Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 7: People seek tigers, and tigers seek people


The Rock Castle is where the Will family started. It was named because it was built on a huge stone.

Taking into account the terrain, the giant stone castle is seven feet tall, with thick stone walls and complete defense design, making this castle a nightmare for most attackers.

In the Stone Castle, important family members of the Will family gathered in the hall.

According to the rules of the Will family, members of the Will family can participate in discussions as long as they become quasi-knights.

At this time, there were nearly twenty people sitting in the hall. The Will family’s background was indeed stronger than that of the Hunter family.

It’s no wonder that the Hunter family has always been suppressed by the Will family. Although both sides only have one knight, the knight is a strategic deterrent to the two small nobles. If it is not a full-scale war, it is impossible to easily Take action.

The Will family does have an absolute advantage in the quasi-knights’ confrontation, but since Richard took charge of the Hunter family, the Will family’s life has become increasingly difficult.

Now not only has the Will family’s timber trade disappeared, but the people under their rule often flee to the Hunter family’s territory, and the Hunter territory’s main defense force has changed from peasant soldiers to a group of soldiers wearing white armor. This group of soldiers was not only well-trained, but also fierce and aggressive. A team of more than a dozen people dared to challenge the quasi-knights of the Will family. The quasi-knights of the Will family could not easily cross the border to pursue runaway peasants.

So the recent discussions of the Will family can never avoid the conflict with the Hunter Territory. The conflict between the two parties has long been open to the public. There has not been a full-scale conflict. It is just the restraint of the leaders of both parties. After all, everyone only has one knight. , no one is sure of winning.

However, some recent news and events have made Viscount Will make up his mind.

Viscount Will, who was sitting at the head of the table, was wearing a gorgeous brocade robe. He clapped his hands, and the originally noisy meeting hall fell silent instantly.

As the patriarch of the Will family and the only knight in the family, Viscount Will has absolute prestige in the Will family.

Everyone’s eyes turned to Viscount Will, who was at the head of the table, waiting for him to happen.

“Recently I got news that the Hunter family discovered an iron ore vein in the Ironwood Forest.”


This sentence was like throwing a pebble into the calm water, causing some noise in the already quiet hall.

The people in the Will family even breathed a little heavier, and were jealous, greedy, and angry.

The importance of iron ore to a territory is self-evident. In the eyes of the Will family, the entire Hunter Territory should be their place, and the iron ore belongs to them.

“Brother, is the news accurate?”

“I sent spies to verify and have found the location of the mineral vein.”

“Bang, brother, let’s go and ask them to hand over the mineral veins now.”

While shouting, the would-be knight of the Will family couldn’t help but slap the table.

“Yes, the logging camp in Ironwood Forest is also ours.”

Sir Will looked at the angry crowd and nodded with satisfaction. This was the effect he wanted.

“Brother, that boy from the Hunter family is full of intrigues and tricks. Is there any fraud?”

Although the Will family is mostly a bunch of reckless people, there is no shortage of smart people.

“Haha, of course, he thinks I am a fool, so I have to give him a surprise.”

Of course Viscount Will considered that there might be fraud, so he sent people to check that the iron mine existed. Even if there was fraud, it was an outright conspiracy.

If we are not determined to take action, after the Hunter family relies on this mineral vein to develop for a few more years, the Will family will be completely stepped on by the Hunter family and become a vassal.

“Tas, come here.” Tas is the second son of Viscount Will. He has shown considerable talent since he was a child and is the most valued son of Viscount Will.

“Father.” Tas walked respectfully to Viscount Will. Compared to the happy Hunter family, the Will family paid more attention to the dignity of superiors and inferiors.

“Show it to everyone.”


Tas turned around, blue-gray fighting spirit igniting in him.

The entire hall erupted into a stronger sound after a brief stasis.


“Our Tas is indeed a genius.”

“The Will family has a successor.”

The atmosphere in the entire hall became more enthusiastic, and even those who were a little worried at first now have sufficient confidence. The Will family’s military force is slightly stronger than that of the Hunter family.

In the past, a balance was only achieved in terms of knight-level combat power, and the two sides did not dare to rashly quarrel. Now that Tas has become a knight, the Will family has an absolute advantage in high-end force.


Viscount Will coughed, and the whole hall became quiet again.

We should make preparations when we go back, gather all the personal guards and peasant soldiers of each family, and set off in ten days. If the Hunter family does not understand, the entire Hunter Territory will be reduced to charcoal.

Of course Viscount Will hopes to send troops earlier and earlier, but unfortunately the professional soldiers of the Will family and the Hunter family are different.

The Will family still has a traditional peasant-soldier system. The quasi-knights are divided into various villages, and there are only a few attendants and guards around them who have been trained off-duty for a long time. Counting the time spent recruiting peasant soldiers and gathering at the Stone Castle, Ten days is already very fast.

After receiving the instructions from Viscount Will, everyone dispersed to make preparations, leaving only Viscount Will and Tas in the entire hall.

“Tas, do you think there is anything wrong with this operation?”

When everyone dispersed, Viscount Will put away his confident look, and instead frowned and asked Tas.

“Father, do you have anything else to worry about?”

“That boy Richard from the Hunter family is difficult to deal with. There must be a conspiracy behind it.”

“Then this time I am the link he missed, and I will definitely chop off his head.”

Tas and Richard are both geniuses of the younger generation. They are naturally compared with each other in two adjacent territories. Although Richard is a few years older, they are second to Li Cha in the public discussion. Under observation, for the proud Tas, this was a thorn in his heart, and this time he would completely remove the thorn.

“Well, you should go down and get ready.”

“Whether we are knights or quasi-knights, we are stronger than the Hunter family, so father does not need to worry too much.”

After saying that, Tas also left the hall.

Only Viscount Will, who was still a little uneasy, was left thinking in the hall.

Will even thought about the ridiculous possibility of Richard becoming a knight, and then shook his head. There were several seventeen-year-old knights in the entire Golden Dragon Kingdom.

Even if Richard becomes a knight, the quasi-knights of the Will family still have an absolute advantage. This action is imperative.

…A cold wind swept into the hall, and the chandelier on the roof shook a bit.

Viscount Will held onto the hem of his clothes that was blown up, held the long sword at his waist tightly, and suppressed the strange uneasiness in his heart.

No matter what plots and tricks you have, they will all pale in comparison to absolute strength.



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