Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 705: Tu


“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

The fierce bombardment plowed through almost the entire Orc King. Monaya, which was originally prosperous, has become riddled with holes and a large number of buildings have been reduced to ruins.

Many orcs who have lost their homes are wandering in the ruins, trying to find some useful items or food among the remaining bricks and rubble.

A sudden burst of artillery fire brought the orcs who were just rummaging for food to the sky. The surviving orcs didn’t even bother to clean up the corpses, and were still numbly rummaging for useful supplies.

Despair has begun to spread in Monaya. There is a lack of supplies and constant artillery attacks. The city has not collapsed because of the direct hatred between orcs and humans.

Anyway, if the city is destroyed, no one in the city can survive.


Just after the fierce bombardment, an earth-shattering explosion attracted the attention of the orcs. The orcs who were closer to the southern city wall were caught off guard and their ears were bleeding.

After so many days of shelling, ordinary explosions would not attract the attention of the orcs, but this roar that shook the whole city still caused panic and uneasiness.

However, what made the orcs even more panicked was the second explosion.

Because with the sound of the second explosion, huge dust rose, and a tall city wall south of Monaya began to tilt. Finally, amid screams of exclamation, the huge wall more than 20 meters high collapsed. It was obvious that the two explosions just now destroyed the foundation of this section of the city wall.

“What a terrifying power.”

Not only the orcs were horrified, but Tal, who was organizing the orc army’s attack, was also stunned.

This kind of power is shocking even in the eyes of a sky-level expert. At least in his understanding, even if he steps further into the holy level, it is impossible to defeat such a thick city wall.

But soon, Tal reacted, waved his sword in his hand, led his Orc warriors, and rushed towards the collapsed city wall as fast as possible while the smoke and dust were still lingering.

The response of the orcs was not slow either. After the war reached this unrelenting stage, morale was almost locked.

Although the collapse of the thick city wall of more than 20 meters was extremely shocking, it was just a shock. The orcs who could still move around immediately grabbed their weapons and rushed to the gap.

The officers who reacted immediately summoned the reserve team and rushed over, and started the bloodiest fight on the ruins of the wall.



“Damn orcs, I’ve had enough of you **** for a long time!”

The battle ax shattered the armor, the long knife tore the neck guard, and the spear head pierced the eye hole.

Or maybe the warrior ignited his fighting spirit and chopped off a few heads like melons and vegetables. Then he was targeted by a strong man and fought until the light on one of them went out.

The shouts and curses were accompanied by the handover of weapons and screams. It was obvious that most of the orcs were members of the orc army not long ago, but they were not merciless in killing at this time. They seemed to be hundreds of years older than humans and orcs. The hatred is even deeper.

Blood splattered everywhere, limbs flew around, and the black and gray walls were highlighted with deep red.

As the head coach of the Orc Legion, Tarr simply fought on the front line at this time. With a slash of fighting spirit, he directly cleared the area ten meters in front of him.

Before the orc army behind them could take a few steps forward, a large number of orcs rushed forward to fill the gap. In just a few dozen minutes, the ground was covered with a layer of corpses.

However, no matter how brave the orcs are, they will inevitably begin to decline in the face of the outnumbered expeditionary force, especially after the dragons in the sky begin to ignore the heavy ballistae and dragon-hunting crossbows on the city walls.

With a breath of dragon’s breath, at least a dozen orc warriors were burned and rolled all over the ground.

As for the heavy ballistae deployed in the city, unless you are very lucky to hit the dragon’s vitals, it will take at least four or five hits to render the dragon incapacitated.

These dragon-hunting crossbows and large crossbows had already been damaged a lot by the artillery commanded by Christine. Once fired, their positions would be exposed and they would be hit by targeted attacks.

When Moriel no longer worried about the loss of high-end combat power, the terrifying strength of the expeditionary force instantly made the orcs unable to resist.

Not to mention the air, just on the ground where the collapsed city wall was, there were more than a dozen earth-level masters rushing to fight on the front line. There were even knights who jumped over the collapsed city wall and landed in the city to fight with the supporting orcs. .

At least an orc warrior with two centuries is needed to stop these masters. The two sides are completely unbalanced in terms of high-end combat power.

The reason why the orcs have been able to sustain themselves until now is not only due to humanity’s no-leaving-out extermination policy, but also because the expeditionary army is unwilling to lose too much high-end combat power.

At this time, the city wall collapsed, and the human army no longer held back, and instantly overwhelmed the orcs.

After the fierce attack of the orcs and the addition of a large number of masters, the orcs who subsequently filled the gap began to be unable to keep up with the rate of death. The corpses were spread out on a layer at the entrance of the collapsed city wall, and the vanguard had already spread into the mountain. In Naya City, many orc soldiers even excitedly slapped their armor with weapons after they invaded the orc capital.

In this city, their status was only slightly higher than that of animals. Under the oppression of pure-blooded green-skinned orcs, their lives may only be better than those of snatched human slaves.

And now, a corner of the city has been torn apart by them. They will rush into the city openly, killing and destroying to vent all the suppressed anger.

However, at the moment when the orcs rushed into Monaya through the break in the city wall, five orcs in shaman robes suddenly fell to the ground and gave them a blow to the head.

Several thin shamans jumped directly from the city wall more than 20 meters high, and the powerful impact cut the attacking orc army into two pieces.

With a dance of weapons in his hands, the orc warriors who were celebrating just now fell down in droves.

The orcs who attacked the city were also fierce soldiers, especially at this time when their momentum was like a rainbow. Seeing their comrades in the front team falling like wheat, they barely hesitated and continued to block the gap. The five orcs rushed forward.

“Ancestral Spirit!”


Facing the orcs rushing up like a tide, several orcs in shaman costumes showed no fear. One of them raised the rotten wood skeleton staff and waved it.

The speed of the orc soldiers behind them was obviously faster. The orc infantry, which had just been suppressed by a large number of orcs, began to become aggressive, and even tried to push the battle line back.

The remaining orc shamans burst out with the momentum of holy-level warriors. Before the subsequent half-orc warriors could rush up, they charged outside the city and quickly defeated several half-orc warriors. Thousands of Orcs.

Even Dutar, who was leading the charge, was knocked away in shock.

The moment he came into contact with an orc shaman, Tal felt a huge force on his weapon. He rolled more than ten meters and then hit the ground hard, breaking several bones in his body.

As Tal was knocked out by the orc shaman, the orc army, which had been attacking ferociously, finally hesitated briefly.

“Five holy-level ancestral spirits, are these the last trump cards of the orcs?”

In the distance, Moriel stood on a high platform and observed the battle in the distance. The sudden and strong counterattack of the orcs did not surprise her.

The orc kingdom that has existed for such a long time will always have a few trump cards, and now this trump card is weaker than she thought.

“Four realms of power, one barely breaks through, let me deal with them.”

Gru pulled out the scimitar from his waist and made a beautiful spin in mid-air, looking eager to try.

Several years have passed since the shocking battle in the royal capital, and Gru, who has basically restored his peak strength, still has no chance to take action.

At the level of the Holy Envy Realm, generally strong men are no longer a threat. They will massacre the orcs as soon as they take action, which really doesn’t arouse much interest.

There are only a few strong men in the same realm. Sandro was torn to pieces by the Lord of the Rising Sun last time, and he was barely resurrected with the help of his phylactery. He has not recovered yet, so it is impossible to compete with him.

Morill is also a crazy woman, she doesn’t know when to stop when she starts to take action.

Only one Lucifer can occasionally spar with each other, and he was sent to suppress the Abyss two years ago.

Gru, who felt like he was getting rusty after being inactive for too long, saw five holy orders appearing on the side of the orcs, and he was ready to take action.

Four orcs who barely stepped into the holy realm and a shaman from the realm were just enough for him to move around.

However, he did not wait for Moriel’s reply. He only saw the other party transforming into a 100-meter black dragon in front of him, flapping its wings and flying into the air.

“Leave the command to you, I’ll go meet these orcs.”


Gru had no choice but to spit, put away his scimitar and ordered:

“The Dragon Army is preparing to enter the city!”

“Send the order, only Orcs can live in the city of Monaya!”

The city wall has collapsed, and Moriel has transformed into a black dragon and directly participated in the battle. The battle has entered the final stage. In other words, the outcome of this war has been doomed from the beginning.




“Go crazy!”


“Thunder and lightning!”

On the other side, seeing the huge black dragon attacking from the air, several holy-level orc shamans immediately gave up the orc army in front of them and tried their best to deal with the black dragon in the air.

The black dragon general Moriel has been the nightmare of the orcs for the past few years. Even crying at night is not enough to describe his terror.

Tal, who was sent flying more than ten meters, also got a precious moment to breathe. He stood up tremblingly and looked into the air.

I saw a barrel-thick red lightning accurately hitting the black dragon in the air.

After the lightning came into contact with the black dragon’s body, an astonishing muffled sound erupted in the air. Just hearing the sound revealed that the blow was quite powerful.

Tal was glad that the other party didn’t hit him directly just now, but was just knocked away. Otherwise, looking at the power of the red lightning, he would have been turned into a very cooked charcoal by now.

However, this astonishing lightning struck the black dragon without any reaction, making people suspect that it was just an illusion.

Spell damage of this level is extremely threatening to ordinary saints, but hitting Moriel is like a physical tickle.

The black dragon’s scales are naturally immune to most of the magic damage, plus the huge actual damage from both sides.

The powerful energy that could turn armor into molten iron only made Moriel feel a slight numbness on her body, with almost no pause.

“Block her!”

Seeing that his strongest single attack was ineffective against Moriel, the old shaman sounded a little horrified.

After giving the order, four shamans who had also been possessed by ancestral spirits jumped up and formed an encirclement posture towards Moriel who was already near the city wall.

With the addition of multiple spells such as bloodthirsty, madness and stone skin, the speed, strength and defense capabilities of the four holy orcs have been greatly enhanced.

If four people go together, they can always contain General Black Dragon.



The orc in the lead caught up with a dragon’s breath, and the hot flames came instantly. The orc holding a battle ax tried to dodge sideways, but Moriel just tilted his head slightly, and the dragon’s breath followed suit. Direction, accurately speaking about the other party’s coverage.


Stone Skin Technique still has some effect. The dragon’s breath did not instantly turn the opponent into ashes, but allowed the opponent to survive for a few seconds under the dragon’s breath, and then died after letting out a scream.

The death of their companions did not stop the remaining three orcs from attacking. They had already put life and death aside by using the ancestral spirit possession themselves.

While Moriel was distracted by the orcs in front of her, an orc had already circled behind Moriel, and the wide-handled giant sword in his hand unleashed a dazzling fighting spirit and slashed at the dragon’s tail.


Although he hit Moriel with all his strength, what came from the sword hilt was not the silky feeling of the blade penetrating into the flesh, but a terrifying reaction force, which almost caused the weapon to escape.

The result of the battle was just a few black dragon scales that flew away.

The terrifying defense force made the attacking orcs feel desperate.

The next second, Moriel, who was in pain, swept his giant tail, and a black shadow flew out from behind Moriel like a cannonball, slamming into the solid city wall.

The powerful physique of the Holy Order and the defense bonus of Stoneskin spell play an obvious role.

Ordinary orcs could only be smashed into a pile of mud on the wall, but the holy-level orc who sneaked up on Moriel smashed a one-meter-deep hole into the solid city wall and was completely embedded in it.

“Damn it!”

“Poke her in the eye!”

The death of the orc who was shot into the city wall was not completely worthless. At least he proved that even a full-strength blow could not cause substantial damage to Moriel, so he had to start from the weak point.

The eyes are indeed one of the black dragon’s weaknesses. There is only a layer of eyelids in front of the lantern-sized eyes that are not very tough.

Even Moriel would be seriously injured if she was pierced by a spear filled with fighting spirit.

But this kind of thing is easy to think about but difficult to do.

The huge black dragon’s movements were not slow at all. The seven-meter long spear was bitten as soon as it was handed to his face.

Then a breath of dragon breath burned the broken spear to ashes along with the orcs charging towards the dragon’s face.

The last holy-level orc tried to attack from below on his abdomen, but was slapped on the ground by his claws, and pierced through his body with a hook of his sharp claws.


There was some uncomfortable green gas in the air. Soldiers from both sides around the city wall began to cover their faces and scream, and layers of armor peeled off visibly.

More than a dozen green objects flew towards Moriel, who landed at the gap in the city wall.

The last orc shaman has not given up resistance yet.


A ball of green light hit Moriel, making a sizzling corrosive sound when it came into contact with the dragon scales.

It barely penetrated the powerful dragon scales, exposing the black dragon’s not-so-fragile skin.

“Is this your domain?”

“It’s really disgusting.”

The green acid that can directly melt bones left several pitted marks on Moriel’s body.

Getting a disgusting comment.

The next second, more than a dozen **** of acid flew in. This time, Moriel, who was not restrained, did not give these disgusting things a chance to get closer.

A breath of dragon’s breath was spurted out, and the acid was covered in red dragon’s breath in mid-air. The orc shaman holding a bone staff and facing Moriel disappeared together in the dragon’s breath.

The five holy-level orcs were in Moriel’s hands for less than ten minutes.

After stretching its wings, the huge black dragon rose into the sky, and a dragon roar shook the hands and feet of many orcs below.

At the same time, this is also the final call to attack.

The recharged dragon army has already pressed forward, and together with the leading orc army, they once again rushed into the city wall of the orc capital.

This time, nothing can stop them from the city wall.

The blue and white ocean broke through the blocking dam.

Under the cold military orders, they did not accept any surrender.



“Leave no one behind!”

“Set fire! Burn them to death!”

The desperate orcs are making their final resistance relying on the buildings in the city.

But under the general trend, all resistance is in vain.

They stood in the alley and shot arrows randomly, then swarmed them and slashed them with blades.

If you hide in a house, just set it on fire to force you out, and then shoot the person on fire.

If there is a large-scale resistance, the giant dragon in the sky will pounce down, and a few mouthfuls of dragon breath will instantly kill the resisting orcs.

Because the whole city is full of enemies, the orcs, women and children will also take up arms to resist, and the troops entering the city will attack without any scruples.

The sporadic fighting lasted for more than ten days. The orc king was decapitated by Gru in the royal city, and then the fire burned for several more days.

Until half of the orc kings were defeated, there was not a single orc standing in the entire city.

For the orc kingdom with a large population, it is almost impossible to kill them all at once. Not all orcs are in the big cities. A few orcs survived the war and continued to flee north to the ice grasslands with worse conditions.

It’s just that the human army conquered cities and territories along the way, occupying settlements suitable for survival on the plateau, building cities and building roads in preparation for immigration.

Burn the shamanic temples and orc-style buildings that housed the writings.

It won’t be long before the orcs as a civilized existence will become history, and the surviving orcs will gradually become an uncivilized race like ogres and even kobolds through rounds of attacks.

A group of ferocious greenskins who can no longer pose any threat to humans…



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