Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 703: Decisive Battle 1


Chapter 703 Decisive Battle 1

“Of course, you hate these nobles too, don’t you? After I take care of Charlemagne, how about you be the king?”

“I don’t need to pursue what you just did. Just help me clean up the mess later.”

“If you are worried about the church dividing your power, I can also let you be crowned pope at the same time.”

“When the time comes when I sit high in the Kingdom of God and you rule the human world, you will definitely be able to do better than the people of the Charman family.”

This cake was so big and round that it almost knocked Richard unconscious.

It’s just that the benefits promised by the other party were so heavy that Richard couldn’t believe it.

There is no mutual trust between him and the Lord of the Rising Sun, so he accuses him of being contaminated by the authority of the Rising Sun. He does not believe that he can coexist peacefully with the Lord of the Rising Sun.

The reason why Richard showed weakness is also very simple.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to use the Mad King’s ring directly, but that he has already used the killing move that Aragorn expected.

Not going all out when there is a chance for a sneak attack is not Richard’s style at all.

Just now, it was not just Gru’s arrows and the devil’s scimitar that attacked Mishu.

There was also the impact of Richard using the God-killing Ring, which cost him most of his mental energy.

Richard may not be as powerful as Aragorn in his heyday, but he is still a super master who has reached the realm of jealousy. It is unrealistic to kill Misu directly, but it is no problem to inflict heavy damage.

This is a sharp weapon crafted by the wisdom of the entire elf civilization to deal with the gods.

But Mi Xiu didn’t react at all. The powerful mental impact was like air and had no impact on Mi Xiu. This was completely beyond Richard’s expectation.

If it weren’t for the aftereffects of using the ring at this time, and his brain hurt as if he was being pricked by needles, Richard would have doubted that he had failed to stimulate it successfully.

“Where’s the ring?”

At this time, Aragorn also realized that something was wrong. Richard had no reason to side with Mi Xiu. The rulers of the human world were naturally opposed to divine authority.

“I’m curious why that ring didn’t work, right?”

Mi Xiu, who had always had a serious expression, finally had a smile on his face.

“I experienced the mystery of the womb and climbed out of the human belly. How could the ring that impacts divinity have an effect on me?”

“Aragorn, do you think this is just a divine intervention on believers?”

“Mexiu is part of who I am as a human being, we are one!”

“What a spirit!”

After the gods raised their thrones, they were immortal. If they had not encountered the peak elf civilization and the mad king, they would have been almost at ease.

By this time, Aragorn also understood what had happened, and all his judgments were wrong.

The Lord of the Rising Sun did not choose a son of God to incarnate his true spirit to walk in the world, but directly transferred part of his soul into the human belly.

It is equivalent to the reincarnation of a great power. Previously, in the south, the array arranged by the Rising Sun Cult was not to welcome the coming of the gods, but to awaken Mi Xiu.

Mixiu is the Lord of the Rising Sun, or in other words, Mixiu is the human form of the Lord of the Rising Sun.

Mi Xiu in this state will certainly not be afraid of the attack of the God-killing Ring.

Of course, this method of directly throwing the soul into reincarnation is also very dangerous.

Especially in childhood, apart from being physically healthier than ordinary children, Misu’s ability to survive is not much better than that of ordinary human children. He may die from a wild beast attack, a famine, or It was some other accident.

In other words, the Golden Dragon Kingdom was relatively stable. At least when Mi Xiu was young, although the life of ordinary people was not good, they could still eat and there was no major famine.

Mixiu was able to grow up smoothly and passed the most exhausted period in his youth.

If Mi Xiu dies midway, for the Lord of the Rising Sun, it will definitely be a disaster no less than the fall of the Kingdom of God.

In order to restrain the effect of the God-killing Ring, the Lord of the Rising Sun has gone to the extreme.

Taking risks as a god, even Aragorn, who had always looked down on the so-called gods, couldn’t help but praise his courage.

“How? The material world needs a ruler.”

Perhaps the Northland governed by Richard had left a good impression on Mi Xiu, who was still the Pope. At this time, the Lord of the Rising Sun’s recruitment turned out to be somewhat sincere.

Richard made a gesture, as if he was thinking about it, and Gru and other subordinates also stopped with some cooperation.

“It’s really flattering that Lord Mi Xiu thinks so highly of me. I wonder what’s so special about me that makes you think I can become the ruler of the continent?”

“You have done well in the North. The slaves have been released. The nobles dare not bully the common people. You can live a good life if you work hard. You have more hope of becoming a great ruler than those guys.”

Is this guy serious?

Pity the common people?

This emotion is not like that of a superior god.

At least the gods of this continent have absolutely no mercy for poor sentient beings.

An idea flashed in Richard’s mind, as if he had caught something, but before he could think about it carefully, Mi Xiu’s tone suddenly became serious again.

“Have you considered it clearly? Surrender to the great gods and enjoy the glory, or die a humble death.”

The tone changed so much before and after, as if the humanity shown before was an illusion.

“With such favorable conditions, I certainly know what choice to make.”

Richard’s tense expression relaxed, and the blue Angel Alliance in his hand also became diagonally held, as if he was ready to accept the conditions of the Lord of the Rising Sun.

“Seeking death!”

“Sure enough, human beings are the most cunning no matter how many years they pass!”

Just when Richard seemed to be relaxing, a ray of black energy suddenly blocked the golden light in the sky.

A huge skeletal hand suddenly broke through the already riddled ground, and fiercely grabbed at Yaxiu, who was wearing a white robe.

And Richard didn’t care whether the bone hand’s attack was effective or not, he instantly entered a fighting state, raised his blue long sword and attacked Mi Xiu fiercely.

“Caught him!”

Sandru’s hoarse voice was originally low and gloomy no matter how it sounded, but at this moment it was actually a bit excited.

This bone hand is the work of a legendary necromancer from the Realm of Jealousy.

Using the corpses of ancient holy-level giants as materials, they were refined using special methods, and then a large number of souls of the powerful men who died in battle were attached to the bone hands, and finally they were constantly corroded by mana.

The strength of this bone hand is more than ten times stronger than when its owner was alive.

The moment it was opened, the vague and indistinct moans of resentment from countless strong men could be heard within a radius of more than ten miles.

It is normal for a weaker person to become unsteady when hearing the sound, and become frightened and lose consciousness. In slightly more severe cases, it is normal for the person to lose his mind.

This is just a little influence that spreads in the distance.

The resentful souls bound by Sandro’s bone hands are not ordinary people. They are at least refined after the death of extraordinary warriors above the knight level. There are also many great knights and earth-level masters. The main ones are based on The orc masters who died in battle were used as materials.

As for Yaxiu, who was targeted by the bone hand, the mental attack he had to endure was ten thousand times stronger.

Strong as Mi Xiu, he was slightly distracted for a moment under the impact of a large number of battlefield resentful spirits.

Ants cannot kill an elephant, but in large numbers they can occasionally cause some trouble.

In less than half a second, he lost consciousness, and a huge bony hand with a hint of blood pinched Mi Xiu fiercely.

At this moment, the bone hand controlled by Sandro showed a speed completely inconsistent with its huge form.

“Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!”

Of course, Richard would not let go of such an opportunity. The heroes around him were also veterans with rich combat experience, and they took action without any reminder.

Gru drew the bow in his hand to full capacity regardless of the consumption, and shot several arrows in succession in a short period of time.

Lucifer and Richard rushed towards the clenched bone hand from the side at the same time.

The Ziyue Demon, who had been seriously injured, also got up at this time, holding a huge scythe and teleported to the side of the bone hand.


The huge skeletal hand was drained of all its blood, and the irresistible golden-red fighting spirit turned the entire skeletal hand into gold. The originally terrifying white bones actually felt a bit sacred.

The originally bound soul only let out a short whine, and then evaporated like water vapor under the golden-red light.

The bone hand, which was originally full of sinister energy, seemed to be purified at this time.

Not waiting for Mi Xiu to struggle, the purified bone hand took the initiative to let go, and with a wave of his hand, it collided with the incoming arrow.


The white jade-like bone hand blocked three arrows one after another, and then couldn’t bear it and turned into bone residue.

Shandru’s face in the distance became extremely ugly.

The gap is so huge.

As a legendary necromancer, Sandro’s mental power is also outstanding among mages of the same level. After reaching the Realm of Jealousy, he has basically restored his peak strength.

You can definitely challenge some weak or even medium gods.

I just didn’t expect that in a simple confrontation, I would be completely crushed by the opponent’s majestic sea of ​​mental power, and even be forcefully taken away from the control of the bone hand.

Compared with a great divine being like the Lord of the Rising Sun, Sandro is not on the same level at all.

When the Mad King’s ring lost its effect, the Lord of the Rising Sun, a god-level fish that slipped through the net, showed a truly terrifying side.

After his mental power was defeated by the Lord of the Rising Sun, Sandro felt the pain he had not seen for a long time.

After abandoning the living body and becoming a necromancer, all feelings have almost completely disappeared. There is no such thing as pain nerves. Even if he is caught and cut into undead sashimi, he can still laugh and talk with ease.

But this kind of mental pain has nothing to do with the physical body. Within a few seconds of the spiritual confrontation with the Lord of the Rising Sun, Sandro only felt that his brain was stifled by the mace, and it penetrated directly into the skull and stirred it up.

This kind of pain that directly attacks the spirit is more ferocious than any torture of the body.

This kind of pain can make even a determined person die from the pain.

But Sandro was also ruthless. He suppressed the pain and recited the curse again, and several terrifying curse spells were cast at the same time.

The intensity of Sandro’s curse spells can directly reduce the combat effectiveness of a seventh-level soldier to the level of a second- or third-level soldier.

But no one knows how effective it will be against the Lord of the Rising Sun.

While casting the spell, Sandro did not forget to control the undead demon that had just been knocked away.

Using the space talent he had during his lifetime, the undead demon came behind Mi Xiu in a blink of an eye.

The huge scythe was raised and slashed at the opponent at extremely fast speeds.


Mixiu was faster, as if he had eyes behind his back, he had predicted the undead demon’s attack, and he used the scepter in his hand to hold the giant scythe with his backhand.

This picture is extremely incongruous. The giant scythe in the hands of the undead demon is more than four meters long. The one-handed scepter in Mishu’s hand is like a toy in front of the giant scythe.

But it was this toy that firmly stopped the giant scythe in mid-air, just like **** holding the Guandao that was slashing at it with all its strength.

“An undead demon?”

“I admit you make me feel a little sick!”


Before he finished speaking, Mi Xiu turned around and punched the undead demon in mid-air with his free left hand.

The golden fighting spirit broke through the hard armor and skin without any hindrance, directly opening a big hole in the undead demon’s chest.

Undead creatures do not have a fatal weakness like the heart. After all, their actions rely on magic power rather than blood supply from the heart.

But after Misuu fought hard, Sandro’s favorite work, the Undead Purple Moon Demon, instantly lost the ability to move. The undead energy all over his body and the golden-red light gushing out from Misuo’s fist were intense. confrontation.

In the end, the wound expanded from the size of a fist to the size of a bucket, and half of his body was turned into charcoal.

“Fire flames, kill!”

Just when Misuo was about to completely make the undead demon disappear.

Several golden and red vindictive slashes flew to the eyes, throwing the undead demon in his hand like throwing garbage. With a wave of the scepter in his hand, an arc of golden and red vindictiveness greeted him, and several The slashes collided and exploded in mid-air.

In the fierce flames, Richard was approaching holding the blue Angel Alliance.

Mixiu put aside the huge undead demon, turned sideways, and with a tap of the scepter in his hand, he unloaded Richard’s long sword to one side.

“My martial arts skills have been honed well!”

“But the power of the rising sun is not used like this!”



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