Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 676: War


“Quick, prepare to activate the Flame Bird Formation.”

“Go to the east and send another group of snake demons. Don’t let the hidden demons get to you.”

“Follow me and supervise the battle. If you find anyone escaping, kill them immediately.”

“Yes, Lord Ant!”

Just one week has passed, and the atmosphere in Ziyue City has become extremely tense.

Whether Diabo is missing or dead is no longer the main concern of the devil in the city.

The hundreds of thousands of demon troops besieging the city outside attracted all the attention of the demons in Ziyue City.

War in the abyss requires no more logistics than on the mainland.

The demon army often moves at will, and supplies supplies on the spot if there is nothing to eat. Some weak demons will even become live food carried with the army.

“Your Excellency Elise, let some of your evil-eyed monsters be used as a reserve team to replace those evil-eyed monsters on the tower that have exhausted their magic power at any time.”

“Okay, I will draw some of the evil-eyed monsters from the caravan later, and I can draw out two thousand evil-eyed monsters.”

“However, their combat capabilities are weaker than those on the tower.”

“The current situation…”

Thousands of Elise’s elite evil-eyed monsters are already on the field, so it’s too much to ask for some more.

When Ant spoke, he was already prepared for Elise to bargain, and even expected that Elise would not cooperate. Unexpectedly, Elise actually agreed.

Elise, who had always been difficult to deal with, was so cooperative this time, which made Ant feel a little uncomfortable for a while.

However, it is a good thing that Elise is willing to cooperate at critical moments.

Ant nodded and showed what he thought was a kind expression to Elise.

Elise, on the other hand, had an expressionless face, as if she had returned to the time when Diabo was here, doing business in a serious manner and wholeheartedly serving the interests of Purple Moon City.

Immediately order his men to summon more evil eyes.




Ante didn’t have time to think about it. There was a noise outside the city.

Finally, there was a dense explosion.

This is the pyrotechnic formation outside Ziyue City being triggered.

The attack has begun.




Several horned demons were shouting something vaguely.

Suddenly the one in front detonated, and several lemures less than ten meters away from it were collapsed into the air by the pyrotechnic circle.

The huge power tore the lemure’s body directly in mid-air, blood and residual limbs were splashed, and half of the **** calf directly hit the face of the horned demon behind.

If the human army encountered such a situation, even the most experienced veterans would probably be stunned, and soldiers with weaker psychological endurance might collapse on the spot.

But the charging horned devil not only did not pause, but instead grabbed the calf, put it in his mouth and started chewing it.

The death of a large number of friendly troops not only did not dampen the morale of the besieging army, but the increasingly **** battlefield atmosphere made the demons participating in the battle more excited.

The momentum of the charge became more intense.


Before the Horned Demon even swallowed the stump of the limb in his mouth, the detonating circle exploded in front of it.

The thick-skinned horned devil is difficult to break through with ordinary swords, and its combat power is comparable to that of the ogres in the northern wilderness.

But this kind of monster, which requires several soldiers to contend with on the mainland, is just cannon fodder slightly stronger than the lemure in the abyss.

After encountering the detonated magic circle, the horned devil’s fate was not much better than that of the lemure devil. It also exploded instantly and could not be pieced together into a complete corpse.



The demons attacking Ziyue City continued to charge with strange screams. After all, the detonating array outside Ziyue City was limited. Soon the explosions became sparse, and the demons attacking from the outside were getting closer and closer to the city wall.

“Let the evil eyes prepare!”

“Don’t let too many lemures climb the wall!”

On the wall of Ziyue City

The rays swept out by the evil eyes fell on the demon team attacking the city.

These evil eyes are indeed the best long-range troops in the abyss.

There was not much movement, but the casualties caused to the siege troops were greater than those of the surrounding detonating array.

More than 2,000 evil-eyed monsters on the city wall launched an attack. The horned demons and lemures rushing in front instantly fell down, clearing an open space among the attacking demon team.


From the naked eye, the entire offensive rhythm was interrupted for a beat.

In a normal offensive and defensive battle, after suffering such heavy casualties.

The attacking troops should at least withdraw their vanguard to adjust and reorganize their attack.

Otherwise, once the leading troops completely collapse, it will cause a serious chain reaction.

But the demon army obviously has no such concerns.

Even if the vanguard has seen blood, even if there is an order to retreat, they may not execute it, they just need to keep attacking.

Cannon fodder such as lemure demons and horned demons continuously attack Ziyue City.

Although the city defense of Ziyue City is relatively complete, the detonated magic circle is not unlimited after all. After suffering tens of thousands of casualties, the roar outside Ziyue City finally stopped.

All the detonating arrays have been leveled by cannon fodder, and the Evil Eye Monster seems to have exhausted its energy. Next comes the bloodiest stage of the ant-possessed siege.


“Charge forward!”

The siege methods in the abyss are even more amazing.

The walls of Ziyue City are very tall, even more majestic than the Golden Dragon City that the Golden Dragon Kingdom is proud of.

Generally speaking, without a large number of siege equipment, you are not even qualified to attack a city with ants.

But how can the monsters in the abyss be inferred using common sense.

I saw the little lemures rushing in front came to the corner and struggled to flap some funny wings on their backs.

It fluttered several meters high, then dug its claws into the wall and paused.

Then they waved their wings and continued upward. After repeating this, some little lemures accidentally fell to the ground in the air, but most of the little lemures approached the wall without using siege equipment.


It’s just that the defensive demons in the city are not just watching.

A little lemure just flew to a position flush with the city wall, holding up a steel fork and trying to land on the city wall.

In an instant, he was stabbed through by the snake demon who was waiting for him.

The appearance of these snake demons is quite similar to the snake demons under Richard’s command.

They are all good at using cold weapons, and they also have a thick snake tail that can be used as a weapon at any time.

The only difference is that all snake demons only have two arms. They cannot be equipped with weapons like the snake demons in the tower, and their combat effectiveness is much weaker.

However, the combat effectiveness of these snake demons in the abyss is inferior to that of the snake demons.

But it is much more ferocious than the snake demon.

The snake demons just like to cut their enemies into pieces in battle, but these snake demons have the habit of eating during battles.

The little lemure did not die immediately after being stabbed by the snake demon.

On the contrary, he struggled desperately on the snake demon’s sword.

These abyss demons that are fought out from the billions of worms in the Worm Plain every year are all very powerful. Even the lowest level existences like the little lemures are much stronger than ordinary humans.

It’s just that this death struggle did not bring any trouble to the snake demon. Instead, it was more like an entertainment activity before a meal.

I saw the snake demon moving the little evil demon in front of him, opening its flat snake mouth, and the snake letter popped out like a sharp arrow.

The snake demon’s tongue was quite tough, and it entered along the wound in front of the little lemure. Then, with a stir, and in conjunction with the long sword in his hand, a beating heart was taken out.

With a long tongue, the little lemure’s not too big heart was completely sucked into the snake demon’s mouth, and blood covered half of its body. It looked very scary.

The little lemure, which had lost its heart, could no longer struggle and could only twitch its limbs occasionally.

After the snake demon feasted, he flicked the little lemur and threw it under the city wall.

The other main force on the city wall, the violent demon, has a much more direct fighting style than the snake demon.

One by one of the little lemures that rushed up were beaten to death by the violent demon directly on the city wall.

These little evil demons were like large mosquitoes in front of the violent demon, and they were beaten into meat patties one by one by the violent demon.

And the horned demons following the little lemure were not much better off than the little lemure.

These horned demons with goat hooves and beast claws look much more powerful than the little lemures, and their climbing speed on the city wall is only slightly slower than the little lemures.

When he jumped onto the city wall, he was either played to death by the snake demons of Ziyue City, or was beaten to death by the violent demon like a whack-a-mole on the city wall.

After all, the Horned Demon is just a low-level demon, and it is completely inferior to the Snake Demon and the Violent Demon, who are both good at fighting among mid-level demons.

Purple Moon City’s basic troops are much stronger than the siege party.

Purple Moon City basically looks down on cannon fodder like the Little Lemurs and Horned Demons. Those who can join the Purple Moon City army must at least be mid-level demons like the Evil Eye Monster.

Under such circumstances, it would be sheer fantasy to rely on a large amount of cannon fodder to capture Ziyue City.

The attackers obviously did not expect this group of cannon fodder to capture Ziyue City.

Seeing a large number of cannon fodder die, the Thousand-Eyed Demon who had been silent finally took action.

Dozens of disgusting guys with eyes are approaching behind a group of cannon fodder attacking horned demons…


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