Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 695: End


End of Chapter 695

“What a pity!”

In the distance, the blue light curtain covering the entire battlefield gradually faded and then disappeared completely.

Li Cha looked at Mao Ge’s headless body and sighed.

The experience Mao Ge provided him was enough to upgrade him by two levels, but the two levels did not improve his strength much. At most, it only stabilized his strength in the realm of jealousy.

Compared to directly obtaining the allegiance of a senior strong person in the realm of jealousy, this increase in strength is obviously not cost-effective.

Besides, there is also a treasure house that contains several artifact-level treasures.

The treasure house that existed in half space, with the death of Mao Ge, was completely lost to Richard.

Without the spear leather to lead the way, finding a miniature half-space in the endless void may be many times more difficult than winning millions in the lottery.

If conditions permit, it’s not like Richard doesn’t want to take the spear under his hands.

But Mao Ge was so good at escaping that in order to keep the opponent alive, Richard had to use war shackles. From the time Richard used the war shackles, the two sides were actually fighting to the death.

Richard agreed with Mao Ge to surrender just to save trouble.

After all, even a severely injured strong man in the realm of jealousy will make Richard pay some price if he fights desperately.

If he were more ruthless and specifically hunted down Richard’s holy heroes on the battlefield, it would be enough to make Richard vomit blood.

When Mao Ge opened his soul to a soul-playing master like Sandro in order to survive, the outcome was already doomed.

The Lost Soul Technique sealed off all Mao Ge’s perceptions, and Richard easily took off the opponent’s head with one sword.

The king who traveled across the abyss and several planes died in a surprisingly cowardly manner.

“Mao Ge is dead, Black Abyss City is already in the bag, and the entire Southern Territory will crawl at your feet. What are you still regretting?”

“It’s a pity that a strong man who could have been taken under his command is a pity. What a pity that a treasure house has been lost.”

Richard explained with regret, but Sandro had a smile on his face.

“I dare not promise you that you are strong, but I am certain that I can help you find the treasure house.”

“Oh, what do you say?”

“It is rare to get a complete soul and body this time. If you spend some time refining it, you may be able to preserve some of the memories of your life and exert 60 to 70% of your combat power.”

Li Cha glanced at Mao Ge’s head that flew dozens of meters away.

Is this considered a complete body?

Perhaps in Sandru’s eyes, as long as he didn’t get hit by a dump truck, his death would be considered complete.

The last strong man that Sandro was so interested in was the old orc.

It’s a pity that the guy’s body itself is not original, and he relies on the shaman’s technique to forcibly overdraw his life to support the realm of combat power.

Fighting with Richard to the point of exhaustion, his soul was also severely damaged.

No matter how superb Sandro’s methods were, he only produced an ordinary holy undead warrior.

Putting it on this abyss battlefield, it can only be used as a stronger elite unit.

But the spear leather is different. The tempered body is original, just the head is severed.

Richard used deceptive means to gain souls. If he performed better, he might be able to refine an undead warrior in the state of jealousy.

Undead powerful enough to fight against some ordinary gods.

While speaking, Sandro’s tone was already trembling obviously. This undead and gloomy guy rarely showed any impatience.

“Okay, then I’ll leave it all to you.”

“Yes, sir!”

As soon as Sandro raised his hand, Mao Ge’s headless body stood up again on its own and turned around in confusion, as if looking for something.

It wasn’t until Sandro recited another spell that Mao Ge’s headless body found its direction and walked towards his head.

Then he lifted his head with both hands and pressed it squarely on the broken neck.

The uncorrupted flesh and blood glowed with vitality like a flashback, growing rapidly at the suture between the head and neck, and then connected together.

Except for the different color of the flesh on the neck, there is almost no difference from before.

Then he walked up to Richard with an indifferent expression and half-knelt on the ground.

“Is this done?”

“Of course not, it’s just preliminary work. It’s not completed yet. It’s just a soulless puppet.”

“Only when his soul is injected can he exert his greatest strength.”

“However, if we want to completely control the undead warriors in this realm, the undead army may not be able to maintain this number.”

“It doesn’t matter, let’s take this as the main priority and let Aisha lead the undead army as much as possible.”

After this battle, the entire southern region of the Abyss will become his cannon fodder supply ground.

The Skeleton Sea has become useless, and only the high-end combat power of the Terror Knight and Bone Dragon can be retained.

One undead warrior in the realm of jealousy is more useful than the entire undead army combined.

“Yes, sir!”

In the distance, Mao Ge’s death has gradually triggered a chain reaction.

Most of the demon warriors at the bottom of Black Abyss City have not yet reacted, but most of the demons above the holy level have already realized that Mao Ge was killed.

Many holy-level demons in Black Abyss City found out that Mao Ge was dead in battle, and simply abandoned their troops and fled, or simply chose to surrender to their opponents.

Black Abyss City changes hands, it’s just a matter of time…

The battlefield is mid-air.

Two afterimages, one black and one white, are colliding fiercely.


After another pure strength competition, the two figures stopped at the same time.

The black figure is Lucifer with black wings on his back. Lucifer’s posture with a long sword is still very elegant.

After fighting for so long, he didn’t even mess up his hair, he just looked at the other party with an indifferent expression.

Lift your chin slightly, as if looking at the other person directly is a great gift.

The red figure opposite is a female sword demon with a hot figure.

The Sword Demon is already slender. Although the Sword Demon is two meters tall, he looks like a little giant in the eyes of humans.

But the proportions are surprisingly perfect, with a golden-proportioned figure and exposed round and slender thighs.

There is also the ravine whose depth is unpredictable at first sight.

If you don’t care about the red skin and the arms that turned into blades.

This female sword demon is definitely a stunning beauty.

Compared to Lucifer who looked indifferent and filled with anger, this sword demon was not so calm.

As one of the four generals under Mao Ge, Dao Mo Weita’s strength cannot be underestimated.

From the fact that she can fight so many times with Lucifer without falling behind, we can see how tough this sword demon in the realm is.

If they were to fight one on one, she and Lucifer would definitely be evenly matched.

But just when her fighting spirit was getting stronger, Mao Ge’s strong aura suddenly disappeared.

In Weita’s eyes, Mao Ge, who was almost a supreme being, actually fell.

This incident caused Vita to lose his mind instantly, almost allowing Lucifer to seize the flaw and kill him.

Fortunately, the sword demon has rich fighting experience and a strong will. He was injured and Lucifer was able to escape briefly.

Looking at the sword demon flying far away to confront him, Lucifer was not in a hurry to pursue him and asked:

“Why, do you also want to surrender to my lord?”

Lucifer spoke directly, but it was exactly what Vita wanted.

Since Mao Ge is dead, there is no point in her continuing to fight.

However, after all, she is a strong person in the Realm of Domain, so even if she wants to surrender, she has to negotiate conditions.

“What if…”


“Damn it, what are you doing!”

Just when Vita wanted a promise, Lucifer suddenly launched a surprise attack without any sense of martial ethics.

A sword was handed over to him, and Vita could only block it with a hasty swing of his sword.

“Of course it will kill you!”

Lucifer is not so murderous, but Richard’s order this time has only one word:


Kill until Lucifer is successfully promoted to the realm of jealousy!

There is nothing missing in the abyss, except for demons. Recruiting surrender and recruiting rebels is not as important as a strong man in the state of jealousy.

Except for Sandro, Lucifer is the one closest to the state of jealousy among Richard’s heroes. For Lucifer’s promotion, the demons in the entire battlefield can become Lucifer’s upgrade experience…


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