Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 703: Decisive Battle (End)



The entire Golden Dragon became covered with dark clouds, and the golden light from the sky could not shine through the thick clouds. The heavy rain instantly soaked the Golden Dragon that was still in the furnace just now.

The people of Jinlongdu experienced two different disasters: flood and drought in just a few hours.

In midair, the Lord of the Rising Sun lost his previous confidence. He struggled to withstand the attack of the dragon in the diffuse water vapor, looking a little embarrassed while dodging.


With a huge roar, the dragon, which was several feet longer than before, jumped out of the mist.

The thunderous body and the Lord of the Rising Sun were strong together. Dozens of electric lights lit up at the same time, illuminating the Lord of the Rising Sun in white clothes with gold trim.

“Drink, ah!”

After being hit by dozens of divine thunders, even the Lord of the Rising Sun couldn’t help but scream in pain. This was not only physical damage, but pure physical pain was completely unable to shake the will of the gods.

The divine thunder has the effect of directly damaging the divine soul. Dozens of divine thunder are enough to make some weak divine souls fly away.

The Lord of the Rising Sun would not have been hit so easily, but the thick clouds and mist had the effect of isolating divine power, not only blocking the scorching sun in mid-air, but also breaking its domain.

It also hindered his perception, causing him to fail to escape this fatal injury.


The Lord of the Rising Sun, dressed in white, fell heavily on the muddy ground after being nearly shattered by the divine thunder and lightning.

The raindrops that were originally falling around him hit him directly on the face.

Aragorn, who was standing on the remaining steps, did not relax his vigilance at all. He held his fingers and quickly recited an obscure formula.

The golden divine dragon in mid-air seemed to have received the order. The body that originally wanted to fly towards the ground stopped midway and roared at the Lord of the Rising Sun who hit the ground.

Bluish-white electric light swam on the golden scales, and then the body gradually disappeared and expanded. Finally, the size increased more than ten times, and a hundred-foot dragon made of electric light formed in the air.

The rain was pouring down, the clouds were like a cover, and the thunderstorms were so dense that they almost overlapped.

After this disaster, the entire Golden Dragon may suffer heavy losses.

However, at this time, a mere king’s capital was no longer the focus of everyone’s attention. Only the thunder dragon hundreds of feet tall in the air was seen taking shape and pounced towards the Lord of the Rising Sun who had landed on the ground.

The Lord of the Rising Sun, who had been severely injured, seemed to sense the danger and struggled to get up and try to escape.

However, the thunder dragon in the sky seems to be huge and clumsy, but when it moves, it is as fast as lightning.

It fell to the ground in just an instant.

If it were at its peak, the Lord of the Rising Sun would still have a chance to escape, but he had already been injured, and he was in a field similar to a thunderstorm. Dragons cover it.


The rushing blue electric light is like a turbid current that swallows everything. Things involved in it begin to form, and then gradually disappear in the blue electric light. The violent explosions and extreme high temperatures even cause sporadic cracks to appear on the ground. Glass shadow.

When the lightning dissipated, a deep pit of several hundred feet appeared on the spot, and the affected area accounted for almost one-third of the royal capital.

Fortunately, after several rounds of fighting between the two sides, the surrounding civilians had almost evacuated. Those who had not evacuated were almost dead in the previous rounds of natural disaster-like battles. There were not too many casualties when the Thunder Dragon fell. Injury to innocent people.

The figure of the Lord of the Rising Sun in the center of the thunderstorm shook a few times and then could no longer move. The entire figure was gradually torn apart behind the lake, and it did not last longer than the surrounding buildings.

The thunderstorm’s aftermath lasted for several minutes, but the damage caused may be difficult to recover for years.

Within the 100-foot radius centered on the Lord of the Rising Sun, no trace of any building could be seen. Even the ruins and broken walls had completely disappeared. The palace, which was filled with columns and columns, was completely destroyed.

There were a few vague figures outside who were still trying to stand up. Even if Gru and the others were only affected, they looked very embarrassed.

Aragorn, who was standing far away, walked over slowly and stopped at the spot where the Lord of the Rising Sun was torn apart by the thunderstorm.

“It seems that I won this time.”

Looking at the dark clouds that were gradually dispersing in the sky, normal sunlight slowly shone through the thin clouds in the capital, and the climate finally began to return to normal.

“Your Excellency Richard, the Lord of the Rising Sun has lost most of his true spirit. Now he will have to sleep for more than a thousand years even if he is not dead. Aren’t you going to get up?”


Richard, who had been roasted by the Lord of the Rising Sun, stood up with his sword in hand, and the horrific wounds on his body were gone.

Only the battered armor and burned clothes proved that he had just participated in the battle.

“His Majesty Aragon is still superior!”

Richard dared to fight with the Lord of the Rising Sun, except because he offended him too hard, and the other party won’t be unlucky for him in the end.

There is also the protection of Asha on him, which can save his life when he is about to die.

Asha’s level is undoubtedly much higher than that of the Lord of the Rising Sun. Not only did she save Richard’s life under the attack of the Lord of the Rising Sun, but she also gradually recovered from his injuries.

But Richard did not jump out immediately. Although Aragorn could be considered an ally, he did not completely trust Aragorn. After all, in a sense, he was also one of the competitors for the authority of the Rising Sun.

It wasn’t until the majestic Thunder Dragon and the Lord of the Rising Sun died together that Richard reluctantly relaxed.

At least without the dragon, although Aragorn himself is strong, he cannot exert his full strength due to physical limitations and cannot pose a life threat to Richard.

After being called out by Aragorn, Richard no longer hid, and walked out easily without blushing.

Although he just struggled for a while and let Aragorn fight for his life, he actually lost a life, consumed the power of the Lord of the Rising Sun, and contributed to the battle. It should be time to pick peaches now. Now, I can’t continue to live in obscurity.

“What do you think of those gods?”

Aragorn did not wait for a question, but instead asked a question that surprised Richard and was difficult to answer accurately.

If he had been placed before time travel, Richard would have told him that there is no **** in the world. The world is material and he must adhere to materialism.

But after traveling to this point, not to mention having seen real gods, he himself has power that is comparable to gods in the eyes of ordinary people, and it is impossible to deny the existence of gods no matter what.

Especially his rise is also inseparable from some existence.

Li Cha was silent for a long time and couldn’t find an answer for a while.

“They can’t be trusted, you should understand what I mean.”

“I have means to restrict them, and they all obey order.”

“Creatures that live too long will not remain unchanged, and gods are no exception. It is not uncommon for good to turn to evil, and order to chaos. How long have you restricted it?”

“I’m not that great. I can’t control the world for ten thousand years. I just don’t let the people who trust me live too badly while I’m alive.”

“Then you have to live longer.”

“With your character, you should live longer than me.”

“The kingdom is in your hands. You can be king or regent if you want, but you have to clean up the mess.”

“What do you mean?”

After Aragorn rambled on for a long time, Richard finally realized something was wrong. It was like he was explaining the funeral arrangements.

“I have borrowed too much luck, and destroying a royal capital will not be enough to pay it back.”

At this time, Richard also realized that the final consumption of Aragorn’s driving of the dragon was probably greater than he imagined.

Aragorn gradually became speechless, his breath gradually weakened, and after dozens of minutes, his breath disappeared completely.

The body made of precious materials was still standing, but Richard could clearly feel that the original heavy mountain-like aura had disappeared.

What stood there was not Aragorn, but an empty shell without a soul.

Dare to use luck to drive the dragon, and naturally there will be backlash. Wang Buchuan is far from enough to make up for it. The founding monarch who came from a different world like him also sacrificed himself.

Slowly raised his hand, wanting to put his hand on the other person’s shoulder again, but stopped halfway.

“Damn, it seems like you have a bigger picture, and I’m not a thing anymore.”



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