Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 696: The king and his son


Chapter 696 The King and His Son

Golden Dragon City

In Ren’s palace.

The gray-haired Ren was half-sitting on a large wooden bed. The bed was carved with cloud patterns and embedded with several evenly cut rubies.

If Richard saw it, he would definitely feel a strong sense of disobedience, and he would also complain that Aragorn had distorted the painting style of this world.

However, the people in the palace have long been accustomed to this kind of unusual decoration and architectural style, and do not think there is anything wrong with it.

There is a round stool directly opposite the big bed. I don’t know who is sitting on it. It is very lonely and eye-catching, as if it should not be placed there.

Anyway, a king would generally not sit on a single stool without even an armrest.

According to the rules of the palace, all discussions must be held in the main hall, but occasionally there will be dramas in the bedroom.

The king would occasionally summon some of his ministers who were about to retire to the palace to chat about household matters as a show of favor, which would give them a little more bragging rights in the future.

The summoned ministers will sit on the round stool, facing the king.

Only today, there is a young man sitting on the round stool that should be reserved for veterans.

The young man’s face shape is similar to Ren’s. He is not at all restrained when sitting on the stool. He crosses his legs and holds his hands on his knees. His posture is very casual.

“Father, this stool is uncomfortable to sit on. One day I will get you a leather sofa.”

“Let me tell you, that sofa is really comfortable. It’s stuffed with cotton and cashmere, and sewn piece by piece with snow rabbit skin. When you lie down on it, it feels like you’re wrapped in cotton.”

“I don’t know how those businessmen in the North came up with it. There are always some new things in my brother-in-law’s territory.”

“However, I ordered people in the south to imitate some sea animal skins. Although the skin is not as soft as snow rabbit skin, it is smooth and tough, and it is also moisture-proof. It has taken away a lot of business from northern merchants.”

“Anyway, it’s much better than “Mystery Jing Shidi”. I’ve been sitting here for a while and my **** hurts.”

The young man used a round stool as a guide and talked for a long time.

But King Ren just sat on the bed and stared at him intently.

“Fourth, what are you nervous about?”

With one sentence, Ren interrupted Prince Pare who had been talking.

The fourth prince, who was still introducing the sofa eloquently, was suddenly startled, and unconsciously lowered his legs, and the whole person fell silent.

The room suddenly became eerily quiet.


It took a long time before Pare let out a chuckle.

He was really nervous

He sat in front of Ren, deliberately talking casually, seemingly casually.

In fact, it is just covering up the fear in my heart.

At this time, Ren’s words put it right, and he really relaxed a lot.

“It’s my first time to launch a coup, so I’m really a little nervous.”


“You’ve been killed in rivers of blood in the south, why are you so nervous here.”


Ren coughed a few times when he was excited when he spoke. Ren, who had been so healthy a while ago, suddenly looked like he was about to die.

“Father, don’t get excited, I haven’t done anything yet…”

“What did you do?”

“Father, do you think I have this ability?”

Although the fourth prince Pare was a man of genius and managed many forces in his hands, he could not poison Ren, who had been living in the palace.

The entire palace is run like an iron barrel by Ren, and it would be impossible to poison him.

But just like that, Ren’s body collapsed rapidly as if he had been poisoned, and he seemed to have aged dozens of years in a month.

The originally full head of black hair turned into silver threads, and a great knight-level expert suddenly couldn’t even walk.

This is not like what poison can do, more like a spell.

Wren’s physical condition made Pare a little chilly.

“Did you know that the Charmans will never compromise with the church?”

“Of course I dare not forget.”

“What do you dare not forget?”

“I dare not forget that I am a member of the Chalmain family.”

Hearing Parley’s answer, Ren’s face relaxed a little, and then said slowly:

“Of all the kids, you are the most like me.”

“Are you still shameless?”

“Hey hey”

After listening to Parley’s words, Ren not only did not get angry, but instead laughed and lay back on the bed.

“Just do what you have to do, I’m tired.”

“Father, have a good rest, my son, please leave first!”

After a while, Parley walked out of the palace.

The soft creak of the door opened attracted a lot of attention.

The waiter who was supposed to be guarding outside the palace had long since disappeared, replaced by a dark sea of ​​soldiers.

Looking at the styles of armor they wore, it was obvious that they were not the golden armor of the palace guards, but foreign troops from the south.

Several officers-like soldiers stepped forward to greet them, only to hear Parley’s calm instructions:

“Your Majesty has passed away. White flags have been hung all over the city, and all ministers have been summoned to the palace to discuss matters.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Withdraw it!”

With Parley’s order, the soldiers who had gathered around the hall quickly withdrew, and the area became deserted.

An old man also hesitated for a moment outside the house and then slowly left.

Pare was left alone standing in front of the temple in a daze.

The stool in the house is so uncomfortable, I have to replace it with a sofa from the North…

That night, several orders came from the palace:

The “old” King Renn died of a serious illness, and white flags were hung throughout the city for ten days.

When King Ren was on his deathbed, he appointed the new king as the fourth son of the king, Parley, and the witness was the fourth prince himself. The enthronement ceremony of the new king will be held in the palace ten days later.

The Praetorian Guards swore allegiance to Pare, and the Southern Army was reorganized into the City Guards on the spot.

The Northern Army is a foreign army and should not be stationed in the royal capital for a long time. It should change its location immediately.

Several pieces of news, just one of them, are enough to cause a huge disturbance.

The king in his prime fell ill and died suddenly after being ill for a month. What disease could inexplicably kill a great knight in his prime?

The new king is the fourth prince Pare?

The First Prince’s Iron Guard is not far away from the city of Clais.

Even if he masters the Imperial Guard and the Southern Legion brought by the fourth prince himself, and has a numerical advantage against the Iron Guard, it will be difficult for the eldest prince with a heavy army to capture him.

Besides, there are too many doubts about Parley’s ascendancy. This process of passing the throne is like usurping the throne written on his forehead.

The unabashed approach even made the officials and nobles of the royal capital think that maybe this outrageous process of passing the throne was true?

Are there any blatant plans to expel the Northland Army from the city?

This order is like being kicked in the head by a donkey. Who gave the fourth prince the courage to provoke those barbarians in the North?

Bundling all the forces in the royal capital together is no match for the Northern Army.

The Northern Army is guarding the light gate in Nancheng. Why are you provoking them?

When these news came out together, the impact became much smaller.

Or maybe everyone has become numb because of too much information…

The water in the royal capital has turned into ink, and the minds of all the experienced politicians and counselors have been turned into mush by this messy situation.

They have never seen such a complicated and outrageous situation.




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