Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 675: Accept being a dog





“My lord, I…”


Elise is tall and tall, and her appearance can definitely be regarded as a disaster for the country and the people based on human aesthetics.

Coupled with the succubus’s unique charming temperament and his status as a saint-level master, it is impossible to say that he is not attractive. With little willpower, it is a high probability that he will fall directly under his skirt.

But Richard turned a blind eye to Elise’s succubus.

It was as if what he was holding in his hand was not a beauty who brought disaster to the country and the people, but a lump of pork belly.

Facing Richard who suddenly attacked, Elise struggled instinctively at first.

He grabbed Richard tightly with both hands and tried to push him away. His two long legs even pushed forward hard and kicked Richard.

Although Elise, as a saint-level spell caster, most of her strength lies in spells, there is never any physical weakness among spell casters in the abyss.

The body of a holy-level succubus is also very strong. In terms of physical fitness, it is comparable to a sky-level knight.

So the intensity of the struggle was just right in Richard’s opinion, which was quite interesting.

In response to the opponent’s struggle, Richard directly smashed the opponent to the ground, causing cracks in the abyssal black rock on the ground.

He followed up with a few heavy punches, knocking Elise unconscious.

Elise, who had lost her ability to cast spells, now completely became a lamb to be slaughtered, and the fear of death filled her heart.

If you continue like this, you will be beaten to death on the ground.

This way of death is even more terrifying than being hacked to death by a reckless man like the big devil. At least there is no pain in being hacked to death.

The punches landed on her body, making Elise feel like she was gradually dying. The key was that she was still unable to resist.

And because she was sensitive about meeting Sven, she sent her surrounding men away, and the soundproofing in the castle was surprisingly good.

Richard beat her violently for more than ten minutes, and the guards on the perimeter did not notice anything unusual. They continued to stare outside the castle and faithfully performed their duties.



“I am willing to surrender to you!”

After being interrupted by Richard’s fist more than ten times, Elise finally spoke out the complete words of surrender with her fist on her head.

As soon as he finished speaking, Richard stopped, and then said something that made Elise collapse.

“Wouldn’t it be great if you were so sensible earlier? Do you have to suffer this physical pain before you are willing to surrender?”

I’ve wanted to say it for a long time. You didn’t even give me a chance to speak. You just punched me in the face. What do you want me to say?

Elise lowered her head and cursed secretly, don’t say it out loud, she didn’t even dare to look at Richard now.

Richard stood up, clenched his fists, wiped the blood on his hands a little, and then walked up to the main seat in the castle.

Sven, who watched Elise being beaten all the time, swallowed his saliva and immediately bowed to Richard who was sitting on the main seat.

He used to look askance at Elise in the main seat.

With Swain as an example.

Elise did not care about her injuries, got up from the ground with a pig-headed face, and knelt down next to Sven.

She didn’t even know the name of the man sitting here, but that didn’t stop her from offering her loyalty at this time.

“My lord, the succubus clan is willing to serve you.”

The recovery ability of the succubus is good, especially in this external skin and flesh recovery.

In the few seconds it took for her to stand up, bend down and then raise her head slightly, the swelling on Elise’s pig-headed face that had been beaten by Richard had already subsided.

There are only a few bruises and blood stains left that have not fully recovered.

However, this flaw does not affect the beauty of Elise’s entire face.

On the contrary, because of this small injury, Elise’s beautiful face has a different flavor, that kind of weakness that I feel pity for.

Anyone who sees it can’t help but frown and express sympathy. I don’t know who can be so cruel as to hurt such a beautiful existence.

With her advantage in appearance and some innate spiritual skills, Elise has reaped countless benefits.

Even Diabo was not unaffected, and Elise benefited from it.

However, facing the smiling man in the seat, Elise did not dare to have any thoughts.

Not to mention using spiritual spells to influence the other party, Elise didn’t even dare to show her normal charm at the moment.

Did that man really hit her, or hit her in the face until she died? He had no sense of appreciation for beauty.

After reaching Richard’s level, it does not mean that he has lost his desire, but his vision has become much higher and his ability to restrain himself has reached an extreme level.

The succubus Elise is beautiful, but Richard is not just seeing the same teddy.

Besides, after these few days, Richard has learned about all kinds of demons in Ziyue City.

I also know what kind of creature the succubus is.

The succubus has completely developed the characteristic of pleasing the strong to the extreme.

All succubi are androgynous beings.

They can change their gender on demand.

If they want to please a powerful female demon, they can turn into a male. If it takes a little longer, they can even adjust their appearance according to the other person’s preferences.

If you want to please a male devil, you must naturally be a charming beauty.

Probably because Diabo is a powerful male demon, Elise appears in the form of a female succubus for a long time.

If the most powerful demon nearby was a female before, then Elise might look like a handsome guy comparable to Richard.

Although there is no discrimination against the succubus’ way of living, Richard really has no interest in a beautiful woman who can have **** with him at any time.

Naturally, you won’t have too many scruples to start.

Richard’s thinking is still incompatible with the abnormal environment of the abyss.

Elise didn’t know what Richard was thinking, so she just knelt on the ground and waited for Richard to speak.

“How much power can you mobilize in the city now?”

“One thousand succubus warriors and five thousand evil-eyed monsters, all elite.”

Richard nodded. The power Elise could mobilize was not much different from Sven’s initial estimate.

Although the succubus is not very powerful, it still depends on who you are competing with.

Compared to a strong fighting race like the Great Demon, they are of course weaklings.

But no matter what, the succubus is also a member of the high-level demons. It has good melee capabilities and can basically use spiritual and fire spells.

More than a thousand succubus warriors are at least equivalent to the combat power of more than a thousand great knights, and they must be good among great knights.

The evil-eyed monsters are a group of mid-level demons that are vassalized by the succubi of Purple Moon City.

Five thousand elite evil-eyed monsters, that is, five thousand knight-level shooters, are only weak in melee combat ability, but they are also powerful combatants when used properly.

Especially in defensive operations, most of the arrow towers outside Ziyue City are stationed with evil-eyed monsters. If there is a problem with the evil-eyed monsters, the capital defense of Ziyue City will be compromised.


Then Elise hesitated for a moment and continued:

“The Evil Eye Monster’s chamber of commerce can also recruit dozens of shadow demons…”

“At critical moments, they can cause greater damage.”


When it was said that there were dozens of shadow demons, Sven gave Elise a faint look. This was something Elise had not told him.

The relationship between the Shadow Demons and Purple Moon City has always been tense. Unexpectedly, Elise, a member of Purple Moon City, actually secretly gathered some Shadow Demons.

Not even Diabo knew about these hidden powers, so naturally it was impossible for an outsider like Sven to dig them out in a few days.

In order to show her loyalty, Elise revealed a lot of her trump cards.

“There is no need to cause destruction in the city. Just do your duty these days and guard Ziyue City.”

“In a few days, Ziyue City will become lively.”

“Yes, sir!”

Although Elise doesn’t know Richard’s specific plan, she, who is responsible for the intelligence work of Ziyue City, knows very well why Ziyue City will become lively in the next few days.

It is impossible for the Thousand-Eyed Demon and several large groups around Ziyue City to hide such big movements from her.

After confirming the information that Diabo was dead, Elise was ready to run away with her men.

Purple Moon City without domain masters has become a target of public criticism. If you continue to stay, you will only be buried with Purple Moon City.

But the appearance of Richard made her change her plan. A powerful man at the level of a monarch was targeting Ziyue City.

The guys who appeared outside Ziyue City were simply a bunch of clowns worth mentioning.

“Sir, if you want to rule Purple Moon City, I suggest that Your Excellency Swain take action and directly kill Ant, the current great demon leader.”

“He is Diabo’s confidant and a member of the Great Demon Clan. It is difficult for him to sincerely serve you.”

“Go on…”

In Richard’s seat, he became interested in Elise who suddenly offered advice. When Elise paused, he motioned for the other party to continue.

With Richard’s encouragement, Elise seemed more confident and spoke a little louder.

“The Great Lord of the Southern Territory is also a great Purple Moon Demon. If Ant does not die, when you take control of Purple Moon City, you will definitely flee with your great devils to join the Great Lord of the Southern Territory.”

“Sir Swain is also a great demon. Lord Swain can directly kill Ant and easily capture more than a hundred great demon warriors in the city.”

“Sir, leave this matter to me, I will definitely chop off that Ant’s head in front of everyone!”

When Siwen heard that he finally had a chance to perform, he immediately patted his chest and accepted the matter.

“Well, when the time comes, Swain will take action, and Lucifer and I will sweep the formation for you.”

In one sentence, Ant’s arrangement was clear.

Then Elise said:

“As long as the more than one hundred great demon warriors are conquered, there will be no problem with the violent demons and snake demons who are vassal to the great demon.”

“The remaining crypt demon clan will never dare to fight against you, and Ziyue City will definitely crawl under your command.”

“Yes, after taking Purple Moon City, the succubus will get the reward he deserves.”

“It is an honor for the succubus clan to serve you.”

Elise leaned over again and continued to show her submissiveness…

Richard came up and gave Elise a violent beating, which convinced Elise to join her wholeheartedly without even daring to negotiate any conditions. He also sold out all his former colleagues in Ziyue City.

Next, all we have to do is wait for the nearby demon tribes who can’t hold themselves back to die on their own in Ziyue City…


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