Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 706: The Dawn of Empire


The rising sun dispelled the haze of the earth, and the golden light awakened the golden dragons from their slumber.

Time heals all traces. In just a few years, the Golden Dragon City, which was riddled with holes in a great war, has returned to its former prosperity.

Even under the regent’s new policy, today’s Golden Dragon is more prosperous than before.

The vendors have already set up their stalls. All kinds of breakfast dishes are filled with attractive aromas, and they are actively shouting to attract customers.

The coolies carrying bags on the Jinlong River were sitting in groups on the stalls, eating a large bowl of slightly oily pasta in a hurry.

Originally, the common people of Jinlongdu usually eat more solid black bread, which is difficult to eat and swallow. The only advantage is that it can be eaten as food and can fill the stomach.

However, with the re-cultivation of the central plains and the large amounts of excess grain shipped to the Golden Dragon City in the northern valleys, grain prices are becoming more affordable day by day.

The kind of black bread mixed with grass seeds, wood chips and crushed rice husks has become unpopular, and has been replaced by white bread that is a bit rough, but at least it is ground from pure wheat.

Later, I don’t know who heard about Richard’s favorite way to eat it, noodles mixed with oil.

This simple and delicious food quickly became popular in Jinlongdu.

Wealthy people use fine grain flour to make fine noodles, with large pieces of meat and some spices. Ordinary families are just like the coolies on the docks, and they can get a bowl of slightly coarser pasta with a spoonful of oil and a little salt. The same delicacies of Lord Richard.

“Bring me a beer!”

“Come on”

A dark-skinned, thick-set man ate up half a kilogram of pasta in front of him. As if he wasn’t satisfied, he asked the stall owner to bring him a glass of low-quality dark beer.


After taking two sips, the big man patted his belly and let out a long sigh of satisfaction.

“Barn, you have to go to work in a while. If you drink this glass of wine, don’t destroy the ship owner’s goods.”

The hard worker who was drinking next to him looked at the big man who drank a large glass of beer and gave a kind reminder.

But the man named Barn obviously didn’t care too much.

“You don’t understand this. I only eat half a catty of noodles without drinking any wine, and I have no strength. After drinking this glass of wine, I can carry the work of two people by myself, and the captain can’t even praise me.”

Barn is not lying about this. Baan is tall and strong, and is much stronger than the ordinary coolies who make a living on the Jinlong River. One person can carry the work of two people, but he only receives 50% more wages. Every ship owner likes him.

The workers at the same table did not persuade him, but just asked one more question:

“Barn, you are so powerful, why don’t you go to Longjun to try your luck? We are not wanted by others, but you are different. The last time the recruiting officer on the dock saw you, his eyes went straight, and he said that you should go to Longjun’s capital. There is a chance to become a soldier.”

“Hey, if you fight as a soldier, you will die.”

Barn rubbed the cup with his rough hands, smiling a little silly, not looking like he was drunk at all.

“So you are afraid of death. If people like me, I will go to the battlefield and chop off a few orc heads for Lord Richard!”

“I can’t die. My brothers starved to death a few years ago. If I die, my mother will have no one to care about me.”

“Oh, what a pity. If only Little Barn could survive this, he would be living a good life now.”

At this point, both of them suddenly fell silent for a moment, as if they both felt pity for the dead.

In the past few years, there were constant natural and man-made disasters, and many people died. Compared with this time, it was completely different. Like them, they could eat three meals a day without any additives, mixed with some meat, and put it on the first few meals. The year is simply a good life that can only be dreamed of.

“All thanks to the regent!”

The workers at the same table spoke again to break the silence.

“Hey, you don’t have to be a soldier. When the next ship carrying military supplies comes, I will help load the goods for free.”

Although I don’t want to be a soldier, I sincerely support the current regent Richard Barn. In the past, I could only make ends meet by working, let alone drinking. Being able to not go hungry is already something worthy of celebration. Anyway, I will be hungry for two days in a month.

Since the regent from the North took charge of the kingdom, he has not been hungry for a meal. In the past, he could only get enough for himself and his family after working for a day. His mother had enough to eat for three days, so much so that he dared to ask for a glass of beer after a luxurious meal.

As for the term “powerful officials”, they are usurpers.

Hey, don’t let him hear it anyway, otherwise he will have to show the other person what a fist as big as a sandbag is.

“Come on, the regent is not short of this salary.”

Hearing Barn’s childish words, the workers didn’t take it seriously. Before they could say a few more words, a burst of noise came from the distance.

“The expeditionary force is victorious!”

“The expeditionary force is victorious!”

“General Moriel captured the Orc King’s capital, and the Orc King died in battle!”

A knight carrying a flag in the distance galloped past on the straight central avenue, interrupting the chat of several coolies at the table. When the people around heard the shouts, they first got out of the way, and then they looked happy.

The galloping knight came back specifically to report his victory. The messenger on the red flame horse ran wildly for three days from Longxing Pass to the Golden Dragon City to report his victory.

Thanks to the fact that the messenger was a serious knight, his physical strength far exceeded that of an ordinary sergeant, and the red flame horse beneath him was also an extraordinary steed, he could run like this non-stop for three days.

Entering Golden Dragon City, you can still shout loudly and vigorously to announce your victory, causing a commotion in the street.

Not long after, the whole city fell into a fanatical atmosphere

Those are orcs, who have been hostile to humans for hundreds of years in a life-and-death feud. A few years ago, these guys wreaked havoc in the Central Plains. If the regent Richard hadn’t led the northern army south in time, This royal capital must have been harmed by orcs.

In the past, a regular attack by the orcs at Longxing Pass was worthy of a small celebration. This time it was a great victory that killed the king and destroyed the country. Even the calmest people would go crazy with joy in the heated atmosphere.

“Long live mankind!”

“Long live the expeditionary force!”

“Long live Lord Moriel!”

“Long live Lord Richard!”

“You can drink as much as you want today! You don’t have to pay a single dinar!”

“Molf Restaurant, we are setting up a flowing table today to celebrate the victory of the expeditionary force!”

Many owners of pubs and restaurants decided on the spot to give free meals for a day, and some wealthy young men who got mad took out the money from their bags and threw it into the air.

The owner of the flower shop did not sell flowers and directly threw the flowers in the shop to the celebrating crowd.

One street, two streets…

With the cries of the knight reporting victory, a fanatical atmosphere spread throughout the city.

Royal Palace

The knight reporting his victory rode all the way into the city without encountering any obstruction. Soon the formal document reporting his victory was handed into the main hall.

Li Cha, who was wearing regular clothes, did not show any expression of ecstasy, but just read the success report again with a smile.

He received the news that the expeditionary force had conquered the orc capital two days ago. The speed of the wind bird’s message was much faster than that of the knight Pegasus.

Besides, in his eyes, there was no suspense in this battle from the beginning.

There are hundreds of giant dragons and angels in the sky to assist in the battle, and there are even mountain-like Titans on the ground participating in the battle. High-end combat power includes existences like Gru and Moriel who stand at the top of the holy order.

Coupled with the new artillery and an experienced commander like Moriel, Richard really couldn’t think of any orcs that had any chance of making a comeback.

The history of the orcs as a civilization was ended, and their fate was decided on the day the expeditionary force set out.

However, although the destruction of the orc kingdom is a certainty in Richard’s eyes, it is also a good thing to celebrate it and boost the morale of the people.

“Call here for the third day of the national celebration to bring out all the wine from the palace and distribute some to the subjects of Jinlongdu in the city.”

The wine in the palace will definitely not be enough to be distributed to the whole city, but this is nothing more than a signal that the regent wants to celebrate with the people, and the carnival atmosphere can increase to another level of intensity.

In the palace, the nobles and ministers dispersed after congratulating each other, leaving only Richard and the Messiah wearing the crown.

After the battle in Golden Dragon City, Aragorn died, and Parley soon died of a vicious curse. Richard tried to get the archangel to use resurrection, but it had no effect.

The kind of damage that completely wipes out the soul cannot be restored by resurrection.

There was a vacancy in the position of king.

Logically speaking, the person most qualified to inherit the throne at this time is His Highness the Grand Prince who still controls the Iron Guard.

However, no reason is bigger than the knife in the hands of the Northland Army.

If the eldest prince dares to bring people here to claim the throne of the Golden Dragon, he will probably be slaughtered by the Northland Army on the way, and Richard will not be able to suppress him.

In the end, a compromise plan was worked out, with the Messiah becoming the queen, and Richard becoming the regent as the queen’s husband.

The few surviving direct bloodlines of the Charman family were also given titles and some property.

These people will not pose any threat to Richard if they stay.

This is a plan that retains the last trace of the Charman family’s affection and is acceptable to the Northland Group.

After all, neither Aragorn nor the old King Wren actually tricked Richard, but instead gave him a lot of benefits.

The Messiah, who was crowned queen, had no interest in government affairs at all. During any meeting, he just sat next to him and acted as a rubber stamp. The most he did on the throne was to watch Richard giving orders.

This made any veteran who was still loyal to the Charman family give up their last thoughts.

“This crown is really heavy. Who made the hat so high?”

When everyone retreated and only Richard was left in the hall, the dignified queen finally took off her disguise, took off the crown on her head and put it aside casually, and then crawled onto Richard’s body like a kitten.


Her blue eyes looked at Richard in confusion, her hands caressing Richard’s back, and her two feet wrapped around Richard like an octopus.

However, Richard, who had a gentle face at first, suddenly lowered his face, stretched out his hand to push the queen away, and said in a cold tone:

“Ms. Eos, this is the parliament hall of the kingdom. Please respect yourself.”

“Oh? If it doesn’t work here, can’t you just carry me to the bedroom at the back?”

Richard still remained silent.

“Why are you pretending now? Didn’t you like it very much last time?”

“That’s because I don’t know…”

“Hey, how about you try to choke me again.”

Messiah chuckled, which made Richard’s face tense up, and finally his expression changed from serious to helpless.

This matter has to start with the Messiah himself. Eos is the goddess of light that survived the elven era. She has two souls with the Messiah. Before the magic power is revived, the Messiah cannot practice and has been sleeping. .

It was only after Messiah made great progress and became a magister that he gradually woke up.

Compared to the shy Messiah, this goddess was much more bold and proactive, giving Richard a different experience, and of course, Richard soon discovered the clues.

He grabbed the other person’s neck without even putting up his pants. He let go of his hand when Messiah came back. After Messiah’s explanation, he was temporarily relieved, but he always maintained his loyalty to this existence. A certain amount of vigilance.

Seeing Richard fall into silence, the “Messiah” in front of him once again touched his hand on Richard’s handsome face and said softly:

“I and the Messiah are one, and I will not harm you in any way. If I wanted to harm you, I would have chosen to cooperate with the Lord of the Rising Sun…”

“It is okay to establish faith, but there is no need to talk about state religion.”

Before the other party finished speaking, Richard knew what she wanted and refused directly.

People compete for interests, and gods compete for faith. The gods here are not gods of rules, so they all have their own interests and demands. It is instinct to expand the source of faith.

Seeing the destruction of the Orc Kingdom, it is only a matter of time before Richard completes the conquest of intelligent life on the entire continent. A unified empire that is not inferior to the Elf Empire will be formed. How can Eos sit still and start making small moves again? Use this ambiguous relationship to establish the status of the state religion.

However, Richard is very clear-headed. In this era, it is unrealistic to be godless, but at least there must be several gods to balance it. To establish a national religion and support a behemoth, it is not to make yourself uncomfortable. .

“Based on our relationship, isn’t it better than those of the foreign gods?”

As the influence of the Northland Group expands, the faith of Asha, the Dragon of Light, and even Namtaru also expands. Even the gods in the world of Invincible Heroes are not persistent in their faith.

Eos also had some sense of crisis. She had no advantage in taking the normal path, so she wanted to find another way with Richard.

However, for Richard, his trust in Eos is not as high as the gods of Invincible Heroes. Yasha is already biased towards the Mother Goddess of Rules, and the others are also very rule-abiding, at least not in the world of Invincible Heroes. A record of meddling in the human world and enslaving living beings.

The gods in this world have a history of being very unhuman. Although Eos is not an evil god, he has done many things to interfere with mortal beings. Even if he has already slept in the same bed, Richard It is impossible to make his faith a state religion.

Seeing that the other party was not getting enough, Eos hummed a few times and stopped talking, while Richard suddenly felt the hands holding his arms tighten suddenly. He looked down and saw that the hand hanging on his body A layer of light pink spread from the neck to the entire face of Messiah, and then he whispered in a mosquito-like voice:

“How come you and Sister Eos are in a place like this…”

“Ahem, don’t get me wrong, nothing happened to us…”

“Now go to the apse to celebrate?”



South China Sea

The wind is calm, the slightest breeze is blowing tiny ripples on the sea surface, and the golden sunlight shines on the sea surface to form sparkling waves.

Haigang City, which stands in the large clam farm of the Haizu, has expanded over the years to more than ten times its original size.

A large number of immigrants from the south of the kingdom formed a port city with a population of more than 100,000 around the systematic seaport city.

The port has been expanded several times, and there are more than a dozen large ships of 10,000 tons docked at the berths of the military port.

In addition to being equipped with new-style cannons, the bases of these large ships also have thickened iron sheets to make fine compartments, making it difficult for the sea tribe to cut through the bottom of the ship.

There are also spikes hanging on the hull, which are designed to prevent ordinary Sea Tribe soldiers from climbing onto the ship.

Of course, now the Sea Clan no longer dares to attack human ships.

With the construction of Harbor City, the seventh-level unit Sea Dragon has begun to take shape. These sea dragons can even compete with the Sea Clan’s former natural enemy, the Abyss Whale. Together with the fleet on the surface and other mid-to-low-level units, they can be defeated in just a few clicks. The sea people who can take care of them have no temper.

The Hai clan made a few small moves and after several tribes were slaughtered, they became more honest.

Now in the known sea area, almost all the islands that may become clam farms have been controlled, and the important breeding areas are in the hands of humans. They cannot win a direct conflict. Apart from being honest, the sea people have no choice.

At this time, the senior leaders of the Sea Clan were standing respectfully beside General Paul, the governor of Harbor City. The original Sea King even went to the crown and was waiting aside with empty hands.

“General Paul, shall we set off today? Isn’t it a little too hasty.”

“I may not be used to living on land for a while. Can you give me some time to prepare.”

The original Sea King was discussing with the human general in front of him in an almost pleading tone.

On the first day, he was asked to meet in Harbor City, and on the second day, he was told to take him to live in Haixi City in the south of the Human Empire. He looked like a sea king, and he was forced to take him away before he had even arranged his affairs after leaving the tribe. gone.

Due to the strong intervention of humans, the authority of the Sea King in the Sea Clan has been greatly weakened. If he leaves like this, I am afraid that his control over the ethnic group will further decline. In the future, the generals of the royal court’s major bloodlines will do their own thing, and he, the Sea King, will have nothing to do with him. Influence.

In the face of Neptune’s prayer, Paul showed no mercy at all and said with a straight face:

“The order I received is to leave for Haixi City immediately.”

“As for the issue that you feel you are not used to, there is no need to worry. The Marquis Palace has been built in Haixi City, and the Magic Engineering Department has dug a large lake of 100 acres and brought running water directly from the sea into the city. If you build a mansion underwater, you will definitely be more comfortable than living in the sea.”

“Yes, thank you General Paul.”

I don’t know if the underwater mansion in Haixi City is more comfortable than the life in Haili Palace, but looking at Paul’s attitude, if he dares to refuse again, whether he can survive is a question.

“Don’t thank me, this is arranged by His Highness Richard.”

“Yes, you should thank His Highness Richard.”

When the name Richard was mentioned, a look of panic appeared on Neptune’s face, and his last little thought was immediately extinguished.

Honestly, he followed Paul onto the ship.

Dozens of sea dragons were originally not enough to make the Sea King so respectful, but when the regent Richard appeared on the sea and threw a “sun” towards the sea, the entire sea clan was boiling.

The deep sea below a thousand meters ushered in sunlight for the first time, and the seawater with a radius of hundreds of miles turned into boiling water. Countless sea people were cooked directly in the seawater.

After that, the Sea Tribe no longer had the spirit of resistance, and served humans with the same attitude they used to serve the Elf Empire.

There is no doubt that if Neptune dares to continue to fight against Harbor City now, someone will kidnap him and take him to the shore to plead guilty the next day.

The Orc Kingdom was destroyed, and the Sea Clan surrendered. Under the huge prestige, some nobles in the south who were dissatisfied with the Hunter family replacing the Charman family did not dare to make any rash moves, and sporadic small actions could hardly make any waves.

A grand celebration is approaching…




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