Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 694: The Sorrow of the Black Abyss (End)


Chapter 694: The Sorrow of the Black Abyss (End)

“Sir, I am willing to surrender to you!”

After several failed attempts to teleport away from the blue light curtain, Mao Ge conscientiously chose to kneel down.

Kneel half-kneeling on the ground in the direction where Richard came from, raising his sword with both hands towards Richard, ready to sacrifice his weapon.

At this time, the condition of the spear leather was extremely poor, and he could not use teleportation to escape from this area. He was fighting to the death with two strong men in the realm of jealousy. It was difficult to have any other outcome except death in battle.

Although the spear leather is an ancient antique that has lived for thousands of years, the longer it lives, the more fear of death grows.

As for creatures like demons, they are cruel, easy to kill, and eager to be strong. Their only advantage is that they have almost no morals.

Especially for a strong man like Mao Ge who has got rid of the demon’s killing instinct, his desire for life is his greatest pursuit.

In order to survive, of course, it is quite silky to slide and kneel.

When Richard and Sandro came closer together, Mao Ge had already calmed down the anger on his face, leaving only a look of submission.

“Oh? Surrender?”

“Aren’t you looking for revenge from me?”

While speaking, Richard did not put down the azure blue sword in his hand. He gripped the hilt of the sword tightly with both hands, ready to attack at any time without relaxing his vigilance at all.

Sandru, who was wearing a black robe next to him, was standing casually. In the eyes of any soldier, he was full of flaws.

But Zhao Ge, who had suffered a lot, dared not attack Sandru. Who knew whether this body was the true body of this spellcaster who was good at playing with souls.

Maoge has a deep understanding of Sandro’s insidiousness and despicability.

Faced with Richard’s sarcasm, Mao Ge, who wanted to survive, did not dare to show any dissatisfaction, but instead said in a low voice:

“It was because I didn’t see the power of the adults before, and now I don’t dare to have the idea of ​​revenge.”

“Tell me, how are you going to make me trust you?”

“I am willing to give my real name so that you can engrave it on my soul!”

Since Mao Ge surrendered, of course he also considered how to win Richard’s trust.

Otherwise, a strong man with space talent in the jealous realm would just ask the other party to spare his life.

Mao Ge would not be so naive, nor would he regard the strong man opposite as a fool.

Soul engraving is the most stringent control method in the abyss, which is equivalent to the controlled party completely letting go of their own spiritual space.

The caster divides a part of the mental power and buries it into it, just like burying a thunder in the opponent’s soul.

If someone dares to betray, the caster can turn the imprinted party into a stupid lunatic in a single thought.

This method of directly holding the soul hostage is much more effective than any oath.

It’s just that most of the powerful people in the abyss are not willing to use this method too much. After all, they have to divide part of their mental power. If it is used too much, the caster will also become weak.

Like spear leather, it has never been used.

The engraving must be completed with the willingness of one party and no resistance at all.

A strong person worthy of his imprinting cannot be willingly controlled by him, and some of the subordinates in the Realm of Realm, even if they do not imprint, would not dare to betray a space system king.

It is easy to defeat a great king, but it may be the first time that a great king is forced into a desperate situation where he must surrender.

Few people would refuse to accept such a powerful king as a loyal servant.

Even Richard was moved when he heard that the other party was willing to sign his surrender.

If a Ziyue Great Demon with the power to kill gods can be completely controlled, it will be a big help in fighting against gods in the future.

“Then put your weapon on the ground first.”

Richard did not directly step forward to grab Mao Ge’s giant blade, but ordered Mao Ge to put the weapon on the ground.

Even if Mao Ge is injured, he will still suffer if he tries to take advantage of him. A strong man of this level must be careful as long as he survives.

Zhao Ge obediently placed the giant blade in his hand on the ground.

Sandru next to him tapped the bone staff on the ground twice.

On the hard black rock in front of Mao Le, several skeletal hands came out and grabbed Mao Le’s weapon.

The giant blade weighing a thousand kilograms was held up by several skeletal hands and then handed to Richard.

Richard looked at Sandro, who nodded, indicating that there was nothing wrong with the weapon, and then placed his hand on the giant blade.

“Treasure: The King’s Death Blade

Effect 1: Hard. The giant blade is made of special material. It is made from a small world. It is indestructible and not easily damaged.

Effect 2: Sharp, the Purple Moon Devil’s spear leather is nourished by the power of space. There is a certain chance of triggering the dimensional cutting effect when slashing, making it indestructible.

Effect 3: God-killing. The death blade stained with the blood of the gods is very hungry for the blood of the gods and will cause additional damage to the divine units. ”

“What a magic weapon!”

With such strong attributes, no wonder even the defense of the Dragon King’s divine power was broken. This is a magic weapon that can attack to the extreme.

After seeing the properties of this knife, Richard couldn’t help but admire it.

I just don’t know if the sharp effect of this magic weapon can have any effect on its hard effect.

“I still have some good collections in my treasure house, and their value will not be lower than this weapon.”

As if to show his value, Mao Ge added again.

There are several treasures that are comparable to this weapon, and they are also artifact-level treasures. He is worthy of a great king who has ruled the Southern Territory for thousands of years. Even if the words are a bit exaggerated, a little worse than the Death Blade, a few artifacts are enough to make Richard greedy.

Richard was moved and asked:

“Oh? Is the treasure house in this Black Abyss City?”

“Of course not. The truly useful treasures are all stored in a half-space world. I will get them for you after the engraving is completed.”

Hearing this, Richard showed a little disappointment, and even a little bit of pain, but he quickly covered it up and showed greed instead.

“Since you want to serve me as your master, you will naturally donate your collection.”

“Also, you should first swear allegiance to me according to human etiquette!”

“Yes, sir!”

Why are there so many things about human beings?

The human being in front of him is not only greedy, but also has a characteristic that makes him even more disgusted.

However, although he felt that Richard was in trouble, Mao Ge felt a lot more at ease. At least his life was saved first.

Mao Ge knelt on one knee, held his chest with his hand, bowed his head and saluted Richard.

“I am willing to offer my loyalty to the Lord!”


Spearhide, who has plundered many worlds, is very knowledgeable, and this set of knightly etiquette is quite standard.

Then, Richard gave Sandro a wink.

Shandru stepped forward knowingly, while Mao Ge looked at the other person in astonishment.

“Sir, this…?”

Richard and Sandro were obviously dominated by Richard. I thought the one who would be imprinted would be Richard, but what I didn’t expect was the strange man in black robe next to him.

“Your Excellency Sandro is my dearest relative and friend, and we are indistinguishable from each other. There is no difference between him engraving it and me engraving it myself.”

“Why, aren’t you willing, Mr. Maoge?”

Of course Mao Ge was not very happy. He did not believe Richard’s lies. Judging from the actions of Richard and Sandro, Sandro was obviously dominated by Richard.

Although I don’t know what their relationship is, they are definitely not those **** relatives and friends. I originally thought that they were surrendering directly to Richard, but the other party even sent a subordinate over.

Besides, the strange aura of the right person scared him more than Richard.

This is simply too much bullying.

“I dare not, I will always follow your will!”

Although Mao Ge was very dissatisfied in his heart, his body was still very honest.

After he hesitated just now, not only did Richard raise his sword again, Sandro also stopped where he was, looking at him with a half-smile.

There are several slightly dangerous holy-level auras locked around him.

He was afraid that if he said no, the other party would turn against him the next second.

“I believe in the sincerity of Lord Maoge. When I conquer the entire abyss, you will still be the king of the Southern Territory! You can even rule a wider space!”

As Richard became more and more proficient in painting cakes, Mao Ge lowered his head again.

At the same time, Sandro had arrived in front of Mao Ge, and placed his cold bone hand on Mao Ge’s forehead.

A cold spiritual power was released by Sandro. This sense of evil was stronger than the demons in the abyss, and Richard, who was standing aside, felt a little uncomfortable.


“Let go of your resistance!”

Mao Ge groaned as he was invaded by Sandru’s spirit, instinctively wanting to resist this spiritual invasion.

However, he firmly suppressed this impulse under Sandro’s reminder.

After a few seconds, Sandro’s cold mental power disappeared, and he turned to Richard and said:

“My lord, it’s done.”

“Well done!”


When Mao Ge suddenly regained his consciousness, Richard walked up to him without leaving any trace.

The sword was raised and dropped, a pillar of blood surged into the sky, and a head with eyes wide open flew more than ten meters away and then rolled in a big circle on the ground…

The demon king who ruled the southern region of the abyss for thousands of years fell…


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