Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 67: Dispatch


“Take a rest overnight. As long as the Bande family cooperates, we can go out tomorrow.”

The purpose of Richard’s coming is to destroy the ogres, so naturally he will not just accept the money and do nothing,

Besides, killing the ogre will not only level up, it is also related to his mission,

So even if he doesn’t receive that many Jinnar, Richard might still lead someone to harvest them.

“I don’t know how Mr. Richard needs our cooperation,

You can speak up, and I, the Bender family, will do our best. ”

Compared with Richard’s mentality of wanting to gain experience and do tasks, Baron Bender can be said to be the one who is anxious. After all, if he delays for one more day, the ogre will cause harm to his territory for one more day.

If we delay for a while longer, I am afraid that except for Bundaberg, all other places in Bande will be destroyed.

“Each noble family in the fifth war zone will send troops together according to their strength. Every knight must go to battle, and they must also ensure that they dispatch more than five quasi-knights, more than 100 soldiers, and a corresponding number of auxiliary troops.

I don’t care about the auxiliary soldiers. Soldiers need professional soldiers from each family. Don’t fool me with peasant soldiers. ”

There are currently three ogre tribes plundering in the fifth war zone, and one of them also has thousands of kobold vassals,

Not every ogre tribe will have kobold vassals. It takes an ogre tribe with some strength to have a kobold tribe willing to join them.

It is conservatively estimated that there are still thousands of ogres in the three small tribes, and there are at least 500 ogre warriors at the level of knights.

Let’s not talk about whether the team led by Richard can defeat it. Even if it wins, the final loss is unacceptable to Richard. After all, the ogre is not a weakling.

Although in terms of combat power at the knight level, Richard has more than 20 Crusaders, which has an overwhelming advantage.

But the more than five hundred quasi-knights who are not afraid of death can definitely have the effect of quantitative changes leading to qualitative changes.

Although Richard brought his people here for rescue, he did not come to be a philanthropist. He did not want his troops to suffer too much losses,

Although he won the battle last night with an overwhelming advantage, he still inevitably lost a few spearmen, which made Richard feel distressed for a while,

So each family must send troops to make up for his lack of basic strength.


Baron Band agreed without much hesitation upon hearing this,

If they could fight, each family would have wanted to jointly send troops to expel the ogres. Unfortunately, before Richard came, all the families were no match for the ogre tribes even if they were all bundled together, so there was no way to jointly send troops. Talked about.

Now Richard has come to the rescue with more than 20 knights, asking for joint troops, and Baron Band has not refused,

“Then please take a good rest tonight, Sir Richard. I will contact each family immediately. I believe that each family is willing to jointly send troops.”

Although each family was trapped in the castle, the basic contact was still intact, and Baron Bender was able to contact them quickly.


After getting down to business, Richard didn’t want to chat too much with Baron Bender, so he stayed in a neat and luxurious room under the arrangement of the Bender family.

Yesterday, they marched all day and then fought at high intensity in the middle of the night. Although the knight was physically strong, he still felt tired and wanted to take a rest early.


In the early morning, the drizzle fell in the middle of the night and stopped when the sky was slightly bright. There were only a few drops of dew hanging on the branches and grass. The moist air carried the fragrance of grass, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

Richard got up early, and after politely refusing to follow the Bande family maid, he habitually inspected his troops,

The warriors produced by these systems are naturally the most elite, and even a picky person like Richard would be hard-pressed to find any problem with them.

When we arrived at the school grounds, people from the Bender family were also gathering, and the scene was a little noisy.

More than a hundred warriors wearing armor are lining up in four or five lines in the open space, which gives them a somewhat majestic feel.

But things in the world are always harmless without comparison. This group of soldiers from the Bender family are also professional soldiers trained off-duty, and they can be said to be elite.

But compared with these system soldiers under Richard’s command, they pale in comparison. From the simple formation and discipline, it can be seen that the soldiers of the Bender family, let alone compared with the system army, are compared with the crazy army expansion. For the Flying Bear Army, it’s a bit worse.

There are also a considerable number of peasants and soldiers standing aside holding spears, bamboo guns and other weapons, but the team looks more chaotic,

“Lord Richard”

Baron Band, who was standing on the high platform, saw Richard on the edge of the school field from a distance, and took the initiative to come up and greet him.

“Every family has agreed to jointly send troops, and they can gather in the shoal tomorrow.”

This efficiency is indeed high enough. Normally, each family would have to wait at least a week from negotiation to dispatching troops.

Now it only takes less than two days to agree on the time, which perfectly explains what it means to have no pressure and no motivation.

“Okay, Baron Bender will take your men and horses, and we will set off immediately.”


“Huh? They won’t arrive at the shoal until tomorrow.”

Baron Bender responded subconsciously, and immediately realized that Richard said he was going to leave immediately instead of tomorrow.

The rapid march from Bundaberg to the shoal only takes a few hours, so there is no need to move out so far in advance.

“Yes, now.”

“Let’s wipe out the nearest ogre tribe in Bundaberg first and then go to the shoal to meet up.”

It has only been one day since Richard wiped out the ogre tribe in Lujiao Village. According to the backward contact mechanism of the ogres, they should not have reacted yet,

But when the various armies gathered, the ogre tribe in Lujiao Village had no movement for another two days,

No matter how stupid the ogre is, he will realize that something is wrong. It is better to take advantage of this time to launch another raid to weaken the ogre’s power as much as possible.


After Baron Bender reacted, he quickly weighed it in his mind,

At this time, troops were sent to deal with the ogre tribe that posed a greater threat to the Bender family.

And by following Richard’s troops, victory is almost inevitable, and casualties should be controlled within a certain range,

In the end, it was the more than twenty knights who gave Baron Bender a lot of confidence that made Baron Bender willing to send troops with Richard in advance.


“Crunch, crunch~”

As the noose turned, Bundaberg’s iron gate slowly opened again,

Richard, Ron, Baron Bender and others were riding ahead,

The Crusaders, Lancers and Marksmen followed in neat formation, and finally the men of the Bender family,

Looking at it alone, I haven’t noticed it yet, but compared with the previous army, there is a big gap at once.

Through the perspective of the griffon, Richard locked the location of the ogre tribe near Bundaberg early in the morning,

As soon as they left the city, they headed straight for it. In less than two hours, they were close to the ogre tribe. This ogre tribe seemed to have just finished plundering.

Having not yet completely settled down, they were marching on the road with large and small carts of supplies and many human captives.

“How arrogant.”

Obviously it is not far from Bundaberg, but it dares to march with prisoners and supplies in a arrogant manner. The team is long and even the warning is perfunctory, and there is no fear of being attacked by the human army.

Perhaps it was because the combat effectiveness of the human army seemed too poor along the way and there was no threat at all, which made them lose their vigilance.

But this is good news for Richard. The more careless the enemy is, the easier it is for him to win.

“Cavalry follow me and prepare to fight.”

Richard’s strategy is very simple. Concentrate the cavalry force to block the advancing ogre tribe and launch a charge.

Break up their troops, and then use infantry to divide and encircle them. Try to maximize your strength and combat power to minimize your own losses.


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