquis Wade,

As for the defense of Piaoxue City?

With the ogre’s ability to attack fortresses, as long as both of Grugesh’s heads don’t go wrong together, he won’t try to attack a fortified city like Piaoxue City.

And when Fury said this, he obviously wanted to directly abandon the tens of thousands of remaining troops trapped in Fort Hel,

For the sake of power, Lanster’s own family could ignore the overall situation to such an extent, which indeed refreshed Lint’s understanding of shamelessness and selfishness.

Shaking his head helplessly, Linte asked again: “What if I don’t hand it over?”

“That’s not up to you. If you don’t hand it over, you won’t be able to leave this hall today.”

“That’s what you mean too?”

Lint looked around at the elders in the field. The elders were silent and didn’t talk to each other. They obviously acquiesced, but they really couldn’t be as shameless as Fury.

“Just hand it over. After all, you are not even a knight. You can’t convince the public by running Snow City with an illegitimate name.”

Other elders at the venue persuaded him.

Fury stared at Lint with some pride. Although he did not arrange any ambush, his knight alone was enough to make Lint submit.


Lin Te sighed quietly and then said,

“What a pity…”


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