Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 671: Infiltrate



“Where’s the boss! Get out of here!”

A humanoid creature nearly three meters tall punched open the door of a store. The huge force broke a big hole in the thick wooden door.

The thickness of this wooden door is at least **** wide of a normal person, and it is made of flame wood, which is famous for its strength and heat resistance in the abyss, but the wood chips were flying after being beaten.


With the second punch, the wooden door simply fell apart, and the entire door collapsed.


The huge movement made people in the store scream.

Let’s call the humanoid creatures in the store humans.

The humanoid creatures locked in the iron cage all looked frightened, huddled in the corner of the cage, trying their best to hug themselves into a ball, trying to get some comfort in their hearts.

Obviously this is a shop that specializes in selling slaves. At first glance, the slaves in the cages seem to be human beings, but upon closer inspection, they are very different.

A girl with a human face but cat ears, a half-elf covered in mud but unable to hide her fair skin and delicate features, and even a tall and fiery jackal with a wolf head.

At this time, they are all being kept in cages and ready to be sold as commodities.

As the door fell down, several lemures over one meter tall in the store hurriedly hid aside.

These evil demons are the lowest existence in the abyss. Their combat power may be a little stronger than that of ordinary humans. They can take care of slaves who have no ability to resist. How can they stop such demons who smash open wooden doors with one punch? living.

“In Ziyue City, if you damage something, you have to pay for it. My gate needs at least a soul stone…”

“Oh, no! At least two soul stones.”

At this moment, an even more outrageous-looking creature walked out of the store.

Without a body, it relies entirely on a bunch of tentacles to support its movements. A scarlet eye covers its entire face.

But these eyes actually give people a cunning feeling.

This is the middle demon in the abyss, the evil-eyed monster.

Although it is deformed, it is very dangerous. Its tentacles can turn into sharp blades at any time and attack from multiple angles. The evil eyes can emit powerful beams of light. The elite among them can even The high-energy beam is continuously released to melt the iron plate directly.

Someone who can open a store in this city is not an easy person to deal with.

“Two soul stones for the sake of return. The slave you sold me yesterday said that the high elf bloodline has strong recovery ability, but it turned out that he died in less than a day, and even half of the soul stone was not extracted from the soul.”

“Hey, of the high elf bloodline, only brainless ones like the Berserker would be fooled.”

“The last time we attacked that continent, more than a hundred lords died, and even the king was not able to return. How could an evil-eyed monster obtain slaves with the blood of high elves?”

The surrounding demons who were watching the excitement were all talking about it, as if they were laughing.

However, the evil-eyed monster does not feel that he is unreasonable.

“What you bought is just a gambler who has never tested the bloodline. Who told you that it must have high elf bloodline?”

“It’s possible that they look similar, and I didn’t lie to you.”

“Fart, you clearly told me there would be…”

“Refund the money! At least ten soul stones!”

The Berserk Demon yelled that he wanted the Evil-Eyed Monster to refund his money. As he spoke, he also slapped the iron cage beside him, making a squeaking sound. The iron cage seemed to be about to collapse at any time, and the slave inside was frightened and screamed. Call.

“Items sold in our store will not be returned.”


“Why, do you still dare to do something in the city?”

The Evil-Eyed Monster’s reaction was also very tough. Generally speaking, the Violent Demon and he were both middle-ranking demons, and no one was afraid of the other.

The three-meter-tall violent demon seemed to hesitate for a moment, but after being asked in a provocative tone by the evil-eyed monster, and coupled with the pointing fingers of the demons around him, he finally lost control. His whole body began to be filled with blood, and his body size changed from three meters to The height grew to nearly five meters in an instant.

Fortunately, there are many exotic creatures in the city, and the shops are generally much larger than normal houses. Otherwise, the height of five meters would burst the roof of the house first.

Congestion and swelling are signs that the violent demon has entered the state of madness. The violent devil, who was already mentally ill, completely lost his mind after becoming berserk.

The demons who were watching the excitement immediately dispersed.

Although the violent demon is a mid-level demon, its combat power after becoming mad is comparable to that of some high-level demons. In terms of knight level, it is at least the combat power of the peak of the earth, and even many sky-level knights in terms of pure strength It’s not as good as the violent demon after becoming mad.

Most of the people on the street are just middle-level demons. Guys like this who have strength but no sense will lose half their lives if they accidentally take a hit.

Even the Evil-Eyed Monster, who had been so confident just now, was no longer arrogant now, and slipped out through the back door when the Violent Demon’s size increased dramatically.



But the lemures in the store were in bad luck. The jumping lemures couldn’t run fast, and the back door was closed by the evil-eyed monster that slipped away, and the door was blocked by the violent monster.

We are in a desperate situation with no way to heaven and no way to earth.

The violent demon didn’t even use weapons. He smashed down a fist as big as a sandbag and smashed a lemure into an unknown mass of meat.

The remaining lemures and slaves were startled and screamed in the city.

“Who dares to cause trouble in Ziyue City!”

It took less than a minute for the violent demons to wreak havoc in the store before a group of uniformly dressed demons flew down from the sky.

These demons each hold giant scimitars and wear half breastplates.

Having a full set of standard equipment in the abyss where supplies are scarce is not easy to mess with at first glance.

“The big demon from the City Lord’s Mansion is here, and this violent demon is going to be in trouble.”

“Hey, if this violent demon had a brain, it shouldn’t be just a mid-level demon.”

“Captain, he is an out-of-control violent demon!”

After landing on the ground, several big demons glanced at each other and roughly saw the situation.

“It’s these stupid pigs again!”





Several big demons entered the store instantly. Several giant scimitars slashed at the rampaging violent demons, and then appeared outside the store instantly.

Several bone-deep wounds instantly appeared on the huge body of the violent demon, like a giant doll that had been scratched to pieces.

A large amount of blood flowed out from the wound, and the whole store was splashed with plasma.

If a normal creature suffers this kind of damage, it will basically lose its ability to fight.

But the irrational Berserk Demon felt almost no pain. After suffering such serious injuries, he just roared loudly and instinctively rushed towards several attackers outside the store.

“Hmph, you dare to attack the law enforcers!”



Although the violent demon’s combat power has been greatly increased after entering the violent state, it is still a whole level behind the big demon.

Originally, the big demons just wanted to subdue each other and did not kill them with the first blow.

But at this time, the violent demons took the initiative to attack, and several big demons were not good-tempered. The abyss has always respected the strong.

No matter whether the violent demon is still rational after entering madness, his aggressive behavior is an offense to the big demon.

The leading captain rushed towards the violent demon and appeared behind the violent demon in a flash.

The huge scimitar struck directly at the fragile neck of the violent demon this time.

Although the Violent Demon has rough skin and thick flesh, and its defensive capabilities are doubled after becoming mad, its neck is still very fragile, and there is also a large strength gap between the two.

The big demon killed his hand, and the violent demon who had lost his mind was no match for him at all. A huge head fell to the ground, and blood splattered all over the room.

The blood spurting out seemed like opening a hole in an inflated balloon.

The violent demon’s original height of five meters shrank back to about three meters.

“Thank you, adults…”

Seeing that the violent demon was defeated by the big demon who maintained order, the evil-eyed monster who had been hiding in another room opened the door and walked out.

When facing several big demons, the evil-eyed monster had a completely different look. It narrowed its huge eyes as much as possible and showed a submissive look, completely losing the arrogance it had just now.

For the evil-eyed monster, widening his eyes is a sign of attack, and narrowing his eyes means he is not hostile. However, when his upper and lower eyelids form a line, he looks inexplicably funny.

The big demon captain didn’t give him any good words for the squinting monster’s flattery, he just said something coldly.

“A fine of twenty soul stones.”

After hearing the amount of the fine, several tentacles on the Evil-Eyed Monster’s face twitched, and even the big eyes that were squinted opened a little, obviously extremely unwilling.

He only earned ten soul stones by cheating this violent demon. This big demon wanted him to pay a fine of twenty soul stones. In addition to the damage caused by the battle just now in the store, he lost money this time. Big.

Just as the big devil glared, the evil-eyed monster didn’t even have the courage to bargain, so it could only take out the money bag and hand it over to the big devil without daring to complain at all.

“Humph, I guess you know the truth.”

“Next time, stop being so clever and cause trouble in the city, and you won’t have to open this store.”

“Yes, yes, I have always operated in compliance with the law and never dared to break the rules of the city…”

The evil-eyed monster still squinted its eyes and made funny moves to please several big demons.

The big demons ignored him completely. The captain weighed the money bag and quickly disappeared into the store after confirming that it was correct.

“Why are you still standing there, you losers haven’t carried the body out yet!”

After the big demon left, the evil-eyed monster returned to its ferocious look, speaking in a very unkind tone to the few surviving little lemures.

There was a blue arc flashing faintly in the big eyes, and they might take it out on the little lemures in the store at any time. They were so scared that the remaining little lemures jumped around and hurried to work, for fear of offending the boss at this time. Got bad luck.

Purple Moon City

Located in the southern corner of the Endless Abyss, a huge city stands on the plain.

Although demons have bad tempers, they are intelligent creatures after all, and they also have certain rules. At least there are the simplest rules in Ziyue City.

You can’t fight, you can’t cause destruction in the city, you can’t buy or sell by force, it’s just that the management is rough.

It is this simple and crude order that makes Purple Moon City one of the largest cities in the southern abyss. Relying on the fierce power of the great Purple Moon Demon Diabo and this city where hundreds of thousands of demons of all kinds gather together There was no such thing as a large number of demons killing each other.

On the street, seeing that there was no more excitement, all the demons near the evil-eyed monster shop dispersed. Three of the humanoid creatures were slightly conspicuous on the street.

A bird-man with a pair of black wings, a creature that looks a bit like a human, and a high-level demon species that is not easy to mess with at first glance.

There are all kinds of strange creatures in the abyss. Some strange creatures are born every day on the Worm Plain. Bird-men with black wings are not that common, but they are not too rare either.

The other human under the burqa is a bit eye-catching. Human souls are a good delicacy in the abyss. A living human is considered a big fortune.

Unfortunately, the big demon holding a huge scimitar next to the other side completely disconcerted the other demons around him. They all regarded the human being as the other’s property.

“Sir, this Ziyue City is bigger than expected. There are only three of us, so it may be difficult to take it by force.”

This strange trio was Richard and others. After recruiting Lucifer, Richard took Lucifer and the demon lord into the abyss through the portal.

The unstable portal cannot pass through the army, but it is not difficult for three saints with space abilities to pass through the gate.

When Diabo opened the portal, for unknown reasons, he chose the location of the portal very far away. The three of them were sent to a wilderness by the portal, and they traveled dozens of miles to see each other. After a friendly exchange with the demons outside Ziyue City, the three of them obtained some currency from the abyss and entered Ziyue City.

After wandering around the city for half a day, I saw the scene just now.

“Let’s find a place to stay before dark. It’s still too conspicuous for us to walk around the city like this. After we stay, Swain will go out to understand the situation in the city.”

“Yes, sir!”

Richard has already felt several unkind glances from around him. If it weren’t for the strong intimidation of the demon lord Sven, he would have been in trouble even in Ziyue City with his human appearance.

In order to avoid trouble, the three of them first found a place to stay.

Fortunately, on the way to Purple Moon City, a blind demon had already given the three of them some mixed stones. Sven came forward to find an unusual hotel, and the three of them finally landed in the city first. Come on feet.



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