Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 688: Open


Chapter 688 opens

“Treasure: Blade of Doom

Effect: All attributes of the hero are increased by 3

Comes with advanced Doomsday Judgment, which can be released during battle, and this skill will not harm friendly troops.

Cooling time: 1 day

Introduction: The Doomsday Blade contains terrifying power. It can help you be invincible on the battlefield, but you must not meet the Ice Sword. The collision of the two most extreme forces will produce energy enough to destroy the world.

Price: 60,000 gold”

Richard’s consciousness stayed on the Doomsday Blade for a long time. This weapon is not unfamiliar to anyone who has played Invincible Heroes.

Richard could recall its attributes even with his eyes closed. After getting this thing in the game, it is basically the same as using a cheat device.

The advanced range damage magic like Doomsday Judgment is like free of charge, and it feels great.

Sixty thousand gold coins were deducted, and a purple-black long sword appeared on the market counter.

The appearance of this long sword with the ability to destroy the world is not as exaggerated as the earliest Vulcan sword. Occasionally one or two purple lightning flashes on the dark sword body, so fast that most people who see it will think that It’s an illusion.

Richard reached out and slowly picked up the long sword, as if he was afraid that it would explode on the spot if it fell.

After all, reality is not a game. This thing has really destroyed the world, at least it is an important factor in destroying the world.

The moment he took hold of the sword, Richard felt a violent force flowing.

After swinging it cautiously for a few times, there was nothing unusual about the Doomsday Blade, and it was even quite handy. It should be pretty effective as an ordinary knight’s sword for cutting people.

However, no matter how big-hearted Richard is, he will not use this thing to fight. He is still very fond of this world.

Resisting the urge to release Doomsday Judgment to see the effect, Richard put the long sword into his waist and made a secret decision in his heart.

Keep this sword safe and put it away after using it for Doomsday Judgment. Never use it against the enemy.

“Potion: Source of Life

Effect 1: Restore all vitality, even if only a white skeleton is left, flesh and blood can be regenerated.

Effect 2: After use, it can extend the life of any creature for a hundred years.

Introduction: Crazy potion masters have been exposed to various toxins for a long time. In order to extend their lives, they cut down an ancient tree of life and extracted all the vitality in it to refine this medicine.

Price: One Hundred Thousand Kinnars”

“Unit type: a small group of black dragons (X5)

Introduction: The powerful black dragon not only has strong melee combat capabilities, but is also immune to most magical damage. It is the most powerful unit in the dungeon.

Price: 20,000 Jinnar


The five-headed black dragon came quite well, and taking them together to the battlefield in the abyss was a good addition to their combat power.

It was the bottle of potion called the Source of Life that brought Richard a small surprise, both in terms of price and effectiveness.

The price of 100,000 gold is more expensive than the Doomsday Blade, which is called a war artifact. But which one of the two is more valuable is hard to say.

Perhaps for some powerful beings, the power to destroy a world is not as tempting as extending their life span for hundreds of years, and this life extension is unconditional.

Due to racial factors, someone as powerful as Richard only has a lifespan of a few hundred years. Perhaps lifespan is not an urgent matter to him at this time, but when he gets old, the value of this source of life will be For Richard, it will definitely be above the Doomsday Blade.

Although one hundred thousand gold is nothing, a small amount, but compared to the effect of the source of life, it is like giving it away for free.

Without any hesitation, Richard took down all the products in the market. The emerald green vials were put away as carefully as the Doomsday Blade, and then he walked toward the tavern as night fell.

The tavern has not changed much. It is still the same owner with rosacea and dull expression.

Under the orange light, several drunkards were getting drunk.

Richard ordered a glass of dark beer as usual and began to observe valuable targets in the tavern. After excluding a few ordinary drunks, Richard set his sights on a red-skinned devil with horns.

“Name: Kanaya

Race: Devil

Level: 28

Strength: 29

Agility: 28

Physique: 31

Spirit: 32

Speciality: Evil God Specialization

Kanaya is good at commanding evil gods to fight, and the evil gods under his command will get an extra chance to summon evil spirits every day.

Skills: Financial Management (Intermediate), Offensive (Intermediate), Defense (Intermediate), Magic (Master).

Treasure 1: Fire Magic Book

Effect: Recording a large amount of fire magic

Introduction: It records all fire spells of levels 1-4.

Hero Profile: Kanaya once served in the army of Enroth for a long time. He fought bravely but was cruel and murderous. His superiors did not like him. Later, because he worshiped the power of hell, he was seduced by Overlord and fell into The devil became a powerful sorcerer. Kanaya worships the strong and shows your great strength. His loyalty to you is unquestionable until you are defeated, but he only likes to cause a massacre occasionally. ”

The door of the tavern opened again, and then the lights were completely turned off, returning to silence.

Richard walked out of the tavern with a demon hero nearly two meters tall.

“I was supposed to let you rest in the city, but the war is urgent and you have to rush to Golden Dragon City tonight.”

“It’s okay, sir. I don’t need to rest. It’s better to get into the battle as soon as possible.”

It took almost no effort for Richard to recruit Kanaya in the tavern. He had to use more tricks than before. After all, some heroes were still stronger than Richard.

Now the strength of Richard’s Jealous Realm has completely crushed the heroes who appeared in the tavern. At best, he is just a high-level Kanaya in the sky. He still admires the personality of the strong. It is almost impossible to refuse Richard’s recruitment, even if it were not for him With the Evil God King’s specialized skills, Richard had to consider whether he wanted him or not.

His character is indeed not very lovable to Richard.

When we were fighting on the inside, we were afraid that heroes from the evil camp would do something to massacre villages and cities.

With just one Sandro, Richard would have to hit him every now and then to prevent the other party from suddenly killing all the undead in a city. Having more of these heroes would be tiring.

But it’s different now. With the abyss as a place, these evil heroes can be thrown directly into the abyss to fight. It shouldn’t matter if they are cruel to the devil, right?

Kanaia’s eyes narrowed, and his tongue twisted twice like a snake’s tongue, revealing several fangs. His desire for killing made him impatient.

Richard didn’t say anything more, and took Kanaya and began to use teleportation to head towards the Golden Dragon City.

Golden Dragon City

After two days of marching, hundreds of thousands of undead armies have passed through the portal and entered the abyss.

The streets began to feel empty, and the more courageous residents gradually dared to go out and do some work.

No matter how terrifying the army of the undead looks, it does not kill people, or even disturb the people. It is far less realistic than the feeling of starvation. Although people in Golden Dragon City do not starve to death, the people at the bottom are still just struggling. We are just above the food and clothing line. If we don’t work for several days, the whole family may go hungry.

As for the giant dragons and various aerial units that fly by in the air from time to time, the people in Golden Dragon City are already numb. Anyway, the entire Golden Dragon is no different from being undefended in front of the Northern Army.

When the last skeleton soldier crossed the portal, everything became calm again. The Northland Army blocked the road again, and several large camps surrounded it, sealing the portal with water and making it easy for a mosquito to fly. Don’t go there.

North City, in a four-story attic.

A young man stood by the bed window and kept looking in the direction of the portal.

“Including those strange skeletons, there are a total of seventy-one dragons, which are really powerful and disappointing.”

“Don’t worry, Your Highness, when the warriors led to the Kingdom of God arrive, dozens of giant dragons will be nothing more than a group of insects.”

“While the Blasphemer and his army turn their attention to the Abyss, we can begin preparations.”


The young man in gorgeous brocade clothes nodded slightly, and then added.

“I hope you can do what you say.”

“You will gain a great dynasty of gods on earth…”

“Will the Kingdom of the Golden Dragon be changed to the Dynasty of the Rising Sun?”


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