Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 687: The Army and the Doomsday Blade


Chapter 687 The Army and the Doomsday Blade

The sun is rising in Jinlongdu.

Golden light particles are scattered, and it is a new day.

More than a month has passed since the Northland Army purged the bloodline nobles. The smell of blood left by the killings has long been removed, and even the destroyed houses are being rebuilt.

The lives of the people in the city have long returned to normal. However, after experiencing several incidents, Golden Dragon City has become significantly more depressed than before.

The blue light door standing on the ruins of Nancheng still looks a bit out of place.

The heavy troops of the Northland Army still surrounded the light gate tightly, preventing any living beings from entering or exiting.

Nancheng has completely become the garrison of the Northern Army. More than 300,000 Northern Army have gathered here. A large number of divine crossbows are pointing in the direction of the blue light door. Even if the giant dragon emerges from inside, it must be pushed back.

At this time, the golden dragons were as calm as a pool of stagnant water, but the actual situation was so strange that even the most knowledgeable wise men in the kingdom could not understand it.

Not to mention the chaotic interest groups within Golden Dragon City, the military strength alone is divided into three groups.

The most powerful one is undoubtedly the Northland Army currently entrenched in Nancheng. Since the bloodbath of the bloodline nobles in Golden Dragon City, the Northland Army has only guarded the blue light door, and there has been no movement for a month.

But no one can ignore such an elite army stationed in the capital.

The other group is the remnants of the Guards stationed near the palace. Since the Guards leader Thor was killed in battle and most of the elite were destroyed at Dragon Breathing Pass, the strength of the Guards has been greatly reduced.

However, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and Thor also left some fire for the Praetorian Guards when he went on an expedition.

The Golden Dragon Kingdom is wealthy and has no shortage of armor and weapons in its arsenal. After the war, the royal family used the veterans of the two legions as a skeleton to recruit new soldiers, and soon restored the structure of the Praetorian Guard.

After a few months of emergency training with a group of veterans and grassroots officers urgently recruited from the Royal Capital Knights Academy, this group of recruits is now in shape. Their field combat capabilities may still be lacking, but they are still able to defend the city. Even if they were reluctant, they occupied the royal city and guarded the royal family’s final bottom line.

The last force is even more interesting.

Fourth Prince Pare led an army of more than 200,000 people from the south. He rushed so slowly that he could not catch up with the battle with the orcs, and could not even catch up with such a major event as the purge of the royal capital’s nobles.

The Southern Corps, which originally came to the capital to fight the orcs, turned out to be just theatergoers when they arrived.

It’s not because the Southern Army moved too slowly. To be fair, the more than 200,000 troops under Parley were not as elite as the Northern Army and the Western Army.

But it is also the most capable unit in the entire southern region.

They are supported by the wealth of the southern provinces, well-equipped and well-trained, and most of them have experience fighting against the Hai Tribe.

Comparatively speaking, it is slightly more powerful than the imperial guards huddled in the royal city.

If you include the dwarf legion in the team, they can even beat the Royal Guards violently.

Of course, this refers to the situation of fighting in the wild, and siege fighting is another matter.

The southern army’s garrison was placed in the north of the Golden Dragon Capital City, separated from the northern army by a royal city.

Parley did not receive any preferential treatment because he was a member of the Charman family, and the army was also separated from the royal city. This was the final bottom line for the Guards and Renn.

A Golden Dragon Capital with nearly a million troops in and outside the city, each loyal to different people, managed to maintain peace for half a month. It was really not easy.

Only today, the arrival of a large army is like throwing a stone into the seemingly calm lake.

Looking eastward from Jinlongdu, a black line appeared on the distant horizon.

Then the black line became clearer and clearer, and a large group of skeletons wearing orc armor approached the Golden Dragon Capital.

In the sky, more than forty bone dragons with no trace of flesh and blood left were circling back and forth.

The people of the Kingdom, who were supposed to worship dragons, were so horrified that they could not speak when they saw these fleshless dragons in the sky.

This army was just marching. Their good military discipline would put most armies in the world to shame, but their terrifying appearance made all the living creatures on the march dodge as if they were fleeing.

“Close the city gate! Close the city gate!”

“Get ready to fight! Get ready to fight!”

On the city wall outside Jinlongdu, the officers of the city guard ordered their men to close the city gate at the top of their lungs.

Unexpectedly, before his soldiers could take action, a group of Northland Army soldiers rushed over and quickly took control of the city gate.

His soldiers did not dare to resist at all, but when they were stared at by the murderous eyes of the Northland Army soldiers, they immediately shrank and did not dare to step forward.

In addition to the three large legions, the City Guards can also be said to be an armed force.

After the Northern Army purged the royal capital’s nobles, the status of the city guards became very embarrassing.

In terms of belonging, they do not belong to the Kingdom’s regular army and are similar to the local garrison.

But because they are in such a sensitive area of ​​the royal capital, they are much more important than other local garrison corps.

In the early years of the Golden Dragon City, the Imperial Guard was led by Thor, and the main officers were all members of the Royal Party who came from the Kingdom’s Knight Academy. The nobles of the Kingdom’s capital could not get involved with this force, and it was always firmly controlled by the Charman family. Control is in hand.

But the city guards have long been infiltrated into a sieve by the nobles.

Although they are still nominally the army of the kingdom, if the interests of the nobles conflict with the royal family, they will definitely not be able to count on the city guards.

During the previous coup in the palace, the main army came from the city guard troops.

After that coup, Renne took the opportunity to weaken the influence of the nobles in the City Guards, and Richard’s purge of blood nobles implicated many officers in the City Guards.

It can be said that at this time, the influence of the royal capital’s nobles on the city guards dropped to its lowest point in history.

It is not a bad thing that the kingdom’s nobles have less influence on the city guards, but in a short period of time, they have really drained the soul of the city guards.

Although the purge did not affect ordinary soldiers, many middle- and low-level officers were from these nobles, and even many outstanding children from noble families directly served as middle- and high-level officers in the city guard.

After some purges, the City Guards lost most of their officers and fell into chaos. How could they have the courage to face the arrogant Northern Army.

The officer in charge of guarding the city gate here watched his men being squeezed by the Northland Army and stood aside obediently, like a defeated army that had been disarmed.

First he felt angry, feeling that his subordinates were not up to par, and then he sighed again.

The officer at the city gate is about forty years old, with a square face, a neatly trimmed beard, a neat military appearance, and a standard military image.

It is a pity that his cultivation level is only at the elementary level of knight. Judging from his age, he has few adventures and will not have much room for improvement in this life.

Because he was born as a commoner, his talent was generally not attracted by the nobles. The two turmoils were not affected, and now he has become a person who can barely take action in the city guard.

“Why do you want to prevent the city gate from closing? If the army outside the city enters the city, will you be responsible?”

Although foreign troops entering the royal capital recently feel like returning home, the outer city of Jinlongdu has become a decoration, and the city guards have long been reduced to patrols.

But this officer finally stuck to the bottom line and stood up to question.

However, he mustered up the courage to roar, but the Northland Army who came over did not even sideways glance at him, completely ignoring his existence.

A road separated the two rows of the city where the sword players stood, and the elite crossbowmen stood skillfully on the key high points nearby.

“Whatever happens, I will be responsible for.”

Just when the officer at the city gate wanted to ask another question, a voice interrupted him.

Surrounded by a group of Northland troops, a young man wearing dark red armor walked over.

After seeing the other party’s appearance clearly, he suppressed all his dissatisfaction with the Northland Army, his feet went weak, and he barely managed to kneel down directly.

In the end, the officer’s dignity was maintained, and he knelt on the ground and bowed.

“Lord King of the North!”

The surrounding soldiers also saluted.

Richard did not embarrass these city guards. He nodded and walked straight over.

After all, an army of skeletons is approaching Golden Dragon City, so everyone needs to be wary.

Li Cha, who was about to walk up the tower, suddenly thought of something, turned his head and looked at the city guard officer who was half kneeling on the ground and asked:

“What’s your name?”

Although Richard just asked calmly, Molakcek felt a lot of pressure just by being noticed by Richard, and replied with a slightly trembling voice:

“The second regiment of the City Guards, the commander of the fourth flag regiment, Morakcek!”

Although the City Guards belong to the local garrison group, as the garrison of the royal capital, the combat effectiveness of the City Guards is very impressive.

The flag captain is already considered an upper-middle-level officer. A junior knight is not qualified. He must be at least a master of the peak knight level or even a great knight.

It’s just that the original leader of this flag regiment was a blood noble. Now the body may not be found intact. Morakcek became the flag regiment leader like a rocket.

“Take your people with you to maintain order and keep the people nearby from going out for the time being.”

“Yes, Lord Richard!”

Although the city guards are in a period of chaos at this time, Richard is definitely not qualified to command these city guards.

But how could Morakcek say no to Richard?

Anyway, whoever wants to guard this city gate can guard it. There is no one he can offend.

If he dared to disobey his orders, the surrounding Northland Army soldiers with murderous looks on their faces might be able to rush over and chop him into pieces without the King of the North having to take action.

Morakchek waved, and the nearby city guard soldiers immediately followed him away as if they had been rescued. They were stared at by a group of murderous Northland Army soldiers, and the pressure on them was not small.

The undead army in the distance was marching very fast. Shortly after Morakchek took the order and led the people away, the leading terrifying knights had already approached the city gate.

Nearly a hundred terrifying knights were lined up outside the city gate. Compared with the last decisive battle with the orcs, the number was much larger.

The growth of the undead army in the war is indeed quite terrifying. After being spread out for a long time, the terrifying knights were able to form a knighthood.

“Dear Lord Richard, the Army of the Undead reports to you.”

In the queue of terrifying knights, Sandro rode a bone horse and stepped forward.

Dismounted and saluted Richard, his eyes swept over the several human and elf heroes following Richard.

“There are more than 400,000 undead skeleton warriors, 20,000 skeleton cavalry, 30,000 zombies, 4,000 ghosts, 3,000 black warriors, 103 terrifying knights, 41 bone dragons, and two ghost dragons.”

Sandru’s strength has become stronger. He is worthy of being the legendary necromancer who single-handedly challenged the entire continent on the continent of Erathia.

At least with the peak strength of the Realm of Realm, Richard’s most promising hero to enter the Realm of Jealousy first, apart from Lucifer, is Sandro.

Sandro introduced the latest situation of the Undead Army in a calm tone. Although there was no expression on his pale face, Richard could feel the other party’s pride.

In other words, Sandro seemed to be demonstrating against the Templar heroes headed by Catherine.

Look, I’m much more capable than you.

Katherine was lucky. Sir M’Lak and others next to her looked at such a large undead army, and their faces fell.

Although both sides belong to the same camp under Richard, the human heroes from Erathia all have an instinctive dislike of the undead.

“Hurry up and enter the city, enter the magma city through the portal immediately, don’t stay, don’t disturb the people.”

Richard doesn’t care about the little conflicts among his heroes. As long as it doesn’t hinder the overall situation, healthy competition is a good thing.

The stronger the undead army is, the greater its help will be in the subsequent battle. Looking at the undead army that has expanded after the war with the orcs, Richard has more confidence in his heart.

“Yes, Lord Richard!”

Sandro led the terrifying knights and skeleton cavalry into the city first, and the undead army that followed entered the city in order.

The army of the undead has always been a disaster for any city on the continent of Erathia. It is difficult to see a breath of life wherever it passes. All creatures with flesh and blood will become the supplement of the army of the undead.

However, the restrained army of the undead is definitely one of the best-disciplined armies. Hundreds of thousands of troops entered the city without any chaos, and no noise could be heard except for the sound of footsteps.

In their eyes, the prosperity of the royal capital was no different from the boundless desert. They quickly crossed the portal without any urging from the officers.

Morakcek, the city guard officer responsible for clearing the streets and maintaining order, broke into a cold sweat at this time.

Observing this army up close is more shocking than from a distance, with white bones, pieces of flesh that cannot be rotted away, giant dragons without flesh and blood, and a strong aura of death.

What kind of army is this…

Fortunately, this army is still under the control of King Richard of the North. The kingdom may…

After coming back to his senses, Morakchek stopped his random thoughts.

I barely stabilized my mood and shouted to my pale-faced subordinates:

“Don’t be afraid, these are the subordinates of the North King! Do your own thing and don’t let others collide with the North King’s army.”

With an army of hundreds of thousands, even an orderly undead army cannot all pass through the portal in a short while. It will take at least a day or two.

After Richard ordered his heroes, especially Sandro, to go to Magma City and follow Lucifer’s arrangements, he left temporarily.

In a short time, Richard returned to his loyal Northland.

Stone Castle

New products have appeared on the market.

Grandet was still making noises in Richard’s ears.

But Richard did not stop the other party’s unoriginal flattery as before, but instead focused all his attention on the treasure in front of him.

“Treasure: Blade of Doom”


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