Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 679: Beheading and the Heart of the Balrog



“Oh, you guys let me down so much. I thought demons were all warlike warriors. How could you stop in the middle of the fight?”

Both sides thought that this war would end in an anticlimax, and the bolder demons living in Ziyue City had even stuck their heads out to observe.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the air.

With the red dragon head armor and the blue long sword, who is this if not Richard?

According to Richard’s original plan, of course there was a fierce battle between the two sides, the Thousand-Eyed Demon conquered Ziyue City, and then Richard and others appeared as reinforcements.

Destroy the Thousand-Eyed Demon clan in one fell swoop, and then let Swain take advantage of the chaos to kill Ant and other unstable factors.

With the help of Elise, the inner ghost, he forced the cave-dwelling demon clan to surrender, cleaned up the situation in Purple Moon City, and then placed the system castle in place, turning Purple Moon City into an important stronghold in the abyss.

The original plan was executed well, but Ant, who seemed to have no brains, was actually a cunning guy and secretly invited foreign aid.

In the abyss, neither Yusidu nor Nightingale had much business. Richard and others knew nothing about the arrival of the Balrog.

With insufficient information about the abyss, Richard wanted to keep a low profile and rely on Lucifer, Sven, Elise and others to secretly control Purple Moon City.

Although the saints in the Realm of Domain are also overlord-level existences in the abyss, they generally do not attract the attention of real big forces.

But a strong man in the realm of jealousy, that is, a strong man at the level of a king in the abyss, will be very eye-catching no matter where he appears, especially a foreign king.

After all, there is only one powerful person at the level of the Great Lord in the entire Southern Territory, and there seem to be only a few Great Lords in the entire Abyss. The appearance of any powerful Lord may affect the changes in the entire pattern. .

But now seeing that the two sides were about to call off their troops and that Ziyue City would fall into the hands of the Fire Demon General under the Southern Territory Lord, Richard had no choice but to show up in advance and stand in front of the stage.

From the current point of view, there is no city more suitable as an advance base than Ziyue City.

It is closer to the transfer point between the abyss and the mainland, and because of the existence of cave demons, the city has two spaces, the surface and the underground, and can house the heart of the dungeon and the main city of **** at the same time.

Purple Moon City is bound to be won.


Carlson, who originally thought that the matter was settled, was frightened and became extremely vigilant.

Following the sound, he looked towards Richard in the air.

He didn’t see clearly how the other party appeared there.

This is at least a master of the same level. Otherwise, with the perception of the surrounding environment by a strong person in the domain realm, he would be able to detect it immediately even if it appears through teleportation.

“I am the Fire Demon General Carlson under Lord Mao Ge, and I am also the new city lord of Purple Moon City.”

“When a powerful man like you comes to Ziyue City, I must treat him well.”

Carlson looked at Richard in the sky, and his thoughts suddenly changed.

There are tens of billions of demons in the entire Southern Territory, but there are no more than ten demons that can reach the realm, except for the four generals under the Southern Territory King.

Carlson knows a lot of the powerful people in the entire Southern Territory. He is not only familiar with them, but has at least met them face to face.

He was certain that this strange and powerful man was definitely not a demon born in the Southern Territory.

Although most demons have violent tempers, they are not all brainless idiots. Those who are truly violent and brainless cannot grow up to become strong men in the realm.

Carlson was not willing to have a head-on confrontation with the unknown master in front of him.

It was better to bring up the name of the Southern Territory King first.

Hope that Richard can retreat like the Thousand-Eyed Demon.

However, Richard did not accept this trick.

He wanted to keep a low profile in the abyss, but there were always people who disrupted his plans. At this time, he was still claiming to be the new master of Ziyue City in front of him?


“The new owner of Purple Moon City?”

“But Your Excellency Diabo personally promised me that this Purple Moon City will be dedicated to me.”


“Isn’t he dead?”

Carlson is not ignorant of the situation in Purple Moon City. If he had not learned about Diabo’s death, he would not have easily taken action to seize the interests of Purple Moon City.

After all, preserving Purple Moon City from the Thousand-Eyed Demon and grabbing Purple Moon City directly from a top domain master are two different concepts.

If Diabo were alive, Carlson would never come to Ziyue City under any circumstances.

At this moment, I heard Richard mention Diabo’s name again, and was a little confused.

“Diabo is dead, but he gave Purple Moon City to me before he died.”

“How did Diabo die?”

Richard’s nonsense made Carlson a little confused. He didn’t believe that Diabo would directly give an inheritance like Purple Moon City to the strange and powerful man in front of him.

After coming back to his senses, Carlson immediately grasped the most important part of the matter.

How did Diabo die?


“If I chop off your head, won’t you die?”


Richard smiled softly and said something that made Carlson a little confused.

Who is Diabo? He is a purple moon demon with space talent and the most powerful person in the realm.

In the entire abyss, if you want to rank the masters of the domain realm, Diabo can also be among the top three.

As one of the four top generals under the Southern Territory Lord, although Carlson thinks highly of himself, he has to admit that he is no match for Diabo.

Moreover, Diabo possesses spatial abilities and is extremely fast. If the king who is also good at spatial abilities does not take action, he may not be able to kill the opponent.

Now the unfamiliar strong man on the opposite side first said that Diabo gave Ziyue City to him, and then said that he took off Diabo’s head.

The monarch may not be able to kill Diabo even if he takes action.

Carlson’s first reaction was that the other party was playing tricks on him.

But soon, Carlson no longer felt this way.

A sense of crisis came over him that made his hair stand on end.

Of course he has no such thing as hair, which is reflected in the fact that the flames on his body are more intense, and he instinctively wants to resist any danger.

The small figure in the sky suddenly appeared in front of him, and a blue sword light lit up in front of his eyes.

“Your Majesty! I am willing to sacrifice Ziyue City, and I will leave immediately!”

“Fire Shield!”

After Richard suddenly took action, Fire Demon Carlson finally felt Richard’s realm.

Without domain confrontation, the overwhelming strength broke through the obstacles around him.

At this time, Carlson still didn’t understand that this strange and powerful man was actually a powerful man at the level of a king.

He didn’t have time to think about which king of the abyss he was. He immediately knelt down and begged Richard for mercy.

Then he tried to put on a self-protective fire shield as quickly as possible.

“Damn it, the Forbidden Demon Realm!”


The blue long sword swung out a golden-red fighting spirit and struck Carlson.

The body, which was almost entirely made of flames, was directly divided.

A gray shadow even appeared where the Angel Alliance passed by.

The sharp sword and fighting spirit have obviously broken through a limit.

The abyss space, which itself was not very stable, was cut into short-term space cracks.

Although it is just a fleeting gray mark.

But the terrifying power left everyone stunned. Richard was not a strong person who was good at space spells.

The space was torn apart entirely by the purest violence.

The whole body of Balrog Carlson, who had completely withstood the sword, began to collapse.

The original holy-level Balrog no longer has a physical existence, and its entire body is composed of flame elements. It can basically ignore any physical attacks, and its life-saving ability is quite good.

No damage can be caused to it unless its life core, which is less than the size of a punch, is accurately hit directly in the flames of more than ten meters. It is a very difficult high-level demon.

But the sword that tore through the void clearly broke through the boundaries of the entity.

The Balrog first split into two halves along the path cut by the sword, and then the blazing flames gradually extinguished.

The big mouth outlined by flames on the top opened slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end no sound came out.

The whole place was silent, everyone was wondering if they had seen something wrong.

A top demon in the Realm of Domain was killed instantly after just saying a word.

Even if the monarch takes action, it won’t be so exaggerated.

“I am the most loyal subordinate of your Majesty.”

Elise, who had sneaked into the city because of Duowu’s appearance, also saw the scene of Richard killing Carlson with one sword.

The boss with his mouth open looked very frightened.

Then he seemed to remember something and muttered something.

Then he raised his head proudly.

Even she didn’t even know the name of the great monarch.

“Let the Chamber of Commerce stop transferring wealth and seal everything back to the treasury.”

“All guards are dispatched to maintain order in the city and don’t let your property be damaged!”

“Sir, what do you mean?”

Although the few succubus warriors following Elise are Elise’s confidants.

But no one said anything to Elise about such a big thing as joining Richard as the second and fifth son.

When Duowu appeared, they were still transferring the wealth in the city as planned.

As one of the three holy orders of Purple Moon City under Diabo, and a succubus who is proficient in making money, Elise and the entire Succubus Chamber of Commerce have accumulated wealth in Purple Moon City over the past few decades. Maybe not as good as Diabo, but definitely above the other two realms of power.

Even if a small part is shipped out, the succubi under Elise’s command will not have a bad life.

Now, several of Elise’s confidants were a little confused when they first heard Elise’s order.

The valuable materials have been scattered and packed. What does it mean to transport them back now?

However, among the group of succubi in Purple Moon City, Elise’s orders can be absolutely implemented. Even if they are asked to commit suicide, most of the confidants around them will do it.

Soon, Elise’s group of people began to take the initiative to maintain order in Purple Moon City. Elise herself tidied up her makeup and walked towards the center of the vortex.

Let’s talk about Richard.

The more than ten-meter-tall Flame Demon General turned into ashes with one strike of his sword. Only the surrounding temperature that had not yet dropped left traces of his existence.

Originally, although the Realm of Jealousy had an overwhelming advantage over the domain level, it was not capable of killing one instantly with one sword.

Even some of the top Domain Realm experts can compete with the masters of the Jealousy Realm.

Just like the old orc before and the closer Diabo, even though Richard used the combat power of the Realm of Jealousy, it took some effort to capture them.

But this Flame Demon General is a master of the legal system. He is superb in using the flame shield and can buy himself some time in front of any master in the abyss.

However, when he encountered Richard who was wearing the power of the Dragon King, he could not mobilize any magic power. He was killed by a sword without even using half of his combat power.

Because the Balrog has a semi-elemental body, there is no body left after death.

Richard held the blue sword horizontally with one hand, walked a few steps forward, and picked up a red stone on the ground.

There was a burst of high temperature from the stone. If you put some tinder on it, it would definitely cause an open fire.

If ordinary people touch it, they will definitely get burned.

But in Richard’s hands, this stone is equivalent to an effective hand warmer.

“Special treasure: The Heart of the Balrog.

Effect: Placed in the main city of hell, it can build a special creature nest, Balrog Ooze, which can produce seven-level Balrogs every week (upgraded to Balrog Warlords).

Introduction: After killing a powerful Balrog, you obtained the opponent’s life core, which contains magical energy. ”

A treasure that can build an additional seven-level soldier nest, plus a small amount of experience provided by a strong person in the realm, this time it is not a loss.

After putting away the heart of the fire demon, he looked up.

Ante, who had been standing just now, had dropped his weapon and knelt on the ground. The holy-level demon, who was originally more than three meters tall and had a ferocious face and extremely domineering behavior, huddled like a quail in front of Richard.

Seeing Richard turn his attention to himself, Ant immediately said:

“Great King, Ant is willing to surrender to you!”

Richard glanced at the other party and said nothing for the time being.

Ant is not stupid either. Although he was frightened when Carlson was instantly killed, he did not run away immediately.

If the great king wanted to kill him, he would not be able to escape from such a close distance with his life.

Since the great king did not kill him easily, it means that he still has a chance to survive.

Since you can’t beat them, join them.

It’s a pity that he is not a young man like Elise, whose entire family and wealth are in Purple Moon City. As the top race of the abyss, the Purple Moon Demon only has a small branch in Purple Moon City. .

There are only a few arch-demon warriors in the city who will not be tied to Ant, and Ant can also use his identity as a arch-demon to establish a connection with the monarch.

In Richard’s eyes, Ant is a very unstable factor.

It’s hard to control, and I don’t want to bother with it.

After all, Richard’s basic base is not in the abyss, and he cannot stay in Ziyue City for a long time. He cannot leave a factor of instability.

However, Richard was not in a hurry to kill the opponent.


“Want to work under me?”

“Yes, sir! Please give me a chance to show my loyalty!”

“It’s okay, I don’t accept useless people under my command! If you defeat him, you are qualified to become my subordinate! Call all your fellow tribesmen over, and you will have a fair fight!”


Just when Ant was a little confused.

An equally majestic demon appeared next to Richard.

This strange fellow member has no friendly attitude at all.

After saluting the great king, his eyes stared straight at him, then a sinister smile appeared on his face, and he made a provocative gesture of cutting his throat…


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