Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 69: Total destruction 1


Of course Nuer also saw hundreds of human soldiers rushing up from the team, but these human soldiers in armor were nothing to worry about in Nuer’s eyes,

On that side there are at least hundreds of ogre warriors who can fight together,

Hundreds of human soldiers are not enough in front of them. Even if one or two human knights lead the team, his soldiers can temporarily resist.

After all, every ogre warrior is worthy of a human quasi-knight, and he is the stronger one among the quasi-knights,

Hundreds of first-class quasi-knights really want to fight to the death, but they are really not afraid of one or two knights.

Now, the top priority is to eliminate this incoming cavalry team, especially the three knights leading it, which have caused a lot of casualties to the tribe’s warriors.


Nur jumped off the cart, and the huge weight shook the surrounding ground.

The nearby ogre warriors took the initiative to make way for Nuer, allowing Nuer to rush towards Richard and others faster,

This big man sitting on the cart has naturally attracted the attention of Richard and others,

If a big man like this, who is covered in heavy armor, is allowed to rush into ordinary soldiers, it will easily lead to low morale. It is not impossible for troops with weaker fighting will to be directly defeated.

After the three knights headed by Richard looked at each other for a moment, they took the initiative to ride their horses to meet him.


The knight’s sword collided hard with the ogre warrior’s weapon,

Li Cha managed to draw a tie with the ogre warriors in front of him by using his horsepower,

Without waiting more than a second, Ron attacked from the flank, and Noor hurriedly stepped away to resist,

The thick mace is extremely flexible in the hands of the ogre warrior,


Another heartbreaking sound of metal colliding,

Although Nuer barely managed to withstand the attacks from Richard and Ron, his heart felt “thumping”.

Although Richard and Ron are not top knights, they are still among the top knights,

Both in terms of physical fitness and fighting spirit strength, it far exceeds the ordinary knights Nuer has dealt with before,

If the third knight was of this strength, Nuer would have to consider how to escape from the hands of three people, let alone one against three.

A sharp sound of armor breaking,

Baron Bender has quietly walked around behind the ogre warrior,

The long sword with fighting spirit penetrated directly from Nuer’s back.

Nur felt the coldness behind him. He was startled at first, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Baron Bender’s strength is average, and his fighting spirit is only ordinary. The long sword with fighting spirit barely broke through the finger-thick iron armor of the ogre warrior.

The castration of the long sword was worn away in the muscles of the ogre warrior, failing to really penetrate the internal organs, causing salute damage to the ogre warrior, and wasting a precious opportunity.

Nur was frightened for a while and then turned around and waved the mace in his hand to drive Baron Band away.

Baron Bender did not have the strength of Richard and Ron, so he did not dare to take this attack head-on, so he had to give in.

Nur did not dare to continue the pursuit, because the offensive of Richard and Ron became more and more fierce.


Li Cha jumped up from his horse, the green fighting spirit on his body boiling to the extreme, and the long sword slashed down from above,

Nur did not dare to let the sword hit him hard. He raised the mace with both hands to hold up Richard’s sword. He did not dare to use his own head to test whether Richard’s sword was sharp.

Richard’s slash, which relied on the force of his falling, was extremely powerful. Nuer took the sword and took half a step back, revealing an obvious flaw.


Another long sword penetrated Nuer’s body from an extremely tricky angle.

After losing the speed advantage, continuing to ride on the horse was a kind of restraint. The moment Richard jumped out, Ron also got off the horse,

After Richard found a flaw in the ogre warrior’s attack, they attacked in perfect harmony.

The angle the long sword penetrated was very uncomfortable, and the power of this sword was obviously stronger than that of Baron Bender. Neither the iron armor nor his own flesh could block the sword in the slightest. Nour had to turn sideways desperately to survive. Can’t avoid the key points.

After another narrow escape, Noor began to feel scared. He would definitely die if he continued like this, and he might not be so lucky next time.

Nur began to shout loudly, asking the surrounding ogre warriors who were besieging the Bande family cavalry to come to the rescue. Just a few ogre warriors could relieve him a lot of pressure.

Richard and Cha did not stop at all and continued to strengthen their offensive. Nuer, who was already injured, was beaten back continuously.

The surrounding ogre warriors who heard Nur’s call and wanted to come to the rescue were firmly blocked from the battle circle by Baron Bender and several quasi-knights of the Bender family.

Although Baron Bender is not strong enough in front of the ogre warriors, he still has an overwhelming advantage against some ordinary ogre warriors. At least it can be done to prevent them from approaching for rescue in a short period of time.

On the other side, the human infantry also launched the first round of confrontation with the ogres.

Although Nur purchased a full-body heavy armor for himself, the armor coverage rate of ordinary ogres is really not high. Facing human long-range attacks, they basically rely on their thick skin and muscles to withstand.

But the first round of shots from the marksmen at a distance of a hundred steps directly stunned these ogre warriors,

The human arrows that originally seemed to them to be weak and powerless have now become deadly gods of death,

Many ogre warriors failed to dodge effectively because of their carelessness, and nearly ten of them fell in the first round.

On the human side, only a few unlucky ones were hit by the stones thrown by the ogres and fell to the ground. This exchange ratio was quite advantageous.

However, during the second round of shooting, the ogre warriors had already begun to hide behind carts or other bunkers, and the damage caused by the marksmen was greatly reduced.


After several rounds of shooting, the soldiers from both sides collided fiercely. The sharpshooters also stopped firing and began to look for opportunities to release one or two cold arrows. The shooting frequency became much lower.

After all, reality is not a game. When the two sides are fighting together, the shooter can no longer release arrows without any scruples.

After being frustrated for a long time, the ogre warriors finally got a chance to fight in close combat and jumped up from behind the cart.

When they think about it, although they have been suppressed by this powerful arrow for so long, once they get close, how can the weak humans be their opponents?

Even though the number of human warriors is several times that of our own, even though the equipment of the first human warriors is a bit luxurious, as if they were wrapped in iron.


At the moment of contact between the two sides, the Crusaders ignited their fighting spirit,

The gorgeous light gathered by more than twenty rays of fighting spirit even drew the focus of the entire battlefield away from the battle between Richard and others.

Then there was a sound of a long sword entering flesh…


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