Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 704: Destroy


In April, the ice and snow outside Longxi Pass gradually melted away, revealing a light blue color on the earth, a scene full of vitality.

Besides Longxi Pass, in addition to highland pastures, there is also some land that can be cultivated, but it is not as fertile as the land in the central plains.

But the orcs who have been driven outside the customs are not qualified to pick the land. It would be good to have some harvest and feed a few more people.

At this time in the past, the orcs had already begun to work, because the kingdom had declined, and the orcs working could be seen more than ten miles away from Longxi Pass.

It’s just that at this time, there are no traces of planting on the cultivated land, and no orcs can be seen for thousands of miles.

The iron gate of Longxing Pass that should have been closed opened wide, and carriages carrying baggage continued to drive out of the pass, forming a long snake on the vast land.

In the sky, groups of griffins were constantly circling, guarding against any orcs that might disturb the transport team. From time to time, giant dragons roared past, cutting off any enemy’s attempts to interfere with the baggage convoy.

Monaya, the capital of the orcs, this majestic city that has existed for five hundred years, is now facing its final test.

Outside the city, an army of more than two million humans has completed the final encirclement of the orc capital, and the last remaining living strength of the orcs has been blocked around the royal capital of Monaya.

Looking out from the nearly 30-meter-high city wall of Monaya, there are endless camps outside, densely packed with obstacles and pits, making people feel desperate just by looking at them.

Hide in a bunker under sparse artillery fire. As long as you are too unlucky, you will be fine. Wait for the small human army to press down and then rush down to engage in hand-to-hand combat. Or hide in the bunker and wait until the small human army passes by. Then pop up and attack from the front.

The hero who was proficient in crossbows was very slow to accept new things, and very slowly he changed from a crossbow and throwing cao master to an artillery master.

The first battle in which the orcs suffered a small defeat was not commanded by Moriel personally, nor was it this battle. Moriel transformed into Naya and killed two orc saints in one breath in the air. In front of them, she transformed into a battlefield licking dragon. , a person with martial ethics directly attacked the special orc warriors. A few mouthfuls of dragon breath melted at least a thousand orc warriors, leaving a very small shadow on the few orcs present.

Among the small human armies, there is only a high proportion of knight-level masters, and there is also a tubular weapon that shoots explosives.

I know how things developed like that. Since the end of seven years, the number of orc warriors has been increasing day by day. Almost every ten orc warriors have not been able to break through to the level of a warrior.

Cao Cai has many heroes at his disposal. The young masters are all at the level of famous generals, but there are only eight or seven handsome men who can perfectly control an army of millions. Caitlin and Moriel each count one, and Sandru counts one. Lu counts half.

Under the city wall of Moricha, the capital of the Orcs, the blond Orc King Haldane looked at the seemingly endless small army on the city with an intense expression.

Although Moriel let the orcs be the main attackers to bear the casualties, she definitely did not have the idea of ​​using us as cannon fodder. The necessary support will still be lacking. Now it is just a necessary loss for the siege.

“The expense of maintaining a small army of humans will inevitably consume countless amounts of food. As long as they hold on for a while, when the blizzard comes, the human army will naturally march in if the food and grass are low.”

The entire expeditionary force is filled with less than 100,000 half-orcs, because a small number of them defected from the orc kingdom, and our fighting was even colder than that of the dragon army.

The power of the artillery is great. The power of each explosion is equivalent to the power of the next bursting fireball. It would be even worse if it is directly hit by the artillery shell. The orcs on the small earth level are all either dead or disabled. Get on the field.

Once the orc king’s capital is lost, there will probably be no human immigrants to retreat immediately. If you run away, you will only become a homeless wild dog, with only a few days left to live.

Hot weapon wars are generally small army wars. The most important thing is not the formation. Once it falls into chaos, it will basically be a bad fight.

“The eighth regiment’s gun muzzle was lowered ten degrees and the position was moved ten meters back!”

Due to the sudden emergence of low-level players in the country, it was the Orcs who even proposed the idea of ​​attacking Longxing Pass again.

“Continue to retreat!”

“The city walls of Moricha are built with the softest snow rocks in the lowlands. This new human weapon is also used to attack the city walls of Moricha. Instead of risking a breakout at this time, it is better to defend to the death. Mo Licha.”

Following the low-level agitation, the orcs below the walls seem to have regained some morale.

“Vote to Cao Cai!”

When we learned that we were responsible for the first round of main attack missions, we were not afraid. Instead, we screamed and our morale dropped instead of rising.

“Without that thing, fighting would be like being a scoundrel.”

Before the order was issued, the poorly trained artillery completed the adjustment in a very short period of time.

The terrain of Moricha was already easy to defend and difficult to attack. After hundreds of years of modification and reinforcement by the orcs, the walls were more than ten meters thick in some places. The artillery at this time did not have the ability to knock down the city wall.

“Tal, let the orc army take over the main attack on the defense line surrounding Mocaocai City. You will let the magician army and artillery clear the obstacles for them.”


The hastily built bunkers themselves had many other functions besides anti-gunnery, and half of them were quickly cleared.

“Yes, villain!”

Catelyn is suitable for sitting in the south, using both suppression and pacification to pacify the old aristocratic forces that have been infiltrated by the church and are like a sieve.

In terms of the number of low-level players, it is not close to the Orc Kingdom that once controlled the small central plain in its heyday.

The front line had no time to drive away the defeated troops, but it immediately encountered extended artillery fire. By the time the small human army was suppressed, the entire orc army had not yet formed a single mass.

The bone-chilling chill seemed to have no effect on the people in the small tent. Moriel herself was wearing a skirt that looked better than any other, with her slender but muscular calves hanging diagonally under the steps.

The artillery position of the small human army moved back, and the entire Morris Cha was almost within the range of the artillery. Thousands of artillery bombarded it in turn, and Morris Cha was finally safe for a moment.

Seeing the silence of the orc generals present, Haldane continued:

The small human army should be the opponent of our own army. If there are not a few holy masters to restrain the human masters, they can always defend the territory behind them.

Cao Cai’s attitude towards the orcs was to kill them all, but he was open to the half-orcs. The appearance that is more similar to humans and the half-orc Tal who took refuge early saved our lives.

Very slowly, thousands of artillery pieces fired in unison. The deafening explosion almost covered the silence of the small army, and the diffuse white smoke quickly covered the entire battlefield.


More than half of the sparse orc rear camp was killed or wounded within ten minutes of artillery fire. The giant shield and heavy armor had no effect at all, and the remaining half of the orc warriors ran back.

He propped his head up with one hand and looked up, feeling lazily and majestic at the same time.

The splashed gravel can cause many casualties. Just that alone caused a loss of 2,800 orcs to the retreating orc army.

A head-on battle ended in a small human army chasing the orcs.

Hearing the name of General Cao Cai, all the orcs present fell into silence, and a trace of fear could not be suppressed on their faces.

Before slicing away the oncoming stone bullets with a knife, legion commander Tal continued to give orders to charge.

“Damn it! Those despicable bastards, we betrayed the kingdom!”

In a short period of time, the orcs’ red dragons fired eight rounds of stone bombs at the orcs who were clearing the bunker in the city, causing nearly a thousand casualties. Those casualties were almost not enough for the blue to retreat. The ocean ripples.

Everyone is interested in the situation at this time, and even if Mo Licha doesn’t wait until the light snow falls, even if he goes down to the city and breaks the city, it’s just a coincidence.

Traitors are more hateful than enemies.

The orcs are also fools. They were thinking of countermeasures before they were bombarded several times by sparse artillery. The kind of fortress built on the ground was not the solution they thought of before they were bombarded several times.

After several battles, the small human army relied on these thousands of pipes to easily defeat the orcs. In just a few months, the victory was completely established. At this time, the soldiers surrounded the capital of Molicha. Just a gorgeous curtain call at the end.

With Moriel’s power, the only one who could talk to Moriel in that tone outside the small tent was Gru. The other generals could only nod in agreement in front of Moriel. any objections.

“Swear to the death to defend Richard Mo!”

Blizzards in the low plains are unlikely to come in January or April. If there is a blizzard, even if the soldiers can withstand the cold, the front staff will also follow, and the snow will block all roads. By this time, the expedition team will The army really can only go back to the distance of Longxing Pass to give the orcs a chance to breathe.

And the kind of battle that slaughters a city and destroys a country is naturally more suitable for Moriel to lead the army.

In the city of Moricha, hundreds of small-sized red dragons have stopped operating.

Seeing that the tactic of luring the enemy was successful, Gru said little, and everyone’s attention shifted to how to attack the city. After all, the leader who completely destroyed the orc kingdom that time was Moriel.

Haldane was very confused at this time. The human expedition was not aimed at the destruction of the country and the annihilation of the species. Some of the land that was relatively suitable for farming was lost later. I heard that the construction of cities and settlements was completed.

“Little Kwaistin! The position where the enemy threw the red dragon has been calculated.”

“There is only one missing in the encirclement. There is a small chance that some orcs can be attracted to break out of the encirclement, which will weaken the defense force of Moricha and increase casualties. It is worth trying.”

As the flag was waved, the low-morale Orcs launched a retreat in order. Looking up from the city wall of Moricha, the densely packed Orcs in blue and white armor charged like waves. It was captured with the same force.

The simple structure of the counterweight throwing red dragon requires one or four orcs to operate, and its power is actually quite impressive.

In the evening, the cries of killing in the city gradually disappeared. In just one day, all of Morrischa’s siege positions were lost.

Only the strong city wall of Molica is still standing. Although it was hit by cannonballs, the powerful artillery is still enough to destroy the strong city wall of Molica.

“Swear to the death to defend Richard Mo!”

…Compared with the calm-looking Cao Caizhi, the generals who looked majestic and extraordinary in combat had expressions of anxiety, fear, or even confusion.

After that time, it was obvious that there was no room for our sneak attack. Under the leadership of Tal, the orc army without an absolute numerical advantage cleared the bunkers built by the orcs in the city bit by bit.

Even a warrior-level low-level player will die immediately if he is too close to the explosion point. Only those who have not reached the small earth level will have no certain resistance to that kind of weapon.

At this time, an orc general with half a broken fang spoke up, pulling Haldane out of his thoughts.

The handsome old man with the brown moustache in Kwaistin held a cigarette, a specialty of the Northland, in his mouth. He blew out a smoke ring in the time it took for a regiment to adjust hundreds of artillery pieces. Order.

“Morill has no orders, keep artillery suppression to a minimum and cover the siege!”

Although it is already April, the temperature in the eastern lowlands has always exceeded ten degrees. Morrischa is not yet a place with a pleasant climate in the lowlands, and the temperature at this time is also close to zero.

Whether he can really survive until the blizzard comes, at least Haldane must keep the people in his hands a little hopeful. A life of four deaths is always more difficult to accept than a life of ten deaths.

“Stone Machine Villain said, technology and magic, I really know what can be achieved in the past.”

Although the number of troops is not that great, the quality is still much lower due to the decrease in the proportion of warriors.

It’s enough to be crushed at the low level, but the 700,000 most elite troops are actually enemies in a head-to-head confrontation with a small human army.

Kneeling in front of him were several weak orc generals wearing low-level armor.

Except for most low-level players who could react to avoid or deflect the stone bullets, a small number of the half-beasts that were hit immediately fell to the ground and stood up.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

In the battle at Longxing Pass, ten sky-level warriors who protect the country were killed, two of the eight holy-level low-level warriors from the Orc Kingdom were killed, and only Haldane, the only one in the royal capital, was left. .

In a battle between the two sides, the small human army fired thousands of pipes and roared at the same time, blowing up the rear attackers in an instant.

At the same time, outside the human camp, pony Moriel was sitting under the main seat with a golden sword.

However, less than a year later, the new kingdom of humans suddenly launched an expedition, and the orcs’ national destiny, which was like burning oil, was immediately poured with a basin of ice water.

“Your Majesty, you must be firm! The reconnaissance wolf cavalry reported that there is no gap in the south of the encirclement, so run out before there is a chance!”

“Besides, the general leading the army opposite is General Cao Cai. How could he leave you such an obvious loophole?”

“As for his half-elf, the orcs are not willing to move at all now, so they should prepare to retreat.”

“The orcs did not make any move to break out. Facts have proved that the orcs are fools and wasted another precious day to do useful work.”

Facing the small army of orcs swarming the future, the remaining orcs emerged from the bunker.

Yuri’s artillery fire quickly overturned the Juma trap surrounded by Mo Caocai. Before more than ten rounds of artillery fire, all the defense lines placed by the orcs in the city were plowed. The old-fashioned fortifications were the same as those of Zhihu. There are some small differences.

“Let it go!”

A small number of the orcs who were captured during the war turned against Tarr’s persuasion to surrender. After a few weeks of food and equipment training, their combat effectiveness quickly recovered, and they even became one of the most capable legions.

Haldane sat in a temporary house with red eyes, unable to fall asleep listening to the rumbling sound of artillery.

Orcs are not an uncivilized race, and their level of civilization is not much higher than that of humans. Apart from artillery, in terms of war equipment, orcs are not inferior to humans. As the capital of the orc king, Moricha The various war equipment in the city are absolutely to be underestimated.

Although he was standing at a low altitude of nearly seventy meters and still a few meters away, Haldane could still clearly see the retreating troops on the city.

Waiting for Kwaistin’s order, the white muzzle roared, hundreds of artillery fired in unison, and the red dragon that had just caused trouble to the retreating orc army instantly misfired.

“Run? If Richard Mo is staying on guard, where can he go if he runs out?”

I don’t deserve half of the credit for the expeditionary force’s artillery support being so wrong.

Because Yuri had calculated his position, hundreds of stone bullets emitting white smoke were thrown at them, and they landed very accurately on the retreating orc team.

“Stay until the blizzard comes! Let these humans never come back!”

Little warriors and even lower-level masters also appeared in a spurt, including Haldane himself. In seven years, eight new holy-level masters appeared among the orcs, and they were still unable to communicate with the ancestral spirits. , more than a dozen real shamans who can perform witchcraft were born, and there was no feeling that there were so many outstanding people, and it was determined by luck.

Although the lower levels of the orcs are not as powerful as the Japanese, they feel more at ease as their national power continues to grow.

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It can spit fire from more than ten meters away, and the explosion when it lands is not a small crater. The special soldiers fall into a small piece.

Thar, a burly half-orc, took a step back and bent forward to accept the order.


Although orcs also regard half-orcs as their own.

“Your Majesty, one hundred thousand wolf cavalry are ready. Under the cover of night, I will fight to the death to protect you and break through!”

“Raise the flag! Retreat!”

No matter how brave a soldier is, he can still maintain his morale when encountering a tragic scene where he can see the enemy clearly and his comrades around him fall to pieces.


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