Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 691: The Sorrow of the Black Abyss 1


Chapter 691 The Sorrow of the Black Abyss 1

North of Night Devil City

A huge city stands on a large piece of black rock.

Only this group of demons can build such a city on such hard black rock.

There are millions of demons of all kinds living in the city, but they live in extremely harmonious harmony. Whether they are the cruel and murderous sword demons or the treacherous evil-eyed monsters, they all obey the rules in Black Abyss City.

Because at the top of the city lives the most powerful being in the Southern Region, Ziyue Great Demon Mao Ge.

This powerful being, who is of the same race as Diabo and has ruled the southern region of the abyss for countless years, suppresses the entire city. Any demon who looks at the top of the black abyss is filled with awe.

Only today, Mao Ge received news that shocked and angered him.

The Night Demon City was attacked. The life and death of Night Demon General Yanes was unknown, and the entire Night Demon City was reduced to ashes overnight.

“Do you know who did it?”

In the castle of Black Abyss City, Mao Ge, who looked very similar to the Great Demon, was calmly asking his subordinates in the hall.

The demons below all bowed their heads and remained silent, not wanting to get into trouble.

Although Mao Ge’s tone was calm, demons who were slightly familiar with his temperament all knew how angry Mao Ge was at this time. No demon had dared to challenge the majesty of the king in this way for many years.

After Mao Ge glanced over and paused briefly, a succubus answered cautiously:

“It should be the army of Ziyue City.”

Although Mao Ge established Black Abyss City and established the basic order, it would be too difficult for the devil to ask him to organize special information transmission channels and intelligence acquisition agencies like Richard.

Although the Great Demon Ziyue is already a sane demon, his nature is still biased toward chaos.

And in a world where force is respected, these top powerhouses actually pay little attention to the forces under their command. They are just a tool to help themselves accumulate resources. Things like obtaining intelligence basically rely on fate. .

This is also the reason why General Yanmo died in Richard’s hands for so long and Black Abyss City didn’t react at all.

After all, for these long-lived holy-level demons, a month or two may be just a nap, and no one will care who disappears for a while.

If Richard did not take the initiative to launch an attack, Mao Ge might have to wait for some time before he knew the news of General Yanmo’s death.

Without a specialized intelligence agency, Mao Ge subconsciously turned to Succubus, who liked trade and was fairly well-informed.

“Purple Moon City? How dare that kid Diabo do that?”

Because Diabo is a fellow member of Maoge, he still has some impressions of Ziyue City.

“Sir, new news, Diabo died, Purple Moon City changed to a lord, and General Carlson also died in Purple Moon City.”


Mao Ge, who could no longer suppress his anger, smashed the table in front of him into pieces, releasing a powerful momentum.

The weaker demons in the castle felt dizzy and couldn’t help but want to shrink into a ball.

“Send troops! Send troops!”

“Gather Vita and Barney over, crush Purple Moon City, and hang them on the top of the Black Abyss to be pecked to death by the rotten soul birds!”

Vita and Barney are the two remaining generals of the Spear. Vita is a female sword demon in the realm, and Barney is the most disgusting mire monster in the abyss.

The two of them, like Yanes, established their own cities near Black Abyss City. They dominated one side when nothing happened, and immediately accepted the call from the Spearmen when something happened.

At this time, Mao Ge recruited two of his generals at the same time, which was obviously a real move.

“Lord Mao Ge! Black Abyss City is under attack!”

But before the demon soldiers who sent the message could leave the castle, Black Abyss City had already encountered the same problem as Night Demon City.

“What’s going on!”

“The forbidden curse of sky fire, the forbidden curse of sky fire that day in Night Demon City!”

As soon as the demon who sent the message finished speaking, Mao Ge had disappeared from the main seat of the castle and came outside the castle.

I saw flames all over the sky falling into the majestic Black Abyss City. The demons on the road tried to avoid it, but how could they easily escape from the firestones that were as dense as raindrops.

In just tens of seconds, screams began to be heard throughout Black Abyss City. A considerable number of demons who had not had time to hide in the buildings were rolling in pain in the city, and the smarter ones had already hid in the surrounding buildings. .

There are almost no trees in the abyss. When these strong laborers built the city, they used stones as the main materials. There were not a lot of flammable buildings in the city, and the fire rain falling from the sky did not directly cause the fire.

Zhao Ge, who was observing from a high place, reached out and grabbed a flint that fell at high speed. This kind of flint that could directly smash a demon’s head into bloom was firmly grasped by Mao Ge in his hand.

A flame tried to spread along the palm of Spear Leather, but before it reached the wrist, the flame was extinguished instantly with the pinch of Spear Leather.

The surrounding “fire rain” could not fall on Mao Ge. Before he could get within ten meters of him, he disappeared without a trace, as if he had never appeared before.

A “rainless” zone appeared within a range of more than ten meters centered on Mao Ge.

These fires pose little threat to Mao Ge, but Mao Ge is still frowning.

These fires are abnormal. They do not stop burning even on the hard black rock, and the fire rain covering the entire Black Abyss City is still falling continuously. If this continues, Black Abyss City will not be better than Night Demon City. Where to go.

What frightened Mao Ge even more was that when the “rain of fire” in the sky immobilized Black Abyss City’s army, the opponent’s army was rapidly approaching.

A white ocean emerged from the horizon and rushed towards Black Abyss City like a tide.

These “sky fires” must be dealt with!

A black war blade in Mao Le’s hand swiped out of the air, and a huge crack appeared in the sky.

The void space stretched across the entire Black Abyss City, and most of the sky fire of the Doomsday Judgment fell directly into the cracks and disappeared, as if it held an umbrella for Black Abyss City.

“Black Abyss Army, fight!”

The demons who had just been hiding under the Doomsday Judgment quickly gathered amidst the roar of the officers.


Defending the city in the abyss was a relatively difficult task.

Demons with various abilities can make a city wall that is indestructible in the eyes of the human army become useless.

Black Abyss City is also the main city of the Southern Territory Overlord. In the abyss where great power belongs to the Overlord, the existence of the Maoge Overlord itself is the most powerful city defense.

After Mao Ge gave the order.

The demons of Black Abyss City, who had been dodging in embarrassment just now, quickly assembled several legions and launched a counterattack against the approaching enemy forces.


The first ones were more than a hundred terrifying knights who slammed into the demon army. Relying on the power of charge, these terrifying knights broke out in a short period of time and their combat power was no less than that of ordinary seventh-level troops.

More than a hundred terrifying knights rushed into the formation and opened a gap in front of the demon army in Black Abyss City. The so-called powerful units such as violent demons and sword demons also staged a scene of blood and flesh flying in front of the terrifying knights.

If it were placed on the mainland, and more than a hundred terrifying knights rushed into battle at the same time, it is estimated that any army would collapse. Even the orcs’ royal city forbidden army composed entirely of warriors could not stop this large-scale terrifying knights.

However, although the formation of the army in Black Abyss City seems a bit messy, in terms of combat effectiveness and fighting will, they are the strongest opponents that the undead army has encountered.

The deaths of the first four or five rows of demons did not scare the following demons. Instead, several obviously taller violent demons took the initiative to stand up.

These rare elite units in the berserk demon can control their berserk time to a limited extent, and instantly enter the berserk state after approaching the charging terror knight.

Several elite units that were already a bit taller than ordinary violent demons, after turning into madness, their bodies expanded again, reaching a height of six or seven meters, which was one meter taller than the terrifying knights riding horses. Cut it off.

Without the big stick in his hand, he simply grabbed one from the surrounding friendly troops and used it as a weapon, and swiped it towards the nearest terrifying knight.


Although these elite berserk demons will lose their minds and attack friendly forces after becoming mad.

But this time they were obviously prepared. Not only were they the closest to the Terror Knight, they were also on the path of the Terror Knight’s charge.

After killing some friendly troops, the main attack target was placed on the Terror Knight.


The huge force overturned a terrifying knight. The terrifying knight who lost his mount turned around and wanted to fight again, but was overwhelmed by the large group of demons around him.

It has become somewhat common for high-level undead warriors who are difficult to lose in wars with orcs to die in battles in the abyss.

Fortunately, the Terror Knight’s war horse is different from ordinary war horses. It can change the direction of travel at will on the battlefield. After losing a few horses, it will spin around and wait for follow-up support.

A large group of skeleton warriors first engaged the demons in battle, but these skeletons, who were equivalent to the elites of the kingdom, were just a group of cannon fodder in front of the demon army in Black Abyss City.

Any demon on the opposite side can easily harvest a dozen skeletons, and the wave of bones will be beaten into a pile of debris. Although there will not be a problem of morale collapse, the huge gap in strength makes them forced by the demon to restrain themselves. They retreated steadily until stronger zombies and black warriors came forward to stabilize the battle.


A huge black dragon is dealing with a large number of demon attacks.

Swarms of winged demons rushed towards the black dragon, and then one by one turned into roasted birds and fell down under the hot dragon’s breath.

These winged demons who died like ants were at least knight-level in strength, and some were even equivalent to the kingdom’s great knights.

But their attacks on the black dragon were like mosquito bites. They attacked with all their strength despite the dragon’s breath, but they only left a few marks on the black dragon scales.

Then he was easily crushed to death by the black dragon like an ant.

However, among the large group of winged demons, there are also several black birds and beasts. These birds and beasts are about sixty-seven times similar to griffins, but their size is several times larger, larger than ordinary dragons. Be a bit bigger.

When the huge black dragon was entangled by the winged demon, a black-feathered beast let out a scream and came closer with the dragon’s breath.

The feathers burned by the dragon’s breath made the bird and beast look a little embarrassed, but it did not affect its sharp beak from pecking at the black dragon.


The sharp beak of the black-feathered bird beast tore apart several dragon scales of the black dragon, and the dragon’s blood seeped out along the torn scales.

The pained black dragon let out a roar. This was the beginning of the battle, and the black dragon had actually received a little damage.

But the damage that Black Feathermon can cause stops there.

I saw the black dragon swing its huge tail and hit the bird and beast hard.

The bird and beast that couldn’t dodge was actually hit, and its whole body was dented. Blood flowed from the corner of its mouth uncontrollably, and it was obvious that it had suffered internal injuries.

And the black dragon’s attack didn’t stop there. Just when the bird and beast were beaten to pieces, the black dragon bit the opponent in one bite. After swinging it around in the sky for two times, it ended the opponent’s attack with a breath of close range. life.

However, the black dragon did not relax after taking care of the birds and beasts. The huge dragon eyes revealed a hint of worry in a humane way.

This black dragon is the commander of the dragon army, Moriel. Moriel, who entered the realm, has basically recovered 80% of his peak strength.

The black-feathered bird and beast just now was also the first to enter the holy level of combat power, but it could not survive more than a few rounds in Moriel’s hands.

But there are at least a dozen of these aerial behemoths around, and Black Abyss City’s aerial combat power is quite powerful.

Moriel led an air force composed of bone dragons and dozens of giant dragons to fight against a large number of winged demons and black-feathered beasts in Black Abyss City.

The quality of the dragon army is quite high. Due to the problems of the abyss environment, the weaker units did not go out this time. The air force only has bone dragons and various giant dragons.

Thousands of winged demons and black-feathered beasts cooperated to entangle the dragon army. If Elena hadn’t brought a group of archangels to support them, the battle in the sky would probably have been at a disadvantage.

Even so, several of the weaker bone dragons have been dismantled.

On the other side, Lucifer and Catherine respectively commanded the demon army and a large number of high-level units of the system to join the battle.

On the battlefield, the dragon roared and fell. The giant swept away a group of demons unstoppably, and was decapitated by the big demon that appeared instantly. The champion knight went back and forth, the shadow demon disappeared and appeared, and the phantom archer flew with arrows. The ray attack of the eye monster does not take into account whether it will accidentally damage friendly troops.

The armies on both sides kept falling like wheat, and the huge millstones of flesh and blood kept devouring lives.

This million-level battle has fallen into a balance of power, and it is impossible to tell which side has the advantage.

In mid-air, Mao Ge turned his gaze after tearing open a space and swallowing the heavenly fire of the Doomsday Judgment.

Almost immediately he looked at Richard.

Richard, who did not restrain his aura, was as clear as the bright moon even on the complicated battlefield.

After discovering Richard, Mao Ge naturally knew why the other party dared to challenge Black Abyss City.


The giant blade in Spear Leather’s hand was pointed straight at Richard.

Both sides have the combat power to directly change the situation on the battlefield, but neither intervened, obviously to maintain the best condition.

In the battle of Jealousy, every bit of strength is precious.


When Mao Ge pointed the blade at him, Richard had already taken action boldly, and several huge golden vindictive slashes flew towards Mao Ge at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye…


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