Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 674: Show up


“Who is spreading the news that Lord Diabo is dead? Is it true or false?”

“With Lord Diabo’s strength, even if the Lord takes action, he may not be able to kill you. No one in the Southern Region is your opponent except the Lord. This must be someone spreading rumors!”

A demon who looked 60-70% similar to Diabo was shouting loudly in the store, waving the giant blade in his hand from time to time to vent his inner rage.

Fortunately, his remaining sense allowed him to know that this was Diabo’s castle. If he damaged the layout of the castle, Diabo would not spare him.

I can only recover a few times against the air, causing a few bursts of sound to break through the air.

“It may be that the matter of your disappearance has been leaked, and someone wants to take advantage of your absence to deal with Ziyue City.”

The giant blade in the hands of the big demon danced violently. Weaker creatures would have been trembling with fear at this moment, but the other two people present were both holy-level masters, and they obviously didn’t like this. .

The huge cave-dwelling demon leader Gengs did not move his eyelids and remained silent.

Elise, the leader of the succubus, rolled her eyes slightly dissatisfied. It was just a naturally charming succubus, and even when she expressed dissatisfaction, her eyes seemed to have a secret look.

This holy-level demon always likes to use this move to create a sense of oppression when talking to people, but it has no effect when facing masters of the same level.

I can only speak bluntly:

“Didn’t you say that the news of Lord Diabo’s disappearance should be concealed first? Which one of you leaked the news?”

“Elise, you succubi must be lax in your words. Hurry up and arrest the people who spread the news in the city. Otherwise, you will have a good time when the adults come back.”

“Ante, don’t talk to me in this tone just because you are my kin. Except for Lord Diabo, no one in Ziyue City can talk to me like this.”

Ante is also one of the three holy orders under Diabo. He has hundreds of powerful demons under his command, and his bloodline is similar to that of Diabo.

Although in name, Ant, Elise, and Gengs have equal status, they actually have the upper hand over them.

Diabo disappeared at this time, and Ant spoke very rudely, as if he regarded Elise and Gengs as his subordinates.

“I will arrest those who spread news in the city, but please show me some respect! Don’t slander us without evidence”

However, the succubus Elise did not accept this trick and pushed back with the same bad tone.

Then, regardless of what Ant wanted to say, he turned around and walked out.


Ante, who was ignored by Elise, looked annoyed and grabbed the handle of the giant blade again and again with his big hand.

In the end, he still didn’t dare to use force to intimidate the other party. He looked at Elise’s back and watched the other party leave.

Everything in the abyss is determined by strength. Diabo, who is at the peak of the Realm of Realm, can relax. Naturally, no one dares to be arrogant when he stands in the castle, and no one dares to disobey his orders.

But Ant is only a new holy class in the past few decades. Even with the racial talent bonus of the Great Demon, his combat power is only limited compared to the old holy class like Elise.

It is possible to defeat the opponent, but it is almost impossible for Ant to kill Elise.

Unless Ant gathers all his great demon warriors, Elise can suddenly be left behind.

However, considering the situation in Ziyue City at this time.

No matter how bad-tempered Ant was, he would not be able to lead his men into a fight with the succubus just because of a dispute of temper.

Although Elise is stunningly beautiful and delicate in appearance, she is not stupid.

The men under him are also very powerful, and the succubi under them take advantage of their appearance to specialize in intelligence work inside and outside the city.

If Ant really wants to plot against Elise, Elise will get the news first before he takes action.


Elise is not the only saint here.

Gengs, the leader of the crypt demon who looks a bit simple and has a huge appearance, three pairs of eyes and twelve legs, is not an easy character to get along with either.

The guy who made the entire underground cave of Ziyue City look like a private kingdom is definitely not an honest person.

The great demon Ant turned his attention to Gengs.

Looked at each other’s six eyes.

Before he could say anything, Gengs said angrily:

“The situation has been tense these days. I have to go back and take care of the underground cave first.”

“No matter what, as long as I am here, nothing will happen to the underground cave.”

In addition to the city on the surface, Ziyue City also has a wider space underground.

It is inhabited by a clan of crypt demons as well as yin-loving abyssal races such as spider demons, spiked ratmen, and cavemen.

In terms of population, it is not much less than Ziyue City.

Because the underground cave environment is complex, even Diabo cannot fully control it.

The entire underground cave is controlled like an iron barrel by the cave-dwelling demon clan. Ziyue City has been smashed, so I’m afraid there won’t be much trouble in the underground cave.

Gengs’s words were obviously an excuse to not want to stay here any longer.

At this sensitive moment, Gengs still instinctively wanted to go back underground to ensure his own safety.

After saying that, Gengs stepped out on his twelve legs and quickly left Diabo’s castle.

Ante was left alone, his face red and a little dark.

“Damn it! I know these two guys are unreliable. When Lord Diabo comes back, I must let him punish them severely!”

“Come here, pass on my order. Let the Great Demon Guard increase their patrols recently. If they find anyone who gossips in the city, they can kill them directly!”

“Yes, Lord Ant!”

Purple Moon City

After the succubus Elise left the castle, she immediately sped up and rushed back to her mansion. She was not at all as calm as she was in the castle.

The defense force around Elise’s mansion is not weak. In addition to a group of patrolling elite succubus warriors, there are also many middle-level demons such as evil-eyed elites concentrated on the high towers around the mansion.

Six high towers make the whole mansion completely without blind spots for firepower.

More than twenty evil-eyed monster elites on a high tower can instantly turn these solid towers built with abyssal black rock into laser towers.

Ordinary enemies can only use their lives to attack, and even masters in the realm of holy power can resist for a while with this circle layout and wait for support.

After returning to her mansion, Elise breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the main seat. There were some fine drops of sweat on her fair forehead.

“It’s too dangerous, that reckless man Ant, I thought he knew something.”

“Lord Elise! Lord Sven has been waiting for you for a while, do you want to bring him in?”

Before Elise could take a breath, a succubus with an unusually handsome face and whose gender could not be identified came in to inform Elise.

“Please come in, Lord Swain.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Lord Swain, please!”

Soon, Sven’s tall figure appeared at Elise’s door. The giant blade was clearly in his hand, with no intention of putting down the weapon.

Sven just walked in straight, holding the weapon.

Fortunately, Elise didn’t pay attention either. She just saw that the other party had a similar figure to the Great Demon Ant, so she frowned slightly, then immediately smiled and said:

“Sir Swain, I wonder what else you want from me?”

“I want to ask you again today how Elise is thinking about it. Our adults’ patience is limited.”

Sven had already walked into the room under the leadership of the succubus beside him. He casually found a place to sit down and asked Elise in a casual tone.

“Sir Sven, it’s not that I don’t want to cooperate with you, it’s just that this is not something I can do in Ziyue City.”

“Although Diabo is dead, Ant and the big demons under him are not easy to deal with, as well as the violent demons and snake demons affiliated with the big demon.”

“If I show any abnormal behavior, we, the succubus clan, will probably be torn apart by Ant’s men first.”

Elise and Sven had been in contact for more than a day or two. Sven had made some small moves in the city, and as expected, Elise had tacitly approved them.

Otherwise, it would be the small forces that Sven had stirred up that were causing trouble in the city. If Elise wanted to deal with them seriously, she would be able to calm them down in one day.

However, although Elise did not take action against Sven, she had no intention of taking the initiative. She was still waiting and watching.

The strength Swain showed, coupled with a few verbal promises, was not enough for him to place a bet easily.

“Why don’t you let me meet that adult? After I meet that adult…”

“Is the Lord someone you can see whenever you want?”

Although Sven is strong, he is only a master in the realm of holy power. In the eyes of Elise, a strong man of this level is just a lone master, and he is still close to wanting to conquer Ziyue City. mean.

What really interests Elise is the adult in the other person’s mouth.

In Sven’s words, the one who killed Diabo was stronger than the Great Lord.

If you really want to take refuge, then of course you have to take refuge with that powerful man at the level of a great king.

But the other party has never shown his face until now, which inevitably makes Elise hesitate.

Elise has never doubted the power of the adult in Swain

How can a dog recognize its owner through a person without even meeting its owner?

So, even though Elise had a very strong sense of crisis now, she did not agree immediately.

Instead, he tentatively proposed to meet that adult.

As soon as Elise said it, she was immediately interrupted by Swain.

Conquering the succubus clan is the task assigned to him by the adults. Now if he asks the adults to come forward, wouldn’t it look like he is incompetent?

“Oh? Are you ready to join me after meeting me?”

Just when Sven was about to say something, a voice suddenly interrupted him.

Hearing this familiar voice, Sven, who was sitting carelessly on the chair, stood upright as if his legs were equipped with springs.


Elise looked shocked.

This is her home base. Devils like succubus naturally lack a sense of security. Elise, who is a saint, is obviously a strong person, but she still attaches great importance to the defense of her castle.

Not only are there a large number of elite guards stationed around, but there are also a large number of small detection and early warning spells deployed.

There are even some interfering nodes that disrupt spatial abilities.

Even the most adept Shadow Demon would not be able to come to such a core area of ​​the castle so quietly.

“My lord!”

Richard, wearing a dark red dragon head armor, suddenly walked into the hall where the two were talking.

In a continent where magic power is gradually drying up, it is difficult to highlight the role of the Dragon King in suppressing magic. After all, there are only a few legal units on the entire continent.

Most of the time, the Dragon King’s divine power can only play some attribute bonus effects on Richard.

But in the abyss, the role of the Dragon King’s divine power in banning demons was immediately apparent.

The detection and early warning magic deployed by Elise in her mansion completely failed.

With Richard’s strength and perception, after the detection magic failed, he easily bypassed the demons patrolling the periphery and reached the core of the castle without any effort.

Sven came to Richard the moment Richard appeared and knelt on one knee in front of Richard with a very respectful attitude.

“How are things going?”

“Sir, the news in the city has been released. Even the lemures on the street should know about Diabo’s disappearance.”

“It’s just that these succubi don’t know what’s good and what’s good, and they haven’t agreed to surrender yet.”

“Sir, give me some time, I think these succubi will figure it out soon.”

As he spoke, Swain’s hands were already on the handle of the knife.

Obviously, Richard’s appearance has made Swain a little anxious, and he is ready to convince others directly.

Although Sven and Elise are both demons in the realm of holy power, Sven, as a great demon, has a much higher racial advantage than Elise.

It is difficult for succubi of the same level to defeat the big demon, which is known for its strength.

Besides, Sven, as a special unit, can also receive a large number of attribute bonuses when Richard is present.

Sven is absolutely confident that he will win the opponent in a short time.

And Sven did not avoid Elise next to him when he spoke.

“Are these big demons all born in the year of Dog? They will fall out whenever they say they will.”

All this happened so fast. Before Elise could even turn her head, she saw Swain showing signs of taking action.

Out of instinct of self-preservation, Elise raised her hand and quickly recited a spell silently.

The abyss is no better than the mainland. There has never been a depletion of magic power in this place, and there are even signs of violent magic power.

Although the development of spells is far inferior to that of the Elf Empire back then, there are still many ordinary holy-level spellcasters.

Elise has some achievements in spiritual and fire spells.

Elise originally planned to release a flame to resist magic to block Sven.

But after she finished reciting the spell, not a single spark appeared on her hand.

“Forbidden Demon Realm?”

There is no fire element at all in the surrounding space.

Elise immediately thought of this terrifying word. There are one or two powerful kings in the abyss who can completely isolate all magic elements in the space, creating a situation where no element can be mobilized.

There is no way she can fight against such a terrifying existence.

If she had known that there was such a terrifying existence behind Sven, then why would she hesitate?

“Sir, I…”


Just when Elise was about to say something.

A hand that was so small and exquisite compared to other creatures in the abyss suddenly pinched her neck tightly.

The slender white fingers were more terrifying than the bone-white claws at this time.

A terrifying feeling of suffocation instantly came over me…



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