Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 685: Dungeons and Beating


Chapter 685 Dungeon and Beating

Purple Moon City

As one of the largest cities in the southern region of the Abyss, it is not only majestic on the ground but also its buildings.

Underground in Ziyue City, there is another underground city that is not inferior in scale to that on the ground.

The underground city connected to Ziyue City is home to millions of people, half of whom are cavemen with very low status and occasionally serve as food rations.

They like moisture, hate light, and have low vision. They mainly rely on their sense of smell and hearing to identify directions and obstacles. Except for a few mutant caveman warriors, most are shorter than ordinary humans and only taller than dwarves.

But it seems that because he has been engaged in heavy excavation work all year round, his strength seems to be pretty good. Of course, this is good compared to ordinary humans.

In the abyss, except for the newly born demon worms on the plains, it is difficult to find intelligent creatures weaker than them.

Even the elite caveman warriors, who are unique among the cavemen, have extremely mediocre combat capabilities. Their eliteness is mainly reflected in the comparison with their fellow tribesmen. Of course, what they do more is to suppress their fellow tribesmen.

In addition to a large number of cavemen, there are also earth lizards, cave demons, spider demons and some black drow who came to the abyss through unknown channels living underground.

These drow, who look similar to elves, are the only creatures in this underground world that fit Richard’s aesthetics.

However, their status in the abyss is not high, and their strength is only equivalent to the weaker mid-level demons. Because their minds are pretty good, they help manage a large number of cavemen and barely escape being reduced to food. destiny.

In this dungeon, the highest-ranking demons are of course the troglodytes and their close relatives, the spider demons.

The troglodyte can reach six meters in size when it reaches adulthood, and its whole body is covered with a hard carapace.

The carapace on their bodies is somewhat harder than the plate armor on the soldiers of the Northland Army, and there are almost no weak points in their bodies except for the joints of their legs.

Ordinary swords may not leave even a white mark on these cave demons.

The two pairs of sickle pliers in front of the body, which are as hard as diamonds, can not only tear prey easily, but also dig the soil at extremely fast speeds. They can dig into any rock formation like tofu. In this underground world, the digging speed is faster than Cavemen need to hurry up.

It has a mouthpart full of fangs, not to mention its biting ability, and it also has a venom sac inside its body that stores venom.

The strong toxicity can directly corrode rocks. When the poison sac is full, it can be directly sprayed twenty meters away, which is considered a half-range attack method.

Among the high-level demons, the cave demon’s combat power is also pretty good.

The only shortcoming is that it does not have the ability to fight in the air. Other high-level demons can basically obtain the ability to fly when they reach the sky level.

The troglodyte cannot barely fly until it reaches the holy level.

However, in this underground world, flying is a false proposition.

The troglodyte, which has no shortcomings in any aspect except flying, is the undisputed dominant creature in this underground world.

And Gengs, the leader of the holy-level cave demon, is the actual ruler of this underground world.

In Diabo’s era, Diabo, as the ruler of Purple Moon City, was of course the nominal master of this underground city.

But in fact, his control over the underground space of Ziyue City is far less than his control over Ziyue City and the surrounding demon tribes.

If we say that Diabo’s rule over Ziyue City is that of a centralized king.

The control of the underground city is equivalent to enfeoffing a vassal king.

On weekdays, they offer sacrifices, and in wartime they are recruited as soldiers to fight together.

Normally no management at all.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to take care of it, but without the cave demon, Diabo can’t effectively manage the maze-like dungeon.

The great demon warriors can easily kill the troglodyte on the ground, but in this underground world, they can’t use it at all. Teleportation can easily get themselves into the rocks, and the biggest advantage is ruined.

Here the great demon warrior is not necessarily the opponent of the cave demon.

In addition, although Gengs looks naive, he is very shrewd in doing things. He has always been respectful to Diabo and has never violated Diabo because of the special conditions of the underground world.

So, Diabo was not too dissatisfied with Gengs, the actual ruler of the underground world.

But this time, when Elise sent someone to persuade Gengs who fled back to the underground city to surrender, Gengs completed the sliding kneeling without hesitation and became a holy powerhouse under Magma City.

Elise informed Gengs in advance that Richard was going to enter the dungeon.

In order to welcome the new king, Gengs even held a grand welcome party.

Following the downward connecting passage for about tens of meters, a wide road appeared in front of Richard.

The space in the dungeon was not as cramped as Richard imagined. Instead, the cave demons dug out a vast world.

There are huge squares on both sides of the road. If the light were not weak, it would not even feel like it is underground.

On both sides of the avenue, the cave demons lined up in two neat lines as much as possible.

At Elise’s suggestion, Gengs also summoned most of the drow and lined them up on both sides of the road.

Because they have lived underground for a long time, these drow are shorter than elves and even half-elves, with their height generally being less than 1.6 meters.

However, the powerful elf blood still gives them almost all good facial features and figures.

In the abyss, the drow also dress more boldly than their relatives, with the cloth on their bodies only covering their vitals.

The exquisite figure is highlighted vividly.

Looking at the drow standing next to the cave demon, trying to smile.

What a joy to watch…

It would be more appropriate if you could carry a red ribbon and hang some welcome banners.

“Sir Richard, please!”

Gengs moved his huge body to lead the way, looking back from time to time.

Strive to show your respect.

Richard didn’t say anything, he just nodded and followed the other person through the large square, crawled through a cave and entered another space.

This cave seems to be naturally formed. Some unknown substance on the ground is actually shimmering with different colors. Water from the underground river emerges from small holes from time to time, filling up the pools.

Walking in it is like walking in a colorful pool. The water in the pool gathers and flows out of the cave through various water channels.

When Richard saw the beautiful scenery in front of him, his first reaction was the water source problem.

From the water vapor seeping out of the rock mass and the underground rivers that converge and disperse, it is easy to see that this is the most important water source in this underground world.

After entering the cave here, the cave demons became heavily guarded, and there were patrolling cave demons at every fork.

The patrols here are not the patrols outside that are composed of spider demons and caveman warriors, but are all caveman demons.

At this point, no other races can be seen.

Obviously, this is the real lair of the Troglodyte.

“My lord, this is Ghent.”

Geng Si made a great gesture. Not only did he serve as a guide as a saint, but he also brought Richard to the core of the clan.

Ghent City

However, although Ghent City is said to be a city, it is actually just a prototype of a city. It is essentially just the lair of the Troglodyte. In this huge cave space, the Troglodyte strictly prohibits any other creature from staying.

Diabo never asked, after all, the rule of the entire underground world must rely on the cave demon.

But for Richard, this nominally surrendered independent kingdom was a bit of an eyesore.

Looking at this beautiful underground space and the extremely submissive Gengs in front of him, Richard already had some concerns in his mind.

Then he continued to follow Gengs’ footsteps and observed the layout of the entire cave.

Ghent City, in a cave where some valuable decorations are piled haphazardly.

Gengs, who took Richard, Elise and others around, took everyone to a cave that he thought was luxuriously decorated.

If the big devil and the succubus still have basic aesthetics, the cave demon is basically still at the animal level.

Even the Saint-level Gengs just followed the trend and got a bunch of luxurious accessories like the succubi and big demons in Magma City, and then piled them in his cave like garbage.

Elise couldn’t help but frown when she walked in.

These colorful decorations are piled up all over the cave, which makes people feel tired visually. It is better to keep nothing at all to maintain the original style of the cave.

Richard didn’t care about this. Once he entered the cave, he sat down on a shiny golden chair and listened to Gengs’ flattering words with interest.

“Lord Richard is very powerful, Diabo is like an ugly lemure compared to you.”

“The name Magma City sounds ten thousand times better than Purple Moon City.”

“The cave demon clan is willing to be loyal to Lord Richard forever.”

“Your will is the direction in which we advance…”

The words of the demons are poor, and the so-called flattery is actually the same words over and over again. Except for Gengs being shameless, the level of these flatteries is far inferior to those of the nobles of the Golden Dragon Kingdom.

Elise and Sven on the side felt a little embarrassed.

Li Cha patiently listened to a few words and then suddenly interrupted:

“Anthracene? Mr. Gengs said that you will always be loyal to me. Can you give me something?”

“The cave-dwelling demon will unconditionally carry out your will. Don’t say one thing, just ten things.”

“No, what belongs to the cave devil belongs to the adult. Everything should belong to the adult. There is no need to use the word “give”.

Gengs didn’t realize the seriousness of Richard’s words yet, and still licked the dog in front of him without any bottom line.

This is not to blame Gengs, what level of existence is the Maharaja?

If placed in the abyss, it would be the top of the pyramid. If placed in the human world, it would be almost a walking god, and a statue should be erected for worship.

No matter who it is, they will slip and kneel.

Just Richard’s next words made Gengs feel angry.

“I think this city of Ghent is good. You can move out with your tribe.”

This request was so excessive that even Elise, who had a sense of crisis because of Gengs’ dog-licking behavior, showed a look of surprise.

Gengs was stunned for several seconds.

If it were anyone else who said this was outrageous, Gengs would probably fall out immediately. Even Diabo had never made such an exorbitant request.

Ghent City is the fundamental place of the cave-dwelling demon clan. The unique water source conditions and living environment here are not available in other places.

Otherwise, with the characteristics of the cave-dwelling demon, there is no need for Bird Ziyue City, and he can be a local tyrant in other places in the Southern Territory like the Thousand-Eyed Demon Clan.

Facing a powerful king-level man, Gengs rarely showed his excellent cultivation.

Looking at Richard’s half-smiling expression, he confirmed again.

“Sir, you are joking.”

“I’m not joking. I have great use for this city of Ghent. Since you cave demons want to follow me, you can’t even fail to do the first thing, right?”

“But, sir, this Ghent is our cave devil…”

“Didn’t you just say that what belongs to the caveman belongs to me?”

“What, are you lying to me?”

Richard’s tone was a bit unkind, and he raised it with the pressure of a monarch.

The anger in Gengs’s heart was eliminated, and he calmed down instantly.

How can he bargain with a great king?

The other party can kill him with just a thought. If he really angers the other party, the entire cave demon clan will be in trouble.

After thinking about it, Gengs no longer refused, but continued to maintain a respectful attitude and said:

“Since you want the city of Ghent, the cave demon will immediately make room for you.”

“Without further delay, take action now. There are not many of you cave demons. I will give you one day to move out.”

“Yes, sir!”

Gengs no longer had time to attend to Richard. One day seemed like a long time, but the time for the entire tribe to move was actually very tight.

Not only did he have to give orders quickly, but he also had to appease his fellow tribesmen to prevent some stupid people from doing the wrong thing.

After Gengs resigned, only Swen and Elise were left in the cave.

Elise hesitated for a moment and then cautiously said:

“Sir, the underground is different from the ground. Ghent is not suitable for most demons to live in. Even if the cave demons are driven out, there is no way to control this place.”

As the first saint to seek refuge with Richard, Elise consciously regarded herself as a loyal dog. Seeing that Richard insisted on letting the cave demon move out of Ghent, she gave a reminder.

Diabo was not ignorant of the importance of Ghent.

But Ghent is not easy to control. Except for the cave demon, most demons are more accustomed to life on the ground and cannot survive underground. Even if the cave demon gives up Ghent, he cannot effectively control the underground water source. , so the cave demon has been allowed to control such an important place alone.

But for Richard, this problem does not exist. Once the cave demon moves out, he can quickly fill the gap.

“Treasure Category: Heart of the Dungeon

Transform any underground city into a Negan (underground city) main city. The heart of the underground city will randomly generate five high-level buildings and one special building for the successfully transformed city, and randomly provide a small group of high-level troops.

Introduction: The gift of the Creator, the miraculous treasure of the dungeon, the legendary Dragon Queen Moriel successfully unified the chaotic Negan after obtaining this treasure. ”

Ghent has triggered the system prompt, and it has been recognized as an underground city…


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