Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 693: The Sorrow of the Black Abyss (3)


Chapter 693: The Sorrow of the Black Abyss (3)

Mao Ge turned around and looked at the pile of corpses in the distance. A strange man in black robes, exuding the aura of death, sat up from the corpses.

The opponent had hidden himself in a pile of corpses at some point, suppressed his aura with death energy, and launched a successful sneak attack at the height of the battle.

The strange man in black robe who sat up from the corpse was Sandro.

Although Sandru came out late, with an entire army of undead under his command, Sandru was like an experience-gaining machine in subsequent battles.

Sandro, who had already reached the pinnacle of the Realm of Domain, finally broke through that boundary during the battle in Purple Moon City and successfully entered the threshold of the Realm of Jealousy.

And unlike Richard, Sandro originally had the strength of the Envy Realm at his peak. Once he broke through, his strength would recover on its own without the need for time to stabilize and become familiar with it. Ninety percent of his combat power had been restored.

The only thing missing is the various treasures originally scavenged on the mainland and the undead army accumulated over a long period of time.


Sandru, who succeeded in the sneak attack, let out a cold laugh. He did not have the demeanor of a strong man in the realm of jealousy, but felt proud of this successful sneak attack.

Some smiles appeared on the long-stiffened faces.

Seeing Mao Ge turning his attention to himself, he instantly raised his hand, and a bone wall appeared in front of Sandro.


Almost in an instant, the blade of Spear Leather arrived, and even the caster of the Realm of Jealousy could not block Spear Leather’s blow.

Bone chips flew everywhere, and the bone wall that looked like white jade just now shattered in an instant.

The ability of Mao Ge is almost beyond that of spell casters. Even holy casters have no melee capabilities. Once a powerful holy demon like Mao Ge gets close, life or death will be a matter of seconds.

Obviously, Mao Ge also made the best choice at present.

For the time being, give up on the slippery Richard and prioritize killing this despicable spellcaster.

Even if he is as strong as a spear, he would not dare to let a spellcaster of the same level cast spells without any scruples.

Things seemed to be going in the direction that Mao Ge expected. The seemingly solid white jade bone wall was broken open by Mao Ge like a knife.

The black figure was still in place, as if frightened.

The giant blade was swung, and a cruel smile appeared on Mao Le’s face.

A weak spellcaster like this can be solved with just one knife…


However, before the spear leather was cut down, the black body exploded on its own. The shriveled body didn’t have much flesh and blood, but a cloud of green poisonous mist exploded.


The moment the black body exploded, Mao Ge sensed something was wrong.

But he was too close. Even if he reacted immediately and used teleportation to escape, he would still inevitably be tainted with a little green poisonous mist.

The terrifying poisonous mist turned the bright red palm of the spear leather into a dull green, and the pits on it looked extremely disgusting.

The terrifying corrosiveness of the poisonous mist brought tremendous pain to Spear Leather. Even if he only got some on his hands, he couldn’t help but let out a scream.

The hands holding the giant blade were trembling.

“Sure enough, he is just a fool who relies on his talent to fight.”

“It’s a pity, I’m quite used to that body.”

The sound came from another corpse.

Sandru’s soul transfer technique can not only play with the souls of other creatures, but also transfer his own soul.

Necromancers who have reached the realm of Sandro have already touched certain taboos in their research on the soul. For them, the body is just a shell that can be replaced at any time, which may be just a little more troublesome than changing clothes.

Although Mao Ge could sense the movements of Richard using teleportation at any time, he was completely unaware of Sandro’s soul-moving technique, and suffered a heavy loss from the start.

While Sandro was speaking, two **** skeletons stood up around him at the same time. They held a bone long weapon and exuded the aura of the Holy Order.

The Guardian of the Underworld is also a forbidden spell of the undead system. It directly summons two holy-level undead to fight for him.

Although they only have the combat power of a new Saint-level warrior, with their fearless nature, ordinary Saint-level warriors will have a huge headache when facing them.

If he was in his heyday, he would not have taken this kind of holy level of power seriously, but now, he was cursed with weakness and his hands were still corroded, but he had to take it seriously.


Zhao Ge endured the pain and used twice as much strength as usual, struggling to swing the giant blade in his hand.

The knife struck the **** skeleton in front of him.

The skeletons known as the Guardians of Hades no longer look like bones when viewed up close.

The bones throughout the body are as jade-like as if they were carved out of blood-red crystal. Their strength is not on the same level as ordinary skeletons.

However, with the sword of Mao Ge, there doesn’t seem to be much difference between the two.

The **** skull sword rushing in front was slashed from the middle by the giant blade in Spear Leather’s hand before it could fall down.

The whole body was shattered along the edge of the spear leather, like a broken glass door.

The other **** skeleton did not show any fear because of the tragic situation of its companion. Instead, it used its own body as a weapon to directly hit him with the spear leather.


However, this collision still missed the target. The spear leather that was close at hand suddenly disappeared and avoided the fierce impact, and then appeared behind the **** skeleton.

With the same method, raising the giant blade is like a knife, splitting the opponent into pieces.

It took a total of three seconds to eliminate two holy-level Hades guards.

It took two seconds longer than in its heyday.

But it was this little time that put Mao Ge in danger.

A strong wind blew behind my ears, and the hot breath was that of the defeated general just now.


The heavy force caused the spear to lean back, and his hands almost lost their strength.

Richard, who had just been suppressed, gained the upper hand in strength.

It’s not that Richard has improved much in this time, but that under Sandru’s curse, the strength of the spear has been greatly reduced, and both strength and speed are far less than before.

“You have so many good things!”

Mao Ge suddenly stepped away, his eyes staring unwillingly at Richard who was not far away. This time, he took the initiative to distance himself.

The opponent had just been stabbed three times by him, the deepest one had already damaged his internal organs, and the number of punches and kicks was hard to count.

Even a strong man in the realm of jealousy should not be able to exert much of his combat power at this moment. He had clearly felt the weakness of the opponent’s aura just now.

But now the other party has completely recovered strangely. His aura is strong and he no longer looks weak at all. Even the several stab wounds on his body have recovered as before. If the blood hadn’t dried, the injuries just now seemed to be fake. Same.

I’m afraid I have to take a bath in the life spring of those elves to recover so quickly.

The opponent recovered instantly. In Mao Ge’s understanding, this was another artifact-level treasure.

“That knife of yours is not bad either!”

“Huh, I’m the only one who steals other people’s things.”

“My baby, you have to take good care of it.”

The offensive and defensive momentum was reversed. Faced with a difficult caster in the Realm of Jealousy and Richard who had fully recovered, Mao Ge already had some intention of retreating.

The curse from Sandru not only did not fade with the passage of time, but intensified.

I just felt a little powerless, but now Mao Ge felt a strong dizziness even while standing there.

In addition to the injury on his hand, his combat effectiveness has been reduced to 10 to 50.

To deal with two strong men of the same level in this state, although Mao Ge has a hot temper, he is not stupid.

Although Black Abyss City is the foundation, his own life is the foundation. A great king can rebuild a foundation no matter where he goes.

Half of his current misery was due to his carelessness and a sneak attack. After fighting for dozens of times, he could clearly feel that the two opponents on the opposite side were no match for him if they fought alone.

It’s best if these two stay together and don’t separate from each other in the future, and the rebellious demons in Ziyue City don’t spread out, otherwise they will all have to bear his revenge.

After saying those harsh words, Mao Ge immediately disappeared from the spot.

Among the princes of the abyss, he dare not say that he is the strongest, but when it comes to the ability to save lives, he is second but no one dares to admit that he is first.

After you recover from your injuries, let those guys know the consequences of offending a space king.

The next second, Spear Leather appeared on a black rock again.

Holding the giant blade with both hands, he rarely showed some weakness.

Before he finished his attack, Mao Ge noticed something was wrong.

Why is there still black rock on the ground? This is the terrain near Black Abyss City. The place where he appeared should be the red swamp in the north.

Listen carefully, you can still faintly hear shouts of killing, and there are large armies fighting nearby.

He didn’t escape far at all!

Is the curse already so strong?

In the distance, Richard has locked the position of Mao Ge, and is walking parallel to Sandru, and will arrive almost in the blink of an eye.

With Mao Ge’s current state, he is no match for two people one on one, and he is almost certain to die against two of them.

No time to think too much.

The spear leather disappeared again, and then reappeared on the black rock.

Mao Ge glanced at the sky in confusion. A huge blue light curtain enveloped the entire battlefield, as if the entire Black Abyss City battlefield was blocked.

At this time, Mao Ge finally panicked. He had not encountered strong enemies in the past thousand years, but this was the first time he had truly smelled the breath of death…

The shackles of war have been locked onto the spear leather, this time for personal use.

One of Mao Ge and Richard must die before they can leave this area.

After Mao Ge used teleportation again to escape without success, he finally stopped wasting his remaining strength and stood there, looking at the approaching Richard, holding the weapon in his hand tightly, as if he had made some determination. Generally…


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