Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 701: The battle in the palace


Chapter 701 The battle in the palace


Ya Xiu grabbed Qing with one hand again. Ya Xiu, who was more than half a head taller than Qing, easily lifted Qing off the ground.

The golden-red flames on his hand flashed past, turning Qing into ashes again.

“How many times is this?”

“Your Majesty, this is the eleventh time.”

“It’s only been less than ten minutes. Does that mean Master Qing can’t hold on for even one minute at a time?”

“Should we run further away?”


The Golden Dragon Kingdom does not have a rule that buildings in the city must not be higher than the palace. Parley, who ran out of the palace, did not follow the flow and ran further away. Instead, he found a five-story building and took several people with him. The guards sat on the roof and watched the battle.

In just a few dozen minutes, Pare watched Qing being beaten to death by Mishu on the roof. He went from being surprised to numb. Later, he even asked people to find some snacks and fruits nearby and ate them on the roof. stand up.


“This melon is not sweet at all!”

The things that his men found temporarily were naturally not as good as those carefully selected things in the past. Parley took a bite and threw away the rind.

“Your Majesty, why don’t we evacuate the city first? It’s still too dangerous here.”

Although Qing’s ability to continuously resurrect is shocking, the scene is really ugly. Every time he is resurrected, he is crushed by the opponent after just a few moves, which really doesn’t give anyone much confidence.

Although Parley’s position to watch the battle has a good view, it is still too close to the palace. If Qing’s side can’t hold on, it won’t take long for Mishu to chase him and capture him.

The few earth knights around Parley did not have the slightest confidence to fight against Mishu. At this time, they all wanted to take Parley farther away, preferably to the south.

The royal capital is simply terrifying.

Pare glanced at the nervous men around him, smoothed the white hair around his ears, and slowly shook his head.

“Forget it, let’s see again, I can’t go anywhere.”

Several subordinates wanted to persuade them again, but the noisy sound of horse hooves and neat footsteps in the distance interrupted them.

Looking south, the originally empty street turned into a sea of ​​blue and white, and the Hunter family’s golden three-arrow flag fluttered in the wind.

The Northern Army, which was originally huddled in the south of the royal capital, came out in full force and surrounded the palace from multiple directions.

“My good brother-in-law is finally willing to move.”

“Order all armies to evacuate the palace, get out of the way, and do not block the Northern Army!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Although huge changes occurred in the palace, Parley’s troops did not suffer much chaos, and most of them still maintained their corresponding organization and were scattered around the palace.

At this time, when encountering the entire marching Northland Army, many troops were on alert.

If there is no corresponding command, some trouble will inevitably occur.

Of course, with the combat power of the Northern Army, no matter what response the Southern Corps and the Guards under Parre made, it would be difficult to hinder their actions, it would just cause fewer casualties.



The golden flames soaring into the sky ignited again, and Qing, who had a smile on his lips, was once again burned to ashes.

“I saw those lines, is this the secret that you can keep resurrecting?”

“And this palace?”

“No, it is integrated with this city.”

“It doesn’t look like the methods of elves.”

Mixiu glanced around intently, as if he was thinking about how to crack it, but before he could think about it, Qing’s figure appeared again on the broken steps in front of the main hall.

Mixiu had no choice but to raise his hand again and prepare to kill the opponent first. After killing the opponent more than ten times, Mixiu became a little impatient.

However, this time, before Mi Xiu could take action, a black figure appeared out of thin air behind Qing.

Qing seemed to have noticed something. His attention focused on Yaxiu was distracted, and his body moved slightly to turn around.

But before Qing could make any more moves, a dark dagger suddenly stabbed out of his chest, and then black threads spread from the wound to his whole body.

Before Qing could make any more moves, his whole body was soon eroded by the black energy, and his entire body shrank to the size of a baby.

“Sass, it took you so long to deal with such a weak enemy. Maybe I should take a closer look at our cooperation.”

After Qing’s fallen body shrunk into a mummy, a black shadow finally appeared.

It may not be accurate to say that it is an entity. Under the dark burqa, it is difficult to see the reality clearly, and the whole body is in a blurry state. If I have to describe it, it is like a virtual projection in a three-dimensional space, but it is not high-definition.

Only those eyes, which were still glowing under the dazzling sunlight, had a particularly strong presence.

Mi Xiu raised his head and met his eyes. The violence and madness in those eyes were enough to make a weaker being have a mental breakdown.

Of course, this will not have any impact on Yaxiu, but he just frowned in disgust.

“Derim, don’t you know that you can’t call a main **** by his name?”

“Do you still want me to teach you how to be respectful to a main god?”

“Hey, Lord God?”

“You just want to fool the ants, but you also want to show off as your Lord God in front of me? I am the Lord of Shadows who has existed since ancient times!”

Derim, the Lord of Shadows, didn’t care about Misu’s threat. He was completely tit-for-tat and even deliberately released his aura to fight against it.

“The breath of killing, have you found Mara?”

“Hey, what do you think I’m doing during this time!”

After saying that, the Lord of Shadows pointed the dagger in his hand at Mi Xiu in front of him provocatively.

“Mara’s killing blade, all targets stabbed by this weapon will die immediately.”

“I wonder if your frail body, Sass, can survive the killing blade?”

The originally deep voice of the Lord of Shadows became shrill and trembling at the end, as if there was a kind of uncontrollable excitement.

His words were not a simple threat or a desire to demonstrate to the other party, but a genuine desire to use a Lord God to try out his new weapon.

“Oh, make sure you kill that weak enemy first.”

As soon as Misu finished speaking, the Lord of Shadows’ somewhat maniacal laughter stopped, and he looked in disbelief at Qing, who was suddenly intact not far away.

“Death by the killing blade risks even losing the true spirit of the gods, this guy!”


Just when the Lord of Shadows was surprised and distracted, the resurrected Qing did not hesitate at all. He raised his hand and struck the Lord of Shadows with a burst of green fighting spirit.

Unfortunately, even with such a fast speed, it still failed to hit the opponent.

The Shadow Lord, who came back to his senses, instantly lost his trace when the attack was about to reach him.

Hit the palm empty, and the green fighting spirit once again destroyed the stone pillar fence of the palace, and the white stone pillars were blown into a pile of rubble.

Qing, who hit the air with his palm, hardly hesitated at all, turned around and hit himself behind with a palm.

However, when his hand came into contact with the black figure, the whole hand did not touch the physical touch at all. Instead, it was wrapped in a black mist, and the original cyan fighting spirit light was instantly obscured. go.


Qing quickly pulled out his hand and tried to retreat, but a cloud of black mist had solidified in mid-air. The killing blade slashed down in the air, and his entire head rolled down the steps in front of the palace.

The decapitated corpse also shrank again under the characteristics of the Killing Blade.

“There’s something wrong with this guy!”

“How come there are existences like the warriors of the Kingdom of God in the material world!”

“Besides, even warriors in the Kingdom of God cannot be easily resurrected after being killed by the Killing Blade.”

Qing once again gathered his body to attack the Lord of Shadows. The result was of course no suspense. Due to the huge strength gap between the two sides, the resurrected Qing could not survive three attacks.

However, after dealing with Qing many times, the Lord of Shadows no longer seemed as relaxed as before, and became as solemn as Yaxiu.

As one of the gods that has existed since ancient times, the Lord of Shadows is a bit stingy to describe as well-informed.

He has encountered such immortal-like existences more than once, and even killed some with his own hands. There are some similar shadow creatures in his own kingdom.

But in his understanding, this kind of creature should not exist in the material world, let alone recover unscathed from the killing blade.


“Destroy this city and kill everyone!”

Although the Lord of Shadows seems a little nervous, he still has the necessary vision. After observing the process of Qing’s resurrection many times, he also found a way to break the situation.

It’s just that although he is powerful, it is not easy to directly kill a city in a short period of time, and the shadow system is not very good at such large-scale destruction.

This was actually what he shouted to Mi Xiu, the Lord of the Rising Sun is better at destruction than him.

However, Mi Xiu didn’t pay attention to the Lord of Shadows’ call. Instead, he looked around with a frown and then suddenly said to the surrounding ruins:

“Your Majesty Aragon, now that you are here, don’t hide all the time!”


The Lord of Shadows heard Mi Xiu’s call and looked around cautiously.

Although he has never met Aragorn, he has recovered a lot of information from his subordinates after being revived for so long.

I am no stranger to this master who almost led the human race to become the overlord of the continent after the collapse of the Elf Empire.

The most important thing is that the Mad King’s ring that directly caused Ragnarok and the end of the age of gods is said to be in the hands of His Majesty Aragorn.

As soon as Mi Xiu called out this name, the Lord of Shadows’ nerves quickly became tense.

“One net actually caught two giant sharks.”

Deep in the palace, Aragorn’s tall and tall figure gradually emerged.

Recovering Qingya did not continue to attack Mishu and the Lord of Shadows, but bowed to the ground towards Aragorn who appeared.

“Your Majesty! This old slave is incompetent.”

“You are one of the three divine knights of the kingdom, don’t always think of yourself as a slave.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Qing Zui agreed, but judging from his respectful expression, it was obvious that he didn’t listen to Aragorn’s words.

On the other side, the Lord of Shadows disappeared in an instant, and appeared next to Aragorn the next second, stabbing Aragorn’s throat with a sword.

The Lord of Shadows is extremely fast. He moves through the shadows almost silently when he strikes, and he will succeed at sight.

But Aragorn, who was still moving forward without looking sideways, suddenly leaned back to avoid the inevitable blow of the Lord of Shadows, then reached out and grabbed the wrist offered by the other party and dragged his whole body to the ground. One smash.


The Lord of Shadows, who was originally floating in mid-air, seemed to have been captured from a different space.

After completely transforming into a physical entity, he came into close contact with the marble floor, and his entire face made dense lines on the stone slab.

“Damn blasphemer!”

“I will extract your soul and imprison it in the Kingdom of God to suffer eternal torture.”

The Lord of Shadows, who was picked up by Aragorn, was almost going crazy.

In terms of strength, the Lord of Shadows’ deified body can hit his head like a car or break through a steel city gate without any problems.

Just hitting it on the stone slab will not cause any substantial harm to him.

It’s just that the humiliation of being picked up by a mortal is a critical blow on the spiritual level.

I haven’t had this kind of provocation in how many years.

Before Aragorn could attack again, the Lord of Shadows turned into a black mist again, spreading from the ground around.

Then without warning, they gathered around Aragorn again, and the black killing blade slashed towards Aragorn.


However, Aragorn seemed to know in advance where the Lord of Shadows was going to appear from. He kicked sideways and hit the Lord of Shadows who had just appeared.

The entire body of the Shadow Lord flew out like a cannonball, and then turned into a ball of black mist in mid-air and disappeared.

However, this time, the Lord of Shadows did not appear next to Aragorn again.

At this time, the mood of the Shadow Lord has changed from anger to fear.

The strong human seemed to have predicted all his attack routes. He clearly had a speed advantage, but he was always a moment slower than the opponent. The opponent’s two attacks seemed to be caused by him.

Especially at the moment of the second contact, he almost instinctively smelled a hint of crisis, which was the reaction he had when facing the Lord God and the Holy Magister of the Elf Empire.

This sense of crisis instantly woke him up from his anger.

The Lord of Shadows was able to survive Ragnarok. In addition to being good at hiding and escaping as a priest, his cautious character was equally important.

Although Aragorn’s two strikes did not cause substantial damage to the Lord of Shadows, they made him feel a crisis as he was cautious.

After being kicked away by Aragorn, he did not choose to pounce again. Instead, he disappeared into the shadows and traveled through the special black and white space at high speed.


Although he is not a shadow creature, because he holds the priesthood of shadow, the Lord of Shadows can move extremely fast in the black and white dark space. In just a few seconds, he can travel at least hundreds of miles in the material world.

Dear not staying in the chaotic black and white space for a long time, after basically ensuring safety, the Lord of Shadows returned to the material world.

Before he even finished breathing, the sight in front of him stunned him in mid-air.

The broken stone slabs, the dilapidated palace, the still expressionless Mi Xiu in the square, and Aragorn who was rubbing his fists and smiling half-heartedly.

Qing, who had already stood up, also saw the reappearance of the Lord of Shadows, and respectfully said to Aragorn who came closer:

“As long as the old slaves are here, I will never let them leave…”



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