Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 673: Surge


North of Ziyue City

Behind the vast plains are continuous mountains. The mountains are red. It is not known whether it is caused by the unique red sun in the abyss or whether the soil is this color originally.

Theoretically speaking, the huge temperature difference is not suitable for plant growth, but the abyss is a magical place.

Many plants grow on these mountains with a surface temperature exceeding 70 degrees. Purple red grass tenaciously emerges from the gravel-filled soil and flutters against the sand and dust.

These grasses have a vivid name in the abyss, called screaming grass. As long as a creature approaches, it will make a sound similar to a scream of terror. The more powerful the creature, the more violent their reaction will be.

It is rumored that this is a cry for help from a soul trapped in the grass.

This kind of grass is also one of the main foods of many omnivorous abyss creatures. Although this kind of grass does not taste very good, it can sustain life and even has good nutritional value. Just guarding this tenacious grass You can catch a lot of prey.

A place like this where Screaming Grass grows in a large area is usually occupied by some powerful ethnic groups to gain profits from it.

At this time, a figure fell from the sky and landed in the middle of the haystack.

It has black wings, an indifferent complexion, and an extremely handsome face. Who else is this if he is not Lucifer?

As Lucifer landed, the screaming grass around him that was originally swaying in the wind suddenly twitched like crazy.

“Ah, ah, ah…”

The entire area seemed to be activated, with screams echoing all around.

The surrounding screaming grass formed a spreading circle around the fallen figure, as if they encountered something terrifying and wanted to escape.

Unfortunately, no matter how much the rooted grass swayed, it could never break free from the constraints of the ground and could only keep screaming.

The sound of these screaming grass acted like a siren, and soon the demon occupying this area emerged from the hidden cave and walked towards Lucifer warily.

“This is the territory of our Thousand-Eyed Demons. Outsiders are not welcome. Get out of here quickly.”

Looking at the approaching demons, Lucifer couldn’t help but frown.

It wasn’t because of the other party’s attitude, but because those demons were so ugly that even the well-informed Lucifer felt disgusted by them.

The appearance of several demons could not even be described as taking on human form. Their four to five meter long bodies were covered with densely packed eyes. Hundreds of thousands of eyes kept wandering around the body, looking directly at Lucifer’s scalp. tingling.

Compared with them, the evil-eyed monster with a bunch of tentacles and eyes as big as a head can be called cute.

However, although these Thousand-Eyed Demons are ugly, their strength is quite good, and they are also ranked high-ranking demons among the abyss demons.

The densely packed eyes on their bodies are not only used to disgust people. During battle, these eyes can simultaneously emit powerful rays.

Activate with all your strength, even the big devil has to dodge the intense firepower.

The powerful Thousand-Eyed Demon Clan controls this mountain cave, and has several subordinate races under its command. Under the leadership of the leader of the Domain Realm, they have never been convinced by Ziyue City.

Decades ago, the Thousand-Eyed Demon clan had a fight with Purple Moon City over the control of the Worm Plains. As a result, the leader of the Thousand-Eyed Demon had Diabo, who was at the peak of the realm, blow out half of his eyes. He slid back to lick his wounds.

However, despite suffering a disastrous defeat decades ago, the Thousand-Eyed Demon Clan has always been a nearby force that can pose a threat to Ziyue City.

It’s just that due to the general trend of Ziyue City, it has to stay here. For decades, the Thousand-Eyed Demon who originally liked to eat newborn worms sometimes had to eat some screaming grass like lower-level demons such as lemures. To survive.

Once given the opportunity, the dormant Thousand-Eyed Demon would probably be the first to attack Ziyue City.

“I’m just here to tell you a piece of news, and I’ll leave after I finish speaking.”

“What news?”

The Thousand-Eyed Demon did not attack immediately, but stopped more than ten meters away from Lucifer.

It’s not that the Thousand-Eyed Demon has a good temper. When faced with strange creatures that suddenly came to the core of its territory, it just drove them away.

It was the reaction of the screaming grass around them that made these Thousand-Eyed Demons feel a little nervous.

The reaction of the screaming grass was greater than ever before. It seemed that even when the leader passed by, these screaming grass did not react so much.

Although they couldn’t feel the strength of the strange creature opposite, judging from the reaction of the screaming grass, the winged creature opposite was obviously not a good thing.

Otherwise, with the Thousand-Eyed Demon’s cruel character and behavior, if they encountered a strange creature that suddenly fell into the center of their territory, they would have already emitted rays to deal with it when they came out of the cave.

“Diabo is dead, and the opportunity to seize control of the Worm Plains from Purple Moon City is now.”

As soon as Lucifer opened his mouth, he revealed news that shocked the Thousand-Eyed Demons in front of him. Hundreds of eyes widened, and those who didn’t know thought they were preparing to attack.

If someone like Diabo, a strong man who has dominated the surrounding area for hundreds of years, comes to say that he has fallen, these Thousand-Eyed Demons will not easily believe it.

But at this time they couldn’t help but not believe it.

While revealing the news, Lucifer also held a ferocious head in his hand and displayed it.

These Thousand-Eyed Demons are guys who have lived for hundreds of years. They were all witnesses to the battle between Thousand-Eyed Demons and Ziyue City decades ago.

At that time, they watched Diabo display his power and blew out half of the leader’s eyeballs. The tragic scene is still before their eyes.

Diabo’s appearance was naturally deeply etched in their minds.

The head held up by the strange creature opposite was someone other than Diabo.

Although it was just a head, they could still faintly feel the pressure of the powerful demon.

It’s true, Diabo is really dead.

“Dear Your Excellency, I don’t know your name yet. Why don’t you wait a moment and we will inform the leader immediately.”

Diabo’s head combined with Screaming Grass’ reaction has confirmed Lucifer’s identity as a strong man.

Although most demons are cruel and surly, they are not fools. On the contrary, except for violent demons and some lower-level demons with incomplete brain development, most of them have cunning characteristics.

After realizing that Lucifer was a strong man that they could not afford to offend, the attitudes of the Thousand-Eyed Demons suddenly became much more respectful.

However, Lucifer has no intention of wasting time here. What he wants is to stir up the nerves of all parties and muddy the waters, not to stay and get himself involved.

After telling the news and showing Diabo’s head, he quickly left without looking back, disappearing into the sky in the blink of an eye.

The sound of screaming grass has not stopped, and Lucifer has disappeared.

A few Thousand-Eyed Demons were left standing on the ground looking at each other, with thousands of eyes scanning around, somewhat at a loss.

“Go and report to Chief Dou first, Diabo may really be dead.”

Not long after, the same scene happened again in the territory of the Shadow Demon.

The Shadow Demon reacted the fastest, or he relied on his strong self-preservation ability and was not afraid to tease the tiger’s beard in Ziyue City.

After Lucifer showed Diabo’s head, several powerful shadow demons were sent to Purple Moon City to investigate the situation.

Outside Ziyue City, several demon groups were ready to move under Lucifer’s instigation.

Purple Moon City was also not at peace. The news about Diabo’s death spread like wildfire. In less than a week, even the most brainless Violent Demon heard about Diabo’s death. rumor.

If it weren’t for the fact that there are three great saints appearing frequently in the city, and the more than 100 great demons are powerful enough to intimidate them.

Ziyue City, which has a large population and complex races, may have started to fall into chaos before several demon groups around it came to kill them.

With the combined efforts of the three saints, Ziyue City still relies on inertia to maintain order, but everyone knows how fragile the current order is.

Purple Moon City, Diabo’s Castle

Because many organisms in the abyss are as big as giants, the buildings here are extremely tall.

The castle built of black stone is more than ten meters high, and the ceiling in the hall is ten meters high, which is enough for most demons to enter.

The floor of the castle was covered with a carpet made from an unknown source. The bright red carpet seemed to be dyed red by the blood of some kind of creature.

The large supporting pillars are also red, and there are even some strange reliefs carved on them.

The surrounding wall lamps are decorated with red crystal stones, reflecting a streak of red light.

Being in this hall feels like being in a monochromatic world.

If you put aside the weird color scheme of the entire hall, the layout of the entire hall still has an alternative artistic feel.

If it were placed in the Golden Dragon Kingdom, people might suspect that it was a castle built by a perverted noble.

The creatures in the abyss are extremely divided. Most of the demon tribes outside Ziyue City still live a primitive life of eating hair and drinking blood.

But there is a civilization similar to the human world in Ziyue City.

The demons in the city, especially the humanoid demons such as succubi and great demons, besides being violent and cruel, are also as fond of wine and enjoyment as humans. The upper-class demons are as extravagant and extravagant as human nobles.

There is a throne also made of red spar at the top of the hall, which is the focus of the entire hall.

The only problem is that the throne is empty, presumably where Diabo should be.

Under the throne, there are three figures, quarreling fiercely…


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