Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 683: Conquer and control


Chapter 683 Conquer and Control


The huge war blade in Sven’s hand slashed towards Ant.

Ant could only struggle to hold the giant scimitar in his hand with both hands and take the blow forcefully.


A huge force came from the war blade, which shocked Ant’s arms to the point of numbness and almost unconsciousness.

“Hide! Why don’t you hide!”

In addition to the sound of swords clashing, there was also Sven’s arrogant roar.

Under Richard’s instruction, the two engaged in a one-on-one duel between warriors.

Although both sides are both holy-level demons, there is a clear gap in strength.

Although Ant is not a flower growing in a greenhouse, judging from the battles he has experienced, his growth can only be considered satisfactory. After all, he has only become a saint not long ago. In the past few decades, Ziyue City has also grown No big battles were fought.

But Sven is a powerful warrior who fought on the **** battlefields of Erathia.

In the fight with the Angel Legion, Swain was on the verge of life and death almost every moment, and he could survive in the meat grinder of Erathia.

Sven’s combat experience is far more sophisticated than Ant’s.

Although both of them are saints in the Realm of Power, Sven, as a special soldier, can enjoy a lot of attribute bonuses from the treasures on Richard’s body.

The four-dimensional attributes are also a bit higher than Ant.

The entire battle was asymmetrical from the beginning. Ant was suppressed by Swain from the beginning to the end, and he went from being confident at the beginning to panic now.

Ante knew that if he continued to fight like this, defeat would only happen sooner or later.



Although he blocked Sven’s extremely powerful slash. But Ant’s arms, which were so painful from the shock, no longer had any remaining strength, and his strength was exhausted.

Sven’s condition looked more like he had just warmed up.

Then a knee came straight into Ant’s stomach.

Although the Great Demon is not known for his strength, it is relative, and there is also Richard’s strength bonus.

This hit to the knee made Ant’s internal organs tremble, and a mouthful of blood spurted out and splashed on the knife.

Obviously, Swain suffered serious internal injuries and his internal organs were damaged.

Fortunately, a holy-level demon has a terrifyingly tough body, and his internal organs are not as fragile as ordinary creatures.

Otherwise, under such huge force, it is possible not to mention just vomiting blood, but also being directly pushed through the stomach.

But this time, Ant’s fantasy was completely broken.

The fellow of the same race in front of him had a murderous intention and had no intention of letting go. The monarch standing aside had even cold eyes.

Keep only what is useful.

From the beginning, the other party had no intention of letting him survive.


Ante no longer has any hope of defeating the opponent. If he stays, he will be beaten to death by the opponent, so he can only run.

As for how to escape under the nose of a great king?

This is no longer something Ant can consider. At least if he runs, he still has a chance of survival. If he doesn’t run, he will really be dead.

Using the power of Sven’s knee, Ant flew out like a cannonball and rushed hundreds of meters into the air.

Then he used all his teleportation speed, and in a few blinks, he moved hundreds of meters out of thin air, and got into the surrounding team of demon warriors.

These big demon warriors who were originally called to watch the battle, saw that their original commander was beaten by the opponent and had no power to fight back. They had some complicated emotions. At this time, Ant rushed directly into their crowd, instantly triggering There was a moment of confusion.

“Let’s all run away together!”

“They are the murderers of Lord Diabo. If you don’t run away, you will die!”

Ante was quite quick-witted and knew that running away alone would have no chance of surviving.

I want to encourage a group of great demon warriors to scatter and flee, causing chaos to gain a chance for themselves.



Don’t mention it, Ant’s move is still useful.

After all, he has been the leader of the Great Demon Warriors for decades. In the hearts of these Great Demon Warriors, apart from Diabo, only Ant has the highest prestige.

This subtle influence caused many great demon warriors to make wrong choices.

Originally, most of the great demon warriors had doubts about the strange new owner of Ziyue City.

At this time, encouraged by Ant, at least a dozen demon warriors chose to use teleportation to escape outside the city.

For a time, figures of great demon warriors appeared in all directions in the sky.

“Seeking death!”

Ant’s behavior made Swain angry, but he didn’t expect that the other party would follow his attack and choose to escape.

“Go and lift his head back, if…”

“If I can’t do it, I will come back with my own head!”

Sven ignored the other big demons and started teleporting in the direction Ant was escaping from, staring at him and chasing him all the way.

Richard was not idle either.

He can also teleport. Now is the time to scare the monkeys. Since you made the wrong choice, you will have to pay the price.

In a few flashes, a golden and red figure became a thread in the air, catching up with several fleeing demon warriors at extremely fast speeds.

Actually, the speed of the Great Demon Warrior is not slow. Among the strong men of the sky level, the speed of the Great Demon Warrior can be said to be one of the best.

Coupled with the talent of teleportation, some ordinary saints may not be able to guarantee that they can catch up with them.

This is also the reason why these great demon warriors chose to escape.

Everyone scattered and ran away together. Even the king couldn’t kill them all. At most, only some unlucky ones were caught up.

It’s just that Richard’s speed exceeded their imagination, and the opponent continued to use teleportation as if there was no consumption.

The two great demon warriors were intercepted by Richard before they even ran out of Ziyue City.



Before the two great demon warriors could finish their words of begging for mercy, Richard swept his sword and cut them in half with a golden-red fighting spirit.

Under everyone’s attention, Richard intercepted all the demon warriors trying to escape without missing a single one.

Just after Richard returned to the ground with the sword still dripping blood, Swain followed closely and returned to the original place.

Sven was seen holding Ant’s hideous head in his hand. Ant’s face was wide-eyed with reluctance, and blood was dripping from the broken neck to the ground.

Sven did not mind the blood dripping on the ground. He bowed his head to Richard and then raised Ant’s head high to show it to the surrounding demon warriors.

The surrounding demon warriors also knew what choice to make at this time.

They all fell to their knees.

This group of great demon warriors has been initially subdued, but they cannot be as determined as the system soldiers.

It’s not like the Northern Army sincerely supports Richard, they just succumb to the strong.

If the full score of loyalty is one hundred, then these great demon warriors are probably only in their fifties or sixties.

It takes some time and means to allow them to become their own people.

Left to the command of Swain, this group of great demon warriors will soon become a sharp blade again.

Outside the city

Major changes in Ziyue City cannot escape the observation of Duowu’s thousands of eyes.

From the moment Carlson appeared to the moment he was killed, everything happened so fast that Duowu’s brain, which was down, couldn’t even process what was going on.

However, since seeing Carlson’s death, Duowu has been frightened to death.

If Ziyue City was still a piece of cake in his eyes before, he was a little bit unwilling to be forced to return it by Carlson.

Now, the prosperous Ziyue City is a huge whirlpool, and anyone who comes even slightly closer may be swallowed up without even leaving any residue.

After witnessing the fall of Carlson, Duowu accelerated his escape without any regard for dignity. He was as majestic as he came, but he was so embarrassing when he ran away.

The vassal demons and allies have completely ignored them, and they only took the dozens of Thousand-Eyed Demons under them to run away. Anyway, there are plenty of vassals and cannon fodder in the abyss.

It wasn’t until Ziyue City was completely out of touch with the attacking army that only a small dot remained in sight, Duowu stopped for a moment.

Although the Thousand-Eyed Demon is a high-level demon, it is not known for its speed. Even because of its larger body, its speed is at the bottom among high-level demons.

It’s easy to say that Duowu, a strong man in the domain realm, can’t be much slower no matter what.

The other Thousand-Eyed Demons are not that fast, and they will never be able to catch up with Duowu if they run like this.

Although Duowu didn’t care about some of the subordinate demons, he didn’t even look down on high-level demons like the Shadow Demon.

But he still cares about his own kind.

Seeing that the prince of Purple Moon City was not chasing after him, he simply stopped and gathered his team a little.

“This time is really too dangerous. We will never come to Ziyue City again.”

Duowu, who had calmed down from the shock, first let out a long sigh of relief, then glanced at his compatriots who had suffered almost no losses, and felt a little proud in his heart.

Diabo, his old enemy, is dead, and so is Carlson, who humiliated him.

Although he failed to obtain Purple Moon City and suffered some losses, compared with Diabo and Carlson, he is very lucky.

However, this place is still too close to Ziyue City and is not safe.

“Let’s set off, continue eastward, and return to the clan first.”

“Where is Chief Duowu going?”

As a group of Thousand-Eyed Demons continued to prepare to set off further away from Ziyue City, several small black dots blocked their progress.

A large army of demons also appeared on the ground.

Snake demons, violent demons, some evil-eyed monsters and claw demons are all mid-level demons with strong combat power, and there are even a small number of high-level demons such as bone demons.

They are different from the affiliated tribes and large amounts of cannon fodder that Duowu recruited before.

It actually formed a relatively neat formation, giving it a bit of an army feel.

This level of formation is at least equivalent to the training level of farmers and soldiers in the North.

This level of training may only be considered common on the mainland, but it is very special in the abyss.

Although demons are not afraid of death in most battles, they are not easy to manage and are very easy to get emotional, especially those like violent demons who go berserk from time to time. In many cases, combat is just a simple matter of division. One formation, and then another charge.

The high-level demons will form a formation and take some command. Regardless of their strong individual combat effectiveness, most battles in the abyss are only slightly better than group fights.

Only the demon army under the Great Lord can have a similar sense of sight as a regular army.

However, the seemingly weak demon army on the ground was not enough to worry Duowu.

Thousand-eyed demons are the least afraid of group battles, especially for Duowu. The army of thousands of mixed-blood demons is not tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. If there is a lack of combat power above the holy level, this kind of army formation will no longer be possible. Well, they are all lives melted by him, it’s just a matter of how much is consumed.

What really frightened him were the shadows with black wings on their backs in the sky.

“Wing Demon?”

Duowu has never met Lucifer, but he only knows a little about him from his subordinates’ descriptions.

At that time, he thought it was just a winged demon and nothing to worry about. It was just because his tribesmen were too weak that he described the other party as so powerful.

Only when he saw the real person did he realize how outrageous his idea was.

The other party just stood there, seeming to blend into the entire environment. The background of the abyss sky was obviously red, but the black figure seemed to be one with the abyss.

Red wings or black abyss?

It has actually affected his perception. Damn it, is this really a winged demon from the Realm of Realm?

“I don’t know why you stopped in front of us. We are just a group of Thousand-Eyed Demons who want to go home.”

Duowu couldn’t see through Lucifer’s strength, and even the winged demons around Lucifer felt abnormal to him.

He no longer had the arrogance of facing middle- and lower-level demons, and he still spoke with caution.

“I see that Your Excellency Duowu yearns for Ziyue City, so why are you rushing back?”

Purple Moon City is now more terrifying in Duowu’s heart than the Dragon Pond and the Tiger’s Den. It is simply an abyss that wants to swallow everything. There is no way he wants to go back.

“Purple Moon City is too hot, and the Screaming Grass Hill is more suitable for our people to live in.”

Too hot is a false proposition in the abyss. None of the demons living here are afraid of heat.

The demons present, even the most charming and intelligent violent demons, would not believe Duowu’s nonsense.

Of course Lucifer wouldn’t believe it. Of course, it didn’t matter whether he believed it or not. No matter what reason Duowu used, Lucifer would not let him out of the way.

“Your Excellency Duowu, my Lord is now the new owner of Ziyue City. Please let me invite the Thousand-Eyed Demon Clan to live in Ziyue City.”

“We will carve out a territory for you nearby. From now on, the Thousand-Eyed Demon Clan will also be a part of Ziyue City.”

Although the words sounded nice, Duowu couldn’t tell. This was to make their Thousand-Eyed Demons become vassals of Ziyue City like the cave demons and succubi of Ziyue City.

Strong people in the realm are also very rare in the abyss. Among the hundreds of billions of demons in the entire abyss, the number of strong men in the realm will not exceed three digits.

Everywhere they are placed, they are overlord-level existences, and they are willing to become vassals easily.

However, if the opponent is a powerful king-level person, it seems difficult to refuse…

“Your Excellency Duowu, my Lord values ​​you very much. I hope you will not disappoint my Lord.”

The threat in Lucifer’s words was already obvious.

Duowu didn’t care about his anger, but was making quick calculations in his mind.

Return to Ziyue City to join the new king?

This is not a good choice. Although the Southern Territory King does not care much about the fighting between the various forces below, he does not even care about the killing of his own generals.

If Carlson died in Purple Moon City, it would definitely attract the attention of the Southern Territory Monarch. If he returned to Ziyue City, wouldn’t he be involved in the dispute between the two Monarchs?

But to forcefully fight out and escape back to the Screaming Grass Hill, you must first pass the level of the Winged Demon in front of you.

After meeting Lucifer, he didn’t dare to look down on this “winged demon” at all. He might not be his opponent if he wanted to fight.

And even if you kill the opponent, you will offend a great king to death. Unless he abandons all his people and wanders into the abyss, there will definitely be no good fruits to eat.

But Duowu is a very responsible clan leader. He doesn’t care about the vassals and cannon fodder demons, but he cares about his own clan. If he is asked to abandon his clan and run for his life alone, he can’t do it.

It may not be possible to kill them by force, and they will be targeted by a prince immediately.

Back to Ziyue City, although there is a high probability that you will be involved in the fight between the two princes, it is better than being targeted by a prince immediately.

Now Duowu regrets it to death. If he had known that the dispute in Ziyue City would turn out like this, he would not have led others to plot against Ziyue City if he were killed.

Having made a decision in his heart, Duowu no longer hesitated and said to Lucifer:

“How dare the Thousand-Eyed Demon clan refuse the invitation from the Great Lord.”

“Let’s go back to Ziyue City!”

After that, Duowu greeted his subordinates very cooperatively, and followed Lucifer back obediently.



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