Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 700: 青


Chapter 700 Green

The scene in front of them shocked everyone present.

Although most of them have never seen Qing’s appearance, many of them have experienced the previous coup that took place in the palace.

I vaguely know that there is a Dinghai Shenzhen-like existence in the palace.

At this time, the old man appeared inexplicably in front of the main hall, and many people already had speculations in their minds.

Everyone’s eyes were focused on Qing.

I saw an old man in linen clothes slowly lifting his feet and taking a step forward at an extremely slow speed. However, he suddenly appeared more than ten meters away and passed the crowd in just two or three blinks. , approaching the center of the whirlpool, causing the nobles who had been watching him to rub their eyes, thinking they were dazzled.

“Stop him!”


Around the high platform in the square, in addition to the guards and the nobles of the kingdom, there are also many church knights in white robes. These guys are not comparable to the group of parallel knights in the audience.

Not only are their weapons and equipment well-equipped, but their fighting will and fighting experience are also far ahead of them. Even if they fight against the knights of the Northern Army, they will not necessarily be at a disadvantage.

Although they knew that the opponent might be a powerful being that they could not contend with, with the support of their faith, they still drew their swords and charged forward without hesitation.

Facing the church knights who were rushing towards them like tigers, the nobles who were originally in the middle retreated at an alarming speed, creating an open space directly between them and Qing.

“Four big knights and an earth knight, not bad”

“What a pity!”

Qing looked at the several people rushing towards him and muttered to himself, not knowing whether he was pity that it was not easy for the other party to practice, or that he was pity that humanity would lose a few more elites.



Several white-robed knights who rushed towards Qing suddenly stopped in place strangely just when they were about to touch Qing. Including the leading earth knight, they were unable to move, as if they were completely wrapped in something. .

The only thing that could be seen was their expressions. Their eyes were wide open as if they were slits from the corners of their eyes, their brows were furrowed, and their teeth seemed to be bitten into pieces in the next second. Their whole expressions changed from struggling to It was so ferocious, but even with all its strength, it could not break through the invisible barrier.

While sighing and saying it was a pity, Qing, who was slowly passing by, had no intention of holding back at all. The green thread flashed, and the Earth Knight and the four big knights rushed to the front and were the first to be hit.

A bloodstain first appeared on the neck, and then with a few “bang, bang” sounds, the whole head rolled smoothly to the ground, and the body fell to the ground weakly, with the ferocious expression still fixed on his face.

Those who don’t know may think they suffered a lot during their lifetime.

Qing did not let go of the more than ten church knights who followed these five strong men.

As Qing walked up the high platform, the white robes along the way fell to the ground in various strange postures. Blood flowed along the gaps in the stone slabs, staining small areas of the ground red.

“Master Qing!”

“If you don’t come, he’s probably going to twist my head off and put that hat on me.”

Seeing Qing coming over, Parley, who was originally lying on the ground without any image, finally got up and said to Qing with a scared look on his face.

“It seems that he really wants to crown you with his own hands.”

“What do you mean?”

Pare seemed to have cooperated with Qing in doing something, but he didn’t know much and was completely confused by what Qing said. I asked subconsciously.

However, Qing had no intention of explaining to Parley at this time, and just stared at Yaxiu who was completely covered by a pile of blue chains.

“If it is a true spirit, it cannot be restrained.”

“Stay away!”


Qing’s soliloquy, Pa Lei still couldn’t understand the meaning, but the meaning of the second sentence was concise and to the point.

Pa Lei knows very well how much he weighs.

Although there is never a shortage of training resources, there are too many distractions on weekdays, and there is not much time to practice. I am not a training genius like Richard, and up to now I can barely reach the level of a great knight. .

Not to mention Qing and Yaxiu in front of him, he might not be able to beat any of the knights lying on the square if he picked them randomly.

Pare turned around and ran away without hesitation.

At the same time, gaps began to appear in the tight cyan chains that had originally wrapped Mi Xiu.

The golden-red light passed through the gap, and it was very dazzling in the daytime.

Then he tore the cyan chains around him to pieces like tearing apart rags.

The golden-red light suddenly covered up the original cyan light, and the people around could not see the figures of Mishu and Qing clearly. They only saw the two lights colliding straight together.

Qing’s seemingly old body burst out with unimaginable strength and speed. The two sides collided with each other and made a huge roar. The huge power caused the surrounding space to distort.

Around the high platform, those stone pillars that had not changed much after hundreds of years were just swept away by the aftermath of golden, red and cyan energy, and instantly turned into powder, like a pile of white dust, and were swept away. The wind blows and dissipates.

Parley, who had just ran a few steps away, instinctively felt a hint of crisis behind him. He rolled to the ground without hesitation, and then flew out more than ten meters away with the force of the impact before stopping.

When Pare stopped, he felt that his internal organs were almost out of place. He spit out a mouthful of blood and dyed his half-dress red. The originally luxurious clothes had been torn into tatters, like a beggar’s clothes, but the ones on his feet were A pair of heavy shoes were still intact.

“Damn it!”

Parley, who got up and spat blood before recovering, couldn’t help but say something harsh. Not only did he suffer internal injuries, he also had several broken bones.

Fortunately, the great knight’s physique is not bad. Although he has no combat experience, any great knight in the army can defeat him in a fight. However, this physique cannot be faked. With a relatively strong physique and a little luck, he can be beaten. He had survived the aftermath of this round of fighting. If he were an ordinary person, he would not have spit out blood and suffered some internal injuries, but most of his internal organs would have been shattered.

There were also some unlucky nobles who ran a little slower and were thrown into the air by the huge aftermath of the battle. They fell to the ground and stopped moving. Most of them had lost their lives.

Fortunately, everyone present was not a fool. Many people had already quietly retreated when Qing appeared. By the time Yaxiu and Qing fought, Qing, who still dared to stay around the high platform, had already Running out.

Most of the nobles had fled a hundred meters away. The casualties in the aftermath of the fight between the two sides were not heavy. Parley had already fallen behind the team.

“Your Majesty! Your Majesty!”

Seeing that Parley was injured, two earth knights who had been hiding among the guards rushed up with a small team of elites. While protecting Parley, they stared at the two “lights” that kept colliding.

These two earth-level masters and this elite team composed entirely of knights are also one of Pare’s back-up men.

With the resurgence of magic power and the active energy of Dongfeng, Pare, who holds great power in the south, has also won over and trained many masters. There are several earth knights under Pare who were rarely seen before.

It’s just that a few earth knights couldn’t intervene in a battle of the same level as Yaxiu and Qing, and could barely protect themselves in the aftermath of the battle.

Although they were pointing weapons at the two fighting men, their trembling fingers betrayed their hearts.

“Get farther away first and let the guards evacuate the people around the palace.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

The leading Earth Knight was obviously relieved.

Although Parley was so shocked by the power of the fight that he vomited a few mouthfuls of blood and looked a little miserable, at least there was nothing wrong with his mind. He did not let them go up to die, but gave the order to retreat.

Battles at this level can no longer be filled with human lives.

A few people protected Parley and slowly exited the palace city along with the crowd in the square. The originally lively square in front of the palace became empty and completely became a stage for the two to fight.


After dozens of collisions, Qing Qing in mid-air hit straight down like a cannonball, and fell straight to the top of the main hall of the Golden Dragon Palace.

The thick stone pillars looked like they were made of tofu. They were smashed into pieces before they could hold up for a second. Under the huge force, half of the main hall that had stood for hundreds of years collapsed in an instant.

The originally cyan fighting spirit instantly converged, and Mi Xiu’s slender figure floated in the air, looking at the collapsed hall silently, as if he had just done an insignificant thing.

“Although your methods are a bit strange, you are still a realm with good strength? What made Mi Xinglu stand in front of me?”

As he spoke, Mi Xiu raised the scepter with one hand again, and golden-red fighting energy gathered at the top of the scepter.


The smoke and dust caused by the collapse of the main hall could not obstruct Yaxiu’s sight at all.

The golden-red fighting spirit accurately hit Qing who crashed into the hall.

The high temperature of more than 100,000 degrees caused the surrounding ruins to vaporize. Qing, who was hit from the front, did not hold on for a few more seconds. His figure gradually blurred under the cover of golden and red fighting spirit, and finally was printed on the ground, forming a blur. The mass of white ash begins to take shape.

“Did Mr. Qing lose now?”

Parley and the others in the distance looked at Qing who was burned to ashes, with stunned expressions on their faces.

This Master Qing, who was unfathomable in their eyes, lost so quickly?


Not even a few seconds later, something even more surprising happened to them.

The green fighting energy that had been dispersed by Misiu emerged from the cracks in the palace again, condensed into a human-shaped shadow out of thin air, and then slowly solidified. The green that had just turned into fly ash was so alive again. appeared on top of the collapsed palace.

If it weren’t for the human-shaped white ash still clearly visible on the ground, everyone would have thought they were hallucinating.


“It’s been too long since I’ve taken action properly, and my response can’t keep up with that of young people.”

When Yaxiu saw Qing coming back from the dead in mid-air, his originally indifferent face finally changed a little, and he was a little surprised.

After hearing Qing’s words, the corners of his mouth curved slightly again, revealing a sarcastic smile.

“Young man?”


The golden-red fighting spirit erupted again, and Mi Xiu in the air slammed to the ground. The green fighting spirit that had just filled the air was suppressed again.

The huge power of the burst of fighting spirit lifted the huge stone slab that was firmly embedded in the ground, leaving the square in front of the temple in a mess.

This is a duel of pure speed and strength, and skill pales in comparison at this time.

Soon, Qing was knocked to the ground again by Mishu, and then turned into a ball of ashes by the absolute high temperature.


However, when the burning flame was extinguished again, Qing’s iconic cough sounded again, and he appeared unscathed on the ruins again.

This time, Mi Xiu did not rush to take action, but took a deep look at the other party.

“A spiritual body that can condense into physical form?”

“No, it’s more like a product of rules.”

“It’s just that it’s just a domain, but can it produce rules that can affect me?”

“Interesting, let me try how many times you can survive!”


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