Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 678: Retreat


In the abyss, the lifespan of demons is as distinct as their bloodline.

The survival time of weak demon worms is measured in minutes. Most lower-level demons such as lemures and horned demons can only survive for a few years.

But when it comes to intermediate demons such as snake demons and violent demons, they can probably live for decades like humans.

As for the upper-level demons, if they don’t encounter any accidents, it’s easy to live for two to three hundred years.

Of course, when you reach the level of the Holy Level, the nature of life will change, and it is not a problem to live a little longer for thousands of years.

It has only been a few decades since the last battle between Thousand-Eyed Mordor and Diabo.

For short-lived species, decades are enough to erase all their memories.

But many high-level demons in Ziyue City were witnesses of that war.

The horror of Dowu is still fresh in their minds.

And most high-level demons have been able to get rid of the influence of their bloodthirsty nature.

Unlike the demons of the middle and lower classes, they don’t care about anything when they see blood on the battlefield.

Seeing Udo in the sky, most of the high-level demons were instantly awakened to certain memories and did not dare to stay on the city wall anymore. They turned around and wanted to escape.

It’s just that it’s obviously too late to escape now…



Dowu with full firepower in mid-air is like a flying super battleship.

Golden beams of light intensively bombarded the walls of Ziyue City.

The demon touched by the golden beam did not even have a chance to scream, and was directly vaporized in the light.

The wall swept by the golden light was cleaner than one-click deletion. Even the blood that was almost up to the ankles was evaporated under the extremely high temperature.

The extremely hard black rock is covered with a layer of gold. If you look closely, you can see that it is covered with small golden flames.

In the place swept by Duowu’s golden beam, even the rocks were burning, let alone living things.

High-level demons and ordinary demons were equal under this attack. Only some big demons left the battle early and escaped with their lives by using teleportation.

Of course, in addition to the defenders of Ziyue City, there are more demons belonging to the Thousand-Eyed Demon’s side on the city wall.

However, Duowu obviously didn’t take those cannon fodder seriously, and had no concerns about the so-called friendly forces.

Even some shadow demons that did not retreat in time were vaporized in the golden light beam, making the leader of the shadow demons next to him frown.

The city wall where the fighting was originally going on fell into an eerie silence.

After all, there is not even a living thing on the city wall now, so it is impossible to make any movement.

Although the Thousand-Eyed Demon’s single-target combat capability is not as good as that of the Great Demon, it is significantly more effective on large battlefields.

Without being restrained by a strong person of the same level, a holy-level Thousand-Eyed Demon can act at will, which is a disaster for the defenders of Ziyue City.

As for the three holy demons in Ziyue City?

The moment Duowu appeared in mid-air, the succubus leader Elise immediately escaped with her henchmen.

The prince’s order was indeed to let her guard Ziyue City as usual.

But she was not allowed to live and die with Ziyue City.

Being able to send so many subordinates and appear on the battlefield in person is already considered as a best effort.

Even Diabo only relied on his speed and space ability to dodge Duowu’s golden eye beam and did not dare to directly catch it.

She doesn’t have Diabo’s speed and space abilities.

She couldn’t bear it when Duowu stared at her and gave her a few strokes.

And Gengs, another cave-dwelling demon leader, also used his special skills.

When it saw Duowu, it didn’t hesitate at all, and it didn’t care about the overall situation.

Hitting his head directly, the forelimbs and huge horns worked together faster than an oil well drilling rig, instantly shattering the solid stone slabs on the surface of Ziyue City and opening a passage.

Then the huge figure suddenly disappeared into the ground and disappeared without a trace.

“Damn it, I knew these two guys were unreliable!”

The only one left on the battlefield is the great demon warrior leader Ant.

It’s not that he has the confidence to confront Duowu. There is a qualitative gap in strength between the two sides. If he could run away, he would definitely run away like those two.

Purely because his target was too conspicuous just now, Duowu paid special attention to him when strafing the city wall.

Dozens of golden beams were specially set out to pursue him, blocking all his escape routes. He didn’t even have a chance to escape.

He could only rely on the great devil’s racial talent and short-distance teleportation ability to dodge Duowu’s attack in a panic.



A beam of light grazed Ant’s shoulder, causing half of his arm to become blackened.

When Duowu clears the defenders on the city wall and uses all his strength to deal with him, it will be his time to die.

“Sir Carlson, what are you waiting for! Once this is done, the entire Purple Moon City will be yours, and all the great demons in Purple Moon City will work for you!”

The injured Ant was already anxious. Although he seemed reckless, he was certainly not a fool.

Of course I know that without Diabo, the interests of Ziyue City cannot be protected by relying on the three holy leaders who have their own agendas.

While he was fooling the other two into defending Ziyue City, he had already sent someone to sell Ziyue City at a good price.

I originally wanted to show my value, but in the end I underestimated Duowu’s power.

He is not Diabo. He can rely on his powerful teleportation ability and speed to withstand Dou’s beam attack and get close and slash.

Just this little bit of energy spilled out was enough for him to be overwhelmed.

If Duowu used all his strength against him, he would not be alive.

I didn’t care whether I could sell it for a higher price, so I ran away and started asking for help.


“Don’t worry, Mr. Ante, no one can touch you here.”

A voice spread throughout Ziyue City.

I saw a fiery red figure slowly expanding in the city.

It expanded from a height of two to three meters to a behemoth of more than 20 meters.

It’s just that this figure seems to have no entity, and its whole body is covered with rolling waves of flames.

Fortunately, the buildings in Ziyue City are basically made of rocks, and the surrounding buildings were only burned and turned black.

If it appears in a human city with a large number of wooden buildings.

Just standing there would start a fire.


A huge palm stretched out from the flames, pointing slightly behind Ant.

A ball of fire immediately separated from the flame wave and flew over.

The fireball quickly passed over Ant, who was running away in a panic, and then exploded with a “boom”, blocking all the beams of light directed at Ant.

And Ant also successfully escaped, quickly came to the huge flame, and stood behind him like a subordinate.

“Thank you, Mr. Carlson!”


A skull-like face appeared at the top of the flame, and he nodded in response.

“Fire Demon Carlson, do you want to interfere in the affairs of Purple Moon City?”

In the distance, Duowu in mid-air has stopped attacking.

After several rounds of attacks from Duowu, there was basically no living creature visible on the walls of Ziyue City.

Even the evil-eyed monsters hiding on the thick arrow tower were not spared, although Duowu’s attack did not fall directly on them due to Black Rock’s resistance.

But the rocks that made up the arrow tower were burned to a boil. Now that the Evil-Eyed Monster inside was taken out, he would probably be able to eat a meal of charcoal-grilled squid tentacles.

The appearance of this Balrog made Duowu give up the idea of ​​killing Ant immediately. It was obvious that Duowu knew the identity of the other party and he was a little afraid of him.

The Balrog is also one of the high-level demons in the abyss. It is not a parallel import like the Succubus and the Shadow Demon. It exists at the same level as the Great Demon and the Thousand-Eyed Demon. In Duowu’s eyes, it is the same as the so-called Holy Order. The Winged Demon is completely different from the cloud and mud.

Moreover, this Balrog has another identity that gives Duowu a headache than his own strength.

This Fire Demon Carlson is one of the four generals under the Great Lord of the Southern Territory. The strength of the Territory Realm suppressed countless tribes that disrespected the Great Lord.

Does the other party represent the position of the monarch when he appears here?

“Sir Carlson, we Thousand-Eyed Demons have never shown any disrespect to the Great Lord. Isn’t it against the rules for you to attack directly?”

Before Balrog could respond, Duowu immediately added.

The Maharaja never interferes in the affairs between the various forces. As long as tribute is paid, he never cares about the battles between the various forces.

Carlson appeared in Purple Moon City and rescued Ant, obviously breaking some rules.

“Hahaha, what are the rules of the king?”

“I represent the rules of the king!”

“I’ll protect Ziyue City. If you know better, get out of here!”

As one of the four generals under the Southern Territory Lord, Fire Demon Carlson is also a master of the Territory Realm, and is at the same level as Duowu.

And they are all top-notch bloodlines. It’s hard to tell whether they are strong or weak. You have to play a game to find out.

However, Carlson did not give any face to this strong man of the same level when he spoke, and his arrogant attitude made Duowu a little angry.

But it was this arrogant attitude that made Duowu even more afraid. If he had not made so much effort in the early stage, he would have just missed success in the last step.

When he met Carlson, who was under the command of the Maharaja, Duowu might have already backed down.

“Your Excellency Duowu, the king has not shown his face for a long time, why are you suddenly paying attention to the affairs of Ziyue City?”

The resources available in Purple Moon City may be an irresistible temptation for Thousand-Eyed Demon or Diabo.

But for a demon at the level of the Great Lord, that’s it.

Anyway, no matter who controls the territory of Ziyue City, they have to submit it to the Maharaja honestly. Who rules Ziyue City is really not important to the Maharaja.

“It’s probably Carlson who made his own decision, got some benefits, and secretly came to Ziyue City in the name of the Great Lord.”

Compared to Duowu, what was even more unwilling was the leader of the Shadow Demon on the side.

The Thousand-Eyed Demon Clan only suffered casualties from affiliated tribes in this battle. The tribesmen basically provided support from a distance, without any casualties.

The Shadow Demon actually went up to fight and lost a lot of people.

Moreover, in comparison, Shadow Demon needs the benefits brought by Ziyue City even more.

Seeing that Duowu seemed to be frightened by the other party, he suddenly became anxious.

Although what the leader of the Shadow Demon said is very reasonable and even basically the truth

But Duowu didn’t care about the Shadow Demon’s thoughts at all. He didn’t pay attention to the Shadow Demon leader beside him. Instead, he made a decision after thinking about it for a while.

Bear it!


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