Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 702: Decisive Battle 3



A golden divine dragon more than ten feet long rose into the sky, its golden scales shining brightly in the strong and somewhat abnormal sunlight.

As soon as the body rolled slightly, dazzling golden light was reflected, hovering in the air, like a divine dragon coming to the world.


The Lord of the Rising Sun’s attacks did not stop, but became more intense because of the threat brought by the dragon.

Scorching fireballs continued to fall from the sky, and the golden flames with divine power were a hundred times more terrifying than ordinary flames.

Perhaps he felt a real threat. The Lord of the Rising Sun, who originally controlled the battle and did not want to affect the ordinary people in the capital, no longer deliberately controlled it at this time.

The remaining heat of the golden flame easily ignited the buildings in the city, and the fire broke out in the city.


“Run out of the city!”

There are still many saint-level masters in the Northland Army. Although they are not qualified to participate in the battle in the Golden Dragon Palace, they can withstand some of the aftermath and protect the army with no problem.

On the other side, the Lord of the Rising Sun saw the situation weakening, and several more fireballs as big as a room hit him.

Under the scene, the Lord of the Rising Sun has not yet firmly gained the upper hand.

He then pounced directly on the Lord of the Rising Sun in the sky, his huge mouth seeming to swallow him up in one bite.

That is some kind of abnormal creature.

In midair, little bits of golden light gathered and gradually transformed into a dragon shape of more than ten feet.



Yes, Aragorn, as the instigator, still looked unchanged at this time.

The originally bright and whitish sky turned cloudy, and a bolt of lightning flashed through, like cracking open the sun that was originally hanging in the sky.

“The sun is going to fall!”

For the creature that makes him feel weak love, the Lord of the Rising Sun dares to make it easy for him to swallow him.

Aragorn, who loved to reassemble his broken body, looked at the battle in the air, his face still expressionless, but he just sighed hastily.

The sudden rise in low temperature, the fireball as big as a house, when a weak person of that level restrained his attacks, the golden dragon was already in a doomsday scene.

Just a few seconds ago, a burst of red light came from under the golden body of the dragon.

After the battle in the Golden Dragon Palace heated up, in the eyes of ordinary people, it was no longer as big as the doomsday scene.

The eyes of the lantern’s little eyes are shining with blue light, and there is a trace of thunder all over the body.

Before a fierce battle, the golden dragon simply returned to its original fighting method, entangling the Lord of the Rising Sun with its body like a giant python preying on prey.


It’s just that the resurrection of the golden dragon did not make everyone less worried. The Lord of the Rising Sun, who had always been sullen, even had some joy on his face.

Really like a bright sun in the sky, the “sun” that fell under the golden dragon capital directly swallowed the golden dragon in reverse, and the bad image of the dragon that was majestic just now was evaporated in an instant.

On the ground, the instant evaporation of the golden dragon made several people on the ground change their expressions.

In other words, the golden dragon condensed by luck was not an abnormal flesh and blood creature, otherwise even a giant dragon with a holy rank would have been roasted by then.

If it were touched, ordinary people would immediately melt on the spot.

The mass in front exploded, and the low-temperature explosion produced a weak impact that forcefully deflected the dragon’s tail.

The water vapor and cold air competed with the scorching sun, completely changing the surrounding environment. The temperature gradually dropped back to the level of love. The dragon disappeared into the mist and occasionally emerged with scales and half claws or wisps of lightning, accumulating fatal attacks.


The roar of the golden dragon gradually weakened before being baptized by dozens of fireballs.


But the civilians in the city had such bad luck. Low temperature and small fires could devour lives at will, which naturally caused chaos in the city.

The only ones who are still in the battle circle are the top low-hands. Even if they are seriously injured, they still have good eyesight.

[Search “Spring Gift” on Xiaoxiang APP and new users will receive 500 book coins, and old users will receive 200 book coins] The golden dragon did not catch these special fireballs from the big sun again, but spit out a silver-white bead to block the incoming fireballs. All fireballs.

Flying rocks splashed, collisions and low temperatures caused huge craters on the ground.

After that, he glanced at the Jinlong City that was about to be in ruins. He seemed to have made some decision, but his tone was a little happy.

The golden dragon roared filial piety towards the Lord of the Rising Sun in mid-air, seeming to be angry at the loss it had just suffered, but the deterrent effect was just like when it first appeared, and it showed a sense of health.

Don’t talk about putting out the fire. If they don’t leave, they will burn themselves.

The light rain poured down, but less than half of it evaporated after it hit the ground.

At first, some people tried to put out the fire, but the rising temperature simply gave up their unrealistic thoughts.

But the flying golden divine dragon was obviously an abnormal creature, and mist rose when it opened its mouth.

At this time, the surface temperature of the Lord of the Rising Sun has already exceeded a thousand degrees. To an abnormal creature, what is the difference between swallowing it and pouring boiling oil directly out of its belly.

The low temperature and cold waves burned the golden dragon scales until they turned red.


On a sunny day before the sun set below the ground, bursts of muffled thunder rang out from the horizon, and the already declining golden dragon in the sky suddenly became less powerful.

The mist rose, and half of the golden dragon was hidden in the white mist in the blink of an eye, but the mist was not so cold as to be hot.

It can’t even be said to be a red ball. After all, some people have seen fireballs dozens of feet high.

The sun seemed to be drawn closer, the surrounding temperature had exceeded fifty degrees, and the huge fireball fell and ignited many buildings.

At the moment when the golden divine dragon briefly lost its balance, the golden red figure rushed down like a cannonball, hitting it accurately under the neck, and then hugged its rough body and slammed it to the ground.

The stampeding and screaming were followed by the explosion sound caused by the falling fireball.

The golden dragon, which has a weird shape and origin, is almost our first trump card.

He turned sideways to avoid the small mouth, and the golden dragon’s movements stopped at the slightest moment. Even though he had not expected it, Ai suddenly flicked his tail, and a divine dragon swung its tail and swept towards the golden-red figure. past.


In the palace city, both sides of the war could not worry about the casualties of civilians.

Before a huge roar of mourning, the golden dragon in the sky turned from virtual to real. The golden dragon that had just been beaten to ashes by the Lord of the Rising Sun seemed to be resurrected again.

First there were sporadic spots, and then they turned into sparse beams of light.

“Luck and luck complement each other, but some will always be lost.”

Although the golden dragon is resurrected, its momentum is stronger than before. If you observe more carelessly, you can even feel that the light under the golden dragon is stronger.

Although the Lord of the Rising Sun’s combat power at this time exceeds my expectations, it is still not enough to kill the “golden dragon”.


Jinhong’s figure was slowly covered by Shenlong’s huge body, and a section of his belly was slightly arched. It was obvious that the two sides were still fighting.

The Lord of the Rising Sun did not continue to dodge at that moment, but violently pushed out the several golden suns surrounding him.

A small number of civilians crowded at the city gate and shouted. Even if no one delayed opening all the city gates, it was enough for the surging crowd to leave slowly.

My belly, which was originally just slightly arched, continued to expand and turned into a huge red ball.


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