Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 70: Destroy 2



As the Crusaders showed their power, the morale of the soldiers of the Bender family and even the auxiliary soldiers was greatly boosted.

They shouted and rushed in from the gap opened by the Crusaders, and some even rushed in front of the spearmen.

Although they are less powerful, they are still warriors armed with sharp blades. It is impossible for the ogre warriors to completely ignore them,

Soon the human coalition gained an absolute advantage,

The ogre warriors on the other side began to feel a despair even more terrifying than the long-range suppression of the marksmen,

Just when they thought they could reverse the situation through close combat, they were stunned by a blow to the head from the Crusaders,

These originally brave ogre warriors were beaten to the point of collapse within less than five minutes of contact.

However, it is no wonder that they lack courage and fighting will,

To directly invest more than twenty knights in a small battle at one time, I am afraid that even the Lanster family, the overlord of the North, has not had such luxury.

The Crusaders were not timid in the face of these powerful fighting races whose average height was several heads higher than theirs,

It even seems a bit experienced. After all, the Crusaders on the continent of Erathia even dared to attack exotic creatures like Hydra.

Not to mention the ogre warriors who just look stronger.

And unlike other knights, because of the scarcity of knights in the Golden Dragon Kingdom, only the royal family and the top nobles have ace troops composed entirely of knights,

Most of the knights are local lords, or serve as mid-to-high-level officers in the army. Even if they occasionally focus on fighting, it is difficult to have tacit cooperation.

But the Crusaders are different. Cooperation in fighting has become their norm. After all, there are too many creatures that are much more powerful than them in the battles on the continent of Erathia. They can only fight against them by relying on formation and cooperation.

Faced with the Crusaders’ tight formation, tacit cooperation, and superb and ruthless battlefield swordsmanship, the ogre warriors collapsed faster than anyone imagined.

Not even Richard expected that the collapse of the ogre front would come so quickly,

Different from the previous night attacks, the ogres were dispersed and defeated without forming a gathering of more than ten people. Some of them even walked out of the house before they even put on their equipment.

Although they took advantage of the raid this time, the ogres still had a lot of reaction time. At least they were awake and fully equipped.

Although the team was cut up, more or less hundreds of them gathered together to form a basic formation, but they were still beaten to pieces under the assault led by the Crusaders,

At this time, the two sides had been in close combat for less than ten minutes, and the rear group that the ogre warriors had barely gathered completely collapsed.

Under the sharp spearhead assault of the Crusaders and the attack of the spearmen and Bande soldiers, the ogre warriors lost nearly half of them within ten minutes. Nearly fifty ogre warriors fell in a pool of blood.

The casualties on the human side were only fifty, and most of them were soldiers from the Bande family. The army under Richard even maintained zero casualties.

Such a battle-loss ratio is a complete gain for the human side,

The ogre side collapsed completely when the casualty rate reached 50% in a short period of time and they were unable to fight back.

A rare scene took place in this unknown wilderness. The ogre warriors abandoned their weapons and fled in all directions.

Although the human soldiers did not pursue much, the ogre warriors and human soldiers immediately accepted the baptism of marksman arrows after they broke away from the state of close combat.

Even if you are lucky enough to escape the sharpshooter’s arrow, the gryphon that has been hovering in the air for a long time will swoop down before it can run far away.

The sharp claws can carve out several **** holes in the heads of these escaping ogre warriors with the force of dive.

While the ogre warriors still maintained a slightly dense formation and fighting will, Richard did not directly order the griffins to join the battle.

Although the Royal Griffin’s lethality can achieve good results from the beginning, the Royal Griffin’s protective ability is not strong. If it jumps to the ground and joins the battle, there will always be some losses if it gets a few sticks from the ogre.

Air units are precious, and Richard does not have the luxury of using them to lead the battle. He only waits until the ogres collapse and lose their organization before letting them harvest. On this vast plain, he guarantees that not a single one will be let go.

As the scream of “chirp” sounded, no ogre could escape more than five miles from the battlefield.

After defeating the ogres at the end, the Crusaders did not spend any extra effort to pursue, but led the troops to attack the middle of the ogres according to Richard’s arrangement.

“Dang, Dang…”

It was another fierce attack. Under the attacks of Richard and Ron, Nuer could only parry but not fight back. However, within a short time, several more moderate wounds were added to his body. ,

Baron Bender still kept the ogre warriors who were trying to come for support firmly out of the battle group. If this continued, Noor would sooner or later be killed by the combined efforts of Richard and Ron.

The defeat at the end of the team completely affected Nuer’s will to fight. Now he no longer thinks about repelling this human army, but wants to take advantage of the large number of human troops before they come up. Way to get away.


Nur suddenly danced the mace in his hand like a maniac. Swinging the weapon in this way was very energy-consuming, but the effect was really good,

Faced with the mace swung at high speed, both Richard and Ron had to take a few steps back.

Nur took this opportunity to suddenly turn around and leave the battle,

With Nur’s escape, the ogre warriors who had been shaken by the initial defeat also completely lost their will to fight.

Although the battlefield is divided, the ogre warriors still have eyes after all, and the ogre warriors are generally taller and can basically see the more than twenty rays of fighting spirit clearly.

The more than twenty warriors wrapped in iron armor and a group of human soldiers smashed all enemies in their way like a huge wave,

They brought a group of well-equipped human soldiers to fight from the end of the team. They were invincible. Even the leader of Nuer ran away. If he didn’t run away, he would have to confront them directly.

Baron Bender, who had been blocking the ogre warriors from approaching the battle group, suddenly felt less pressure.

“Is this a win?”

“Sir, we won.”

Looking at the ogre warriors turning around and running away one by one, Baron Bender felt an unreal feeling.

These are hundreds of ogres.

Originally, Baron Bender had been using his fighting spirit with high intensity, and his fighting spirit was almost at the bottom. When the fighting spirit was exhausted, Baron Bender could only be a peak quasi-knight. At that time, he could not stop him with this amount of people. It cannot withstand the impact of so many ogre warriors.

I didn’t expect the ogre to collapse so suddenly, but I felt relieved when I thought of the terrifying number of knights in the Hunter family.

It’s unlucky for these ogres to run into an opponent they can’t possibly defeat…


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