Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 697: Commands and reactions


Chapter 697 Orders and Responses

In the palace, a group of palace guards wearing bright yellow armor came out. They had to deliver the news of the new king’s accession to the throne and the latest orders as quickly as possible.

Most of the palace guards who conveyed the orders had happy faces.

Going out of the palace to deliver orders is always a good job. No matter how domineering a nobleman is, as long as he has not rebelled, he still has to give some face to the Charlemagne royal family.

No matter what, you have to entertain these palace guards who deliver orders with good food and drink, and sometimes you can even take some odds and ends.

You will even be treated like a master, and you have to fight for this kind of good job every time.

It’s just that this time it’s for the new king, so the situation has changed slightly.

It’s okay to send orders to nobles and officials everywhere. After all, the fourth prince Parley has a group of supporters himself, is quite powerful, and was originally a popular choice for the heir to the throne.

Even if there is secret dissatisfaction, for the sake of the hundreds of thousands of troops in the hands of the fourth prince, he does not dare to openly confront him. At least the safety of the order is guaranteed

But the people who were sent to deliver orders to Clay City and the Northland Army were in dire straits.

It was outrageous enough to go to Clays City and summon the eldest prince back from the army. He also asked the other party not to lead an army. Qingqi Jian rushed back within ten days to attend the coronation ceremony of the new king.

Even the traffickers on the dock know how outrageous this order is.

The eldest prince is in a better mood. If he doesn’t accept the order and lets him back, he will not be able to escape the crime of failing to deliver the order.

If the eldest prince happens to be in a bad mood, it is not impossible to kill him directly to sacrifice the flag.

Don’t even think about the delicious food and drinks, and the bribes with small pieces of property.

As for giving orders to the Northern Army to withdraw from the royal capital?

Going to provoke a group of arrogant soldiers is also not a good job.

After most of the palace guards who conveyed the order dispersed, only two teams were left looking at each other and smiling bitterly. Finally, their hearts crossed. One team headed south towards the North Army’s station, and the other team headed east towards the North Army’s station. Go to Clay City.


Northland Army Station

The army built a huge military stronghold around the portal connected to the abyss.

Quan Quan built another city within the city within the royal capital.

The mansion that was originally reduced to rubble in the battle is now filled with spiked horses.

The outer wall of the military stronghold made of wood and stone is covered with mechanical and powerful crossbows.

Even the Northland brought several black steam crossbows.

After many improvements, the stability of these iron lumps has been guaranteed, and the power driven by steam is several times stronger than the Shenwei Crossbow.

If several of them are locked at the same time, the dragon can be smashed into pieces.

Unfortunately, the shortcomings are also obvious. It is still too heavy, and the shooting direction is difficult to adjust. Most of the time, it can only be fixed on city walls and large warships.

However, once the crossbow is released, the dense shooting ports and arrows alone are enough to scare the enemy.

Inside and outside the military stronghold, Northland Army soldiers wearing blue and white cloth masks patrolled back and forth, maintaining a high degree of vigilance even in the royal capital.

From time to time, there are giant dragons patrolling past in the sky, full of murderous aura.

A group of golden-armored palace guards appeared outside the military stronghold.

Originally, the palace guards flying the royal flag should be able to run rampant in the royal capital. Even the bloodline nobles who had been dissatisfied with the Charman family in the past did not dare to blatantly block the actions of the palace guards who sent orders.

However, the Northland Army only recognized the Hunter family’s three-arrow flag, but did not recognize the Charman family’s royal flag.

The team of palace guards who passed the order were ordered to stop by the Northland Army on the tower before they got even two hundred meters away from the military stronghold.

“No movement ahead, anyone who dares to approach will be shot to death!”

This was not a verbal threat. The moment the soldiers on the observation tower spoke, several Shenwei crossbows around them began to adjust their angles.

The soldier in charge of the operation had even taken out the special arrows for the Shenwei Crossbow and placed them on the arrow trough, looking eager to try.

If the palace guards flying the royal flag below dare to continue to advance, they will shoot the opponent into a sieve.

“Stop, stop!”

The captain of the palace guard was very sensible and did not continue to move forward. Instead, he immediately reined in his horse and stretched out his hand to signal the following men to stop.

The captain of the palace guard is named Barak Levi, and he is from a noble family in the royal capital.

Hundreds of years ago, his ancestors followed Aragorn and fought against orcs. However, by his generation, his title had nothing to do with him, and it was just a surname.

Joining the Palace Guards relies on talent and hard work, accumulated step by step from the Royal Capital Knight Academy, and a little luck to reach this point.

With the strength of a knight and his status as a palace guard officer, Barak must be given some face by others no matter where he is.

This was the first time that he had been out of the palace to work so hard.

The faces of the several young palace guards behind them were obviously angry, but in the face of the Northland Army with a solemn look on their faces, their bodies were still honest and did not dare to move.

After calming down his men, Barak calmed down and replied:

“We are the palace guards who brought the message, bringing the new king’s order!”

“New King?”

The intelligence capabilities of the Northland Army in the Royal Capital are not very strong. The incident in the palace came very suddenly. At this time, the Northland Army stationed near the portal did not know the specific information.

However, since he is someone from the palace, there is no need to stop him.

“Put the hanging basket! Let people come in!”

On the military camp, several hanging baskets were lowered, which made Barak’s eyes twitch a few times.

After revealing his identity, the person on the other side didn’t even want to open the door and even let the gondola down.

Listening to this tone, it’s not that he is deliberately making things difficult, but that he really doesn’t take the royal family seriously.

“Go, dismount!”

The Northern Army is inside the big tent.

Taize sat high on the main seat. As a barbarian, Taize had an outstanding physique. He was more than two meters tall and had a body full of tendons. He just managed to seat the most majestic leader in the camp out of his small and exquisite body. Feel.

Taize is the best defensive being among the system heroes. He has strong commanding ability, but his personal strength is not outstanding.

Although the sky-level combat power is not considered weak when entering the abyss battlefield, it is only an elite unit and has little impact on the battle situation. In the end, Richard was left in the camp to guard the connection between the two planes. ‘s portal.

Taize did not let Richard down. In a short period of time, he built the entire camp like an iron barrel.

Even ordinary saint-level experts cannot get around the giant dragon patrolling in the sky and the pile of giant crossbows that have no blind spots for shooting.

“Will you tell the new king’s order again?”

“The Northland Army is a foreign army. According to the rules, it should not be stationed in the royal capital. It should withdraw as soon as possible!”


“I’ve turned against you!”

When Barak repeated the order again, Taize just looked weird.

He really couldn’t figure out what kind of trick this new king, who had a good relationship with Lord Richard, had used to make the Northern Army withdraw from the royal capital.

But Quill, who had a slightly grumpy temper, immediately stood up and drew out his knight’s sword with a clang, pointing it at Barak and his party.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the wording he used when he said Parley was contrary.

Quil is a representative of the local generals under Richard’s command, and his combat power is much lower than that of a bunch of system heroes.

However, with the accumulation of resources in the North, Quill, who was already very talented, has also gained the high-level strength of the earth. Before the magic power recovers, he has almost touched the ceiling of knight practice.

Coupled with the fact that he led troops to kill in the wilderness all year round, the smell of blood on his body could not be removed no matter what.

Most people might fall down in fear when Quill yells like this.

Barak was trembling with fear after being pointed at by Quill and receiving unkind glances from the circle of people in the tent. He did not kneel down immediately, which was considered as maintaining the last bit of dignity of the royal family in front of the Northland Army.

“Yes, sir, this is His Majesty Parley’s order.”

“Yeah, I know.”

Taize touched his hand and signaled Quill to calm down. Quill knew he had lost his composure, so he apologized and sat back down.

Barack below is confused.

What does it mean to know?

He has given orders so many times, and this is the first time he heard this answer.

“Then, sir, when will the Northern Army…”

“How the Northland Army will act depends on Sir Richard’s orders.”

“Please come back!”

Although Taize looked big and rough, his personality was not domineering. Although the order sounded too outrageous, he did not embarrass Barak who was giving the order.

And when Balak heard that Taize was going to see off the guests, he also withdrew from the big tent in relief.

Anyway, the order has been conveyed. Whether the Northern Army listens to it or not is none of his business. If he stays any longer and is an eyesore, he is really afraid that any of the arrogant generals of the Northern Army will not be able to hold back and kill them. A group of people chopped it up…

“This royal capital has undergone great changes.”

“Order the army to be on heightened alert during this period. No bird is allowed to come in without my order!”

“Yes, sir!”

Royal Palace

Parley was sitting in an extremely inconspicuous room, wondering what he was thinking. After becoming the new king, there was no smile on his face as he wanted.

“Your Majesty, the main nobles in the royal capital and the two prime ministers have expressed their support for you to ascend the throne and become the new king.”

“It’s just that the Northern Army has no plans to leave Golden Dragon City. The palace guard who sent the order said that they must wait for Lord Richard’s order.”

“Hey, who can command this Northern Army except my brother-in-law?”

Pare had already expected the reaction of the Northland Army and did not show any anger.

Waving his hand, he asked his men to exit the room.

“You also heard it. It’s not that I don’t want to send the Northland Army away, but that I simply can’t command them.”

At some point, a figure in a white robe appeared in the room.

“It doesn’t matter, I just want to give them a chance to survive.”

“Perhaps, the coming of a great era always requires some blood.”

“Hey hey”

“Should I call you General Mixiu, His Majesty the Pope, or something else?”

Parley smiled noncommittally, stared at the familiar face and asked abruptly.



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