Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 692: The Sorrow of the Black Abyss 2


Chapter 692 The Sorrow of the Black Abyss 2

After reaching the realm of Holy Envy, the battle lacks some gorgeous moves and techniques, but more about extreme speed and power.

A few random slashes of fighting spirit were not only extremely fast, but also left some fleeting black shadows on the path they passed.

It was the powerful power of Dou Qi that briefly tore apart the space. Although the damaged space was quickly restored, it was enough to show the power of several slashes.

If these simple fighting spirit slashes were replaced by a Saint of Domain Realm, there might be a danger of falling if one is not careful.

However, the speed of the spear was even faster, and it disappeared the moment Richard took action.

Mao Ge is the most powerful Ziyue Demon. He is born with spatial talent. After reaching the state of jealousy, he developed his talent to the extreme.

The huge crack in the sky that directly tore apart the space is enough to prove the strength of the spear leather.

The spear leather passed through the space and escaped several powerful fighting spirit slashes. When it reappeared the next second, it was already in front of Richard.

Ignoring the men and horses around Richard, he swung the giant blade, as if he was going to split Richard into two pieces.


The giant blade in Spear Leather’s hand glowed with a ghostly light. The cold edge was as thin as a paper wing but extremely tough. It looked like it was not a mortal thing at first glance. Ordinary weapons would have been broken by this blow. It became two pieces.

But Richard caught the blow steadily, and the Angel Alliance in his hand was no less than the magic weapon in Mao Ge’s hand.


The location where Richard was located was a piece of hard black rock. The terrifying force delivered by this blow made the black rock on the ground full of cracks like a spider web, and then collapsed completely.

What a strong force.

The lightning strike made Richard’s heart sink slightly, his hands holding the sword were numb, and the opponent’s power was still faintly superior to his own.

You must know that although Richard is a human, he has a very solid foundation in cultivation and has taken several bottles of strength potions produced by the system.

In terms of strength alone, at the same level, even some powerful fighting races known for their strength are no match for him.

Besides, there is also the Giant’s Ring, a treasure that directly increases the strength attribute in a short period of time. In a pure strength confrontation, Richard is rarely at a disadvantage.


After feeling that the opponent’s power was greater than his own, Richard did not want to get into a wrestling situation.

After his fighting spirit exploded with all his strength, he swung his sword to the side, then spun around and stepped back dozens of steps.

In the process, several more golden rays of fighting spirit flew towards the direction of the spear leather.


When masters compete, sometimes they fight with momentum.

The Mao Ge offensive has just started, and of course it will not give Richard a chance to adjust.

Almost the moment Richard retreated, Mao Ge appeared behind Richard.

This time, Shao Ge concentrated his aura to the extreme and slashed diagonally from behind with the giant blade, hoping to complete a surprise attack.

But Richard seemed to have expected it. After slashing out with the fighting spirit slash, he immediately turned over to avoid the attack of Spear Leather.

The ability to teleport has been well studied by Richard for a long time. Although the use of the ability is not as easy as that of a talented race like the Ziyue Great Demon, he still has some experience in dealing with it.

At the moment of separation, the movement of the spear leather was roughly judged.

Just after dodging a blow, spear-leather attacks followed one after another. Seeing that teleportation was useless to Richard, Richard did not use teleportation skills in this attack.

After all, teleportation consumes a lot of money. You should hold it back for a while after the initial raid is ineffective, and use it at the critical moment to maximize the effect.

But even if it relies solely on its own speed, the spear is as fast as an afterimage.

In addition to the space talent, the Purple Moon Demon also has the best speed among high-level demons.

In the air, before Richard could even stand up straight, the giant spear-leather blade was already slashing at him one after another.



The exchange of weapons made a metallic sound, and the two afterimages fought fiercely together. The powerful shock waves made the space blurry, and the light showed signs of being swallowed up.

The surrounding creatures were unable to avoid it. On the million-level battlefield, a blank area of ​​several miles was formed centered on the battle between the two. The creatures that were slightly involved and the weaker ones all fell to the ground. In the aftermath of the fight.

The two figures were getting faster and faster, and only the sound of fierce fighting could be heard. It was obviously the day when the red sun in the abyss was at its peak, but the afterimages of the two fighting people could not be seen clearly.

Only Gru from the realm and Natalis, the night angel, were nearby, paying full attention to the two fighting.

Lucifer and Gru were fighting with the only two remaining generals under Mao Ge.

Most of the other heroes were fighting on the battlefield, but the two powerful heroes Natalis and Gru never took action.

They are waiting for the opportunity. As masters of the realm, they can barely participate in the battle between Richard and Mao Ge.

But the risk of participating in it is extremely high, and you may be killed by Mao Ge if you are earlier.


Outsiders can’t see clearly the battle between the two afterimages, but Richard himself becomes more and more frustrated as he fights. Mao Ge is worthy of being a veteran powerhouse in the abyss. In Mao Ge’s collection, there are even the heads of some world gods. Made of wineware.

Whether it is strength accumulation or combat experience, he is superior to Richard, who has just stabilized the realm of jealousy. But Mao Ge has been immersed in this realm for thousands of years.

Richard just blocked Shao Ge’s tricky knife, and the next second he received a knee strike.

Immediately flew upside down for more than ten meters. Although the Dragon King’s divine power on his body had offset most of the force, the impact of the collision still made Richard feel as if his internal organs were displaced. Spit out of mouth.


Seizing the opportunity, Mao Ge was unyielding and grabbed it with one hand.

A growing black circle immediately appeared next to Richard, and a strong suction force came from the black circle, trying to pull Richard tightly.

That’s outrageous. The forbidden magic domain of the Dragon King’s divine power is ineffective against Mao Ge’s ability. Mao Ge’s space ability is not magic at all, but a natural talent category.

Even in the game, the Forbidden Demon cannot prevent the Great Demon from teleporting.

Zhao Ge, who can continuously use space capabilities, has caused huge trouble to Richard.

Richard could still escape the teleportation attack, but the traction was real.

The miniature black hole around him was swallowing everything. Not only did the black rocks on the ground fly up, but even the nearby light was strangely refracted.


Richard himself has the ability to teleport. After feeling this strong pulling force, Richard immediately made a judgment.

You cannot resist the pull of the black hole next to you with your own strength, so you must move a distance instantaneously.

In the chaotic space, Richard could not even control the precise position of his teleportation, and could only escape in a direction away from the black hole.


Seeing Richard disappearing in place, Mao Ge did not show an expression of annoyance because the other man had escaped, but instead showed a trace of a mocking smile.

Space is his home field!


Richard was lucky enough to escape several hundred meters, but what greeted him was still a shining blade.

Mao Ge judged the location earlier than he did, and slashed at him from behind.

Li Cha didn’t react in time and was stabbed **** the back. Bone-piercing pain hit him, and blood flowed from his shoulder along the knife edge.

Li Cha didn’t even grunt after being stabbed, and simply struck the sword with his backhand, leaving a deep wound on the spear leather.


“What a treasure!”

Unexpectedly, Mao Ge, who didn’t expect Richard to have the power to fight back, suffered a small loss. He took a step back and looked at the Dragon King’s power on Richard with a greedy expression.

He knew the power of that sword, and the body of the **** would lose an arm under his full force sword.

The result was that the opponent’s armor was broken and a wound was left.

That red treasure armor is the strongest artifact he has ever seen.

And Richard was even more shocked. The Dragon King’s divine power had actually been opened in a big hole, even if it was just a relatively weak part of his back.

This treasured armor has been with him in so many battles and has basically left no trace of the battle. However, this time it was broken directly.

“Come again!”


Mao Ge continued to press forward, and victory seemed to be in sight. Although he had some minor injuries on his body, the opponent’s aura was obviously getting weaker and weaker.


Another punch struck, and Richard’s hand holding the Angel Alliance was shaken to the point of losing its strength.

There are obvious flaws in the entire posture deformation, and it only takes one strike to chop off the opponent’s head.

Another nice collection.

However, just when Mao Ge was about to continue the pursuit, a strong sense of crisis struck.

A black light shrouded them while the battle was in full swing, and they were not noticed until they were in front of them.

Immediately, Mao Ge’s hand holding the war blade began to become weak, and his spirit went into a trance, and he could no longer care about pursuing Richard in front of him.

At the level of Spear Leather, he is basically immune to normal magic damage. Even some forbidden spells are difficult to cause much harm to him.

Only spellcasters of the same level can affect him.

There is also a master of the realm of jealousy who has been hiding until now…


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