Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 702: Help


Chapter 702 Helping Hand

“The elves’ methods are somewhat different.”

Compared to the Lord of Shadows, Mi Xiu seemed much calmer. Not only did he turn his attention from Aragorn back to Qing, but he also made his own evaluation.

“I have to say that compared to you guys who claim to be gods, those elves are much more creative. Coupled with the godhead created by the elves, the effect is even better than I imagined.”

Aragorn’s new body was already taller, and he stood on the steps again. He seemed to be looking down at Mi Xiu when he spoke.

“Do you call this existence earth?”

“Although it lacks combat ability, it can be reborn continuously and can produce effects similar to the Kingdom of God in an area. This name is also appropriate.”

The Kingdom of God does not exist in the material world, and is equivalent to the home court of various gods. The entire palace was arranged into a large formation by Aragorn, and Qing, who had long since transformed into the earth, was the center of the formation.

Originally, under the erosion of time, Qingzhi had become an inhuman existence because of Aragorn’s methods, and his strength was slowly wearing away, making it extremely difficult to even take action.

But the elf god-making personality that Aragorn obtained from Richard perfectly made up for Qing’s shortcomings.

Qing, who has become an earthly creature, continuously obtains power from the godhead created by the elves. Before the power of the godhead is completely exhausted, there is almost no possibility of exhaustion.

This kind of ability is a bit difficult to deal with existences of the level of Mi Xiu and the Lord of Shadows. If there are different opponents, he may have to kill tens of thousands of elites.

“But where did you get the confidence to trap the two gods here?”

As soon as he finished speaking, the figure of Mi Xiu who had been motionless suddenly disappeared and turned into a white light.

Unlike the Lord of Shadows just now, Mi Xiu did not drill into a certain sub-space, but used pure speed to give the observer the illusion that he had disappeared.

The next moment, Mi Xiu, wearing a gold-rimmed white robe, appeared in front of Aragorn.

The fist with golden flames smashed into Aragorn’s face.

The golden flame seemed to concentrate all the surrounding light and heat on one point, making people’s eyes hurt from the flash.

Even Parley and others who were sitting in the distance watching the battle were so shaken that they couldn’t help but lower their heads to avoid it. If they looked any further, their eyes would be burned.


With a loud noise, Mi Xiu’s explosive punch was blocked by Aragorn.

But this time Aragorn was obviously not as relaxed as before.

A terrifying crack was drawn on the solid floor. Aragorn released his force to the ground, stepped through the thick stone slab, and stepped half of his calf directly into the soil layer below. He grabbed Yaxiu’s fist and pushed forward. He retreated at least ten meters before standing still.

The powerful wind pressure blew around the people in the center, bringing up stones all over the sky. Many of the palaces that had been crumbling in the battle could no longer hold up this time, and suffered small-scale collapses.

A vacuum-like environment appeared directly within a dozen meters of the gas explosion circle.

“It’s amazing that a mortal can actually reach your level. Even those elves back then, although their methods were exquisite, would never be able to fight head-on with the gods.”

“It’s just that if you want to kill gods with this, you are still wishful thinking.”

“The rising sun shines on the world!”

As he spoke, the sun in the sky seemed to be a little closer to the ground, emitting brighter light, and the entire palace had an inexplicable tendency to turn into a steamer.

Mi Xiu withdrew the fist caught by Aragorn, and then danced it out again. His arms suddenly turned into phantoms, and a golden-red fist shadow hit Aragorn like a violent storm.

“Everyone can tell lies.”

Faced with Mixiu’s fierce attack and unusual pressure, Aragorn’s face was calm and showed no sign of timidity. In an instant, Aragorn blocked all the hundred attacks.

“If you guys were really as powerful as you boast, there would be no Ragnarok.”

“Don’t forget, the power of the rising sun is not only yours!”


The fists of the two sides collided violently, and a violent explosion erupted. A dazzling light appeared with the two people in the center. It was like a miniature nuclear bomb erupting, and half of the palace was directly razed to the ground.

After the dazzling light, the smoke and dust dispersed, and Mi Xiu, who was dressed in white, was still unscathed, and there was not even dust on the gold-rimmed white robe.

Aragorn, on the other hand, was a little more embarrassed. Half of his arms showed obvious signs of being burned by high temperatures, and there were even obvious dislocations at the joints.

“Your Majesty!”

Aragorn was obviously at a disadvantage in this fight, and Qing who was watching on the side let out an exclamation.

He was determined to rush up to help, but he also knew that even if he went up, it would be of no avail. Facing the serious Ya Xiu, he could not hold him back for even a second.


Before the two sides could make the next move, a shadow flashed in the space, and a dagger stabbed towards Aragorn from the black mist.

However, the injured Aragorn did not give the opponent a chance to seize the opportunity. He strangled the opponent’s wrist with only one hand and changed the direction of the dagger attack.

The Lord of Shadows did not wait for Aragorn to fight back, and turned into a black mist again and disappeared.

He seems to have quickly adjusted his position. If he misses a hit, he will immediately lurk and wait for the next opportunity to strike. The Lord of Shadows is serious about being an assassin, and is definitely the most terrifying assassin in the world.

Lurking in another dimension, he doesn’t even have to deliberately suppress his murderous intent before taking action. No target can feel the murderous intent through the barrier of the world.

“I have worked hard to refine this body. If you stab me with a sword, it will be a bit troublesome.”

After being sneak-attacked by the Lord of Shadows, Aragorn still acted very relaxed. It was clear that he was at a disadvantage now, but he was not anxious at all.

Mixiu had no intention of answering. The Lord of Shadows missed his attack, and Mixiu once again turned into a ball of golden-white light and shadow.

Although he shouted like a mortal, Mi Xiu was not at all careless about this human being who had caused him great losses.

Obviously his absolute strength has the upper hand, and he doesn’t mind joining forces with the Lord of Shadows, whom he doesn’t like much.


Just when the two were fighting again, a vague qi machine in the distance locked onto Mi Xiu.

Then a green arrow flew from the sky with a shrieking sound.

Normally speaking, both parties fighting in the palace are strong in the natural realm. Even Qing, the weakest among them, is much stronger than the ordinary realm.

Normally, the arrows would be burned to ashes by the hot golden flames even if they came close, let alone the one in the center.

However, this arrow was obviously different. Not only did it target Mi Xiu, it also came with a strong killing intent.

Even Mi Xiu’s heart skipped a beat, and he felt like the hairs on his back were rising.

This arrow is actually threatening.

The moment the green arrow cut through the golden light in the sky, Mi Xiu immediately gave up the opportunity to seriously injure Aragorn in front of him, jumped up on the spot, and narrowly avoided this earth-shattering arrow.


The cyan arrow drilled into the ground, and the powerful kinetic energy created a small crater on the ground that was more than three meters deep and four to five meters square.

Mi Xiu, who dodged the arrow, did not relax at all. After a loud shout, his whole body was filled with golden light.

A three-meter-tall figure flew up out of thin air, and a huge scimitar was thrown into the air.

Just when the sharp arrows struck, the Lord of the Southern Abyss and the Great Demon Lord Ziyue, controlled by Sandru, took action at the same time, breaking open the space and trying to give Misu a fatal blow.

It’s just that Mi Xiu is much stronger than everyone imagined.

Although the Purple Moon Demon was refined into an undead warrior by Sandro after his death, he lost some combat power.

But under Sandro’s necromancy, which he can call a master, he still maintains more than 80% of his combat power. With the racial bonus, he can still be called the best in the realm of jealousy, and can definitely defeat the gods. The presence.

The one who cooperated in releasing the deadly cold arrows was also the master of this way, the archery master Gru who also entered the realm of jealousy.

Obviously it has the power to kill gods, but it didn’t even touch the opponent during the sneak attack.

On the contrary, the big demon who was close to him fell to the ground at this moment, his undead aura was dim, and his combat power was lost by 30% as soon as he faced him.

“Is this your helper?”

Mixiu turned his head and looked in the direction of the palace gate with interest. Richard, wearing dark red armor, appeared on the square with an angel with two wings.

At this time, Richard not only has the Necromancer and the legendary hero Gru who control the Purple Moon Demon, but also the angel Lucifer who has also entered the realm of jealousy.

Including Richard, four masters of the Realm of Jealousy came to support.

The rest of the heroes just cooperated with the army and stopped on the periphery. In this level of battle, even the holy ones are just stronger cannon fodder.

“You kid, you came just in time!”

“He is the real spirit coming down at this time, use the Mad King’s ring to kill him!”

Looking at Richard arriving, Aragorn finally had a smile on his face.

As the most powerful human being, Aragorn has a strength that is not weaker than some powerful gods. Even if his refined body affects the performance of his strength, he can still defeat veteran gods like the Lord of Shadows.

But in the hands of the Lord of the Rising Sun, Aragorn suffered a direct loss.

The opponent has become a main god-level existence. Even in the era of the Elf Empire, the elven holy wizards relying on the magic tower could not confront the main **** head-on.

The main **** can be pulled down from his throne only by the God-killing Ring that directly impacts the soul.

At this time, the repaired God-killing Ring was in the hands of the visitor.

In Qing’s land, neither Misu nor the Lord of Shadows can escape.

With Richard’s current strength, it only takes one strike to severely damage Mi Xiu.

By combining the efforts of both parties, we can completely eliminate the other party’s future troubles.

It’s just that things didn’t develop according to Aragorn’s ideas.

Richard, who was always playing tricks in front of him to seek favors, now had a very serious expression, with his hands in front of him and stroking them in a reserved manner.

Half a day later, he said something that shocked Aragorn:

“Well, Mr. Mi Xiu, would you believe me if I said this was a misunderstanding?”



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