Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 684: Magma City


Chapter 684 Magma City

The red light shines, and Ziyue City enters another hot day.

There is no shortage of labor in the abyss, and the ruins caused by the battle have been cleaned up by the horned devils and the little lemures.

“Private fights are prohibited in the city!”

“If it’s a matter of life and death, go to the gladiatorial arena in the city to resolve it.”

“Don’t kill the little evil demons and horned demons!”

“Slave trade must go to special markets!”

“Strictly enforce the curfew!”

“Violators will be severely punished!”

In Purple Moon City, a large number of people from the Succubus Chamber of Commerce were reading out the new rules, and there was also a fierce demon warrior standing next to them, making the demons in the city pay more attention to these new rules.

“This new rule doesn’t seem to be much different from the previous one.”

“I just can’t kill the little evil demons. Hehe, those snake demons may have suffered a lot.”

Although the city of Purple Moon City has a certain order under Diabo’s governance, there are still a lot of killings.

Especially for middle- and lower-level demons, Ziyue City is slightly safer than the wild.

The little lemures on the road may become snacks for the snake demon at any time, as long as they are in a remote corner and are not discovered by the big demon law enforcement team.

It is impossible for Diabo to manage the city very carefully, and the demons are a group of guys who are difficult to manage.

Richard had never thought that Ziyue City could be managed like Ironwood City and Miracle City under his own control, with no doors closed at night, but he should at least improve the security level.

After basically following the rules established by Diabo, and only making some minor adjustments, the city management was handed over to Elise and Lucifer.

The demons are also incredibly adaptable to war. Within a few days after the war, Ziyue City basically returned to its former vitality.

Changing the owner will not affect the prosperity of this devil city at all.

The only change is that a circle has been circled around Diabo Castle, and all the demons living around have been driven out.

Then overnight, a city wall more than 20 meters high was built in the center of Ziyue City, and a majestic inner city appeared around Diabo’s original castle.

This inner city is of course the main city of Hell (Over).

Now that Richard is using system functions more and more unscrupulously, no one dares to explore Richard’s secrets anyway.

Richard didn’t have to think about explaining to anyone. At first he had to tell lies to fool him, but now he no longer needed to fool him.

“Skull of the Demon Lord (treasure): A treasure made from the head of a powerful demon lord.

Effect 1: The main city of Over (Hell Tribe) can be established in the abyss.

Effect 2: The Skull of the Demon Lord will become a special building and appear in the main city of Over (Hell Clan). The main city’s level 7 army demon output +1, and can be upgraded to an eighth level arm demon lord.

Effect 3: Using the skull of the Demon King as a medium, the passage between the abyss and reality can be opened in a special way. ”

The treasure obtained from Diabo played a major role at this time, so a high-standard **** main city appeared in Ziyue City.

In addition to the majestic city walls, drastic changes have also occurred inside the castle.

Cracks appeared on the ground, and red magma gushes out of the cracks, and then more and more, gradually forming a scalding river, with several weird buildings sitting in the middle.

There is also a huge head hanging in the air in the middle of the castle. The red demon head has its mouth wide open, as if it is going to devour the entire city. It looks extremely scary.

If it appeared in a human city, this head that still maintains its coercion would probably cause a panic.

But the demons in the abyss are well-informed. Among the tens of billions of demon worms produced in the Worm Plain every year, in addition to some regular demons, there are also some strange species, such as strong-flavored creatures like splicing suture monsters. They are all common.

The appearance of the prince’s head only caused the nearby demons to take a second look at it, but did not take it seriously.

Only demons above the holy level can feel something different.

“Please name the new town.”

The system prompt sound appeared in time, once again embarrassing Richard, a guy with a somewhat useless name.

It is definitely not appropriate to call the new city Purple Moon City. The origin of Purple Moon City is because the ruler Diabo is a Purple Moon Demon. Now his head has become a collection. Of course, we cannot continue to keep this name. .

Looking at the rolling magma around you and feeling the heat rushing towards your face.

Richard didn’t think about it for too long before he came up with a concise and concise name for this city that seemed to be floating on magma.

“Magma City!”

After confirming the name of the castle, Richard clicked on this newly acquired city.

“Parliament (upgradeable): Provide you with 2,000 gold coins every week.”

“Advanced Monster Forge: 20 lemures can be recruited every week.”

“Hall of Sin (upgradeable): 15 Gog can be recruited every week.”

“Kennel (upgradeable): 6 hellhounds can be recruited every week.”

“Skull of the Demon King (miraculous building, not upgradeable): The output of the Great Demon Warrior is increased by 1, and the Great Demon Warrior of this city can be upgraded to an elite.”

Magma City is a town with a luxurious start. In addition to the King’s Skull, it also comes with three creature nests.

The appearance of the first-level high-ranking lemures is similar to that of the little lemures in Purple Moon City, except that they are much larger in size and body. The muscles on their bodies are bulging and much stronger than the ordinary little lemures. They can be regarded as among the lemures. Elite.

The combat power is slightly weaker than that of the Halberdiers, but they are more adaptable to the environment in hell. Their small wings can also fly for short periods of time, and they may have unexpected effects when used to attack cities.

Lemurs as a unit, if placed on the mainland, are not bad enough to be a squad leader in the elite Northland Army, but unfortunately they are just cannon fodder in hell, not even high-level cannon fodder.

They may not be able to defeat those omnivorous horned devils everywhere. The only advantage is that they are loyal and obedient, easy to command, and can be used as security forces in the city.

Goge, who looks like a fire monkey, is quite useful in Richard’s eyes. This second-level long-range unit from **** can send out fireballs to attack enemies. It looks cool but has average attack power. In the second-level long-range unit of Invincible Heroes, Not outstanding in the military.

However, the fireballs emitted after advancing to Goma can produce explosive effects and can cause splash damage to surrounding units.

This special effect must be more powerful in the real world than in the game. It is definitely better than ordinary crossbows against a larger number of enemies with average strength.

The hellhounds produced by the kennel can be regarded as quite satisfactory. This large dog is about the same size as a tiger and can easily deal with would-be knights. For the current Richard, it has little effect and can only be considered better than nothing.

After upgrading to a three-headed **** dog, the strength will not increase much, but it will look cooler when used as a security dog.

Wait a month or two, when the Demon Palace of the seventh-level military camp is built, and when the miraculous building Demon King’s head begins to take effect, then the value of the Magma City begins to be reflected.

Richard has no shortage of resources for upgrading. Whether it is gold coins or various common and rare resources, whether it is wood from the north or gems from the south, his forces have a steady supply.

The development of Magma City only needs to proceed step by step.

Open building construction list

There are several buildings for Richard to choose from. The conventional one is the Devil’s Gate, a level 4 soldier’s lair in hell, which can produce devils, a level 4 soldier in hell. Their combat power is average to that of level 4 soldiers in Invincible Heroes.

High-level evil spirits are completely inferior to the Crusaders of the same level in the castle.

But the fifth-level soldier Evil God King that follows him is the essence of hell.

The Evil God King, the fifth-level soldier of hell, can transform his own dead troops into evil ghosts, and these evil ghosts can be upgraded into high-level evil ghosts in the troop lair.

No matter how weak the fourth-level high-level evil ghost is, it still has the combat power of the knight level. Even if this effect is only useful for system arms, it can transform a large number of cannon fodder soldiers such as lemures into the backbone of the knight level.

The batches of knight-level combat power are quite impressive even in the abyss.

According to normal operations, the goal must be to create a fifth-level military camp ghost cave as soon as possible.

But there is a very special choice in Magma City’s list.

“Space portal (special): After construction, it will create a stable space channel with another portal.

Gold coins: 12000

Crystal: 10

Sulfur: 10

Mercury: 10

Gem: 10”

Where is the other portal?

The original most prosperous area of ​​Golden Dragon City, the essence of the human kingdom.

If this portal were to stabilize, the influx of demons from the abyss into the mainland would definitely have disastrous consequences.

After all, the current rulers on the continent are not even a little bit worse than the Elf Empire back then.

Neither the human kingdom nor the orcs have the ability to fight against the abyss demons. Even the hundreds of thousands of cannon fodder in Duowu’s hands rushing into the mainland through the portal are enough for humans to drink a pot.

If there were an organized invasion like the one against the Elf Empire, all the tribes on the continent would be no match for the devil now.

But things are different now.

Purple Moon City, now Magma City, is now under Richard’s control.

As for Golden Dragon City, although His Majesty Ren is still in the palace, there are still about 100,000 imperial guards in the imperial city.

But there are already more than 100,000 Northland troops in the city, and there are even more Northland troops outside the city, plus Sandru’s undead army that has returned from Clays City.

To round things off, it’s not too much to say that the Golden Dragon is all Richard’s territory.

Since the territory at both ends of the teleportation array is yours, the benefits of stabilizing the teleportation gate outweigh the risks.

“Build a space portal.”

As Richard made a decision in his mind, a light door several meters wide appeared in the magma city.

The frame of the door is the unique red color of the abyss, with various mysterious patterns engraved on it, and there is a blue light in the door.

At first glance, the blue light seemed to have turned into a whirlpool, so deep that there seemed to be countless possibilities.

At this time, you can return to the Golden Dragon City by walking through this portal.

However, Richard was not in a hurry to go back. Instead, he summoned Elise and prepared to go underground in the city.

Purple Moon City

No, it’s Magma City, but it’s a super city with two cities in one.

Richard will not be like Diabo, who manages such an important underground city like a sheep and tolerates the troglodytes and nerubians forming their own system in the underground space…


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