Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 690: Doomsday Judgment!


Chapter 690 Doomsday Judgment!

“What is it in the sky!”

“Did the other party cast any fire magic?”

“Isn’t it ridiculous to use magic in Lord Yanes’ night realm?”

The vision in the sky also attracted the attention of the demons on the ground.

However, they did not pay too much attention to the rain of fire in the sky. Most of the demons participating in the battle were highly resistant to fire magic. In addition, in the night realm, ordinary magic would be weakened.

This group of rough-skinned demons with high fire resistance did not pay attention to the rain of fire from the sky at first.

It wasn’t until the “fire rain” in the sky got closer and closer that I realized that it was a stronger sense. It didn’t seem to be a fire rain technique at all, it just looked like it at first. The power of the two was completely different!




“What’s going on with these fires!”

Egg-sized “fire rain” fell from the sky, and ordinary demons in Night Demon City were almost killed when they touched it.

Even if it is an ordinary stone, the power of falling from a high altitude is astonishing, not to mention that it still carries magical power.

The luckier ones had their heads cracked and walked away without any pain. Their bodies were still covered in flames and they were cremated on the spot without exposing their bodies to the wilderness.

The more unlucky ones were smashed, their arms and legs were broken, and they were stained with the fire of doomsday. They rolled on the ground in pain but could not extinguish the fire on their bodies. For a while, they could not die, but they remained conscious and were killed alive. Burn to death.

Looking at the miserable state of his companions, the devil, no matter how slow his reaction was, realized something was wrong and began to consciously try to dodge.

But at this time, the horror of the Doomsday Blade was also revealed. The Doomsday Judgment initiated by it has the very unscientific effect of identifying friend or foe.

A high-level sword demon with strength at the peak of the sky level avoided the first “fire stone” that hit him, and then jumped up and slashed at another “fire stone” that hit him.

Although the power of Doomsday Judgment is great, it is mainly aimed at group targets. A single “Fire Stone” is basically difficult to threaten masters above the sky level.

But before the sword demon could breathe a sigh of relief, denser “flints” fell down, and they turned in a very unscientific way when they were about to hit the ground.

They all avoided the skeletons that were only a few steps away from them and hit the demon warriors belonging to Night Demon City.

The enemy, who was completely unaffected, stepped forward step by step, and the advantage they had gained with the help of Night Demon was instantly gone.




When a large number of surrounding demons were stained by “flint” and lost their ability to fight, the sword demon was still struggling, swinging the long knife in his hand so fast that he couldn’t even see his shadow clearly.

Dozens of “flints” that hit him were knocked away by the long knife, but more “flints” fell from the air, and then flew towards him as if they had eyes.

“There’s no way to fight!”

The Sword Demon is cruel and murderous, but not stupid. He is even considered a smarter type among demons.

After making his judgment, the first reaction of this senior sword demon was to leave the battlefield.

Run first, at least back to the city. Some heavy stone buildings can temporarily withstand these “flints” falling from the sky.

“Da, da, da…”

However, the brisk sound of horse hooves sounded in his ears like the whisper of death.

A terrifying knight covered in darkness and with scarlet eyes had already been staring at him.

This kind of powerful undead warrior was originally ignored by him, but at least he was sure to chop off the opponent’s head within twenty moves.

But now, the other party is as relaxed as taking a walk in this weird “flint” rain, and the dense “flint” avoids the black figure.

But he struggled to avoid those “fire stones” that looked like they had eyes.

Ninety percent of his energy could not be used against the enemy. The opponent’s horses had already begun to speed up, and the knife in his hand was still competing with the rain of fire from the sky.



The terrifying knight was very fast, and in just a blink of an eye, he had raised his saber and struck at the sword demon.

Using the inertia of the horse’s charging knife, this blow was powerful and heavy, and suddenly there was an evil spirit roaring beside him.

The sword demon didn’t dare to let the sword hit him straight, so he could only raise his sword to resist.

High-level sword demons are worthy of being known as cruel and bloodthirsty among demons. Both combat power and combat experience are top-notch.

Faced with the terrifying knight’s horseback attack, he was able to block it with his sword at the critical moment, and relieved seven points of his strength without suffering any serious losses.

However, less than half a second after this beautiful block, the sword demon let out a scream.

I blocked the attack of the terrifying knight, but I couldn’t stop the “fire rain” from the sky. Several egg-sized “fire stones” hit the sword demon, and the flames quickly attached to the sword demon.

Taking advantage of the impact of the knife just now, the sword demon rolled on the ground for dozens of meters. However, the fire on his body showed no sign of extinguishing, and instead became more and more intense.

Until the pain completely eroded his will.


The terrifying knight caught up again, raised his saber, and the sword demon’s head separated from his body in an instant, completely ending the pain.

The corpses of the high-level sword demons were separated. You can imagine what state the demon army in Night Demon City is in.

Most of them have died under the Doomsday Judgment and cannot die anymore. The smell of barbecue is everywhere, and a small number of lucky ones are trying their best to dodge like sword demons in order to survive.

However, the attacking side is not affected by the Doomsday Judgment. It starts to advance as if it is in an uninhabited land. The army of Night Demon City, which has lost the ability to resist, has no choice but to lead the attack.

The night demons who were originally hiding in the night realm also stopped moving now.

Although the demons in Magma City cannot detect them, they are still within the scope of the Doomsday Judgment. Faced with this covering baptism of fire and rain, how can they be free to fight? Just like the sword demon before, they will All the energy is spent on these “fire stones” dropped from the sky.


In the realm of night, Night Demon Lord Yanes also fell into the attack range of Doomsday Judgment.

It’s just that when dozens of “fire stones” hit him, he didn’t resist like other demons in Night Demon City.

But he let out a cold snort when these “fire stones” just approached the range around him.

The burning tail flames quickly extinguished and melted into the darkness, and then the stones turned into dust and disappeared.

Although Doomsday Judgment is a big killing weapon, it is still a range of magic after all, and its single-target killing ability is not very strong for Saint-level masters.

With the peak strength of Yanes Realm, he can survive even in the center of a nuclear explosion. Naturally, he cannot die directly under the Doomsday Judgment.

However, he can easily survive the Doomsday Judgment, but other demons in Night Demon City do not have that strength.

Needless to say, the low-level demons were almost completely wiped out under the Doomsday Judgment. Even Yanes’s kindred, the night demons who were killing everyone just now also suffered heavy losses.


After observing the battlefield, Yanez made a quick decision.

Under this attack, which is comparable to a large-scale forbidden spell, Night Demon City has ceased to exist in name only, and the elites who can take action have been reduced to ten.

He does not have the similar ability to kill all the opponent’s troops, and besides, there is at least one strong man on the opposite side who is as strong as himself.

You must report it to Lord Maoge, and the humiliation you suffered today must be paid back a hundred times a thousand times!

Yanes glanced at the burning Night Demon City with hatred, then disappeared into the darkness again, preparing to escape with the power of the domain.

There are not many demons in the southern realm of the abyss, but there are many of them. Yanes is naturally capable of becoming one of the four generals under the great king.

The Night Demon’s night domain not only greatly improves combat power, but also has the ability to escape. He can hide in the darkness, making it easier to attack and avoid powerful enemies.


Just when Yanes quietly disappeared and prepared for a strategic retreat, a golden arrow shot through the air at an astonishing speed.

The arrow not only illuminated the surrounding dark space, but also accurately found Yanes’s position.

Yanes, who had already turned around to run away, had no choice but to turn around and hit the incoming arrow with his sharp claws.

The moment the sharp claws and arrows collided, a powerful air wave erupted.


“Damn it!”

Although he blocked the arrow, Yanes knew that he had been exposed.

The power of this arrow is at least that of a strong man of the same level as him.

“Do you want to leave now?”

Before Yanes could find the owner of the arrow, an even more horrifying scene appeared.

A figure walked straight into his night realm.

Wherever the opponent passes, light follows.

The field gradually collapsed as the opponent moved, and his shadow, which was originally hidden in the darkness, also appeared due to the appearance of light.

The loss of Night Demon City made him a little distressed at most, but it was just distressing. After all, as a strong man in the realm, it is not difficult to manage a little power from scratch.

The forced Yanes finally began to panic.

Only the Maharaja can make his night realm so powerless. This is a real threat to life…

“Black Abyss City really didn’t respond at all. Unfortunately, I’m still worried that Night Demon City’s appearance of being so loose is a scam.”

“Sir, these demons are far inferior to the lords of Over, they have some brains…”

Gru followed Richard not far behind. After listening to Richard’s words, he pointed to his head. The meaning was naturally self-evident.

Seeing that the other party’s attention was not on him, Yanes’ dark eyes rolled.


Now that it has happened, run away as fast as possible, turn around and fly towards the north.

Yanes was very fast and flew hundreds of meters in an instant.

Not feeling anyone chasing him behind him, Yanes calmed down and felt a sense of joy about surviving a disaster.

As long as you run back to Black Abyss City, you will be safe, where is Lord Maoge…


A golden light caught up with Yanes from behind and passed through his body. Yanes’s joyful expression was completely frozen on his face…



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