Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 68: Volley


At noon, when the sun was shining high, a long team marched on the main road of Bandeling against the sun.

Originally, this scene is not uncommon in Bandel. There are many caravans passing through Bandel. Every few days, you can see a caravan of similar size crossing the border.

But since the Jingbei Army was defeated and the ogres marched eastward, the caravans have disappeared. It is impossible for any caravans to pass through the place where the ogres are raging in Bander.

Look carefully, although there are some humans in the team, their eyes are empty, like walking corpses pushing the cart forward,

There are more ogres in the team with thick bodies and gray-green skin. They are fierce and savage. From time to time, they will drag people who are considered lazy in the team to outside the team and kill them, shocking the remaining humans.

The cart was loaded with grain, ironware, gold and silver, etc., which the ogre had obtained from plundering the village in recent days.

In the eyes of ogres, there are too many valuable things in human villages. In addition to food and property, pots, pans, pots, pans and other items with a little bit of iron are all items that ogres want to take away. Just like an old lady who is moving and doesn’t want to throw away anything.

This also resulted in the leader of this ogre caravan having to capture some villagers to help transport things.

The long and scattered formation of the team also means that such a team will be extremely slow to react if faced with a surprise attack. People who really know how to use troops will naturally not make the team such a mess,

But the ogres are more like primitive nomadic tribes, except for Grugesh’s direct subordinates and a few very large tribes,

These small tribes don’t know how to use soldiers or form, they just rely on their natural physical advantages.

While everyone in the team was busy, an ogre wearing heavy armor was sitting leisurely on a cart, surrounded by four strong ogre warriors pushing it. This ogre warrior weighs nearly 500 kilograms with his body and armor.

The ogre warrior named Nur is the leader of this ogre tribe. Nur responded to Grugesh’s call after he defeated the Jingbei Army in the First World War and led the tribe into the Human territory.

Nurben also plans to find a village to settle down like Bruce. Life here is much better than in the tribal wilderness,

Unfortunately, Bruce has already arrived nearby. The two tribes are too close and have to compete for each other’s living space.

Nur led his tribe to rob two villages and prepare to go further. It was not that he was afraid of Bruce’s tribe, but there was no need to conflict with them.

In Nuer’s view, compared with weak humans, conflict with the same race would be very uneconomical,

“No news from that guy Bruce for almost two days.”

Nur was a little confused while sitting in the car. According to Lord Grugesh’s regulations, neighboring tribes should maintain a certain degree of contact.

He and Bruce also performed it before. Did Bruce forget it in the past two days?

Would you like to send someone to take a look?

Although Nuer was confused, he was not too vigilant. These systems were strictly enforced except for the four major tribes of the direct descendants of Grugesh.

It would be great if half of these fragmented small and medium-sized tribes can implement it seriously,

Maybe Bruce forgot.

While Noor was considering whether to send someone to check on Bruce again, the sound of horse hooves interrupted his thoughts.

The sound of the horseshoes getting closer and closer from far away, and finally turned into a thunderous roar,

The sound was very familiar to Nur. It was human cavalry charging. These relatively difficult human warriors had left a lot of impressions on Nur.

Where did this cavalry come from? Several human lords around are acting like turtles, but they actually dare to attack?

Ignoring the thought of the enemy’s whereabouts, Nuer stood up from the cart. The huge force shook the cart. Several ogre warriors beside the cart quickly stabilized the cart to prevent it from being damaged. Noor fell directly from the car.

“Enemy attack! Prepare to fight!”

Nur stood on the car and shouted loudly. In fact, without him shouting, the ogre warriors also stopped and looked in the direction of the cavalry.

After all, no one could fail to detect such a loud movement as a cavalry charge.

Although they encountered a surprise attack, the ogre warriors reacted quickly. Most of them hid themselves behind the supply vehicles to prevent them from facing the cavalry charge. After all, they were intelligent creatures and could do the basics of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.

Some ogres threw up the stone ropes in their hands and prepared to launch the first wave of attacks on the invading human cavalry,

These primitive weapons have basically been eliminated by long-range weapons such as bows and crossbows on the human side, but they are obviously much more powerful in the hands of ogres,

Look at the stones tied to the stone rope, which are almost the size of a head. It will definitely not be a good thing to be hit.

Close, close…

Richard, Baron Bender, Ron and others rushed to the front of the team, followed closely by several quasi-knights from the Bender family,

The cavalry team of hundreds of people tried to maintain a cone shape and charged towards the ogre front.

“Bang, bang…”

Just when the cavalry team approached fifty steps, the ogre’s stone rope began to show its power,

The huge stones hit the cavalry and collided with the metal armor weapons, making a collision sound,

For a while, several cavalrymen were knocked off their horses. Although the stone was not very armor-breaking, the stone was large enough. With the powerful power of the ogre, it could break through the thick armor. Inflict internal injuries on the soldiers under the armor.

Fortunately, the stones were not densely packed, and the existence of the convoy forced the ogres to form a long snake formation,

So Richard and others led the cavalry to attack only one point and did not need to withstand too much firepower.

After withstanding a round of stone attacks, the cavalry slammed into the ogre’s convoy,

Although the cart had a certain blocking effect on the cavalry, it was too thin after all. After losing a few cavalry, the cart formation was knocked away. The subsequent cavalry rushed in and quickly completed the cutting of the ogre.


Richard’s long sword cut the sharp wooden stick in the hand of an ogre warrior into two sections, and the long sword with fighting spirit then easily cut the opponent’s throat,

Dark blood flowed uncontrollably from the neck of this ogre warrior.

Baron Bender and Ron on the side also chopped down an ogre warrior each.

But more ogres rushed toward the cavalry. The dazzling rays of fighting spirit of the three people did not scare away the ogres. Instead, they attracted Nur’s attention and took the initiative to greet them.

Based on the individual quality of the ogres, it would be difficult to defeat these hundreds of ogres with only three knights including Richard and these hundreds of cavalry.

But in the distance, the following infantry has appeared in the field of vision of both sides. The chaotic ogres will face a double killing by cavalry and infantry…


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